Free Syrian Army & Turkish Armed Forces Launched Full-Scale Advance on Kurdish YPG in Northern Aleppo

An alliance of Turkish-backed militant groups (operate under the brand of Free Syrian Army), supported by the Turkish Armed Forces’ artillery and battle tanks, have launched a full-scale advance on the Kurdish YPG forces in the northern part of Aleppo province.

The Turkey-led forces are advancing on the YPG in Shayhk Isa, Biras Sabah, Umm Housh and Hassadjek. The main target of the advance in the strategic town of Tall Rifat.

Free Syrian Army & Turkish Armed Forces Launched Full-Scale Advance on Kurdish YPG in Northern Aleppo

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So it’s becoming apparent that the real reason for “Operation Euphrates Shield” is to rescue their terrorist buddies holed up in Aleppo city, after the move the Kurds out of the way…

Joseph Scott

No, the real reason for Euphrates Shield was to fight the Kurds and prevent them from linking up their areas of control. Any assistance they render to their terrorist friends is just a side job.


mmm, no…

There are essentially two “FSA” groups now: Northern and Southern. Northern guys work for erdoghan. Southern boys work for obama.
erdoghan don’t give a crap about assad or even isis.
But he is obsessed with wiping out the kurds(and has good reason to).


Well, it was only a short time ago that Erdogan called Assad a “more advanced terrorist than ISIS” and who would not accept any peace in Syria that involves Assad remaining in power.

What do you think will happen if Syria acts on it’s threat to shoot down the next Turkish warplane that flies across to bomb Kurdish forces?

What do you think will happen when those Turkish backed FSA then fight back the Kurds and reach the line of SAA, only a few dozen km north of Aleppo city?


Then putin came along and cut off erdoghans supply of money via tourism and various imports/exports. Which, overtime, caused erdoghan to be in a jam. The cherry on top was putin saving erdoghan from a coup…..
So now erdoghan is putins lapdog and will do as he is told….


I think you are correct. When they head south it will be stated to take out the Kurds. Turkish FSA will not hesitate to go after the Syrian army when they meet. The Turks will back their proxies 100%. The best way for Turkey to ensure that no Kurdish state ever rises is to ensure that their allies control the area. northern Syria. Turkey will get no push back from the West on this. Iraq is to weak to do anything about it, Iran will have to see how they deal with Turkish expansions. I would think Turkey would be happy to push all the way to Jordan if it could.


I think also to prevent the embarrassment and liability in war crimes,terrorism,murder an armes invasion of Syria an its people when you find coalition solders an commanders amongst the terrorist.The humanitarian corridors by Syrian government an Russia are a compromise to allow these foreign soilders leave an for there corrupt government to save face

Joseph Scott

Interesting that the US government has said nothing about fighting between two sides it overtly backs. I wonder how long it will be before US Army SF find themselves in combat against the Turkish army and FSA?


It won’t, don’t be absurd. Turkey has a population of nearly 80m, the Kurds in Syria are between 2 and 3m, why on Earth would you think they’d opt for the stark minority that would require a gigantic effort to defend? They don’t even remotely have the manpower to be worth the bother.

Joseph Scott

You are labouring under the false assumption that the various agencies and personnel that answer to the US government share the same opinions and goals. By and large, the Army SF that are currently embedded with the Kurds as ‘advisors’ don’t like the FSA or the Turks, who they see as backing terrorists.

There is a sharp difference of opinion between, on the one hand, the State Dept. CIA and civilian leadership of the Defense Dept. and on the other, actual military personnel, particularly Joint Special Operations Command (and more especially the Army component, who have less tolerance for CIA scheming than say, the Navy), on who we should be backing in Syria.


“Army SF that are currently embedded with the Kurds as ‘advisors’ don’t like the FSA or the Turks, who they see as backing terrorists”

What!!! The US loves the terrorists, they sent them there in the beginning, they want Syria weakened as much as possible. The various sides within the US may seem opposed to you but they work in conjunction with each other.

Joseph Scott

You don’t really understand how things work inside the US establishment. Yes, all those agencies cooperate on things. They also work at cross purposes, go behind each others’ backs, leak information, sabotage each others programs, and back opposite camps. And this won’t have been the first time.

State and the Navy backed Chinese Communist while the Army backed the Chinese Nationalists in WWII. The Army has had a bad relationship with, and been deeply mistrustful of the CIA since it was founded. In the US SOF community, it is believed that the CIA deliberately sabotaged 1st SFOD-D’s plan to rescue a group of remaining US POWs in Vietnam in 1981. Currently, 1st SFOD-D feels that the CIA is actively opposing their attempts to work against IS and Al-Qaeda in the region, because all CIA wants is to get rid of Assad. They got 5th SFG assigned to train rebels in Turkey because the CO of 5th was ex-Delta, and they felt they could rely on him to oppose CIA schemes. Consequently, 5th SFG, who also operate with the Kurds, have done their best to not actually train the other Syrian rebels the Turks bring the, regarding them as little more than IS recruits and recruiters, respectively.

