Germany Buys Additional HIMARS Launchers For Ukraine

Germany Buys Additional HIMARS Launchers For Ukraine

A multiple launch rocket system (MLRS/HIMARS) at Fort A.P. Hill Landing Zone, Virginia, July 20, 2020. (U.S. Army Photo by Spc. Daniel J. Alkana, 22nd Mobile Public Affairs Detachment) (Pfc. Daniel Alkana)

Germany will buy three additional M142 HIMARS multiple rocket launchers for Ukraine, the country’s defense minister announced on May 9.

Speaking during a trip to Washington, Boris Pistorius said they would be purchased from the United States and handed over to Kyiv.

“They will come from the U.S. armed forces and will be paid for by us,” he told reporters.

The deal follows through on a weapons transfer workaround that was designed when the fate of a $61 billion bill for military aid to Ukraine was still stuck in the U.S. Congress. American lawmakers eventually passed the aid package in late April.

“The decision of Congress has overtaken us, but we’re sticking with it,” Pistorius said, referring to the planned purchase that will cost Berlin roughly $30 million, as Der Spiegel reported.

The U.S. has supplied Kiev forces with at least 39 HIMARS launchers since the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine.

These launchers are typically armed with M30/M31 series GMLRS GPS-guided rockets, which have a range of more than 70 kilometers, or MGM-140 ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles with a range between 165 and 300 kilometers depending on the version.

The Russian military has already damaged or destroyed many of Ukraine’s HIMARS launchers using precision-guided weapons. In addition, Russian air defense and electronic warfare means have significantly reduced the effectiveness of the system.

The German decision to buy more HIMARS launchers for Ukraine is meant to make up for these losses. However, the additional systems will not likely make a difference.


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they should tell this to every tax paying german and ask them how they really feel about it

jens holm

actually they vote about it. its not russian hands to mouth cigar box economy.

its not about feelings. as here in denmark they have open budgets and has to follow the laws. by that their states of cource has to have 51% for it.

far out to refer to why ussr collapsed themselves well and we are like that.

the budget and ecert detail can seen for free by the states, by internet and by library its a obligation.

jens holm

and the german states only tax people which have money. most of it is given back to all as in denmark for free education, schools, free hospitals, cheep medicine and some pension.

you refer to germany, which only exist in russia.

the production cake to share also is 4 times more then russia in gdp. pr capita. so they pay also are able pay much more decided by election.

i and the rest of the world see that high tax system are the same as high wellfare.

jens holm

your are lied for. you not even learn several other systems are much better in several version and used insane engels and marx thinking. they were worth a try some 100 years ago bur devels took over.

Parubiy's Brown Shirts

who is this jens dummy? the more he writes, the less sense he makes. is he some sort of amateur genetic experiment?


sure, german people vote for their politicians to spend tax money on weapons….. okay then, not during the time i’ve actually lived there


depends on who you talk to and in which region i guess. i have heard plenty of germans here saying “we didnt want this but since putin started this we need to do everything to make sure he loses”. german media is making the analogy hitler = putin. their comments are full of people calling putin putler and russians some derogative term. the older say “der russe” the russian which is an old term so they call back on old propaganda and just reactivate it.


the country was handed back to nazis after ww2. it’s an incontrovertible fact. as an example, in the late ’50s, 3/4 of high officials in the west german ministry of justice had been members of the nazi party. the west german state banned albert norden’s brown book, but later had to admit it was essentially accurate. the post-war german economy and state were run by nazis.

Parubiy's Brown Shirts

silly germans. there are no neocons in russia to have started it. look to ms. foul mouth ‘f^&k the eu’ for the culprit. she and her gang spit in germany’s face but watching scholz in action, i think they like it.

Last edited 9 months ago by Parubiy's Brown Shirts
Massa John

as far as i know, they never got a vote on anything, not to the eu-membership or the introduction of an euro, mass-imigration or finacing half of that nazi-mess zelenski got into. they are the real cattle.

Last edited 9 months ago by Massa John

the ussr did not “collapse themselves”. the us destabilized the country through economic warfare, including the use of the us saudi puppet to reduce the ability of the ussr to raise foreign exchange through oil sales. the us empire, the most powerful in history, worked incessantly to bring down the soviet union. the us has been able to print as much money as it chooses because the dollar has been the global reserve currency for over fifty years. but their banks are as broke as the ussr.


you seem to have a clue about the sowjets so let me ask a honest question.
why did the sowjet union let the dollar be world currency when they had everything they needed themselves and could have just seperated their economy from the west and had their own currncy only count. and why did the sowjets let the usa create the entire ngo sphere of pretend indepentend civilian organisations but all dependent on us public funding?


they did not have “everything they needed”. they did not “let” the dollar be world currency. the dollar became world currency because the us dominated almost the entire global supply of hydrocarbons outside of the soviet union and the us subjugated the industrialized world outside the soviet union to its economy at bretton woods. when the us abandoned bretton woods, the rest of the world was already trapped.


the soviets did not “let the usa create the ngo sphere”. the cia was so inept and so aggressive that it’s activities had to be supplanted by the ngo’s. the us had the power to do it, and so they did. the soviet union was very weak compared to the us. the us ended up with control of most of the former british, spanish, french, turkish and japanese empires. the us could do what it wished with a country like haiti or japan. the soviets never held power like that.


so the entire cold war theory of two blocks who were equel to each other was just western propaganda to allow to give money to the arms industrie?
but if the entire sowjet block inkl. their satelites was weak compared to us and nato. how can some say that russia can tackle now what the sowjets could not.
us/nato added a huge chunk of what russia lost. do you believe china will help?
what if they think they get a better offer from the usa?


the entire soviet bloc was extremely weak in comparison to the us empire. there was no way that the warsaw pact was ever going to plunge through the fulda gap and drive to the english channel. the us story of the cold war was completely fake. the us access to resources dwarfed that of the warsaw pact. the best outcome for the people of eurasia is to unite economically and unshackle themselves from the us empire. mackinder’s concept of eurasia was not wrong.


whoopee! kraut boris piss over us buying uza krap to be kaputed. he like boss olaf is a barbarian oaf incapable of using his loaf.

jens holm

our parts of the world dont see western economies as well.

we are integrated and own each ofther mainly by free markets and private companies by stocholding.

and politics sometimes is as you write but also only a corner of the whole thing.

it makes much more sense fx to see usa, china, eu and seconds such as inda and japan.


