French-Born Georgian President Vetoes NGO Bill

French-Born Georgian President Vetoes NGO Bill

Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Tensions continue to rise in Georgia. The Caucasus country is being heavily pressured to engage in hostilities with Russia, opening a new NATO front against Moscow. To achieve this objective, the country’s radical nationalist sectors are trying to carry out a regime change operation, removing the head of Parliament, who has a neutral position, and giving a pro-Western turn to foreign policy.

The president of Georgia, French-born Salome Zourabichvili, vetoed the NGO bill previously approved by parliament. The project establishes restrictions on the activities of foreign NGOs on Georgian soil, which currently seems to be a real necessity, considering that foreign groups, mainly European and American ones, operate intensely in Georgia.

Zourabichvili claims that the country would be harmed if the bill became law, as it would hinder Georgia’s European integration process. According to her, European “partners” would be unhappy and create obstacles for Georgia’s aspirations to join the EU. With this, the president is merely repeating positions previously expressed by her and other pro-Western Georgian public figures.

Opponents of the bill often call it a “Russian law”, but there is no point in how it can directly benefit Russia. The bill simply imposes restrictions on foreign organizations, preventing external agents from acting in a harmful way in the Georgian internal political scenario. In fact, most foreign NGOs in Georgia come from Europe and the US, which is why the new law would affect the activities of Americans and Europeans in the country. However, this only proves how necessary it is to restrict the action of NGOs. If foreign powers are putting pressure on Georgia to prevent the approval of the bill, it is because in fact the freedom of action of NGOs is a key factor for Western interventionism in Georgia.

It is not surprising that Zourabichvili vetoes the bill. She herself is a foreign agent, despite her position as president of the country. Zourabichvili is a French citizen and served as French ambassador to Georgia until the 2003 Color Revolution, when she gained Georgian citizenship and began a political career in the country. Zourabichvili has always protected French and European interests in Georgia, never showing any real concern for the country’s sovereignty. For this reason, she herself feels threatened by the possibility that Georgia will begin to act more severely against external agents.

Since last year, there have been a series of violent protests in Georgia, with radical ultranationalists taking to the country’s streets to demand a break in relations with Russia and alignment with the West. Zourabichvili is one of the main agitators of the demonstrations, clearly cooperating to make social polarization increase and political situation worsen. In fact, these acts can be seen as an attempted color revolution aimed at deteriorating ties with the Russian Federation.

The resume of hostilities with Russia is a NATO plan for Georgia. The Atlantic alliance wants to use Georgia as a kind of “new Ukraine”, promoting a suicidal war with Russia by attacking the separatist republics in the north. With this, it would be possible to open a new flank against Moscow at this critical moment in which Ukraine is very close to absolute military collapse.

Just like Ukraine, pro-Western countries outside NATO such as Georgia and Moldova are encouraged by the alliance to go to war with Russia. Unable to defeat Moscow on the battlefield, Western powers want to open as many fronts as possible through proxy conflicts, in which the “allies” are induced to face Russian forces to protect NATO’s interests.

Zourabichvili and other pro-NATO Georgian politicians work to make Western plans successful. What they want is simply to engage the country in a suicidal anti-Russian campaign, which would culminate in the resurgence of war in Abkhazia and South Ossetia. To prevent this, several patriotic politicians are working intensely, trying to keep Georgia neutral in the current tensions.

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze, for example, was largely responsible for the approval of the NGO bill in the parliament. He and his supporters are not “pro-Russian”, they just want to free Georgia from an unnecessary conflict with Moscow. Under these circumstances, Georgian politics is currently polarized between the head of parliament and his allies, who defend a sovereign foreign policy, and the president and her supporters, who publicly work for European interests.

With the veto of the NGO bill, Georgia’s sovereignty was once again affected. The country will continue to be a victim of the actions of foreign NGOs interested in destabilizing Georgian society. It is hoped that the most patriotic sectors of Georgia will be able to prevent the worst from happening in the country.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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only we americans are allowed to have a “russian law” bill.


Stephen Obi Emekekwue

jo -stalin is turning in his grave!.where are the “real georgian patriot’s?!”.it’s pretty obvious they’re president salome isn’t one of such.the 🇬🇪 georgian people are done for as us 🇺🇸 nato-stan,slave’s forever ♾ unless they either get rid of this foreign agent president and government via coup ✊🏿 or populist mass anti-globalist-uprisings,or both!.then invite russia 🇷🇺 and re-enter csto and eaeu.

jens holm

you are blind or worse.


and you are drunk or on drugs.

jens holm

i wonder why its important, where he was born.

those people dont work for the named interest but to avoiding its being semilar to ussr-russia remaning in museum dummy mode.

none there deserve that. no people in the world deserve that.


danish drunk nazi again? “he”? i know you have not asked her her pronouns, but the president is a woman.


theres even a picture of her at the top of the article. do you even read?

John Kassabian

maybe there is hope, as the georgians grew a brain. it is truly depressing to me that the armenians are yet to do so.


the offers of the west and the wishes of every ambitious person in the rest of the world are a combination that can prove deadly to any nonwestern country.

Last edited 9 months ago by kotromanic
Icarus Tanović

she’s a traitor of her country and people. another one of those pricks that usa punks have from adriatic to caucasus.
they think that they have checkmated everyone, but no you haven’t.


bet she won’t get assassinated – because she’s on the side of the narrative

john mason

someone needs to veto her.

Western NGOs are viruses

ban all western ngos at once. every sovereign country should be doing this. open society, national endowment for demononcracy, usaid, these are cia fronts used to perpetuate regime change for the western parasite class

Last edited 9 months ago by Western NGOs are viruses