Finland’s Accession To NATO: Russia’s Response


At the end of 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that since Finland has chosen the road with NATO, Russia will not sit idly by:

“Now they have dragged Finland into NATO. Did we have any disputes with Finland? All disputes, including territorial disputes in the middle of the XX century, have long been resolved. We had the kindest, most cordial relations, economic relations, everything was developing… There were no problems – now there will be. Because we will now create the Leningrad Military District there”.

And already on February 26, 2024 Vladimir Putin signed a decree “On the military administrative division of the Russian Federation”. According to this decree, the system of army management in Russia will be restructured:

First, the Western Military District will be abolished and the Leningrad and Moscow Military Districts will be reconstituted in its place. They will include the Northern Fleet in addition to land units in its constituent regions of the country. According to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, additional weapons will be deployed in these military districts of the Russian Federation.

Finland's Accession To NATO: Russia's Response

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According to Konstantin Sivkov, deputy president of the Russian Academy of Rocket and Artillery Sciences:

“The creation of the Leningrad Military District is an objective necessity due to the increase by 1300 kilometers of the border contact line between Russia and NATO as a result of Finland’s accession to NATO. In this case, the district is tasked with ensuring the defense of the Leningrad industrial region and adjacent regions of the Karelian Isthmus”.

Secondly, the Southern Military District is expanding to include new regions (Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions, as well as the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics). The capital of the Southern District, Rostov-on-Don, houses the headquarters of the special military operation.

Finland's Accession To NATO: Russia's Response

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All this is a response to NATO’s military buildup at the expense of Finland and Sweden, and it is also an expected restructuring of the country’s military command structure to fit the new reality of the significant expansion of Russia’s territory. This decision will allow Russia to eliminate the imbalance between its power and that of NATO, as well as to control the situation in the Ukrainian direction.


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jens holm

greenland sues denmark cuz we racist imperialist violate human rights like good submissive nazi—i am senile racist


good job jens.. mental rehab therapy must be working out for you

amerikan lgbt

finally jens has moment of clarity


denmark has brilliant plan to defeat russia. it’s going to paint the greenland glaciers black, so they melt and raise the ocean 20 feet and flood all of russia.

those danes, always thinking.

Baltics and Nordic Nazi Cucks

the baltics have around 20-30% ethnic russians. russia can steamroll into the baltics with no problem. europe is such a barbaric wasteland, they learnt nothing from world war 2, abject morons


yes and the problem of these countries is that they are small, small population and tiny army, not a big challenge for russia


true. in finland has ~60 000 person in army at same time. and half of them are just learning how to shoot with riffle. and reserve… earlier times there was ~600 000 person in reserve. but nowadays ~350 000. do the math and you know “war” will end in days.


i am so sad about this direction. russia was finland’s most important trade partner, so many companies are bankrupt because of the usa’s sanctions policy. as for the army, the finnish army does not engage in direct combat as is done in ukraine. the whole army is practicing guerilla warfare. strike and hide. like the afghans. war would be very different.


of course, we have to remember that today’s european youth are cell phone-staring, neck-injured bums who commit suicide if someone writes something negative on social media. the figures on paper are indeed a paper army.

Janne Kankaanpää

finnish army is big and ready to fight when needed. far from paper army. finnish army is one of the strongest in all europe. we were prepared to fight russia alone without nato. we have less equipment, than russia but we have very excellent tanks, aircraft and very strong defence. we have second strongest artillery in europe. in case of war baltics rely on the first weeks on finland for their defence. finland would give far more difficult resistance than ukraine.


you mean few of those excellently burning leopards? and few fighter jets? we have second strongest artillery in western europe, but nothing to compare with russians. not missiles and drones to mention. finland’s territory might be more difficult to occupy by ground forces than ukraine, (lots of forests, lakes svamps and rivers) but who says, that russians have to do it to destroy this country?

Janne Kankaanpää

scandinavian nato countries have about 200 f35s, which is more than enough to give russian air forces impossible fight during start of the war. that is our strength in the first two hours of war. finland has upgraded leopard 2’s, ukraine crappy leopard 1’s. finland does not need go fight more than third of russian army and just for few weeks until reinforcements arrive.

AM Hants

have they sorted out the 100 primary problems they had yet?

good riddance to bad rubbish

the finns? no, but they did finally drop the swastika from their air force insignia a few years ago.

