Fake Assassination Of Top Mossad Agent Near Tel Aviv And Other Iranian Media Victories

Fake Assassination Of Top Mossad Agent Near Tel Aviv And Other Iranian Media Victories

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On December 4th, a video and photographs were shared on Twitter, allegedly showing and attack in Tel’Aviv in which the Israeli Mossad commander Fahmi Hinawi was killed by unknown individuals.


Ultimately, Fahmi Hinawi is alive, the story and rumor about the death of the “Mossad agent” as a result of an assassination attempt, as it turned out, was originally spread by a journalist of the Iranian news agency Tasnim, after that the “sensation” was picked up by the Lebanese media.

In fact, the killed was an ordinary worker (not from Mossad) who became the victim of some sort of showdown.

Initially, the reports by Iranian media claimed the deceased is said to be a Mossad officer, shot in Tel Aviv after 15 bullets were fired at a car he was driving when he stopped at a red light.

The attackers reportedly quickly dispersed without a trace.

Several videos circulating in social media show a car stopped in the middle of the road and a heavy law enforcement presence. It is not possible, however, to clearly determine whether the video shows the exact moment of the alleged killing.


Reports on the alleged killing of Hinawi, along with social media user speculation suggesting an Iranian retaliation, come shortly after the leading Iranian nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was assassinated in a Tehran suburb last week, with Iran describing the killing as a “terror attack” and blaming Israel for the scientist’s murder.

An Iranian retaliation for the assassination of Fakhrizadeh is expected, tensions are at a breaking point in the Middle East, as a year from Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani’s assassination by the US is also nearing.

Diplomatic staff is being pulled from Iraq by the US, and there are reports of US President Donald Trump carrying out a “farewell strike” on Iran, and Tehran could potentially pre-empt it, or rather, respond to the killings.

This incident, however, is a killing of an individual of no specific affiliation, and the chance for it to be politically motivated is none.

Recently, Iranian-affiliated Hezbollah aired footage of Israeli bases in Upper Galilee, which were filmed by a drone.

According to al-Manar, the Hezbollah Air Force filmed it on the second day of the IDF’s “Lethal Arrow” large-scale drills, which were held in northern Israel.

This, and other Iranian claims for a day of reckoning for all of the attacks and assassinations by Israel and the US, are examples of the media victories that Iranian media attempts to perpetuate.

It is possible that Tehran even deems it suitable to utilize the almost exact copy of the AGM-41 Hellfire missile it recently unveiled.


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Vox Populi

Psy-ops to keep the Zionists on their paws, a real attack will surely come out of the blue.


Sure … did you hear the one about ….



or the jews in palestine would never admit that one of their own criminals was murdered in tel aviv and thus turn it into something else.


It didn’t happen … lol

DENIAL … how pathetic

Arthur Deodat Jr.


Damien C

Quite moronic making such silly claims without verified infomation. The idiots who started this rumour and the clown-town fools who ran with it only highlight their unsuitability to their current profession.

Iran may well be sufficiently armed enough to defend herself and she has outstanding geographical position to pursue that defence added to the fact that her topography gives her formidable military options in regards to defence but that said she is not going to gamble it all on the life of a scientist.

While they will brag about what they can do and will do the reality is they won’t do.

A clear example of this is when the USA obliterated their finest soldier with a drone missile in a different country when the two states were not even at war and Irans only response was to blow up a few empty base huts belonging the USA.
To ensure they were empty the Iranians told the USA what bases they were targetting how many missiles and what time the missiles would be fired.
The US troops were underground 1 hour before the strikes happened and their air defence systems were allegedly deactivated for the duration.of the attack.

The stark reality is that because the Israelis have been the stage bully for decades in the region and they’ve always had the US super-thug backing them up the Arab and Perian world have been reduced to name calling and childish threats in response to anything Israel does.

