Security officers in Frankfurt on Wednesday after raids against 25 people suspected of belonging to a domestic terrorist group. Credit.. Tilman Blasshofer/Reuters
Originally published by ZeroHedge
Over two-dozen people were arrested in Germany on Wednesday for allegedly plotting to overthrow the government, the NY Times reports.
Around 3,000 German police and Special Forces officers were involved in the operation to detain individuals believed to be members of a domestic terrorist organization formed in late 2021, Reichsbürger [Citizens of the Reich] movement, with planned to overthrow the government and form their own state.
According to prosecutors, the group believes that “Germany is currently ruled by members of a so-called deep state” which needs to be overthrown.
Breaking News: Germany arrested dozens of people suspected of supporting a domestic terror organization that was planning to overthrow the government. https://t.co/qTyRh4dRHn
— The New York Times (@nytimes) December 7, 2022
Two other individuals were arrested outside the country – one in Austria and the other in Italy. In total, 52 suspects are reportedly under investigation.
Among those detained were a member of the far-right Alternative for Germany party who had served in the German Parliament, a member of the German nobility and a Russian citizen accused of supporting the group’s plans. Federal prosecutors said that they were investigating a total of 52 suspects. -NYT
One of the members from an old aristocratic family, Heinrich XIII, is alleged to have been central to their plans.
The group’s plans included an armed attack on the Reichstag parliament building. Members had been conducting organized arms training and attempted to recruit German security services personnel. They are also accused of forming a sort of shadow government which they would install if their plans were successful.
The Times notes that officials have no idea how close the group was to acting on their plans.
According to the report, the group wanted “to overcome the existing state order in Germany and to establish its own form of state, the outlines of which have already been worked out.”
“The members of the organization were aware that this goal can only be achieved through the use of military means and violence against state representatives. This also included commissioning killings.”
these guys wanted to say stop (to muslim invasion in germany)
Bullshit. The „Muslim“ thing is just a distraction. It‘s about corporate takeover, lack of real souvereignty etc. Islamophobia is just the establishment‘s plan B for the mentally impaired.
Probably but look at how several Middle Eastern gangsters were depicted as “Syrian refugees”.
Take your whining elsewhere please, mentally impaired
These guys wanted to suck Zionist cock. Like you 😂
You are faggot and you are sucking my cock
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz………… try again.
Sadly I belive it the truth. They ony have the brain power to understand imigration is bad, but their foregin policys will contuine.
Don’t worry in the next few years Germany would become Nazi Germany again, 4-5 million Neo-Nazis coming from Ukraine to Germany in the 1-2 years.
RT: “Germany greenlights Ukrainian strikes inside Russia”
RT: “Merkel confirms Ukraine peace deal was a ploy”
Once a Nazi always a Nazi. Oh look how the US, UK and France force Germany to take refugees and what not, surely they changed. You can’t kill Wahhabism nor can you kill Nazism.
The US, UK and France would arm these people if they wanted to kill Muslims, you know why? Because they could use that as their reason to fuk Germany more… oh these killing was because far right and it was done by Neo-Nazis, better to fuk Germany more.
The SAFEST place of Earth for Zionists/Jews is GERMANY.
This is the ruling party trying to kill/remove other groups and warring Germans that if they have same beliefs as them they are terrorists/wrong/outcasts.
The refugee crisis never ends, wars that the West started caused all these refugee crisis. The Ukraine refugee crisis – who started that now?
RT: “Germany greenlights Ukrainian strikes inside Russia”
RT: “Merkel confirms Ukraine peace deal was a ploy”
Do you fuking remember Arab Spring? Or what they are doing in Iran?
The safest place on Earth for basement dwellers?
Ask your mother and don’t tell you father, oh wait I feel bad for your mother, poor thing give birth to you.
Why are you asking me basement dweller?
Because you act like one
But you are one, so you don’t need to ask me basement dweller – just look at yourself.
