Germany-Based Webhosting Censored SouthFront

Dear Friends,

On March 9, the Germany-based Hetzner webhosting removed SouthFront from its network and suspended our IP.

Unfortunately the Hetzner Team was tricked by manipulations of the recently established propagandist structures (like that works to instigate international hatred. Structures like this one are not satisfied with our independent position and alternative point of view on the ongoing military developments.

Different propagandists were enraged by the high popularity of SouthFront and objective information that we provide and that is hard to be denied.

Citing biased sources, they blamed SouthFront for hosting propaganda, arguing that “[SouthFront] comes up early, well before much more reputable sites when searching the web for info on the Ukraine war.”

Our Team is working hard to restore the full broadcast and all our services, but it will take some time to restore all the information.

In view of the brazen opposition to SouthFront, we call on our readers and viewers to make this fact public. We would be grateful if you would tell the world about the real “freedom of speech” in Western democracies and share information about SouthFront with your friends and relatives.

After years of countering attacks on SouthFront by government agencies from different countries, as well as the MSM, we need your support more than ever.


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Germany-Based Webhosting Censored SouthFront

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Germany-Based Webhosting Censored SouthFront
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Germany-Based Webhosting Censored SouthFront

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All my support ☝️

Elohim Kosher Bar

DO NOT donate to Southfront because it deletes any discussion of the “alleged” jewish holocaust and lets hasbara trolls run wild. Talmudic Tapeworms suffer from penis trauma.

Michel LeBlanc

Let the shlomos whine, its all they can do. It shows how pathetic they are.


Alleged? Alleged!


Even though I am by far not a pro-Putin person, I can say I am at least half-way ok with most of SF. I, of course, don t like the often near to infantile pro-Putin propaganda articles posted here, but still i can accept and cope with this website all in all.

There are good reports about different war theaters and different perspectives from all around the world on this site. And there are a lot of different personalities here, speaking their opinion freely.

If indeed SF is deleting posts which refer to the holocaust topic, then that’s of course one point which i absolutely don t agree with. As for everybody seeking for truth, there should be no limits or restrictions. Every website claiming to be authentically presenting the truth about certain conflicts to its audience, should easily cope with people having different opinions regarding different topics, which of course has to include the holocaust topic as well.

And even though i am not pro-Putin I am against taking down websites like RT, SF or others. The world needs different opinions, and different points of view. Forbidding of free speech is like opening the doors to hell. One should never start to move on that path at all. Freedom of speech is one of the most valuable things on earth.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sörenson


I absolutely do not agree with what you stated. First the term “conspiracy theories” is one that was created by the CIA, in order to blackmail people who were actively searching for the truth behind the Kennedy murder, and had found out that the US government itself was involved and likely the main perpetrator of it. To bring these people down, the CIA generated the term “Conspiracy theorists”. That you should know, before using this propaganda term.

Second: Regardless if you think good cars need to be blue, or someone else saying large red cars are mostly a problem or whatever. Even if you might lable something as nonsense, or maybe even though it is – that does not give you the right to forbid freedom of speech.

And people here who oppose their jooish government holocaust tale, have posted here more than enough proof for the things they claim. So I reject your assumtion that they just want to stir up hatred, anger, or do it to discredit this website. Nobody said you have to support them, no, you might believe in Micky Mouse, in Jew-TV, the Holo, or the Coronahoax, in your coolbox or whatever you like, but to forbid other people to speak freely about what they think and have found out, is absolutely not ok. It’s that simple.

Last edited 3 years ago by Sörenson
Windy Harbour

If you don’t like SF go start your own media company and geostrategic news website. See how much traffic you attract. LOL

Last edited 3 years ago by Windy Harbour
Elohim Kosher Bar

For those of you who think I may be lying, I challenge you to post in an adult manner any discussion that questions the “alleged” jewish holocaust narrative and not have your posts deleted. I did so and had my posts deleted.

ALL previous REAL historical events are NEVER subject to censorship. However, any question of the “alleged” jewish holocaust is illegal and can land you in prison in some countries.


So eat shit Talmudic Scum!!!!

Elohim Kosher Bar is another kike site that needs looking into.


Agreed! I wouldn’t give these guys a fucking dime!

Volodymyr Asschuk

LGBT uki Nazi propaganda is not working anymore, NATOfags are getting desperate with censorship. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


I knew we had been hacked. We been in the dark for several hours. Welcome back, you have our full support.


They were not hacked, they were shut down by the ISP due to political pressure and lobbying by the henchmen of the Empire.


Is any other decent and impartial site dealing with the military conflict in Ukraine to have it as a backup for in a future censoring, please ? Back then in 2014 I watched all the Donbass conflict on LiveLeak channel, but was also shut down.

