SouthFront Appeals to Launch #FreePetrenko Campaign

SouthFront Appeals to Launch #FreePetrenko Campaign

The SouthFront team and our friends from the around the world mindfully tracks the situation over the honorary member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Grigory Petrenko, and launches a campaign for prompt release of him and his friends illegally detained by the Moldovan government.

We appeal to all our readers to disseminate the articles related to this topic and send letters to international organizations to help to release Petrenko.

We appeal to all Petrenko fellows in arms in the EU, leftists activists, socialists and communists, to support the public campaign: to stage rallies and pickets at Moldovan embassies, to contact international organizations and approve resolutions. Our goal is to conduct an international pressure on the corrupt Moldovan regime. Representatives of the European Left don’t have a right to leave in the lurch his brother in arms fighting against oligarchs discrediting the European values.

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