“You can’t kill Wahhabism nor can you kill Nazism.” : there will always be mentally insane prone to violence but it is easy to kill them if you do not suck up crookeries like the Minsk agreement and so on 😁
Saying that all Germans and Ukrainians are Nazis is like saying that all Syrians and Iraqis are ISIS. Lay off the glue, it harms you.
Did I say “all Germans”? You sub-human? Fuk off kid.
You still can’t understand English kiddo, let’s try again basement dweller “once a Nazi always a Nazi”. Dose that mean all Germans? No fuk head, it means you can’t denazify a Nazi… EVER.
Now let’s do a history lesson because you are rtded one, were all Germans were Nazis? No you fuk-head, even during WWII there were Germans who disagree with Nazis and didn’t follow Nazism.
You are making shit up in your head again kiddo grow up, and stop sniffing petrol.
You said that Germany is becoming nazi.
Learn English clown.
Learn manners Karagoz
As a matter of fact, pure petrol on yourself and end your life sub-human. No one in this world need to know you takes. Or you know what? Grow up and stop making shit in your head cunt, before I put my leg so far up your ass that make God cry for you.
The basement dweller became tough. Watch out he may break a screen or something.
Kiddo I grow making sub-human like you eat their own shit. Don’t lie like a Zionists to me, or just STFU.
I am not lying, on the other hand, you act like Wahhabi
You might be the only reason I might vote for women abortion rights.
People who lie in front of everyone and then try to make a shity “come back’ makes me sick. Sub-human end your life or grow up and act your age.
Now you support abortion? Maybe next you will support Mexican drug cartels also.
Learn English maybe?
“You might be the only reason I might vote for women abortion rights.”
Might* be the only reason I might*…
How can I speak with you when you can’t even understand English? What is the meaning of might kiddo?
How old are you? I bet less than 10
You always lie and try to change the subject when I call your BS fuk-face.
Sub-human I told your clown ass to not reply under my comments – “if you have nothing meaningful to add, don’t.”
You won’t decide this
Everyone here ignores your stupid ass and you most of the time reply to others.
Make sure you look up the meaning of the word most of the time, okay?
Don’t misunderstand me.
You lie again but keep going
Like you sub-human did you read the comment above you from (USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one)?
“there will always be mentally insane prone to violence but it is easy to kill them if you do not suck up crookeries like the Minsk agreement and so on”
Did he thought I said all Germans? No he didn’t nor did he thought I was talking the whole country/countries.
Which country do you live to have a such bad fuking English teachers? I learned English as my second language as well and that was years ago. I don’t misunderstand people that fuking bad… I understand you are a basement dweller and might as well be real rtded kid. But still holy fuk read it once or twice before writing shit that makes no sense.
You said that Germany will become nazi so you think that Germans are nazis. Plus you think that refugees from Ukraine are nazis.
That’s how you understand it, that is not what I’m saying here.
Google this word to your language, misunderstanding.
You are misunderstanding me, work on your English.
I know you clown, I know what you are doing and it is just so childish it makes me laugh. Have you notice why no one wants to talk to you?
You understand one thing about me and that is I hate liars like you.
You are babbling again
Ahh yes the last thing, reply whatever you want, good luck.
P.S. I will 100% come back to read your comments clown.
I know that you don’t understand English and misunderstand people most of the time, so let me be clear, I will not as I don’t care what a lair clown like you like to say.
But you do seem to care
Faeser sending her Gestapo goons to eliminate harmless opponents, and warn the public that any opposition to the ruling deep state will be met with violence (that’s the real reason).
“domestic terrorist organization formed in late 2021”:
Don’t forget the “Terror Oma”:
Germany is becoming the laughing stock of the world under the green terror…
still has some time to catch up to the yanks/limeys/zionists.
Well said.
The so called ‘coup’ seems like a Hollywood ” B ” movie.
it does seem like a movie, it WAS a movie.
Indeed. Nancy wants to out Nazi the Greens.
Meanwhile on the other side of the world Russian Troops are getting Slaughtered keep up the good work Ukraine!