AM Hants

no doubt they will replace it shortly, in support of ukraine and bandera.


they are the same.


but, did they drop their ? nazi membership? usually, when military members wear a swastika, it doesn’t mean they are members of the boy scouts. it means they are supporters of the other.


yeah, and that’s exactly why russia would go nuclear before long. they don’t teach you too many survival techniques in finnish schools, do they?

emperor bill gates

f-35 a scandal—even swede grippen more reliable


don’t worry, finland has nothing russia wants or needs. besides, if push ever came to shove, it’d only take a few dozen flares thrown into finnish forests to burn the country down. cheapest war ever.

Last edited 11 months ago by Apocalypto
good riddance to bad rubbish

nobody cares. you’re irrelevant unless you decide to cross russia’s border and get a nuke up your ass.


wonder how much cash changed hands to a few individuals? a move as important as this should be put to a referendum, then if the people choose the path of nato and confrontation with russia the consequences are on them.


nato just found some skittish finnish broads to install in fixed elections, you know – the kind that scream and jump on the table when they see a mouse, and then said ‘come here, my darlings – we’ll protect you from those bruttish russians.’

good riddance to bad rubbish

what exactly does finland have that russia would want. forests?


nothing at all.


strike and hide in nuclear wasteland? surviving fins will live in caves. no sauna anymore.


it does not matter. russians will not send troops to the forests. artillery including rockets will do the job. i pity helsinki and his/her inhabitants. there will remain a big hole only. greetings to mannerheim´s descendants who somehow irrationally think they can fight russia. but it was their own decision. time to pay dividends.

Janne Kankaanpää

what happens to helsinki will happen to st petersburg. russia is not able to destroy finland except with nukes, but that means also total russian destruction as well. if russia could not destroy kiev, helsinki is mission impossible.


i understand feelings of being powerless. my condolences.

good riddance to bad rubbish

remeber how the swedes had the highest suicide rate? now it’ll be the finns, from the constant anxiety of thinking it might be eaten by a bear. lol

Janne Kankaanpää

we kill bears here in finland. we have far longer life expectancy, than russian men. most russian men kill themselves drinking vodka. if that was counted as suicide, russia would be tenfold ahead of sweden.


you’re starting to look more and more pathetic, boy. by the way, life expectancy in russia is raising, in finland falling. some hunters kill bears, and you little city boy are boasting… let me tell you boy, hunters kill bears, lions, elephants in many countries, and this doesn’t make those countries more heroic.


maybe finland’s men have a “longer life expectancy” but that only means they are still breathing but that doesn’t mean their brains are functional. check out joe biden. perfect example.


i’ve heard tell that any finn can drink a russian under the table. you’re not fooling us. finns love their vodka .


and ukraine the “salmon” was just an appetizer.

Janne Kankaanpää

my condolences for being a wasted old superpower, who cant even beat ukraine anymore.


they have beat ukraine. zelensky has just been using too much “snow” to realize it.


“my condolences for being a wasted old superpower, who cant even help ukraine anymore.”

there, fixed it….and america appreciates your condolences. a friend in need is a friend indeed.

Last edited 11 months ago by Apocalypto
emperor bill gates

bitterness and envy—as macgegor and rfk jr note russia has 1000 more nukes than usa and they are far superior…1.6 million active military, 1 million reservists

good riddance to bad rubbish

what do the finns have that the russians don’t? saunas? vodka? maybe wooden bobbleheads passing for elected leaders? ah, yes…it’s the last. i’d say, not interested. we have enough of those in the west already.


“what do the finns have that the russians don’t?” we have idiots like janne.


the finns have yarn and knitting needles. the russians are too busy to have a hobby.

Bugs Bunny

didn’t the finns already try to destroy st petersburg once, along with their nazi allies?

ah, only a million or so civilians starved to death. proud of yourselves?


oh, russia has already destroyed ukraine. it’s time for delusional, crack-using zelensky to go back to his comedy routine. oh, wait. he doesn’t have to over-exert himself. his alligator wallet is chock full of us donations. ukraine is finished.

emperor bill gates

wishful thinking—irrelevant…in actual war finland and bordering nations would all become radioactive ash

Bugs Bunny

geez, you could probably burn down 3/4 of finland with a zippo lighter. why bother with rockets?

Janne Kankaanpää

finnish army at day two of the war is 350.000. our total capacity is over 900.000. i do not know a single male in my relatives who has not been in the army and would not be ready to die for our country. even my over 60 yo father would want to fight. ukrainian army is far weaker than finland and russia is advancing against them very slowly. plus now russia would be fighting the entire nato along with finland.

good riddance to bad rubbish

your sense of self-importance overwhelms your common sense. nobody in russia gives a flying fig newton about finland. nobody in the west either, except for the neocons that when they run out of ukrainian useful idiots, might talk the finns into being the next numbskulls on their useful idiot list. looks like you just elected one, so you’re off to a roaring start. best of luck, chumps.

