France24 lies or a simple hebetude

France24 lies or a simple hebetude

In the Nov.26 artcile “Did Iranian jets enter Syria’s airspace?”, France24 writes that there is an evidence that “the Iranian air force is in Syria”.

France24 lies or a simple hebetude

This video is reposted by France24 as an evidence:

But the problem is that the film shows an Iranian F-14 flying alongside a TU-95, a strategic bomber, operating only from airbases in Russia. SU-24s however are frontline bombers which do operate from airbases in Syria.

TU-95s conducted sorties from Russia over the Caspian Sea and through Iranian airspace to hit targets in Iraq and Syria. Iranian F-14s escort their in Iranian airspace in accordance with the Russia-Iran treaty.

Thus, France24 ‘experts’ even don’t know what they talk about.

France24 lies or a simple hebetude

Amazing fact:

In the same article France24 recognizes that idea about Iranian jets in the Syrian airspace is an apparent nonsense, but who cares:

So where were these images filmed? Most likely, in Iran. Aviation news specialists have reported that Iran’s air force recently escorted Russian jets from Iran’s northern border all the way to the border with Iraq, where they exited Iranian airspace.


The eternal propaganda question is: Lie or not to Lie. Or is this a simple hebetude?

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