Delusional off topic bullshit from an idiot, distracting from the fact that Germany is going back to it’s fascists roots with this fake coup claim. No amount of fake victories in Ukraine you claim is going to change the fact that the Western shithole you live in, is going to get a lot more poorer in the next year thru the Winter, idiot.
Germany will never have a coup, US military will come and clean up.
„Germany“ arrests? What Germany?
Anyway, as one prominent German journalist said: „if editorial offices know about a ‚secret operation‘ aforehand, it‘s not a secret operation but a PR operation.
“Coup”. This is propaganda speak for someone the government wants to prosecute. “Isis” is code word for anyone the USA kills and wants its people to approve of their violence. So simple, you just kill someone and call them Isis, or Al-Queda or a terrorist or a coup plotter.
The German people are here! This is just the beginning
of the tsunami in Germany. All traitors and revengers will die!.
This is a puppet theatre. Redundand people, called Reichcitizens. They have no weapons, are writing constitutions, dreaming of the return of the II. Reich. 10 Mio. German women would invade Britain if the Brits would kill their own german king. The media was informed already one week before. Why they did not informed the press about the blow up of the Northstream pipelines? The DC vasalls in Berlin are complete idiots.
The entire EU is run by the US Deep State 😂
Will it inevitably lead to the accusation of interference by a foreign government?
My bet is they’ll blame it on Russia and oh oh, “Putin”.
Damned Russkies… dethroned us as the head of the “Axis of Evil” and the original “Rogue State”. I thought we were friends…
The Ziomafia banking parasites and their stooges in the German government and police just keeping the castrated Germans in line with this totalitarian rehearsal.
Coming to a country near you in the previously free world.
gestapo stopolinski prefer to be barebacked—trust me
Looks like American tactics of suppression are in use in Germany. Make up a scary story, target people you don’t like and frame them with a fake terror plot. Kind of like the fake plot to kidnap the Governer of Michigan, half of the people planning it were FBI. So now Germany will start arresting people who don’t agree with the current government; even people who have royal family ties. Thats what happens when your ruling government hates the people it rules over; and wants them destroyed.
It is not about imprisoning many people. It is about discrediting political opposition and prevent them from getting more support.
At the moment after sanction against Russia and the US interest war against China, the German economy is paying the price. And this makes many poor Germans even poorer and may destroy the industrial base affecting millions of people.
So there may be a chance to get rid of the US-occupation system. And needs to prevented before it can gain traction…
I would agree 100% with you. The story doesn’t stand up. Completely fake.
Very correct!
striking news: they found a torture chamber in Prinz Heinrich’s castle… As proof they confiscated two used toasters and one egg cooker..
By the way people labeled as Reichsbürger are mostly those who object the current system of exploitation in Germany. It was forced on Germans by the western occupants and grants US full control about Germany. Over 140 US bases financed by exploiting Germans speak for themselves…
This german government security operation is B/S the Western governments are in a panic because they know most of people living in the West are not supportive of nato and Western nio Liberal policies. That’s why Western governments are cracking down on anyone who calls them out for their lies. They also know that many in the Western military including former senior generals especially in france are in open revolt against the Western nio Liberal policies being informed…..
They do not go for everyone… I do not play fines, I do not pay propaganda TV taxes and I do not go when police orders me to visit them… They have only 1.5 policemen per 100 population and most of them are fat and at the end of service.
They can not suppress opposition by open force…
So they use indoctrination, false flag, terror management (stage false flag attacks as opposition groups) and so on.
German institutions are in a bad position. As they are organized as private companies. And as the Grundgesetz gives rules for how to elect the Bundestag, that since the beginning have not been followed. Consequently all action followed have no legitimacy. No real laws have been passed since 1954. And even worse the Grundgesetz contains a part that occupation laws superceed the German laws.
Here is what the guy was about:
I hope you can understand the english behind the German.
Putin is right,
All the European leaders are vassals and slaves.
+ cowards