Janne Kankaanpää

if this is the case, this news was totally irrelevant.

Bugs Bunny

russia’s already fighting nato, deary. you must have fallen asleep in the sauna.


no but they are like the small kids siding with the school bully starting a fight they can’t finish and looking for the bully to do it, then the bully gets is arse thrashed.

amerikan lgbt

entire german military can fit in luzhniki stadium


at least the russians have plenty of gas to keep warm because if they didn’t and ever caught a cold, a big sneeze could very well sweep the baltics out to sea.


russia has the right and duty to defend it’s citizens and ethnic russians wherever they are in the world.

Janne Kankaanpää

agreed. but taking baltic countries is impossible for russia after finland entered nato. all russia can use now is political defence.


baltic countries are panicking for nothing. it’s what they do.

emperor bill gates

it would be easy—only a fool would want the burden of caring for the alcoholic incompetent baltics, expected to lose 20% more of their population in the next 15 years


why not changing leningrad to petrograd or st.petersburg md?

i think ru needs to move beyond the times of communism and crimes commited by the stalin leadership of those times. same for kaliningrad. why not rename it to konigsbergskaya or something more in line with its real history. kalinin is not someone i want to remember either. the leadership of those times commited too many gulags and crimes against the russian people.

good riddance to bad rubbish

with that i agree. whenever i have to refer to leningradskaya oblast, my eyebrow twitches.

Душан Мирић

i must say i am disappointed with russian reaction as i was in 2014. as finns announced joining nato criminal mob russian were supposed to land in helsinki and beat the devil out of their dirty minds.


joining nato in finland was one huge propaganda campaign in which the people were lied to and are still being lied to through the media. no referendum, just a small elite making decisions. it’s pointless to blame ordinary people for the decisions of the elite. in finland, a record number transfers from the reserve to unarmed service every day.


nato was actively courting finland, since 2012 the foreign minister has participated in nato meetings. this was not told to the people until 2022. the public was anti-nato as late as 2021. the former defense minister revealed that the nato decision was made behind closed doors as early as 2014. that is, when the eu made a three seas initiative to get ukraine. because ethnic russians voted “wrong”, the us and germany organized a coup in ukraine in 2014 that angela merkel confirms 2022

good riddance to bad rubbish

finland’s run by nervous nellies and neds pretending to be nellies.

real men would have laughed off the notion of needing nato to protect finland from some mad vlad bent on world conquest. real men understand that nato expansion is what created this mess, not what protects against it and would have told nato to take a hike and look for some other suckers.


putin knew about the nato application in advance, finnish president niinistö called putin before the official publication and putin stated that russia has nothing against finland. what do you think russia gains by attacking meaninglessly? the operation in ukraine is based on a cooperation and aid agreement, on the basis of which ethnic russians are protected from the invasion of ukraine


hopefully we can diffuse the situation i dont want another big war in europe. our leadership is wef and biden admin controlled i hope that trump gets elected and meets with p and solves the conflict in ukraine with diplomatic terms. i still admire trump for how he and marshal kim completely solved the casus beli were the obama admin was still pushing for war. we had many years of peace thanks to those meetings

Edgar Zetar

no peace, just war, you are a tool of the sword, trying to persuade others to lay down their weapons and lose their sovereignty. no peace, the sword is the only way to protect your soul, sovereignty, and your head… after you lose a war the western empire imposed a new head, study what they did it in japan, germany and countries worldwide after wwii. “the sword is the only way around at this point”, even trump will unleash the sword after beign elected president of usa empire.


after ww2 we had a long period of relative peace. i know what they did in germany japan and how many people were murdered and rped expelled from their homelands. however these things cannot be undone and any war that becomes too big will open pandorasbox. we should prevent another orgy of violence and try to solve conflcits through diplomatic and democratic means as much as possible


im also worried trump will do that the deepstate wont go away by its self the people behind it wont go away. the fact the assange prosecution still continues and trump didnt give him a presidential pardon shows how much the deepstate controlls the us government. it is a dirty system with blackmail epsteins etc

