![France Expelled From Mali And Its Influence Over Africa Is Waning France Expelled From Mali And Its Influence Over Africa Is Waning](https://s2.cdnstatic.space/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/1-1-450x300.jpg)
A man sits near a portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin during a demonstration in Bamako, Mali, on Feb. 19, celebrating France’s announcement that it will withdraw its troops from the country. FLORENT VERGNES/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
France began its military operations in the Sahel in 2013 to crush a rebellion in the North of Mali, a former French colony. The rebel and terrorist groups then reorganized to attack the center of the country which initiated a full blown rebellion. After nearly a decade, the rebels were still not contained and the numbers of terrorist attacks in the country rose steadily and the violence spread to neighboring countries.
The rising tensions eventually led to the complete deterioration of the relations between the two countries.
Mali expelled the French ambassador last January and on 31 July 2022, on National Television, the government of Mali demanded that the French President Macron abandon his “neocolonial, paternalistic and patronizing posture” towards Mali.
During this time, Mali accused France of violating its airspace several times, of spying, subversion and of trying to divide the country.
Eventually, Mali called for the help of Russian private security contractors to fill the vacuum that France left behind while France retreated to Niger and Burkina Faso after being expelled from the country.
Another coup attempt took place in May. The coup was planned with the support of the West by some Malian officers. The fact that the coup attempt has been prevented with the support of pro-Russian forces evidenced the role and opportunities that Moscow has given Mali for the development and restoration of the country’s own strategic security.
On August 8, members of the Yerewolo civic platform demanded that the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) leave Mali by September 22.
During the ten-year presence in the region, the mission failed to cope with the main task of the mandate, i.e. ensuring the safety of the civilian population. Instead of fighting terrorist groups, MINUSMA members were engaged in smuggling natural resources, violence and killing civilians.
This is another failure for France, who was also expelled from the Central African Republic in 2021, after failing to contain rebels in the country, and was replaced by Russian private security contractors, who are widely successful at stabilizing the country. Cameroon also recently signed a defense treaty with Russia.
Another African country that is considering other partners than France is Algeria, who is currently considering joining the BRICS economic bloc, comprised of China, Russia, Brazil, India, and South Africa.
![France Expelled From Mali And Its Influence Over Africa Is Waning France Expelled From Mali And Its Influence Over Africa Is Waning](https://s2.cdnstatic.space/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/2-2-450x300.jpg)
Lavrov said during its visit in Ethiopia last July: “I am sure the overwhelming majority of world countries do not want to live as if the colonial times (have) come back.”
It is clear that for African nations, France is no longer the best guarantee of stability.
France keeps losing its influence over Africa and Macron said in July 2022 that France needs to “rethink of all our (military) postures on the African continent”.
Hopefully the French government will rethink and understand that to be successful in Africa, it needs to treat other countries as partners and not as colonies. It also needs to understand that it cannot be successful against global terrorism, if it’s even its real goal, without cooperating with Russia and that it needs to give up on its dishonest narrative that Russia is a destructive force in the world.
This is in contrast with the approach towards Africa of the Russian government and its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov, who accept that the world is multipolar, with every country having their own interests, that they are free to pursue their own futures and that they should not be bullied by western powers to be under the hegemony of the US empire.
USA/France/UK– take all African resources – build nothing destroy the land .
China-Russia build infrastructure -work as an equal partner not as a slave Master.
What makes you think French people want their army to be there when they constantly criticize it? What makes you think people in the US and Europe approve of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? You count a voluntary withdrawal botched by crooked kleptocrats as a defeat on their part, when the west’s politicians are anti-white and work towards implementing white genocide. It only shows you can only comprehend a zero sum game of blood and soil.
Yuri’s twin from Israel:
inferior nebraska nazi hillbilly stupid insecure, feminized poko molo
“amerikans love big because they feel so small”. Philip Slater
Martin Heidigger’s philosophy derives from Tolstoy and Kierkegaard; he wrote–“it is not Russianism that will destroy Western Europe but the putrefaction of amerikanism”🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
Is that why you resort to censorship proving you wrong? That proves that South front’s a disinfo site. And you are either a bot or a moderator paid to sit on the keyboard all day upvoting your own comments.
All you are doing is proving you are precisely what you childishly insist I am. I always prove you wrong and you always hit below the belt with the most infantile of insults that bare no semblance to objective reality.
What you are is a propagandist of the lowest grade, look at those “societies” and it’s obvious equality is not found in nature.
Then prove them wrong dumbass.
