Fire Reaches Gaza


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Fire Reaches Gaza

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Fire Reaches Gaza
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Fire Reaches Gaza

PAYPAL, WESTERN UNION etc: write to ,

As expected, Israel’s crackdown on Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank have led to a new escalation in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli security forces have been harassing Palestinians in al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem and even restricting the movement of worshipers there since the beginning of April. During the same period, at least 19 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, where security forces carried out a series of raids.

Ultimately, these acts have led to a reaction from Palestinian armed factions based in the Gaza Strip.
Late on April 18, a rocket was launched from Gaza at the nearby settlement of Kissufim. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) said that the rocket was intercepted by the Iron Dome air-defense system.

Despite the alleged interception, the IDF responded to the rocket attack. Early on April 19, Israeli warplanes struck a weapons manufacturing site of the Hamas Movement, the de-facto ruler of Gaza. No casualties were reported.

During the Israeli strikes, the military wing of Hamas, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, targeted an Israeli fighter jet with a 9K32 Strela-2 man-portable air-defense system. The jet was not hit. However, the incident was seen by observers as a major escalation.

On April 20, Israeli security clashed with Palestinian worshipers in the al-Aqsa mosques once again. Some injuries were reported.

Palestinian factions responded on the same day by launching a rocket from Gaza at the nearby Israeli city of Sderot. The rocket attack resulted in some material losses.

Early on April 21, the IDF hit back, targeting an underground complex used to produce rocket engines, a Hamas launch compound and an anti-aircraft missile storage facility in Gaza. Palestinian sources didn’t report any casualties as a result of the strikes.

During the strikes, Palestinian armed factions opened fire at Israeli fighter jets, attack helicopters and drones with heavy machine guns. The Iron Dome air-defense system mistook the machine gun fire for a salvo of rockets. The system launched a number of interceptors as a result.

Initially, the IDF claimed that four rockets were intercepted over Sderot. Later, Israeli sources admitted that no rockets were intercepted.

Israeli sources said that five settlers were taken to Barzilai hospital as a result of the fire exchange. Two suffered from anxiety, and three from minor trauma after falling over while running to the bomb shelters.

A few hours after the Israeli strikes, another rocket was launched from Gaza. However, it fell short within the enclave’s territory.

Also on April 21, a car was hit by bullets in the southern Israeli town of Shlomit, close to the border with Egypt. The IDF says the shots were likely errant rounds fired from Egypt.

Despite recent escalations, Israeli security forces stormed the al-Aqsa mosque during Friday prayers on April 22. The Palestinian Red Crescent said that up to 31 Palestinians were wounded after being assaulted by police officers. Two of the wounded are reportedly in critical condition.

Israel’s crackdown on Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank was widely condemned by Arab states, even by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) which enjoys warm relations with Tel Aviv.

Currently, Egypt is leading the efforts to de-escalate tensions in the Gaza Strip. Israel’s repeated assaults on the al-Aqsa mosque will not likely help these efforts.

The Hamas Movement, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and several other factions in the Gaza Strip have already warned that they will respond to Israel’s strict security measures against Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank.

A full-on military confrontation between the IDF and Gaza’s armed factions could break out soon as Tel Aviv has been ignoring the Palestinian warnings.

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Omas Bioladen

Iran must stay on the path of roket science, physics and military since it is the only language the zionists understand and cannot corrupt.

Chris Gr

Too bad that we will all suffer.


yes. Together with Russia they should have enough means to produce quite sophisticated ones. Once everything can be targeted by cheap, moderately accurate,mass-produced, 50 km + rockets, the balance of power will shift.
That should be the focus of Russia and Iran (and Syria).
Shoot enough of these cheap ones at an aircraft carrier group to overwhelm the defenses and that’s the end of the aircraft carrier. Only a couple need to go through.
Shoot 2000 at Tel-Aviv and it will get the message across. That’s the only thing they should be doing. Forget about tanks, helicopters and apc’s. They have become the Battleships of the 21st century. They are meaningless death traps without very expensive and highly sophisticated active protection.
Mass produce cheap missiles (and/or cheap kamikaze and assassin drones) . In all other fields you can’t really beat the US or Israel,
It’s missiles, drones or knife attacks.


This is what post Ukraine will look like if Russia win war and takes over

Karl Wolfe

No…it’s what the world will look like as the FM plan gets implemented piece by piece.
Perhaps Russia is attempting to stop it.


No, these Zion were kicked out of Europe and sent to Palestine as settlers.
It is not the same case with Donbas and Russia.

You know how people in the EU cry about refugees 24/7?
These fuking poor Arabs face that and worse as the EU/US armed these terrorists and back them 24/7 as well.

Chris Gr

Palestinians are not Arabs.


They are not Arabs? Then what ethnicity are they?

Chris Gr



Russia has won its objectives on its second stage and will continue. Russia has a methodical, coordinated professional military. Three-D chess is being played on the battlefield. It is only a matter of time when the EU will be fragmentated, you may also want to include NATO. What Brussels is doing – in lockstep with the U.S. is not sustainable.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ron
Chris Gr

Yes it will be fragmented


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Last edited 2 years ago by BettyLomax

Plastic Dome,
“The Iron Dome air-defense system mistook the machine gun fire for a salvo of rockets. The system launched a number of interceptors as a result.”