Last edited 11 months ago by Worldpeace

however a big confrontation over ukraine betweem russia and europe we need to avoid it at all costs. it only benefits the leadership of these big corporations/deepstate/eugenic psychpaths bill gates etc behind the system.
ww2 and ww1 were wars against these systems however the side who wanted to defeat them lost the war. they control everything now and all sides im affraid. maybe the ru side still has some independence from them. it is difficult to see how things are


because there are all kinds of systems ngos and fake opposition everywhere. everything is used and rigged to achieve these 2030-2050 end goals with people being chipped and populations reduced turning people into cattle serving a israel as loyal noahide slaves.


if we want to prevent this we need to prevent a big war which allows them to push these things through by abusing the war excuse just to do that. they will be able to effectively sideline our democratic checks and balances with the war excuse.


central bank digital currency digital identity chipping people force vaxxing people with gene editing injections. destroying our ability to reproduce and building a family
if we want to survive we need to become independent from them and fight for our survival. but also not give them the big war they want. that war is not our war its a trick by them to play us off against eachoter.

Last edited 11 months ago by Worldpeace
Edgar Zetar

cannot stop the sword, the countries who unplugged themselves from cbdc (digital new age) would survive for a short time but i think the empire will destroy them all and take their lands, (check history, it’s the way western civilization reached everywhere, slaying natives and bringing christian belief after the massacre of all non christians). the sword is the only way out to stop the empire of the exceptionals.

Edgar Zetar

i’m against wars but you cannot stop the sword, they want to fight so they will, it’s the usa empire (british and zionist) who are pushing from this. russia is just defending their right to exist and develop their own way how they wanted, it’s western world who is pushing 2030 agenda, mass enslavement, transhumanism, lgbt+

Edgar Zetar

the only way to prevent big war is showing your enemy yours is bigger weapon than them. you didn’t get the point of anything in western civilization. have you seen george bush father speech about the new world order, have you seen the decoration of usa congress at that time?… are you sleeping? this is about empire, create a universal empire where the sword is the hidden god, and where the ants or new slaves could only see the civilian domain.

Last edited 11 months ago by Edgar Zetar
Edgar Zetar

no peace possible at this point, the defenders are fighting for their right to exist, to russia is an existential war, to usa empire is just they are expanding their empire domains, just another war where they offer the blood of the lackeys to expand their empire.

Edgar Zetar

it’s not russia who are going to the east, it’s not russia who is pushing for wars worldwide… you should be writing comments in maga social network or nytimes or washingtonpost instead of here. you are a tool for the sword


we should stop thinking about east west politics cold war. what p said in the tucker carlson inverview was that he wanted peaceful relations and to join nato and eu. but they didnt want it. thus we dont need a war in europe if our leadership is more willing to have diplomatic agreements rather then conflict

Edgar Zetar

yes, you are saying, just because u.s.s.r existed and usa empire with the british wanted to win the cold war (they started) at any cost, just win, no matter if you cheat, steal, lie or murder, just win. after winning the cold war and the unipolarity age started usa empire did it what they wanted to the world, the big hegemon created the world of today’s, but they are some countries that had a different view, and they are opossing right now.


i dont want these crooks to win. but i see things a bit different. wars are used by them to play us off against eachoter and wipe us out. if we get a big war in europe we they will use it to wipe out anyone who opposes them with the war excuse. if war is avoided ngos and democratic parties and other means to change the direction were heading can be created. for the ru side they should win in ukraine and take the bufferzone in donbass


hopefully a diplomatic agreement can be found to end hostilities after that.

Bugs Bunny

only way to avoid wwiii is to hunt down all the neocons and hang them from lampposts.


finland made an utterly stupid decision.

Janne Kankaanpää

actually it was always under the surface. russia always failed to respond to finnish sence of injustice after winter war and driving lots of people homeless. with very small differences in policy and reconciliation russia could have prevented this.


actually those people were not left homeless.

Janne Kankaanpää

we call them evakko in finnish. means refugee, who lost his home and lands.


kyllä mä sen nyt tiiän. menetti toki kotinsa karjalassa, mutta ne asutettiin, ei jääneet kodittomiksi.

Janne Kankaanpää

siinä kesti aikansa, että jokainen sai kodin. sitä ennen niitä asutettiin kouluissa, navetoissa, ym. toi on jo vähä turhaa saivartelua. joka menettää/jolta viedään koti = koditon. siitä riippumatta jos ne saa kodin 6 kk tai 6 vuoden päästä.

good riddance to bad rubbish

so, then you want to side with the very people that look to ethnically cleanse the donbass natives from their home and their lands?

some strange sense of priorities you have there. go cry in a blanky and ask mommy for a kiss on your mental boo boo..

