Former NATO Сhief Finally Tells The ‘Truth’ About Ukraine

Former NATO Сhief Finally Tells The ‘Truth’ About Ukraine

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

It is becoming increasingly clear that no Western official really believes in a “Ukrainian victory.” However, the bureaucratic structures of Western states and organizations often prevent decision-makers from expressing their real thoughts on the current situation of the conflict with Russia, which is why it is only when they leave office that officials can finally tell the truth.

Recently, former NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that Ukraine needs to acknowledge its territorial losses in order to end the war with Russia. His words sound absolutely realistic, which is truly surprising, considering that NATO’s official narrative continues to be the alleged “necessity” to support Kiev until it achieves absolute victory against Moscow.

His statement was made in his first media interview after leaving the position of NATO chief. He told reporters that in order to obtain guarantees of peace and security from Russia, Ukraine would have to admit that it lost sovereignty over the regions reintegrated by Moscow. He believed that only in this way would it be possible to negotiate mutually favorable peace terms for both sides, ending hostilities on the battlefield once and for all.

In his speech, Stoltenberg compared the Ukrainian situation with that of the Finns in the war against the Soviets. He recalled how the Finns had given up part of their territory in order to obtain secure guarantees and achieve peace. As expected, Stoltenberg said this in a propagandistic manner, suggesting that the Ukrainians would be achieving some kind of “victory” through this type of negotiation.

“[The West should] make the conditions [for Ukraine to] sit down with the Russians and get something which is acceptable (…) something where they survive as an independent nation (…) [For example] Finland fought a brave war against the Soviet Union in ‘39. They imposed much bigger costs on the Red Army than expected (…) The war ended with them giving up 10% of the territory. But they got a secure border,” he said.

The comparison he makes does not seem to be very accurate historically. It is not possible to see clear similarities between the Ukrainian and Finnish cases. The war between the Soviets and the Finns is inserted in a very different historical reality, whose particular circumstances are not being repeated in the current conflict in Ukraine. What is currently happening between Ukraine and Russia is a proxy war waged by NATO with the aim of destabilizing the Russian strategic environment – therefore, in order to end this conflict, NATO must stop its war plans and adopt a policy of diplomacy with Moscow.

Furthermore, it is not possible for Ukraine to demand anything from the Russians. Since the Russians have the absolute military control of the conflict, they are the ones who can demand something. In a war, it is the winning side that sets the terms of peace. The losing side can only accept the demands and try to negotiate, when possible, some more favorable terms. Moscow’s demands, for now, are limited to the territories that have already been integrated, as well as security guarantees – such as the end of Ukraine’s process of joining NATO. However, Moscow has already made it clear that, after the criminal invasion of Kursk, there is no longer any possibility of trusting Ukraine for peace negotiations, which is why it is almost impossible for this conflict to be ended by diplomatic means.

However, the most important thing about this news is not Stoltenberg’s inconsistency, but, on the contrary, precisely the correct part of his speech. He is absolutely right in admitting that Ukraine needs to acknowledge its territorial losses. Without this first step, it will never be possible to end the conflict, since Russia has made it clear time and again that it is not willing to negotiate its sovereignty over the New Regions. Kiev needs to acknowledge that it has lost Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson if it is seriously thinking about a future peace dialogue. Without acknowledging its losses, Ukraine will only be prolonging a war it cannot win – and risking losing even more territories.

It is curious to see how Stoltenberg admitted this so shortly after leaving his NATO office. Apparently, Western officials are forced by institutional circumstances to hide their true views on the conflict, which is why they wait until leaving their posts to finally speak the truth. Stoltenberg’s realistic assessment is clear proof that even NATO decision-makers no longer believe in a “Ukrainian victory.”