I suggest to you that you have a very naive view of how the US government’s agencies operate. It is not a well-oiled machine here. It’s a mess, and has been since time immemorial.


They work the Hegelian dialectic, but that is of course on a higher level.

Joseph Scott

Yes, that’s true. Freemasons seem obsessively fond of applying it, and of carrying on the contrary (usually artificially so) directions long beyond the point where they demonstrated the flaws and synthesis, I think. Hegel would not approve.


Okay, at least you see a bit further. Many people here understand that the western governments have evil plans, but unfortunately go to the Russian government as a kind of hero and savior. With the works of Antony Sutton it was proven that the US build up, funded, and armed the Soviet union. How much of that do you think is left today, given that Putin is an ex KGB agent?

Joseph Scott

It’s a very good question, one that I have contemplated for some time without deriving a definitive answer too. One problem is that despite their penchant for dualism there are actually more than two factions in play. I count the Republican/Conservative/Royalist/Catholic/Ancient Grand Lodge/Prierre de Zion faction, the Democrat/Liberal/Scottish Rite/Templar/Puritan/Calvinist/Socialist faction, a breakaway from the latter, Grand Orient/Communist/Stalinist/Napoleonic, and the Zionist/Trotskyist faction. To make matters murkier, some local branches seem to be more nationalist than others. The Russian security service faction seems to exemplify that.

Of course, whole factions have ‘gone rogue’ in the past, like Grand Orient did under Napoleon. Frederick II of Prussia likewise didn’t seem to give a damn what other Masons wanted. So you may have something similar is Russia. Some people make their way up then decide they don’t care for any of it, like Richard Cromwell. Putin may be rogue. Certainly, they would try to fit that into the plan, fatalist and mystical as they are.


While what you write would be possible its highly unlikely as its very small numbers in the end. The big question is not if a few Americans will trade small arms, but what will Russia do when Turkey continues its drive South? When Turkish aircraft start to hit Syrian army positions around Aleppo? What will Russia do when Turkish armor backs the Turkish “FSA”

Joseph Scott

To be sure, that is also a very interesting question. The implications of the Syrians backing the Kurds in this way is a pretty interesting development.

But, residing as I do in the USA, the domestic implications of the fact that many US military people feel that the administration and CIA are traitors to their own country, and that this point may now take on a whole new level of bloody reality remains of some interest to me.


I think these SF and CiA are more concerned of not being caught assisting terrorist in Alupo and then being show cased to the world by Syrian gov an Russsia.


A lot of comments on this site thought Russia and Turkey were all cozy, and things would be rosy going forward. After all it was The US that ordered the shoot down of Russian Jet! The US pushed Turkey into confrontation with Russia. BS! Turkey has as Russia pointed out always backed ISIS and every other head chopper in Syria opposed to Assad. They still do and they intend to take out not only the Kurds but to hold large tracts of land in the end. When they meet the Syrian Army in the north it will not be handshakes but bullets they exchange.
The Shea Iraqi and Iranians will be facing this soon. The US has no cards left to play. Russia will have to pick a side.


Turkey and Syria have already made agreements not to engage each other


Turkey wont honour any agreement just like the the U.S.they will lie an back anyone to achieve there goals an abandon them just as quickly they have no honour its not a humanitarian war they use that as cover an hypocritical accusations its not even in the interests of the Turkish or American people it actually makes them more likely to suffer repercussions for there governments crimes.Its a corporate war for control of resources an energy paid for by the taxpayer for the benefit of billionaires an corrupt western politicians an any return will be diverted to a cosy tax haven.

Lord Humongous

If Erdoğan is so stupid, or arrogant, as to have his military or his Turkish backed FSA headchoppers fire upon SAA or others, particularly as it relates to Aleppo, Putin will have his ass. I strongly suspect Erdoğan and Putin have an agreement already in place. Such as, Erdoğan ceases support (or at least minimizes) for ISIS, and accepts Assads rule, this would also mean not engaging SAA or Hezbolla. In turn, Vlad will allow Turkey to seize, and hold Northern Syria as a buffer against the Kurds and Assad. Vlad will probably not interfere with the Turks smuggling oil back across their border either, were that to start again. If something like this is so, Bashar al-Assad probably considers it bitter medicine, but the price he must pay for Russia saving his ass. Not to mention turning the port of Tartus into a full fledged Russian naval base and the free, permanant use of Khmeimim airbase for their aircraft. In fact, it is my understanding that the Russians are currently upgrading the infrastructure, lengthening the runway(s) and reenforcing the tarmac to handle their heavy, strategic Tu-22M3 Backfire and Tu-160 Blackjack bombers.


Why dont Russia an the Syrian gov call a spade a spade an start calling there proxies by there rightful terms in the media an UN,American Terrorist forces,Turkish,Israeli,Saudi,English Qatar an French Terrorist forces each time they mention any group these countries are backing because really thats what we have here.This at least will counter the lies the west spew out daily an embarrass these criminal governments