Michel LeBlanc
Humbert Raginald

Freddie Lumberjack

Seconding The Saker (View From the Vineyard). Clear and focused Russian perspectives. They condense key material from Russian military site and strategist analysts so you don’t have to slog through them.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddie Lumberjack
Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Are hackers behind.
The activist group Anonymous has also thrown itself into the cyber war.

Freddie Lumberjack

Anonymous were easily weaponized by west years ago. They went full retard during ME Arab Spring(time withe CIA). Hacking Libyan government during NATO direct war on Libya 2011. Likewise hacking Syrian government defense in 2012 as NATO launching proxy war.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

If SF is taken down, let us get information via torrent.

Universal Order

>a russian think tank is complaining about freedom of speech
That’s rich.

Lone Ranger

Russia has more freedom of speech than the crumbling west.

Universal Order

I can tell you aren’t Russian.

Michel LeBlanc

So what if he is russian? Racist orc !

Universal Order

You must live in a parallel universe! Russia is as much if not more of a shithole than the West and LITERALLY just passed new censorship laws.

Wait is that why you guys keep pretending Putin is the second coming of Jesus? Because otherwise you’re spending 15 years in a Kremlin dungeon? Lmao

I can shit on both sides where I live. Try saying anything bad about the war in Russia.

Martin Rapavý

Russia still seems to be better than the West. In the West, you could be jailed for life for a similar offence.

Universal Order

Show me one case of someone being jailed for opposing Ukraine.


“The Trusted News Initiative partners are: BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter, Microsoft, AFP, Reuters, Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), The Hindu, First Draft, and Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.”


“The Trusted News Initiative (TNI) was set up last year to protect audiences and users from disinformation, particularly around moments of jeopardy, such as elections. The TNI complements existing programmes partners have in place.

The partners currently within the TNI are: AP, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU),Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft , Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post.”

Porc halal

To take counter-measures, is normal … otherwise you are fucked!…russians have to play with the same cards against the evil west…what would you expect? … russians to respond with flowers and teddy bears?!

Humbert Raginald

It’s true.

Prior to 2017 no website had been shut down by domain registrars unless ordered to by a court due to illegal activity.

Then the totally persecuted tribe that’s not all powerful decided The Daily Stormer had to be kicked off its domain, and we were off to the races. Now it’s being done all the time.

Not to mention political dissidents get banned from all tech services, bank accounts, have their money taken, get put on the FBI’s No Fly List, get banned from booking a hotel or Airbnb, and on and on (e.g. Nick Fuentes).

The West is an open air gulag and it’s disgusting it attempts to claim the moral high ground.

“Freedom” in the West only means freedom for disgusting homosexuals, transsexuals, and pedophiles. That is “our values” the West exports now.

If Putin were to invade I would welcome him as a liberator. He could scarcely be worse than “my” own alleged “free” government.

Tom Bombastadillo

You are completely misguided. I pity you.

Universal Order

I’m not the one who actually believes state propaganda. Save your pity for yourself.


He says as he only listens to CNN talking points.

Universal Order

I don’t even watch CNN lmao. All you have to do is go on telegram and see all the videos and pictures of dead russian soldiers and abandoned tanks.


Always upside down, and by the way, why have changed your name? Your logic is and will be the same: antilogic, disorder. There’s no remedy for you, your “universe” don’t have China, Russia, India, more half of the rest of Asia, almost all the South America and the most part of Africa. Actually, your international disorder is thick as a brick, anglo-saxon.

Universal Order

Nice fanfiction. Now go get skinned alive by a cartel “jorge”.


“Universe” meant international society, or the countries of the planet Earth, not you. Good night, skinner of all the living Universe.


Just as western democracies are censoring russian media


Oh look, another gandon who thinks that freedom of speech can only be allowed for the “right” kind of speech

Last edited 3 years ago by NWO

Awwww you’re back. If you hate it so much then why do you come here only to get massive down votes? You only expose your WRONG about everything AND/OR a paid troll.
I don’t if I should pity you or sit back and enjoy the entertainment value you provide. We’re all standing around laughing at you and your pathetic daily attempts.

Universal Order

To make sensitive little faggots like you seethe with impotent anger. You think I care about your little internet points? LMAO, don’t make me laugh!


So basically you are saying, you piss people of just for fun? Thats quite… psychopatic. I highly recommend you to see a doctor.

