Originally published on ZeroHedge
On Tuesday, opening statements in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, an18-year-old aspiring police officer accused of fatally shooting two men and wounding a third on the night of Aug. 25, 2020, as BLM riots raged in the streets of Kenosha in response to a white-on-black police shooting.
While prosecutors have slapped the teen with two counts of homicide and one count of attempted homicide, Rittenhouse has pleaded not guilty to all charges, claiming self-defense.
Now, new footage has emerged which bolsters his case.
Before the shooting began, Rittenhouse, 17 at the time, was had arrived in Kenosha in order to help keep order and protect businesses from looting and arson.
“People are getting inured, and our job is to protect this business, and part of my job is also to help people. If there’s somebody hurt, I’m running into harm’s way. That’s why I have my rifle, because I need to protect myself obviously. But I also have my med kit,” Rittenhouse said in footage recorded before the incident.
During the course of the evening, protesters became increasingly violent against Rittenhouse and the group he was with – eventually chasing the teen down the street when protester Joseph Rosenbaum was shot dead in the parking lot of a used car dealership. Shortly thereafter, Rittenhouse could be seen defending himself on the ground from multiple attackers – when he fatally wounded another, and shot the bicep of protester Gaige Grosskreutz who had drawn a pistol and was in the process of aiming it at the teen.

Rittenhouse shot the bicep of Gaige Grosskreutz, a volunteer medic for Black Lives Matter who was in process of aiming his pistol at the teen
I will. In the first photo, we see one of the men bludgeoning Kyle Rittenhouse with his skateboard. In the other two photos, we see a man who—as Rittenhouse is laying on the ground—draws a pistol in an attempt to murder Rittenhouse, only to be shot himself. pic.twitter.com/RPQw8cpQqS
— Francis Curt 🇻🇦 (@fcXXXIII) November 2, 2021
At the time, this footage captured by journalist Brendan Gutenschwager, was all we had to go on.
The Kyle Rittenhouse Shooting: WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!
Commentary from journalists @JackPosobiec and @ElijahSchaffer, edited by @jondutoit. From https://t.co/DmPO8WAg6k by @Lauren_Southern 1/3 https://t.co/tMdRhmVHGd pic.twitter.com/zS3iNBWmXr
— Scooter Downey ☦️ 🇺🇸 (@TrueLegendFilms) October 26, 2021
.@TuckerCarlson is airing “never-before-seen” footage of the shooting incidents in Kenosha.
The footage comes from the non-profit of Rittenhouse’s defense attorney. pic.twitter.com/0RrlnFNMJa
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) September 23, 2020
Now, Human Events’ Jack Posobiec reveals that the FBI sat on potentially exonerating evidence in the Rittenhouse case, where threats against Kyle can clearly be heard before he opened fire, as well as what appear to be muzzle flashes from people shooting at the teen. We recommend playing full screen.
BREAKING: Human Events Daily has obtained never-before-seen FBI footage of the Kyle Rittenhouse Shootinghttps://t.co/QFAfI7mmJp pic.twitter.com/J8vOOoD3rg
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 2, 2021
WOW…they have FLIR footage of Rosenbaum chasing Kyle Rittenhouse from the FBI. You can clearly see the muzzle flashes from the 9mm fired at Rittenhouse.
— Selfless Thoughtful Human Delight (@SavageNoMore) November 2, 2021
BREAKING: Human Events Daily has obtained never-before-seen FBI footage of the Kyle Rittenhouse Shootinghttps://t.co/QFAfI7mmJp pic.twitter.com/J8vOOoD3rg
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 2, 2021
According to legal experts, Rittenhouse has a strong case.
To be clear:
The footage released by Human Events today clearly shows for the first time that Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense and this case never should have been brought to trial
This is malicious prosecution
— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 2, 2021
17 years old and white. Can you imagine how the media would treat it, if he was of a different colour, culture, stuffed internally with non-prescription medication, wrapped in condoms and trying to take out the local police force? What would have happened if the idiots had taken out the garage, the citizens were trying to protect? How would that have played out in the media, covering the non-violent protests (Marc)?
What i want to know is what hell are civilians doing on the streets with assault weapons,the US is a lunatic asylum
I think all the lunatics left as the real crazies arrived and made it too dangerous for lunatics. The land of the free . Free to do any crazy sh*t one can think of.
You are a lunatic. How stupid can you get? Retarded liberal ass. Lunacy is allowing these people to run amok on the streets.
No telling how many lives Rittenhouse and company saved and property he protected. Including his own. While the liberal controlled cops just stood by and did nothing.
uncivilized imho barbarian
You are a shit . Sei proprio una merda .
10 , 100 , 1000 Rittenhose heroes !
The only way for people to defend themselves , their family , their properties , the State , the Democracy , the weak and helpless people , is to own heavy guns and to use against nazi like antifa , alquaeda , blm , zionists , lgbt , isis , feminists and pedos .
Italian workers and normal people see in this guy an hero .
I hope Vladimir Putin will recogognize him as the Hero he is and he wil give him the russian citizenship .heros like him deserve . Hurra hurra hurra for Rittenhouse !
There was footage of him being attacked and him shooting the one with the pistol at the time of the event which clearly showed self defense so whats with first time seen footage.
WTF is a 17 year old kid doing alone during a riot with an assault rifle.
If he was part of a vigilante group protecting property who was watching his back? It’s not brave for a kid to enter a riot, armed with a military weapon with no backup or exit strategy … it’s STUPID.
This kid wants to be a police officer??? … maybe in some hillbilly backwater where the cops are all ex high school football stars not smart enough to go to college … but in a professional force would you hire anyone with judgement this bad? He’d cost you a fortune in workers comp, law suits let alone the good chance that he gets himself or some other officer killed.
Kyle shouldn’t be on trial … he should be in court suing his parents for negligence.
Consider that it’s the police that protect property and they in their good judgement don’t send officers into riots without training and backup and those properties have insurance for events such as this … his real role was to escalate a conflict not to protect anything
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
The BLM scateboard protestor looking for her shot up boyfriend and giving police a hard time with hysterics until she finds out what hospital he has been taken to , leaves with the line, ‘he’s got my car keys in his pocket’.
vigilante idiot prosecuted for stupidity
Looked like self defence to me.