Janne Kankaanpää

i am totally with russian ukrainians. russians should be protected in donbass, russia should be second language in ukraine and russian provinces in ukraine should have a veto against ukraine joining to nato. ukraine must be inclusive, or it must be two countries. i never agree persecution, or racism against minorities.

Bugs Bunny

so, you’re a total idiot then, not knowing whose side you’re on.

emperor bill gates

ambiguity is ok but do you recognize your contradictory positions

Bugs Bunny

so, when is finland going to compensate the families of the million who died in leningrad from starvation under finland’s siege, including putin’s elder brother?


you have no idea what a pandora’s box finland opened when stripping itself of neutrality.

how about a finnish-polish commonwealth, so the world can enjoy finnish jokes along with polish ones?


or maybe if finland just hadn’t joined nazi germany in starving a million civilians in leningrad to death?

yeah, maybe that had something to do with it?

emperor bill gates

because finns are tabula rasa monkey children reactionaries—-others are responsible for your stupidities…you must be amerikan


exactly they should have remained neutral the true victors of both ww1 and ww2 are the countries that avoided being dragged into it. by their neutrality they were spared the desruction and devistation and human loss

Janne Kankaanpää

it is not true that we do not have a dispute. my grandmother is from uukuniemi and as long, as russia forbid me from buying back and building house in that land and does not grant me russian double nationality, we indeed have a conflict.

i am always against any form of racism against russians in finland, i love russian people and have many russian friends and coworkers, but russia as a country has been very unjust to us.


phew. you can’t appeal to events almost a hundred years old, just like people today shouldn’t get compensation for the persecution of jews in the 1930s.

just because you live in a country doesn’t mean you have to support that country’s politicians. i think finnish politicians are idiots, but the people are innocent. there was not a single candidate in the presidential election who thought differently about foreign policy.

Janne Kankaanpää

i can appeal to those events. i will teach my children and grandchildren in the future that russia stole our home and has not allowed us to return. until 1000 years my offspring will know this lesson. russia as country after 1939 has never been and never will be our friend until those wrongs have been addressed.

you are wrong however, li andersson was not russophobic, or racist like all others in presidental elections. she was by far the best. i voted for her.


so you will be teaching hatred to your children. hopefully you won’t have any.

emperor bill gates

janne is diseased bitter—to do this to children is unforgivable


you are talking a little crossly

i have several passports myself, it’s hard for me to think about things on a national level through one country. when you are a “global citizen”, national identities, ethnic persecutions and border wars start to seem ridiculous and childish. the actions of the eu leaders look completely like the chubbiness of immature teenagers.

Janne Kankaanpää

it is not ridiculous on personal level. there is a need for everyone of us to own some lands of your ancestors. my ancestral lands are in russian karelia. even if i owned half of finland, i would still want to own a small cottage in russian uukuniemi. i would want to take my children and grandchildren there.

good riddance to bad rubbish

so friggin; what? my great grandfather lost 10000 acres of apple orchards in belarus to the bolsheviks and barely managed to escape to yugoslavia, where they welcomed his family and finally to the us after their hell in war torn europe. in fact, my grandmother worked for the americans in munich and spied against both the germans and the soviets.

good riddance to bad rubbish

did i dislike the ussr? of course. do i hold current russia or belarus at fault for not returning apple orchards to my family? don’t be ridiculous.

get over it.

Janne Kankaanpää

you should have the right to buy them back and the right to buy home from those 10000 acres. if they do not accept, you have the right to be angry, if you choose to. i am 100% supporting refugees from anywhere since 1900’s should have the right to live in the lands that they were ethnically cleansed from. there should be world wide ancestral home right. that includes karabakh, armenians of turkey, palestine, rokhinyas, karelia, hutus, chechnyans, etc.

Bugs Bunny

but you don’t mind washington when it supports violent jihadis and separatists one day and then supports those fighting them on another and even goes so far as to support both at once.

are you sure you’re not schizophrenic, like nato itself? that would explain a lot.

Last edited 11 months ago by Bugs Bunny
emperor bill gates

there is no such need—now you are farcical

Edgar Zetar

russian approach to the issues are the best they can. they know they game is ridged they didn’t intervene in ukraine before the coup-detat, and also they didn’t intervene or tried to persuade finland goverment. russia is very liberal with their neighbors, do what you want, but if you go against russia, you must expect big retaliation. finland submission was a sign it’s an end game to be fought between nato (usa empire vassals, lackeys and satellites) and the russian federation.