10% of the us population owns 93% of stocks. you express the world view of somebody who left school at age 14 and is entirely informed by propaganda.


he has the world view of someone who is or believes will one day be among those who profit of the system. same as the youth in ukraine or other countries who know most wont have an advantage but some will. everyone believes they will be among the winners.


the five eyes propaganda machine has inculcated the population with the mentality of gamblers. they have a superstitious belief that they’re special, and that the vast majority who are subjugated by the powerful are lazy and/or unintelligent.


i gues that summs it up its like those computer games which cater to gambling adiction. the entire system seams to be going in that direction.

Western Imbecile Elites

eurotards keep sukking the american snake to their own detriment. its called a kakistocracy

Last edited 9 months ago by Western Imbecile Elites
jens holm

we dont see that at all. i most things we are friends not in everthing.

europe is more silent and has own plans. we fx dont accept the usa system making too many too poor with no homes and too may in jail.

eu also try the soft way fx by trade to improve relations.

russian stil the world in 2 parts. in the best it was true until 30 years ago. now we are spilt up in several centers and a russian too loud screaming dwarf.


complete rubbish. the global system is still entirely dependent upon the us dollar, which means the us has unparalleled power even as their empire declines.

Parubiy's Brown Shirts

i’ve looked forward fifteen years and see the only countries using the dollar besides the us are argentina and liberia.

Parubiy's Brown Shirts

a kakistocracy is only possible in a population fed with media kaka who champion the most feeble of mind..

america for sure is a kakistocracy by design and canada just its limp apendage. the eu and esp. the uk fast following suit.

Last edited 9 months ago by Parubiy's Brown Shirts

putin think dialoque will restore his friendship with macron,scholtz,boris,trump,sunake and biden.cia,mossad and m16 got their failure but their will make putin example os saddam or gadafi if he failsed to make example of them.


you gotta think of your capacity to string a rational thought together – as it is, it’s friggin deplorable!

jens holm

2. there are no limits. some muslims terrorists at once was from ukranine and drove a french marcron car.

frigging deplorable is not here.very much as wct for usa. some repaired usa brains with a rusty screwdriver🦆🦆🦆

jens holm

very much like that. he think few there has born rights to rule.

he still has not see they are not even a part of europe anymore. they has not learned from ww1 as well as ww2.

the rest in europe try to unite all of us. the small ones fx my denmark now has voices. it also is better with open borders for people, ideas and trade then taking land.

Last edited 9 months ago by jens holm
Sumy Sumatra Big Bang

putin seeks friendship with that motley crew of kakawababoolyboos? wow, that’s a low blow.

Massa John

this bitches have a lot more to pay for than a couple of launchers

jens holm

thts right. many more are need and missils and drones as well.

but they are not alone. some 40 coutriers do our parts. its now almost well organizes.

russia soon has to restart in the ironage by rust and cars will be driving by vodka or tequila.

Parubiy's Brown Shirts

our forty countries will keep pushing stupid ideas until they end up in parts and smoldering parts at that.

jens holm

its not really new news.

putin has cancelled and dislike we spend money for wellfare. its againt the rusian system from 1917 and up. here its insane and a waste the proletars have a good and long life.

thats why the y also has reduced all already symbolic pension. people over the soldierne and reserve soldiers are minus and waste for too any years.

jens holm

but so be at. we here can handle more himars. and its not only himars, we regain military production from old systems and also build new ones.

denmark produce more advanced parts to others and even for mars landings in the high level. soon we agai will produce simple ammo to guns and macine gun faster as better then before.

jens holm

we had prefared more focus and hands to or things. other changes are done. some 51% of eleticity is now by produced by wind added sun and methan from farming – some almost 20%.

some we are more effective as well. it could be funn have russian working here. they deserve´being paid well. hardf hardly have money and try will rubels only


“the proletariat” had their lives reduced by nearly two decades during the 1990s when the us bled russia dry through the seven oligarchs and the voucher/share scam.

Sumy Sumatra Big Bang

what a kakawababoolyboo you are. dumber than horseshit and still heading south in the college of mental faculties.

Last edited 9 months ago by Sumy Sumatra Big Bang

russia needs to start bombing germanistan military bases and centers of planning along with the rest of the natostan filth that are abetting terrorism and acts of murder against russian civilians. time to stop playing the syria game and make these scumbags bleed.

Last edited 9 months ago by Martillo

the hollow, bald “man” in the empty suit, herr holz is even more hated now than stasi erika merkill after 16 years suckinmg ussa stick which she spent destroying that unfortunate pentacon occupied shit hole and flooding urupp with african and mohammadan mutants. the cretins will not stop until berlin is reduced to rubble yet again and brussels a smoking ash pit. z and more z until chosenite finance fascism and the evil anglozionazi abomination is toast.

John Kesich

we’ve got nothing better to piss our money away on, pistorious added.

Parubiy's Brown Shirts

the german ruling class are as mad as hatters says alice in wunderland.

Parubiy's Brown Shirts

will somebody please identify this jens holm and inject him with the same stuff that makes biden rational for fifteen minutes.

that jens guy’s brains are beyond fried.