France Released List Of Weapons Supplied To Ukraine

France Released List Of Weapons Supplied To Ukraine

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On March 4, the French Ministry of Defense published a list of military equipment that Paris supplied to Kiev since the beginning of the Ukrainian conflict. The list includes the military supplies which took place from 2022 to the end of 2023, that is, before the signing of a bilateral security agreement between Paris and Kiev in 2024.

The released table includes various equipment, including means of protection and communications, various weapons and unmanned vehicles. The total cost of the listed supplies amounted to about €2.615 billion, which is significantly more than the official data on military and financial assistance from Paris to Kiev. Moreover, the number of the presented positions is significantly underestimated. The list also does not include rockets and missiles for Western MLRS, such as missiles for air defense systems.

France Released List Of Weapons Supplied To Ukraine

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France Released List Of Weapons Supplied To Ukraine

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The supply of various air defense systems was the priority of Kiev’s partners in NATO, including France. According to the list of the French Ministry of Defense, the following systems were sent to Ukraine:

  • two Crotale NG installations,
  • six Mistral short-range air defence systems,
  • one French-Italian SAMP/T air defense system,
  • as well as the CM 200 radar.

Information about the ammunition for these systems was not disclosed.

As for the supply of artillery pieces, Kiev received:

  • 30 Caesars,
  • 6 TRF1,
  • 4 LRU MLRS;
  • 10 Mortier 120 mm systems.
  • 30 thousand shells were delivered to the artillery.

Ukrainians also received about 40 light wheeled AMX 10RC tanks. The number of SCALP missiles supplied to Ukraine was not officially disclosed.


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Ivan Notor

macron is napoleon incarnated

Frank Köhler is a bitch

that’s an insult to napoleon. at least napoleon had an actual army and fought in battle. micro peniz macron is a whole other animal.


micro macron doe not even reach napoleon shoe laces.


when countries like macronland make a point of readily and proudly handing out lists like this, there is probably something missing.

CEO of Yapping

they are saying, “hey look we give all these weapons to you and you done nothing yet… we did all we could.”

they are getting read to drop ukraine, like the macron the clown said they need to send more nato force to ukraine. what does that says about ukraine war…


they show recruiters on the streets of ukraine on the news, how they can’t get enough men. this can be interpreted like everything before – softening up eu citizens for sending troops.


the conflict ends like in vietnam. when enough people find out the truth and demand an end to hostilities in the eu. russia defends ethnic linguistic and cultural population, ukrainians have never lived in donetsk and luhansk regions, but west don’t want people in the west to know that.

CEO of Yapping

no, i don’t many europeans/yanquis want to see nato fighting russia in ukraine (ignore the limite nato soldiers in ukraine). even european leaders shut macron really fast…

they are softening up europeans to accept ukraine lost the war.

CEO of Yapping

2022: “ukraine is not afghanistan” – “ukraine has no neo-nazis” – “ukraine will win” – “we will support to the end” – “israel stand with ukraine” – “russia is losing” – “russian economy is done for” bla bla bla

2024: “why should we support ukraine” – “they are neo-nazis” – “we need the money at home” – “our economy is not doing great” – “nato is not sending troops to ukraine” – “ukraine is losing” – “ukraine need to win something” – bla bla bla


the west went to war like in afghanistan. russia responded with molten copper, thermobaric bombs and hypersonic missiles. the individual soldier and the tanks are irrelevant. the abrams explode and the air defense is destroyed by the missiles they are supposed to repel. the support of the west is irrelevant, it made only more ukraininas die in vain. the west cannot win; you can win the fight, but not the people. that’s why the usa lost in vietnam, somalia, afghanistan, etc.


the west still doesn’t understand one thing. the west is not at war against russia, it is at war against the entire brics power. it is constantly written that nato has more soldiers. is not. there are billions of people in china and india, almost all natural resources are on the brics side. 20 countries are applying for brics and 20 more are interested. no one supports the small west in a possible bigger conflict. the world is tired of the western bigotry and dictation politics.


i wouldn’t be surprised if the russians are upset enough to keep a long list and give similar weapons to the west’s enemies. i wouldn’t blame them.

Frank Köhler is a bitch

they are already. red sea.

Frank Köhler is a bitch

it’s funny how the nazi ukro nafo fan boy gave himself the name frank kohler in this comment section when it’s literally the name of a canadian pedophile who molested little boys in the ontario and nova scotia areas. i guess his hero. these are the type of people that support ukraine probably because of all the child trafficking from ukraine to the west. pedos don’t want the gravy train to stop when russia takes everything over.


and ironically around the ontario region is where the bandera statue erected by west ukrainian pro nazi immigrants is located.

Frank Köhler is a bitch

all those french weapons of gay destruction are lame low quality 💩.


many commented that russia is weak because it took them two years to win avdeevka. wrong. russia consumed and absorbed ukrainian manpower and nato equipment – and quickly advanced without much resistance.


losing ownership of egypt,syria,libya and belarus drive whole nato maniacs crazy.mistral ship deal were force to scrap to hurt russian economy.both micron,boris,obama and erdogan wants to destroy russia by all means. erdogan behind azerbaijan and ukraine.still providing weapons.

Massa John

one proxy puppet, 30 supporting puppets and a chief-puppet, screwing people.up all the time.


any country sending weapons to ukraine. giving military intelligence to ukraine. have special forces or mercenaries in ukraine. help ukraine to attack russian territory, russian military and or killing ethnic russians in ukraine are party to the conflict. with 20 countries being involved in this war you can already speak of a world war it just hasn’t arrived on your doorstep yet.

nazi amerika

french fried fallopian tubes


i am happy to have a single-man business structure which does not pay much french taxes.

emperor macaroni

i will transform your business into macaroni


you can’t, i’m too strong

Last edited 1 year ago by Sylvain

can they release a list of how many are now scrap metal?

christodoulou Anastasis

those who supply arms to the ukrainian regime are sycophants of the nazi regime that failed to enslave russia.

emperor macaroni

may pasta empire eaten by amerikan hillbilly