I have proven him wrong thousands of times and out of desperation you remove comments that collapse your narrative.
“USA/France/UK– take all African resources – build nothing destroy the land.”
Since you keep making up pathetic excuses as to why the West has higher living standards, you always blame it on “colonialism” when history proves opposite.
Proving you wrong again:
“it is not Russianism that will destroy Western Europe but the putrefaction of amerikanism”
Your broken English is showing up again. I never said Russia was destroying the west, I am saying you have no business when you have done the very same things that you accuse the west of doing. Yet you justify it and can’t realize both are controlled by jews that wish to bring about the destruction of the White race. You blame everything on America, pretending Russia, Syria, Iran et cetera are guiltless because you are weak and seek to take control of Europe.
America had a European culture prior to the 1920s.
What you call “Americanism” is a jewish creation, ironically you preach “democracy” and the same type of government established by George Washington. Of course you don’t have democracy and never will, you are an empire yourself and fail to realize that Russia propagates 95% of what is propagated in the West.
You express total ignorance of history and are too stupid to realize how “Americanized” (i.e. Judafied) Russia is right now. Russia does not exhibit a high culture and are in no position to lecture anyone when the last 100 years of their history are taken into account.
Why are Whites expected to apologize for imperialism when every other race on the planet is not only completely unapologetic for their conquests, but smug about them? Long story, but here’s the short version:
The pseudo-religious founding myth of the postwar global order is that “Whiteness” (lit: White people) must be crushed in order to protect “our wonderfully tolerant, racially diverse, Democratic Utopia.” White Supremacy is the ultimate enemy; “dismantling” “Whiteness” is the highest social goal; the Straight White Male is the singular most “oppressive” force in the Universe; White people as a collective — including women and even children — are solely responsible for all worldly suffering, and an unrivaled force of tyranny that must be usurped, impoverished, disenfranchised, and, fundamentally, destroyed; all for the good of “human progress.”
Under this system, Whites must always be framed as the oppressors and aggressors, and non-Whites as the eternal victims. Any inconvenient victimization of Whites at the hands of non-Whites, historic or contemporary, is a direct refutation of the founding myth of the postwar global order. Any historic non-White imperialist aggression against Europeans — of which there are countless examples — is point-blank denied or hurriedly brushed under the rug. The Arab, Barbary, and Ottoman slave trades, responsible for the kidnapping of millions of Europeans, mostly women and children, are flat-out ignored. The Leftist myth of “Systemic Racism” claims that any non-White who criminally victimizes a White person is actually the true victim in the scenario. This is due to the “systemic oppression” that “People of Color” face in their day-to-day lives, relative to the “systemic privilege” that Whites are born into. The criminal blame, thus, fundamentally lies with Whites themselves, the mythical “great oppressor.”
This anti-White bias exists to destroy Whites’ sense of racial and ethnic identity, to trick us into embracing our own ethnic displacement via an endless torrent of violent and hostile mass migration, to destabilize our societies, to prevent us from speaking out against these injustices, and to prevent us from uniting against the tyranny of our globalist, technocratic overlords. In other words, if the White masses understood that our European homelands have been under constant invasion for the past 2,500 years, they may start to view modern mass migration in a slightly different light.
Note: These anti-White narratives are primarily derived from Western Marxism and Critical Theory, see: Post-colonialism, anti-imperialism, Third Worldism, decolonization etc.
‘Thou Doth Protest Too Much’, Hans.
Peddle your 77 Brigade garbage elsewhere.
Slava Russiya
Mate nobody is anti white except ourselves. Our own politicians spout nonsense to us that we should hate ourselves yet provide nothing else to support it. Faggots run freely, niggers get free shit, and we’re all blaming Jews when it’s only the American and Israelis that run shit. I’m as broke as a Jew can be because of the Israelis creating barriers preventing me from having Muslim or Christian friends without monetary incentive.
@ Bulgarian Kike,
It is appropriate to blame Jews because they are behind White genocide. It’s obvious this site is run by jews, or some other lying psychopaths that belong in the cremation furnace.
https: //t. me/EternalMuscovite/21934
“Russian soldiers castrate a Ukranian POW with a box cutter”
https: //t. me/EternalMuscovite/21948
“Ukrainian soldier beheaded and somewhat mutilated by Russian forces, his head and hands placed on to spikes.”
https: //t. me/EternalMuscovite/21914
“Kherson guerrillas spread warning to Russians about Judgment Night”
10 Ways Russia Is Acting Like Israel
http: //www. renegadetribune. com/10-ways-russia-is-acting-like-israel/
Russia’s forgotten role in the creation of Israel
https: //www. ynetnews. com/articles/0,7340,L-4737624,00. html
It is very clear I’m not inferior. Your claim that Russia will “purify western Europe” is a joke since Russia is incredibly degenerate itself and its culture devoured by the jewish degeneracy pumped out from America.