Edgar Zetar

if i can bet, i will put my coins and bet on russia.

Janne Kankaanpää

put yourselves in our shoes. if some other country took 1 million square kilometers and drove 13 million russians homeless and after that there was no reconciliation, how would russians feel about such country?

it is still forbidden for me in russian law to build a home in my ancestral lands. after that you can not blame us for joining nato. if russia was a bit kinder for us, this would never have happened.

Edgar Zetar

you are very confused by western propaganda standards inside your mind. you cannot compare your ancestral land build a house (internal politics) to the external politics (russia put that law for a reason, maybe they are protecting something in the area), also russia proposed to ukraine to be a demilitarized zone just a safeguard that nato (usa empire) won’t used them as a proxy as they are doing now. the empire should stop expanding and no issues will be worldwide.

Janne Kankaanpää

i can be and i have the right to be pissed off at russia for not allowing me to own, or to build on my ancestral lands. there needs to be no propaganda at all for me to have very negative view of russia for this one single fact alone. like i told, russia was begging finland to enter nato for having such racist laws against finnish natives of russian karelia.


you are wrong here too, you have every right to move to russia and change citizenship. i just don’t think you really want it. and you’re just using it as an excuse.


there is even a commie party for him, he is a commie. he said, he voted li andersson, and she is a commie.😄

Janne Kankaanpää

li andersson is leftist, not communist. i am not leftist, i am quite wealthy actually, but i like that li andersson is not a racist unlike all others in the competition. my person of choise would have been rehn, or haavisto if they were not totally racist.


of course she is a commie, her fellow partymember anna kontula openly is. you are voting commie, perhaps you are badly misled. vasemmistoliitto is former skdl, the revisionist commies, skp was stalinist commies.

Janne Kankaanpää

to change citizenship should not be a condition on someone, who is native to a land, but his ethnicity is different especially in case of ethnic expulsion by war.

nazi tomsawyer

nazi finn allied with germland in wwii—you lose and cry—karelia=russia…beg for taco from amerikan hillbilly

little details matter

what the finns along with the germans did in the siege of leningrad should end this conversation with a ‘who the hell cares about your little plot of ancestral land?’ you are butchers, nothing less and no better than the soviets or germans themselves.

little details matter

now shut the hell up and stew in your new found western lackey juices. you’ll miss the independence through neutrality you once had and threw away over irrational fear soon enough. you don’t know the nature of american ‘exceptionalism’ and who it’s willing to sacrifice for it. i do. you’ll discover it soon enough.

little details matter

sorry, those were both meant for the crying finn.

Janne Kankaanpää

when you speak of siege of leningrad, you should on the same breath remember that russia did far worse in 1700’s. they killed approximately one third of all finns. with civilian casualties, both russia and finland have done monsterous things. soviets put almost all finns to gulags, including communists. also finnish cities were bombed and civilians killed in winterwar. then you wonder why finland entered nato after us being such good friends. that is a stupid question.


so you basically hate russians, for what happened from the middle ages to the winter war. why don’t you hate swedes as well, they used finns as a cannon fodder in their numerous wars? why don,t you hate norwegians, they are proud of their viking history and the vikings robbed finnish villages, and murdered finns? your racism is showing.

emperor bill gates

weak excuses—nato membership is objectively stupid…whatever reasons you contrive

Janne Kankaanpää

finland joined germany only after winter war. if russia had not attacked us first, finland would never have allied with germany. finland would not be in nato today and might actually be ally of russia.

emperor bill gates

are you a moron—conditions today are not like 1700…unlike austria that prefers to maintain trade relations mutually beneficial w russia finland now dependent on more expensive resources from germany norway amerika etc


things have nothing to do with each other; the reason behind the sanctions and conflict is the same as in the destruction of libya. for destroying currencies that threaten the dollar. libya was overthrown because the countries of the middle east planned a gold-linked currency that would have weakened the dollar. the purpose of the sanctions was to topple the brics; russia. the fear of brics overrunning the dollar and the dollar’s ability to blackmail developing countries with sanctions


also the eu’s ideological disengagement from arab oil and the three seas initiative. in the eastern ukraine has europe’s largest deposit of earth metal, needed for batteries. because ethnic russians voted “wrong”, the us and ger organized a coup in ukraine in 2014 that used fascist militias to help a pro-nato regime come to power. angela merkel confirms 2022 that nato wanted war from the start but needed time to prepare militarily and lead the situation to a large-scale conflict..


