Georgia Has Decided Against Foreign Influence

Georgia Has Decided Against Foreign Influence

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Written by Patrick Poppel, expert at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, Belgrade

Since the 1990s, Western structures have gained great influence in the Balkans and the Caucasus. Many different peoples and cultures live together in a small territory there. This has been a very good playground for geostrategic experiments. With various actions of soft power and provocations, the Western secret services very often succeeded in organizing disorder and problems.

Currently, Armenia and Georgia in particular are victims of the West’s political influence.

The aim is to integrate these two states ever more closely into Western structures and to indoctrinate the population against Russia.

To achieve this goal, a large number of non-governmental organizations with close ties to the EU and the USA are working in these two states. They are working towards these goals at all levels and in all areas. Education, culture and politics are being infiltrated by these “Western agents” and this is intended to bring society in these countries totally in line with the West in the long term.

However, all of these projects are dependent on funding from abroad. Particularly because there is only a small state budget for these sectors in these countries, a great deal of influence can be achieved with foreign funding.

States and local organizations are therefore often unable to compete with foreign NGOs in many projects. It is therefore clear that the only solution to foreign influence is to actively fight against these organizations. The state must change the rules of the game to its advantage. This is exactly what happened in Georgia a few days ago.

Despite many protests, which were of course also organized or supported from abroad, the Georgian government succeeded in passing a law against the massive influence of NGOs. This is a great success for the defense of national interests and for the preservation of its own culture.

It should be normal to defend the state against foreign influence, but this law has been described as a scandal in the Western media. This is, of course, proof of how the West reflects itself, as it actually believes it can bring its influence everywhere.

Now there will be a very interesting development, as this is a setback for the activities of Western intelligence services working in the Caucasus. The radius of action will now be reduced.

It is to be hoped that Armenia will also use such a law to defend itself as well. Moreover, it clearly shows us that we are living in the age of “political-cultural diversion”, where the struggle for state sovereignty takes place not only at the state border, but also in cultural organizations and universities.

This example also shows us that states should develop structures in this area to defend their culture and interests. The hybrid war has many sides and fronts. One important front is the area of soft power. In this area, the West has much more experience than the East.

But now a lot is changing in the world and many states are learning new strategies to defend their interests. Georgia’s decision should be an example for other states. It is possible to defend oneself against foreign influence with very simple and consistent actions. It is also important to continue to look for new ways in which states can protect themselves at this level.

The various structures of the state, which are concerned with security, education, but also culture, must be included in these defense strategies. Perhaps completely new structures should also be created for the future to deal with this problem.

It is currently very important to have and further develop innovation in the area of geostrategic instruments. New think tanks that advise governments and state institutions will play a particularly important role here.

But the biggest challenge will be for those responsible in the states to recognize these soft power threats and react quickly enough. The current shift from regular warfare to hybrid warfare will be a major test for many countries. And the current situation in the Caucasus is the best example of this.


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great news for georgia. by staying in the russian sphere of influence they avoid becoming the next us proxy war pupett.


but they are not in our sphere. their prime minister said near a week ago that they will join eu till 2030 together with abhazia and so, which mean a war, because they were oppressed by fascist regime of gamsahurdia and regime of saakashvili. now tbilisi still pro-western, but play tricky game. they don’t want new war, because this is full devastation to them, but still wish to get lands back even without people, because no apologize for crimes of the past, no compensations payed.

Last edited 4 months ago by Антон

*paid. excuse me for some mistakes.


good law adopted, but it’s not all, there is new project of law in tbilisi — to protect traditional values and prohibit lgbt organization, because it is clear foreign agent (more than 20% of money sent from abroad). meanwhile western sodomites celebrate the month of “the pride”. whole month! 55 years ago in 1969 faggots beat up policemen in new-york (bar in greenwich village), now it is shiny peremoga and reason to parade like they won a war against normal people.


the actual président of georgia salomé zourabichvili is the first woman to have dual citizenship french and georgian. she obtained it after the “rose revolution”, a fake nationalist revolution and a true cia coup. she’s a former ‘french’ diplomat. she worked in paris, new york, washington, roma, bruxelles….. these parasites have no country. hitler called them the “internationale clique”


even worse, she rose up in france and french is her first language, she served in french foreign ministry. like in pribaltica — half of their leaders came from the us or canada, because their grandfathers served in waffen ss and emigrated to avoid tribunal on war crimes. another half — members of funds like soros’. but zurabishvili has no real power, because the head of government has more power than president, it’s parliamentary republic, winning party elects pm and rules the country.

Last edited 4 months ago by Антон
jens holm

i am americanized—i submissive to all amerikan mulatto lgbt

jens holm

i like many foreign influence peniz in my anuz