About your accusations of Russian dictatorship: unlike in Ukraine, opposition is not murdered in Russia. Unlike here in Netherlands police in Russia doesn’t use dogs, horses and water cannons against peaceful protesters. Unlike here in the West, newspapers like Echo of Moscow is allowed for decades to write crap about Putin and Russian people. So try again with your baseless accusations. Russia is an actual democracy, unlike the West.


I’ve come to the “ignore” conclusion a while back and skip ahead, not due to disagreement, but because of obvious trolling.

Universal Order

I knew for a fact you weren’t Russian! No Russian that actually lives there and doesn’t work for the Kremlin thinks it’s any better than the west!

Anti-war protesters were arrested in the FIRST WEEK by Putin’s dogs.

And there is not even a credible opposition to the ruling party. They enacted censorship laws, you can’t even be a nationalist or question the holocaust, etc.

You really don’t know what you’re talking about and the worst part is that you’re one google search away from the truth. Let’s not get even started with Russia’s abortion, drug abuse, domestic violence, alcoholism and STD rates, all among the top 3 highest of the world. Russia is a shithole my friend and one that never really stopped being communist, Putin is a Stalinist mafia boss who rules for his jewish oligarchs. The west has gotten reallty bad but there is no Eastern messiah that will come to save us, we have to free our countries ourselves.

Lest we end up like Russia.


“Russia is a shithole my friend and one that never really stopped being communist, Putin is a Stalinist mafia boss who rules for his jewish oligarchs”

“Stalinist mafia boss” LMAO

Haven’t seen so much contradictory horseshit at once in a while, at this point you’re just blindly raging and showing your true colors. You think you’re on some moral high ground or some shit like that.


Are you stupid? Freedom of speech was outlawed in the West a decade ago. Freedom of speech is racist.

Universal Order

I can still say Jew and nigger all I want here in Spain, wtf are you talking about? You talk shit about Putin or promote nationalism and you get thrown into prison lmao

Sleepy Joe

Ahh so, in Spain you live?
Good to know you are voluntarily, happily, eagermostily doxxing yourself.

Pls, keep talking.
Where exactly, do you colonial piece of shit live?

We got some VOX lover here at SF.
So… Not so far of Nazi thinking

Freddie Lumberjack

Anglophere US-UK took down western access to RT and Sputnik International immediately over Ukraine. That is censorship. No alternative narratives are allowed. The western public must only be spoon fed CNN and BBC outright state propaganda. The western media is now referred to as ‘post truth’ because it no longer reports, but only offers opinion, which is basically the opinion of the dominant elites. They want to shut down and block everything that doesn’t tally with their agenda, be it alternative media information on Covid-19 or Ukraine.

Last edited 3 years ago by Freddie Lumberjack
Lone Ranger

The crumbling americant empire cant handle the Truth.


The American empire is not crumbling. It is the British-American Empire that is crumbling!
So much of this nefarious evil and its tactics and networs and modus operandi is the continuation of the British Empire.


I’m telling you, the Brits are the Punks of the western world.


That’s a meaningless statement. The average UK citizen is a poor sap like the rest of us, but the international banking centre in London rules, along with it’s degnerate clone/wife in New York.


Also Sweden’s 320 year lease on Saint Petersburg is soon to expire. And Sweden has been considering joining NATO. How will Russia react to a Swedish Saint Petersburg so close to their border if they join NATO?


You sure you have your history correct? I know you are high and all but you should still get this right. Plus Sweden ain’t joining NATO

Lone Ranger

Ukropnazi propaganda

Tom Bombastadillo

And what if Santa Claus came down the chimney and blew Sweden up your @rse? It’s just as likely as your febrile warpig dreams.


God, I loved that.LOL!


Lease?! You are jocking or what?


Saint Petersburg was conquered fair and Square by Peter the Great. Was it harsh? Sure. But Sweden back then made the Crimean Khanate look like a pacifist, enlightened benevolent place. So we can hardly complain. Like, getting defeated at Poltava in Ukraine was Sweden’s idea of a defensive war back then :o



Russia has always on the side of freedom and against colonialism. I’m offended that you would even insinuate that Russia would conquer an area by violence and annex it.

Yes, maybe there were some military operations (not war). And in the end Sweden agreed to lease it willingly for 320 years.

I think your ideas of unjustified conquest is slanderous.


Russia also keeps its agreements and will give Saint Petersburg back just like the British did with Hong King. They are not imperialists

Universal Order

They won’t, since there will be no Russian economy by the end of the year kek


The average Ukrainian trapped in the Banderestan rump, meanwhile, will be rolling in clover as Ukraine’s world-topping economy continues to provide the highest standard of living this side of Burundi.

Carl Johnson

develop the telegram channel


That app is infested with federal agents. I wouldn’t trust it much.