hungarian prime minister orban confirmed in an interview with carlson in 2023 that the decision on ukraine joining nato was already made at the 2008 summit. ukrainian president poroshenko admitted in 2015 that he got power from a conspiracy and that his presidency was not legitimate. the finnish former defense minister revealed that the nato decision was made behind closed doors in 2014. that is, when the eu made a three seas initiative.


that is, finland’s nato membership is not directly related to today’s events, on the other hand, it is completely related. everything that is happening now was planned already in 2012. there is a huge amount of evidence and witness statements from the top of politics, military personnel and in the form of documents. this has been blacked out for propaganda reasons in europe. in the usa, this is already known, even in the presidential elections it is discussed openly

Edgar Zetar

can you agreed with me in something, this is a big and a huge mess and you cannot stop it, they are too advanced. you are saying 2012, but they deploying right now, they already had plans for everything. after 2030 your android cellphone will think for you, and when you died the ia (artificial intelligence) could use your accounts based on your profile and what learned from your use.

Janne Kankaanpää

finnish entrance of nato is completely because of animosity of finnish people to russia for events in 1939. russia could have addressed these emotions, but they chose not to. russia completely ignored emotions of finnish people. russia chose this to happen.


you are really very good brainwashed. you must be quite young. in 2020, relations with russia were really good, the russian-finnish association was doing well, the value of russian trade was really great, tourism grew and railway projects were promoted. everything ended with nato, the events of 1939 were remembered only in history books.


of course, there are always people who live in the past. some find it unacceptable that people are not responsible for the actions of their grandparents. nor are we responsible for the actions of our own grandparents.

Janne Kankaanpää

you mix political relations and relation of finnish people towards russia. 2020 we had not forgotten injustices of the past. we have no problem with russian people, only with russian country. russian-finnish association only has about thousands of people and they oppose ukrainian war.

nazi tomsawyer

translation–you like us nazi hillbillies support nazi ukies

emperor bill gates

idiots dig up childish grievances from the past —ultimastely leading to poor economic and political judgements in the present

nazi tomsawyer

irrelevant–finns weak irrelevant hide under amerikan skirt—nazi emotion repudiated by russia

good riddance to bad rubbish

if you’re not aware of events after 1991, russia was trying to recover from an economic shock and frankly, had its hands a bit too busy to be concerned with prior inequities. that said, it was the us and you, in the west that decided to honor the extraconstitutional decrees of soviet dictators, as in south ossetia and galicia for stalin, crimea for krushchev and the donbass for lenin.

good riddance to bad rubbish

so, who is it exactly that supports the edicts of soviet dictators on the one hand and condemns them on the other? not i. best you look in the mirror. that said, i believe it was the russians that welcomed finnish companies into russia with open arms and finland who benefited from cross border trade more than most.

emperor bill gates

you seem same as weak amerikan peasant—unable to think or assess reality in present context

Bugs Bunny

ha, and don’t forget it was a finnish envoy that informed that idiot katherine ashton during maidan that word was already circulating then that it was svoboda, right sector and georgian fascist goons along with western input, who were the ones who carried out the sniper shootings of their so called ‘heavenly hundred’ sacrificial lambs.

Bugs Bunny

katchanovski meticulously investigated and showed without a shadow of doubt that was exactly what happened, while the west still keeps it locked in a tomb of disinformation.

finland decided to cast its lot in with ghouls and scoundrels. guess that makes it either incredibly naive or a scoundrel itself. take your pick.

emperor bill gates

per rfk jr—amerikan neo-cons initiated this 2001

AM Hants

3 seas initiative, led by poland. baltic, adriatic and black sea initiative. reminds me of the eu and the nabucco pipeline, that they had to cancel owing to political stupidity. it came back as the south stream, with a stilleto in the back for russia. around the time ukraine kicked off. whenever the eu are involved, they always mess it up.

AM Hants

same with iraq. saddam was going to chuck the $us petro dollar in favour of the euro and next thing he knew, blair and bush were telling porkies and spending $millions on propaganda, in order to go to war. bell pottinger received $500,000 from the pentagon to spin the story. gadaffi, was going to dump the $us petro-dollar and trade in gold backed rand. next thing, the usual suspects invaded.

AM Hants

the winter war, back in 1939, and wasn’t it the bolshevik soviet union and finland, in disagreement? remember, 1917 the bolsheviks, created by the city of london, overthrew the russian empire. when lenin passed away, stalin took over and the soviet union was launched.