You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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Conan M

and we ask once again. why does russia remain within the western institution(s), un, imf, world bank that wants them completely destroyed -going on 15 years and hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions forced to leave?… say “when” when the russian federation acts like a true leader announcing it’s departure and rebuilding those institutions through moscow which hopefully will be the briics…

Last edited 15 hours ago by Conan M

exactly… zelensky has now publicly declared this is really world war iii, stating that to guarantee ukraine lasting peace and security, there will be no trade of sovereignty or territories. he has effectively said that all the ethnic russians in ukraine are no longer allowed to retain their natural language or their religion. this is a total war against russia with no compromise of peace absent the destruction of russia or europe, whichever comes first.


course they’re just playing the public as their suckers. it’s all fraud all of it deemed as in the public interest, fit for public consumption. a load of crap. allegedly.


i have multiple issues with stoltenberg. 1st why 180 degree change after he is “former” nato chief. soros’s money are not the most important thing anymore ? 2nd for any agreement, 2 sides must agree. russia is not the “automatic” part agreeing on anything anymore. because, you know, minsk1, minsk2, turkey brokered peace deal, grain deal.. and so on. why should russia agree on 10 percent when they can comfortably control half ukraine east from dnieper. such a nice natural border, is it.

The Iceman Cometh

so, what’s your point? it’s now a total war against the civilian murdering scum bastards in kiev.

is nato about to face down russia with nuclear war?… because russia is. nato are scum themselves and high time for a righteous reckoning.

all this over nato greed for crimea and a scumbag faggot in high heels and tights. a good thermonuclear cleansing might just be what the doctor ordered.

if you think i’m just repeating putin’s talking points, you may just be right on the money.

Last edited 7 hours ago by The Iceman Cometh

don’t be such a child brazil catholic, russia, soon to be england’s india england’s, china the jesuits, south africa england’s


they will soon depart…


so, stoltenbergstein wants to essentially revert stalins merging of the ukraine with the nazi-ridden galicia/ivanofrankivsk by “letting” the current “ukraine” cease parts of it back to russia, namely those that were always russian, so that nato can get those parts that stalin merged? so that the current nazis can join forces with the other current nazis to repeat their nazi-behaviour that they used in the past against the slavic people?


get off the grass tommy. wakeup theyve used the whole scam to buy ukraine by lending the clown cash using ukraine as collateral.


they bought it from a fraudulent owner, so there is no transfer of goods as long as the legal owner, the successor of the soviet union, aka russia, has a say in it.

The Iceman Cometh

stoltenberg’s a fool’s fool. nothing to see there or waste time with.

Last edited 7 hours ago by The Iceman Cometh

it’s a fraud they’ve bought ukraine anyway they know.


hehehe, all these useless articles portraying different points of view and analysis. all of them are useless. the war will go on as long as us and uk and eu want it and the end desired result is the capitulation of russ and change of leadership to a pro western subservient govt to the us eu and uk.

The Iceman Cometh

the end result will be a shadow of you where you once stood burned into a wall.


slamdunk response. spot on.

The Iceman Cometh

nothing out of that scumbag’s mouth is the truth.


russia will kharkov and sumi and from kherson to odessa, soon!


this isn’t a very deep revelation and any mid iq fob could see it for what it is, a totally lost cause. stoltenberg should have admittted this whole nato gambit in ukraine was about peddling arms for the mic arms dealers lobby called nato and trying to steal land off russia like the neocolonial bullshit game israel plays in the middle east. stoltenberg is still covering for nato warcrimes and ukrainian instigated aggression as a nato proxy. he’s only being 5% honest with the world.


nothing humiliate my homer simpson burger nation—after 20 years sodomy by viet cong—our female so ugly we pay 3 trillion$ for 20 more years sodomy by talibanan


korea, vietnam, yugoslavia, iraq, afghanistan and ukraine are part of a business model. these wars are planned 50 years upfront. even the coca-cola the troops are consuming is already a huge contract and so on. after the destruction the country has to be rebuilt and is in debt forever💰💰💰

Last edited 3 minutes ago by thewhiterose