Harlot Arab nations that have quaked in their boots, rather than resist US thuggery, they have domestically cosied up to the threat in order not to be viewed as a target. However this relationship is the Master and Slave one, basically these nations have lay down to be rodgered relentlessly at the whim of the thug.
They have made land available for Air-bases and missile sites for these thugs to use against fellow Arab or Persian nations that won’t capitulate.They have made their resources and wealth available for the assistance of the thugs economy (one only has to look at Arab assets Bonds and gold reserves in American vaults or under American supervision)

These Nation could together as a unit tell the US to leave all their bases and ports they could threaten that as a unit they would withdraw all their invested funds in USA if ever 1 cent is forwarded as aid to Israel again. A super powerful hand to be playing, but they won’t they’ll shut to fuck up and be good little “House-niggers” (apologies but there’s no other phrase that explains it as precise)

Iran understands she’s being provoked by Israel who see Trump as an easy button to push using his son-in-law at this moment in time and are trying to goad Iran to respond. Much as Iran threatens she cannot win a long term war militarily she can win a devastating short term one economically. While Iran is crippled with sanctions she is now almost used to it.
She has survived and flourished in home production of many indigeous weapons systems, the economic hardship that an all out war would bring would not be that significant of an increase to the iranians. This cannot be said of the West!

Iran closing the straits in a war would absolutely cripple the western oild supply driving them into the arms of Russia and Venezeula for short term supply (approx 2-3 years)
Iran devastating the US controlled Arab lackeys would force them to repatriate Arab wealth from USA to deal with the disaster and rebuild this one step alone would obliterate the US economy, short term,medium term and long term. The USA would be forced to refuse to return the Arab finances, then the Arab Slaves would know their position after all.

The conflict would allow the world to be able to see the uselessness of Carrier battle groups as the Iranian missile would either sink them or keep them too far out to sea to be of any use whatsoever.
Suddenly the big stick is removed from the bully militarily, which cripples his bullying economically.


Wow … you’ve figured it all out bro


Iran would be destroyed in any direct conflict with the USA or Israel

The survival of the Mullahs would be ended not jeopardized … the attacks would continue unabated until regime change was REALIZED … hello?

The time of Jihad is OVER … Iran complies or it’ll be destroyed

Jim Allen

You, and what group of girls are going to destroy Iran ? Do you not keep up with the actual news, or have a grasp of actual history ?
Or, that it’s not a secret US military cannot defeat Iran in conventional war, this according to the former head of Israeli Intelligence Services, Yakov Kedmi. The Pentagon shares this view.
US military is far from being prepared for war, equipment is aged, has been poorly maintained, as maintenance was deferred through 8 years of Obummer, and two years of Trump. Western military technology, and capabilities are decades behind Russia, China, Iran, and India. Iran is almost as advanced in military technology, and capabilities as Russia.
Further, new US military hardware is absolute junk, poorly performing if it performs at all. We’re still waiting for the new carrier to become operational, the two “stealth” destroyers are fatally flawed, poorly armed, and prone to burn if struck by a missile, just like the Littoral Combat Ships, that dont perform to spec.. Then we have the epitome of the sunk cost fallacy. F-35 multi-role “fighter.” This fugitive from a scrap yard can perform none of the roles it was specified to perform, and it falls out of the sky for no apparent reason. A lot.
Impossible to maintain in combat conditions, its ineffective “stealth” coating melts off in about 3 days, there’s corrosion issues, it’s dog slow, has the agility of a hammock. An unreliable Oxygen generator that was carried over from F-22 despite no one can seem to figure out, and correct it’s problems. A Nitrogen supply to protect electronics from atmospheric conditions that’s as unreliable as the pilots Oxygen supply. On the up side, F-35 pilots have fared better at bailing out of the plane when they stop flying, than F-22 pilots most of whom crashed with the plane. One new
nuclear submarine has been built to replace several boats that were retired. We think it’s still operational.
Now, US has no domestic war production capability. The country has been de-industrialized beginning in 1975, most was moved to China.
Several countries manufacturer components for F-35, the components are then exported to US, and assembled, with the top secret technology that is still manufactured in country. Some are assembled under contract by certain countries. Turkey manufactured some critical cockpit components, and canopies, until it purchased S-400. Turkey had ordered F-35 fighters as well, all this was stopped immediately, sanctions slapped on their NATO ally like an enemy. Erdogan got lucky when the vindictive bitches in DC cancelled his order for these junk.


Take a deep breath …

Iran is going down when Israel discovers they’re going for a breakout …


Shia man

Be careful what you wish. Because the day will come when the patience Of the ayatollahs runs out.


I love it … thanks for the clip from MEMRI

Every word out of the vile IRGC spokesman is/was a lie!