Plastic Zion was one of them, he pissed his pants.
“five settlers were taken to Barzilai hospital as a result of the fire exchange. Two suffered from anxiety, and three from minor trauma after falling over while running to the bomb shelters.”

Al ISIS is a pig bought by yanquis, UAE saying it as a pure PR move, and yet again Zion terrorists doing what they do the best-being terrorists. This is why you should NEVER let Zion and their pigs in your country. Look at The US – was okay and now it is a shit show 24/7 thanks to Zion.


Those Zion settlers are sharing with one another that which is not theirs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ron

If you didn’t know Zion soldiers dressed as women to enter Gaza.

Chris Gr

Maybe they dressed you as a woman?


Apparently your Mum dressed you!


“Maybe they dressed you as a woman?”
What are you even saying?

It is a fact rtd.

Chris Gr

IDF has a lot of balls.

Rodney Loder.

Jews have no place in the Holy Land because jews are evil, jews committed genocide against all the other Tribes of Israel, this happened after Assyrians destroyed Israel in 721 BC and the 10 Israeli Tribes evacuated to Judea who as the Political Allie of Assyria there was much fighting but the Assyriand were stationed in Judea and they forced the Israelies to submit to jew maggot domination,the Tribes of Naphtali and some others formed up as Samaritans as a resistance and survived.

However lew fly larvae lost their protector and Babylonians who defeated the Assyrians sent the 12 tribes of Israel plus the Samaritans who were a political group at yhis stage into exil, the Samaritans and the Jews were sent back by Cyrus the Great but the jew fly larvae continued the gebocide and wrote them out of existence in the Old Testament as well, only the Samaritans survived.

Jews are evil.

Carl Bunker

Did you come up with that yourself? you need medical treatment.


It was the Persian Empire which cast them out of Babylon and rightfully so.

Chris Gr

Actually, the Persians helped them.

Rodney Loder.

There is a good video about the influx of the supposed 10 missing tribes of Israel which actually went to Judea on -Timaeus – 6 years ago. This video presents the archeological evidence and external written evidence other than the lies the jews presented in the Old Testament.
Judea was incorporated into Assyria.
This happened 200 years after the death of Solomon.
Jew pigs are using the US exactly the same way as they used the Assyrians then.

Carl Bunker

and that kids, is how you end up when you believe everything on youtube


The Kahzarian mafia which was deeply entrenched in Ukraine (in which Russia objective is to remove) are embedded in New York and Chicago, in the USA.

Arzt Injektion

They are entrenched everywhere and they destroy ever nation that they attach themselves too.

Chris Gr

Yes it is the Ashkenazi mafia. But Sephardim and Mizrahim are 100% Jews and they need a state and the jihadis should shut up.


History has always been shaped by demography and the struggle for freedom and not by deliberate terror and foolish supremacist and racist ideologies. Nazis had to learn this the hard way 80 years ago. Hence, in the framework of history, the fate of the zionist entity is sealed already.


NAZI was a term created by a Jew during the 30s. The Third Riche did not use that name. It is interesting that the same letters in “Nazi” is in the Jewish mafia name, Ashkenazi. Many have been duked from purposeful dis-information. Those who win a war, get to write history they way which is complementary.

Me db

I just noticed that today! The word Nazi in Ashkenazi.

Chris Gr

Soros, for example, worked with the Nazis. I mean his family did because he was too young. It seems that the new Allies will be the Christian patriots and also the Buddhists and the Hindus and the new Axis will be the regressive libtards and the jihadis.


These Iron dome missiles are expensive for the American tax payers.

helene matz

another bunch of scumbag nazis in action,eel enski s azov trainers from maidan,how ironic,notice always when eyes look elswhere the cowards attack,these people are on a par with the monsters in ookrain another fascist state called innocent by the western poodles

helene matz

iof offence forces,cowards who target children with live fire beat up women and kill handicapped people in wheelchairs,their day will arrive never fear what goes round comes round,ps the palestinians have every right to defend themselves by any means possible,remember rachel corrie

Timmy Temperance

Even this article from Southfront equates Palestine with terrorism. The groups mentioned, IS and Hamas, are terrorist groups. Their warnings are terrorist threats. Their rocket capabilities are diminished thankfully and now their rockets often fall on their own people. Palestinians should go to Mucca and leave Jerusalem to the Judia-Christians, of which religions Islam is a pale yet bloodthirsty imitation.

Chris Gr

Palestine is Canaan in fact. “Palestinians” is a term created by Arabic supremacists in order to destroy every non-Arab and non-Muslim and this rhetoric is repeated by the communists and the jihadis.

Palestine = Canaan

And God gave Canaan to the 12 tribes of Israel. The 11 tribes are away and the Jews are the only 1. In the end of times the lost tribes will go there and defend Jerusalem from the armies of Gog Magog.


Great update good to see you providing these on the Israeli War against the Palistinians.


Maybe Putin will forward all the confiscated Stin


Russians seem to be abandoning Palestine. After all, Russians are scum.
It seems the Russians are only interested in their own interests. I cannot support such a country.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rosuke
Sexual assault of a child

Islamist terrorists.

Islam is a scourge and a menace

Scourge and a menace.