Every time I lament on France, Europe and Americans opposing foreign NATO occupations, you always remove those comments since my remarks oppose your attempt to blame the ordinary people for the actions of the jewish string pullers that took over their countries government, media, academia and financial system.
nazi poko molo tiresome—“only in amerika is the father vestigial; the amerikan mind and conscience is feminine”. Geoffrey Gorer
your childish insecurity is even ignored in your nebraska trailer park…LOL
So-called Americans are just dehumanized, ignorant greedy bastards enslaved by Zionism. They are ignorant and uncouth savages with no moral compass, same goes for most Euro trash that enslaved Africans and looted the continent. French are some of the worst racist savages.
“as one digs deeper into the national character of Americans one sees they have sought the value of everything in this world according to the answer to a single question how much money will it bring in?” Tocqueville
“the double symbolism amerikans assign to money is considered paradoxical to Europeans”. Geoffrey Gorer
“the cult of sincerity—amerikans are not sincere: it is a performance”. David Riesman
“amerikans are too insecure to tolerate solitude”. P Slater
Ashok Varma
Ashok Varma
yes–I finished grad school in USA—a nation of bitter shallow insecure robots….nazis racists
This is nothing more than a continuation of your hypocritical communist propaganda as a jewish plan designed to weaponize non-whites to exterminate Europe, while subverting from within to open the flood gates of endless mass migration to accomplish this task.
Racist exploitative European colonialism and plunder of Africa has ruined the continent and killed millions of people. The American, Anglo, French and even third rate beggars like France, Belgium and Holland looted Africa. The Belgians and the French were the most brutal savages devoid of any humanity. The Americans were just greedy slave trading racist bastards like most Anglo colonies.
Ashok Varma
Well done Mali, send the exploiters packing for good.
or send them packed in body bags
both ways goes for me
France conquered Morocco and Algeria in the early 1800s to put an end to the Ottoman and Barbary slave trade. Now you are telling me it is somehow unprecedented for someone to invade another, when you only blame Whites for doing the same because they accomplished it most successfully and are responsible for 99% of all human progress.
Unfortunately, colonization of Mali and other parts of Africa achieved the opposite of what anti-whites like yourself suggest; tt raised living standards in Africa and permitted negroids to massively increase their population, due to the elimination of disease and high infant mortality rates.
USA #1 monkeys with lgbt pox
macronite went to jupiter and got F Up !!! waiting for trudeaux to take in the anus like an adult chineze !!!
napoleon is a monkey !! hitler got covid in the anus !!
And France keeps former French African nations in servitude with the African Frank currency too. Bastards.
The world is really shifting quickly. The backfiring sanctions, financial theft and NATO’s military interference in Ukraine opened a pandora’s box. What was percolating beneath the surface has now bubbled up.
For sure.
Die Wahrheit sitzt am längeren Ast!
This is a great event. Africa’s resources belong to the Africans, Europe needs to stay the hell out unless it wants to cooperate on a mutually beneficial level
Yeah but Russia is there. Russia will conquer Africa and expel the fkin chinese subhumans. Long live Russia! FU subhumans LOL.
Your mother was a fkin monkey subhuman? Guy, the first subhumans, are also primates, and all, and even your mother, are much more able than you. Go die elswhere, scum.
Good. I don’t want to pay with my taxes for the army going to Mali.
obviously the civilized people in Mali no longer accept the decayed ugliness of the failure Western European coca colonized USA vassals…bye bye cultural desert, economic beggars…plenty nations buy Russian commodities—pay double to the failed amerikans for your gas—where is the popcorn?
The Mali gov’t should have realised by now that the western powers just want to exploit their country and people, who are just fodder to these NWO gov’ts.
Whenever these western shyster gov’ts say they are stabilising a country, they are instead causing chaos. Whenever they say they are running a food program, they are starving the people and supplying their own armed gangs. Whenever they say they want to install democracy, they are installing an easily controlled puppet with which to screw the country and everyone in it.
Most people in Africa know where their best chance for the future lies and it isn’t pandering or acquiescing to effeminate political shysters from the west.