The first project 22350 frigate, with a Russian engine will be launched before July 1st, 2021, TASS reported.
According to the United Engine-Building Corporation (UEC), the gas turbine engine for the frigate Admiral Golovko was manufactured and delivered to Severnaya Verf shipyard in St. Petersburg.
This was announced by the director general of the Severnaya Verf shipyard Igor Ponomarev.
“The frigate Admiral Golovko will be launched before July 1st,” said Ponomarev.
The press service of the United Engine Corporation (UEC) said that “the gas turbine engine for the Admiral Golovko frigate was manufactured and delivered to the Severnaya Verf Shipyard. They told UEC that Zvezda is currently testing the gearbox, depending on the resultsl the entire power unit of the ship will be tested – gas turbine and diesel engines and gearbox.”
The first and second project 22350 frigates – Admiral Gorshkov and Admiral Kasatonov had Russian diesel engines installed, but gas turbine units (GTU) were manufactured by the Ukrainian company Zorya-Mashproekt are used as afterburners.
In 2014, cooperation with the Ukrainian company was terminated, which led to problems with the completion of work on the remaining frigates of project 22350 and frigates of project 11356. Russian enterprises began to develop domestic analogues of the Ukrainian gas turbines.
Project 22350 frigates are equipped with the Kalibr and Onyx cruise missiles. The lead frigate of Project 22350 Admiral Gorshkov was commissioned by the Russian Navy in July 2018, the first serial production frigate Admiral Kasatonov was launched in 2014, and the ship’s tests are currently being completed.
The laying of the frigate Admiral Golovko took place on February 1st, 2012. At the Severnaya Verf shipyard, four more frigates of this project are at different stages of construction.
Prior to 2014, Ukraine was Russia’s primary producer of marine gas turbines. Zorya-Mashproekt, a hold-over from the Soviet era, is a company located in Ukraine that produces both industrial and marine machines. Its marine turbines are of strategic importance to the Russian Navy in particular, and that service was once Zorya-Mashproekt’s primary customer. The sale of turbines for military purposes has long been sanctioned, and Russia was looking internally to fill the gap in its capabilities.
These reports mean that progress has been made and such turbines are being produced.
UEC Saturn is the company that produces the new gas turbines.
Since the 1920s, Saturn has been producing aircraft engines ranging from early piston engines to jet turbines.
Aviation has been its focus; however, since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the company has been actively pursuing industrial and marine turbines, thus it wasn’t simply prompted by the sanction regime enforced on Russia.
According to the company that industrial and marine turbine development has been active since 1993 – well before tensions with Ukraine. Despite the company’s prior interest in domestic machines, there must have been a renewed sense of urgency to what UEC Saturn is trying to accomplish.
UEC Saturn is reportedly also developing a turbine for hovercraft. These air-cushioned vehicles have long been in service with the Russian Navy, and with a new turbine, Russia likely has ambitions to build more of the amphibian craft.
There is a general movement in Russia, throughout many sectors, to look inward rather than depend on foreign technologies. This is due to wide-ranging sanctions being enforced by the Washington-led establishment.
sadly Ukraine has transformed itself into a 4th world nation—expected when u ally w other backward peoples such as the amerikans
You saw that at the bottom of your latest Vodka ration bottle, Igor? Or was it your latest delusional wet dream?
Ukraien is only useful to sell its women to foreign.. while men work as a cheap labour in West!..
YEH! Another step closer to Putz Putin’s bankrupting the RF. Russia is not the global power that the Soviet Union was. All the Putz’s attempts at playing Soviet Empire just brings the RF closer to joining the Soviets in the dustbin of history.
What a stupid fucking retard. Russia is putting into service modern frigates with Russian-made MGTs and this fuckwad thinks its a bad thing….
If anyone needed proof that sucking too much cock gives someone mental retardation, look no further.
Keep on dreaming!…
Get off that cock and wipe that greenish oozing slime off your mouth and….Don’t try talking to real men fargot
U.S. govt debt to GDP is 110%, Russia’s govt debt to GDP is 14%.
Govt debt per capita head in the U.S. is circa $66,666, in Russia $1,300.
He probably doesn’t know why he pays so much taxes and why the same products are priced 4-5 times than in other countries…Probably thinks it’s because America is rich….NOOOOO! The normal citiens are taxed to pay for this debt and in this case it will be paid by his children’s children until they die