France Loses Its Power On The World Stage

France Loses Its Power On The World Stage

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Written by Patrick Poppel, expert at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, Belgrade

France has been retreating from Africa for a year. The former colonial power is losing influence on the African continent every day. Many African countries have decided to no longer trust France’s current policies. New formats are being created in Africa, particularly in the area of ​​security policy, where France will no longer have a place.

In general, many African states have lost trust in the West, but these developments are hitting French foreign policy particularly hard. The former colonial power is losing its influence and has no opportunity to re-establish itself on this continent. While China is increasing its economic influence in Africa and Russia is acting as a security policy partner, France has no plan for future developments in Africa.

It is well known that many European countries are in decline. The de-industrialization of Germany is just one example of this. But France has both domestic and foreign policy problems. The major mistakes in migration policy have already led to a population exchange in many major French cities. This divided society for decades. Right-wing populism is on the rise and the political landscape is changing.

The Yellow Jackets protests also clearly showed us how divided society in France is. And this state is now trying to play an important role in the Ukrainian conflict. The French government should actually be more concerned with the socio-economic situation in its own country and not concern itself with the situation in Eastern Europe. Through media campaigns, the government is able to get people to be more interested in foreign policy and not in the conditions in their own country.

Germany’s economic decline will also have an impact on other European countries. France will also be affected. The good years for French industry are over, as is the good lifestyle of the French. The country is heading towards economic and social decline. This can no longer be stopped. But how was it possible for the former Grand Nation to find itself in such a catastrophic situation? The answer is very simple.

It is the global elites who have influence on the governments of individual states. The French President is a very good example of how a politician works against the interests of his own people. This was already clearly visible during the refugee crisis. But now France is losing its influence in Africa and is also trying to get deeply involved in Ukraine.

Such actions cannot be in the interest of the French people. The example of France is very important for other countries that are following the same political path. This policy destroys national interests and is always aimed at escalation. The politicians of other European countries must analyze this carefully and not make the same mistakes.

However, it remains clear that France and Germany are on a bad path. It is very likely that it will not be possible to correct this policy. This will have a terrible impact on the future of Europe.

The future of the EU therefore remains uncertain, as Germany and France are the two most important factors in this alliance. It is likely that the problems in Europe will become even bigger. This could also be the end of the European Union. But then new alliances will be built, in which Germany and France will no longer play a major role. The world is undergoing great change and this is very clear here in Europe. Old forces are declining and new forces are rising.

Developments in France are closely linked to the fate of Europe. We can already see from French politics where Europe is heading. The outlook is a catastrophe. Details may still be influenced and corrected, but one thing is clear – France will not be a global power in the future, as it was in history.

We must always see what is happening in France in the context of the decline of Europe on the global stage.


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M. Paraplu

i disagree on france’s inability to correct course.
it’s not france’s war, so switching sides should not be an impossibility.
this is all about the five eyes.


hope you are correct


i’m native french and i can assure you that switching side is (for now) an impossibility. if you think that electing lepen could be a game changer you’re wrong. she’s not his father, she’s a french “meloni” and has already pledged allegiance to israel. france is under jewish rules since the 19th century. the dreyfus case was just one of the proofs of that domination. today all the political debates on tv are about “the jews” and “antisemitism”. french are not even mentioned.


i could understand term “judophobia”, but “antisemitism” makes me smile every time, because arabs are semitic majority, so anglo-saxons (after iraq, lybia, syria and so on) and jews (since occupation of palestine in 1948) are the biggest antisemites, though they are closest relatives with arabs. “antisemitism” must be used to mark hatred toward arabs, and “judophobia” — against jews.

Last edited 8 months ago by Антон

france could and would never correct course. the french are first and foremost f*cking thieves and they hate black people. they will never, never, never be honest never ever. the problem is the french soul.


white french have welcomed at least 15 millions of black people since 80’s…. and they hate them ? native french just don’t want to be a minority on the land of their fathers. that don’t make them “racist”… or palestinians are racist too ? stop with this racist non sens.


the eu, the euro and nato also played a big role. no possible outcome without a big clash , as junkers said “there is no democracy possible against eu treaties” and about that , i tend to trust the guy. in vino veritas :p.


macron is a pilot whose first act is to damage the rudder so steering impossible


when one looks at the incessant involvement of france in domestic ukrainian affairs, the only question asked is why?

why meddle in distant lands, trying to interfere in problems between neighboring nations?

of course part of the answer is africa. one would do well to research french financial schemes imposed on impoverished african nations.

Mr. Clean

eurotards went along with nuland’s grand plan, even after she told them to screw off in 2014.

the eurotards truly are eurotards.


well, good. maybe african countries can finally stand up wake up and and learn to solve their own problems and do the projects needed to support their own people and stop being dependent on outside help, after all these decades.


majority of african countries are the result of the old 1884 berlin conference for these so-called elite to divide the existing kingdoms/territories for looting the resources and imposing their wills by force both physical and spiritual.


you see the problem with white people is that you believe – without thinking or investigating – what you are told. there is no outside help to africa, it is all for the purpose of securing raw materials. if you bothered to research how “aid”, the “rules based order” and the “international money system” actually work and for whom, you’d understand.


40 thousand troops from russia will help them. first goal is to protect chad, mali, burkina-faso, niger from coup and numerous gangs, to establish their own financial system with domestic currency instead cfa franc. this step will open gates for industrialization starting with building power plants. large electricity production, wide net of roads/railroads and heavy industry is the base of healthy economy.


russia is a permanent member of the security council in un and is scared to death to shot down an u.s. drone coordinating attack on civilians on crimea beach. what a superpower !!!! they are dumping fuel on these drones from their gen4 fighter jets instead. meantime houthis who are poor stone age civilization fighting saudi and israel with the teeth and clubs claimed no less the 10 u.s. drones destroyed. conclusion : russia is weaker country then yemen. russia is nowhere close to france. period.


it doesn’t change nothing if the drones are downed from the houthis instead than from rf, there is a limited number of them so, sometime in the future, choice will have to be made on where to fly the remaining ones. what is more interesting is that us is not able to stop the ‘primitive’ houthis to down their costly drones nor they were able to change the red sea blockade.