1. Iran’s response to Soleimani’s hand with the ring lying on the ground was a big fat ZERO … the Iranians telegraphed where they would hit and there were NO DEATHS … you’re being LIED TO

2. Israel attacks in Syria 100’s of times in the last 2 years … destroying Iranian arms stores any time they want … ALL without a response … 3 times last week alone … with 19 dead Pakis Shia Brigades on the Iraq/Syria border

The IRGC are your enemies …

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis will attack Iran when they believe Iran is going for a Nuke breakout … hello?

That’s the deal …

Shia man

First thing first stop living in a fantasy you Zionist have no rights over the human race your world domination plan will fail we humans are not your slaves and your fantasy about enslaving the gentile as you like to call them will not come to fruition.
If your propaganda machine Would to come out and say the USA and Israel took over half the galaxy you would believe it I already know you Zionist trolls promote propaganda even Jewish rabbis promote the use of propaganda this is nothing new when you reply to me reply with facts not this bs about destroying hundreds of ammo depots enough of this bs
You keep mentioning nukes do you really believe Iran doesn’t have the capabilities to produce one?
And do you really think the US is foolish enough to fall into a war with Iran just to please you Israel’s
don’t be dumb our region is pretty small compared to the rest of the world at the end of the day China and Russia are way more a threat to US hegemony Then Iran is especially China.
if the US focuses on Iran and the axis of resistance China would stump Taiwan and Russia would bulldoze through Ukraine
I personally don’t see this war happening honestly especially with all the problems in the US they would only speed up their fall. mark my words and ingrain it in your little Zionist brain the world will witness the fall of the USA in this next administration I promise you this and if Israel and the US would dare wage war on Iran and the axis of resistance the US and Israel would be defeated so fast it would be the most humiliating defeat in human history.
You were humiliated Just recently You Israel’s were doing drills to prevent Hezbollah attacks while Hezbollah is filming you. Wake up times are changing fast.
And btw Don’t mistake patience with weakness.

Alekai Mordechai

Can you Iranians just keep quite and keep working.

As if loosing people weren’t enough. And that alone inside your country.

Iran’s intel does not have that capability to avenge Dr Mohsen Fahirzadeh’s death. Maybe few years time, or 10 years when people are already settled.

Shia man

You really are blind. And what did this assassination achieve the man was already retried? Your so pathetic you couldn’t even admit you did it because you know the consequences.
You are on a losing streak if you are so tough announce an open war. What is US and Israel so worried about you do understand lots of things happened this year right back and forth and the axis of resistance is only gaining do you really think trying to fight Iran directly now will stop it you will only further your demise.


You are a very very stupid man. Very stupid and arrogant indeed. Gina Haspel thought like you……………..and look what happened to her.

Alekai Mordechai

And you gonna attribute her bad luck to your capability?

Alekai Mordechai

Yea …… and?

Nothing happened to her,

Arch Bungle

Iran has already ‘broken out’.

You’ll know this when they detonate their first underground test on the eve of an expected attack by the US.

At that point, they join the nuclear club and become untouchable.


The first underground test? ROTFLMAO

That shockwave won’t be a ‘test’ … it’ll be the Israel ICBM hitting YOUR bros where it counts … between the ears like Fahrblongit the nuke scientist … hello?

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis are sovereign … they’ll deal with YOUR ilk properly … eh?


Arch Bungle

No use being sovereign if your dead, as all those cooked joos in auschwitz found out way too late :-)

Here’s why you’re all fucked mate:

“Yes, Israel and the Sunni Arab states want to make sure that Iran can never develop a nuclear weapon. But some Israeli military experts will tell you today, that the prospect of Iran having a nuke is not what keeps them up at night — because they don’t see Tehran using it. That would be suicide, and Iran’s clerical leaders are not suicidal.
They are, though, homicidal.
And Iran’s new preferred weapons for homicide are the precision-guided missiles that it used on Saudi Arabia and that it keeps trying to export to its proxies in Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq, which pose an immediate homicidal threat to Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq and U.S. forces in the region. (Iran has a network of factories manufacturing its own precision-guided missiles.)
If Biden tries to just resume the Iran nuclear deal as it was — and gives up the leverage of extreme economic sanctions on Iran, before reaching some understanding on its exporting of precision-guided missiles — I suspect that he’ll meet a lot of resistance from Israel, the U.A.E. and Saudi Arabia.
Why? It’s all in the word “precision.” In the 2006 war in Lebanon, Iran’s proxy militia, Hezbollah, had to fire some 20 dumb, unguided, surface-to-surface rockets of limited range in the hope of damaging a single Israeli target. With precision-guided missiles manufactured in Iran, Hezbollah — in theory — needs to fire just one rocket each at 20 different targets in Israel with a high probability of damaging them all …
That is why Israel [is trying] to prevent Tehran from reaching its goal of virtually encircling Israel with proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Gaza, all armed with precision-guided missiles …“Think of the difference in versatility between dumb phones and smartphones,” observed Karim Sadjadpour, a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment: “For the past two decades we have been consumed by preventing Iran’s big weapon, but it is the thousands of small smart weapons Iran has been proliferating that have become the real and immediate threat to its neighbours.”

