Fresh Wave Of Drone, Missile Strikes Hit Ukraine’s Odessa (Videos)

Fresh Wave Of Drone, Missile Strikes Hit Ukraine’s Odessa (Videos)

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A fresh wave of drone and missile strikes targeted the Black Sea port city of Odessa late on February 27, with the Kiev regime blaming the attack on the Russian military.

The Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said in separate statements that ten Shahed suicide drones attacked the city from the direction of the Black Sea. It also said that S-300 anti-aircraft missiles modified for ground strikes were used in the attack.

All the drones were shot down by Ukrainian air defenses, the command said, without clarifying if the missiles were intercepted.

Ukrainian media said that one of the downed drones fell on the industrial zone of Odessa, damaging an electricity transformer and causing a small fire.

However, videos posted to social media showed several fires as well as what appears to be a drone impacting a target and secondary ammunition explosions in Odessa and the small city of Yuzhne, which is located just a few kilometers to the east.

Ukraine claims that the Russian military uses Iranian-made Shahed-131/136 suicide drones, but Moscow says that it uses similar homegrown drone dubbed the Geran-1/2. The Kiev regime has been also claiming that Russia is using S-300 missiles in ground strikes since the start of the special military operation. However, there is still no evidence backing this claim.

The drone and missile strikes on Odessa came following a series of Ukrainian drone attacks on Russian territory. All the attacks failed.

The Kiev regime sees attacks on Russian territory as a way to make up for its repeated failures on the battlefield, the last of which was the defeat in Avdeevka.


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end is near—zelensky moving to miami


zelensky is only a clown from the tv screen. what is really concerning me that russia give up entirely on the main battlefield. the propaganda. in the west, 99percent are convinced russians are the bad guys, nuclear war would be funny, the same people who are scared to death by a car accident are perfectly fine with “tactical nukes”. if you ask them if they are aware these are 40 times stronger then bomb americans dropped on hiroshima, they don’t know, they don’t care.


you might argue that westerners are stupid, so it’s not a problem to nuke them all. i agree, the only problem i have is that this is exactly what the global elites want. so, according to rothsch, russia is more or less a tool in his hands, implementing his plans of the nwo and a depopulated planet – including, of course, a depopulated russia. maybe it would be smart to kill 10,000 elites planning a bleak future for the planet instead killing 500,000 ukrainians who are stupid beyond belief?

Last edited 1 year ago by huhuh

i agree but who is going to do it? do you have a full list of all the 10,000 elites to take them out?


your comments prove that you are just as stupid as americans.

russia is a zionist state just like the u.s. they are in bed together.

i’ve seen putin at the wailing wall with his yarmulke on his head.


just because you are a zionist doesn’t mean putin is. netanyahu and the wef hate putin. but you trolls are on the same agenda since the putin interview


some say nukes are not real to begin with though. here is one of many testimonies of an expert that visited hiroshima to take inventory of the situation:

at the t-bridge, the aiming point for the atomic bomb, i looked for the “bald
spot” where everything presumably had been vaporized in the twinkling of an
eye. it wasn’t there or anywhere else. i could find no traces of unusual


what i did see was in substance a replica of yokohama or osaka, or
the tokyo suburbs – the familiar residue of an area of wood and brick houses
razed by uncontrollable fire.
the concrete buildings nearest to the center of explosion, some only a few blocks
from the heart of the atom blast, showed no structural damage.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

are you retarded?


i merely copy pasted a testimony from someone who had links with the usaf and was present on scene to investigate. i could copy and paste testimonies from other investigators as well, but i fear all that will do is “trigger” your animalistic lower consciousness responses.

there is no reason to make you foam at the mouth, so i’ll just leave it here.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

you are going too deep. the reason behind the ukrainian conflict is the same as in the destruction of libya. for destroying currencies that threaten the dollar. libya was overthrown because the countries of the middle east planned a gold-linked currency that would have weakened the dollar. the purpose of the sanctions was to topple the brics; russia and china. the fear of brics overrunning the dollar and the dollar’s ability to blackmail developing countries with economic sanctions


also the eu’s ideological disengagement from arab oil and the three seas initiative. in the eastern ukraine has europe’s largest deposit of earth metal, needed for batteries. because ethnic russians voted “wrong”, the us and ger organized a coup in ukraine in 2014 that used fascist militias to help a pro-nato regime come to power. angela merkel confirms 2022 that nato wanted war from the start but needed time to prepare militarily and lead the situation to a large-scale conflict


hungarian president orban confirmed in an interview with carlson in 2023 that the decision on ukraine joining nato was already made at the 2008 nato summit. ukrainian president poroshenko admitted in 2015 that he got power from a conspiracy and that his presidency was not legitimate. the west went to war like in afghanistan. russia responded with molten copper, thermobaric bombs and hypersonic missiles.


yes. start with the niggers, mexican freeloaders, and pedo mohammad following muslim trash.


frankly what does it matter what western peasants think? when you are better off economically and morally it is not your job to fix the other side. they can either get smart or stay dumb. the intelligent people are already moving to russia from the west. those who don’t see what is going on will be in for a nasty surprise and a lot of disappointment in the future. gen z is in no shape to ever fight russia anyway even with the propaganda over their heads.


i can imagine gen z throwing full blown tantrums in protest in the streets and being completely useless on the battlefield reporting from their social media account while taking their antidepressants.


oh i can definitely imagine gen z giving away positions due to heavily using social media platforms in the trenches. and yes they will definitely be armed to the teeth with their antidepressant bottles.

Last edited 1 year ago by Name

please, please, send the blacks, illegals, trannies, jews, and pronoun people to the russian meat grinder.

we despise them in the west, don’t let the hebrew media fool you.


seems you are suffering from propaganda too.

are you really that stupid and you believe what you just wrote?


because america is rife with illiterate, parasitical 3rd world illegals and niggers.

they are ignorant as hell, and can’t see past their next free handout from the white american taxpayer.

Last edited 1 year ago by Rommel
Joseph Day

so ukraines complaining about russia using foreign weapons. wow

jens holm

i too changied sides, now i aulso laik rusticas now. and in solidity with mai waif who laves dieks, i will aulso lave dieks

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm
jens holm

i change cuz me lick-tatator deny me taco

Shock and Awe

ukraina-zia is kaput, banderites should all move back home, to hell…

Erik 1953

nazi is a combination of, national socialist and zionist. and there are a lot of these hybrids in western governments, right now.

Junk Weapons INC.

nato should know by now that their disgusting scheme in ukraine has only made russia stronger.


funny, many here think this war is about to wind down.

watch. putin and his western “partners”, as he likes to call them, are not even close to finishing their zionist masters will.


lying about putin being with the zionists is a really low iq western troll angle and a very desperate one.


nope. it’s jewnato.

Yo mama

we don’t care what ukraine says that russia “used” against them, we all know they use everything that is given them by uus and western sources. we only care that the destruction is great and that
nazzis under zelensky becomes less.