Uhhh, what one isn’t?


It is good if other sources of information exist, not only the western mainstream media that is lying and manipulating without any conscience it seems.


Conscience has nothing to do with it. People in the Anglosphere were tricked into believing that some form of impartial, objective “journalism” existed, when it was never so. The public went from mass illiteracy in the US to Hearst and Pulitzer yellow journalism rags, to Luce corporate propaganda to Murdoch’s Fox. CBS was basically a CIA operation, Washington Post the same.
Media is an asset of the military-industrial-intelligence complex.


Hence- Operation Mockingbird.

Martin Rapavý

If only they were merely lying! That would be an ordinary, run-of-the-mill thing.
Unfortunately, this time they go even further, with BBC propagating a leaflet on fighting with Molotov cocktails. These monsters have no integrity, I hope they themselves meet some stray bullet soon.

Last edited 3 years ago by Martin Rapavý

Germany is a free country, just like Russia. For example, in Russia, every Russian can criticize Putin. And in Germany, every German is free to criticize Putin. But seriously, it was very stupid to have hosting in Germany.

Warrior Nation

You better check Australia and New Zealand too as it apprears that those countries are blocking South Front as of today.


They would ban Tucker Carlson if they could. He has questioned the narrative since day 1. Made it OK for the rest of us to question as well.


get beaker browser and post content on a distributed network. don’t put your content only on one server that can be hacked and even censored.


Could something like blockchain tech be a solution?


I mean, just check what Wikipedia article says about South Front. -_-

Last edited 3 years ago by Slobodan

Wikipedia is trash, unless it’s a copied page about frogs or amoeba it’s leftist smut.


Yes, we all believe the Zionist entity called Wikipedia, where yesterdays facts become today’s lies…or visa-versa. NOT. They also claim you have a 15 inch dick.


Look at what Wikipedia says about the fake, from top-to-bottom story of the “Rescue of Pvt. Lynch” during the early phase of the illegal US assault on Iraq. The story was completely disproven at the time, and yet somebody continues to try to pass of the flimsiest piece of infantile propaganda outside of Kiev as fact. Empire of Lies.

Arch Bungle

The Phoenix Has Risen!
He Is Risen!
He Is Risen!


When is the full on assault on Kiev? Zelensky still feels safe. Half the Kiev population has left, most of the other half should be legitimate targets. A relentless bombardment of the city should start for 48 hours straight. Otherwise, another ambush on Russian tank grouping in Kiev not long ago, casualties reported.

Tom Bombastadillo

All day, March 9, the Southfront site would give rise to ‘timeout’ and not open. I knew exactly what was going on. Glad to see Southfront back. Wishing you best of success.

Martina Lauer

Same here. Even today, I don’t get the notification from SouthFront. The powers that are don’t want that propaganda stream interrupted by real news.

Emanuela Bolsonaro

news, news, news, We need news from the other side. it only comes from the west


Vital information source to counter the mainstream propaganda. We desperately need alternative viewpoints. Glad you’re back up.


Nearly the same as done to PressTV. They had to move to a .ir address.


Welcome back.


All my support, in Croatia there was no SF, it worked today.


I couldn’t log onto the website for about a day and I knew they were trying to censor you. I will definitely pass on the web link. I live in Canada. And btw, I tried to paste a link in Facebook Messenger and it blocks it.

Lance Ripplinger

I am glad you are back. I have been reading your insightful articles since around the the time of, or before the Russian’s started helping Syria. Your reporting is needed now more than ever.


In Deutschland nur noch über VPN zu erreichen, also von offizieller Stelle gesperrt.


Ich klage schon gegen die Sperre von SNA und RT vor dem Verfassungsgericht auf Informationsfreiheit. Jetzt erweitere ich meine Klage.


Dachte Ich auch, aber ist tatsächlich nicht der Fall. Muss ein routing Problem gewesen sein. Geht auch ohne VPN.
In wie weit offiziellle Stellen Druck auf Hetzner ausgeübt haben, ist dagegen noch unklar. Das wäre tatsächlich eine Möglichkeit.


WHY is SF using webhosting services in a NATO country? Do the Russians have webhosting services? >.>


I read on one of their recent fundraising appeals that Russia blocked their fundraising operation in Russia that involved Russians sending in cash payment (IIRC) to an individual there and then the money was forwarded to SF.


Glad, and surprised that you are back. I thought it was all over and that I’d be at the mercy of the disgusting MSM who are reaching for new lows in outrageous propaganda lies. I feel better knowing you keep looking for outlet, and I will pass the word of your censorship.


All SouthFront pages are only accessible with the Tor network from Germany.