AM Hants

2/2 – 1917, the russian empire was overthrown, followed by wwi and the end of the ottoman empire, austro-hungarian empire and prussian empire. same year the ira (again a city of london creation) was formed. the soviet union fell in 1991 and 15 independent nations emerged. why did so many run straight to the soviet version of the eu? 3 corporations rule the world – city of london, washington dc and the vatican and are so envious of russia and her vast supply of natural resources.

Janne Kankaanpää

russia chose to attack because they wanted finland. they had a plan to demand lands from the south that would surpass all finnish fortifications and give us wasteland in return. we did not trust them enough to make such a trade and i think we were right. if we agreed to terms of russian peace, all finns would have been slaughtered. never again trust russia unless they do something to prove they are different from 1939.

AM Hants

russia or the bolshevik communist soviet union? remember, the city of london created bolsheviks, overthrew the russian empire back in 1917? remember, the bolshevik soviet union fell in 1991 and 15 independent nations emerged? now the bolsheviks are running the eu, nato and the us – so has finland along with the ‘3 sea initiative’ members (baltic, adriatic, black sea) got stockholme syndrom?

Bugs Bunny

they wanted a small buffer against germany, who’d laready started their war in poland. finland refused and ended up losing far more territory than that small buffer.

blame your loss of lands in karelia to stupid finns and their growing love affair with nazi germany.

emperor bill gates

rather than sovereignty you prefer slavery—to justify self destructive policies based upon historical grievances is stupid—hungarians obviously more mature than childish finns

Bugs Bunny

germany had already begun wwii and stalin petitioned finland for buffer territories around leningrad but finland refused, triggering the winter war and ended up losing far more than the ussr initially sought as a strategic buffer.

then finland decided it’d join the nazis in exterminating a million civilians in leningrad.

sounds to me like finland got off easy.

emperor bill gates

the cost of allying w hitler =karelia now russia

R. Ambrose Raven

given the recent centenary of v.i. lenin’s death, bringing back “leningrad” is extremely appropriate.

little details matter

the city is still st. petersburg. the province is still imo unfortunately named leningrad


they didn’t succeed in the south with ukraine now they say when we lose the south let’s not at least lose the north and add finland to the north american terrorist organisation. to much snow and ice up there, that is almost the north pole.

amerikan lgbt

nato is disunited collection of impotents–decayed cuckhold societies—only türkiye has a decent military in all of nato

Janne Kankaanpää

nato is us fan club. finland chose nato because we do not want to play ice hockey match with 5 vs. 140 players. we want to play 5 vs. 5. nato has decent militaries. finland, uk, us and poland. we also have cannonfodder.. germans, italians, french and spanish. they are all excellent for mine clearance operations.


you little boy really think, that finns will not be used as a cannon fodder? how stupid can a person be?

Bugs Bunny

you’re quite the friggin’ racist, aren’t you? strange for a nation of asian migrants.

Janne Kankaanpää

turkey is not nato. they would not participate in any war against russia, or china.

Last edited 11 months ago by Janne Kankaanpää
emperor bill gates

likely true but they are in nato and can veto any nato action

Jean Paul France

putin’s response is always the same, empty threats that no one believes.

Bugs Bunny

and france’s response is always the same too. lots of hot air but the first to throw their tanks into reverse and surrender.

right, surrender monkey? you do know that’s what you french are called in america.

jens holm

this explains nato humiliation as russia achieves all objectives in ukraine

emperor bill gates

macaroni afraid–wheras putin decrees 25% former ukraine where 85% economic activity occurs 25 years ago now russia—froggy empty not putin

Kev not Kiev

nato is just the military version of a ponzy scheme…


look at finnish economy… the entire country is on strike for 2 weeks or maybe 4 weeks and economy is completely stopped. the only thing they do is cut other budgets, take more debt and raise taxes to place orders to lockheed which may with luck arrive sometime during this decade. country is a wreck

emperor bill gates

since finkland colonized by ameriky and trade with russia declines their economy weaker…”the worst dictatorship is better than the best democracy”. pentti linkola

andrew davis

what does russia have that fins want ”jobs ‘

Igor Notor

while nato expands, all others are sleeping. i find it odd that the “others” have not created a military packt to counter nato expansion? it means nato can do what ever they want on the scene of the world. i was shocked when albania entered nato – meaning nato has a hidden agenda. there should be an alternative to nato, with economical benefits and not just military.


a questo punto conviene alla russia dare qualche segnale a questi nuovi soci della nato prima che venga attanagliata da tutti i lati dalla pazzia di macron & soci !