Once Iran takes out your entire stockpile, you’ll have no suicide samson options left …


I’ve read and heard Karim Sadjadpour speak … he’s smart … like a lot of Iranians

BUT … there are a lot of Yossi Cohen’s in Israel … eh?

Besides … the missiles launched at Israel have a GPS co-ordinate … hello?
The F-35 can persorm hundreds of missions per day and Israel has 2 squadrons of them … their lethality will make Lebanon look like swiss cheese … 200,000 DEAD Lebanese in the first 48 hours … the destruction of Lebanon will be completed swiftly … NO LONG WAR … eh? Nasrallah will be dug out of his underground lair and hung after being roughed up … much like Gaddafi pleading for his life

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis are in firm control of their ‘sh Xt’ … hello?

REMEMBER: Israel has 4 LAYERS of MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEMS … with up to date technology

Sure there will be casualties … but the PUNISHMENT of the enemy will pale in comparison … eh?

Netanyahu … Yossi Cohen … Gen Kochavi sleep well at night

Gen Kochavi will NOT be disuaded from completing his mission … total victory over Hezbollah … Momentum program


Lone Ranger

Spot on.
Also all the subs manufactured in the past 15 years were built from inferior quality steel not up to the task.
It came out in a Pentagon report, the scientist a woman who was the leading “brainsurgeon” on the issue made it all up, all the tests all the numbers its all fake, its hilarious lol.
Subs in the 50s had better quality steel than U.S. subs today.
No such issue in Russia tho, they are using the best and even titatnium.

Porc Halal

Hey, itzik, the islamic jihad is doing well thanks to you and your allies , the sunnis…

Free man

The real question is whether the supreme dictator died as many Iranian accounts report.

Arch Bungle

There is no supreme dictator in Iran.

Ashok Varma

He is a desperate troll and a clown. Seeks attention :)

Free man

One who is not elected by the people and is the ruler until the end of his life, is a doctor.

Arch Bungle

You can ‘t even spell dictator, you idiot.

The Queen of England is a dictator then.

The governor of the reserve bank of the US.

All the unelected officials who make decisions without consulting the people – like occupying Iraq are participating in a dictatorship.

And the biggest joke of all – neither israel, the USA or britain, the three horns of the imperial satan are ‘democracies’.

Free man

Check in the dictionary what a dictator is.
And don ‘t waste my time.


Better still a theocrat … leading a vile Islamic Theocracy

Jim Allen

Not necessarily so, and you saying it makes it less definitive.
Dictators don’t always die in power, they’re often overthrown by the people that became sick of their shit. Deposing the tyrant, perhaps prosecuting the deposed for his/her crimes against humanity, and given a lengthy prison sentence. Or, hanged.
Iranians didnt kill the CIA installed Shah puppet when they overthrew his “evil” dictatorship, and restored Iran’s legitimate Government. He was simply exiled to US, as example.

Free man

You probably know better than the Iranian people. But this is what the Iranians think: “Death to a dictator”:

Ashok Varma

What an idiot with Iran obsession.

Free man

Tough times for lovers of the mullahs regime, I understand your grief.

Decatur Guy

Israel did 911.
And boy, those fake heebs sure know how to dance..!


A f/kn goy …


Decatur Guy

A funkin’ fake heeb.
Go eat a sack of funkin’ foreskins, you animal.
You and your made-up BS sham stupid “religion”.
God’s chosen, my foot!


It’s not about religion goy … it’s not about chosen goy … it’s about PWT


Decatur Guy

One of my favorite (fake) “jews jewin’ jews” story is the one about ann frank.
The (fake) jew that wrote the book had to sue ann’s dad cuz he wouldn’t pay him for writing the book. Now, ain’t that just like a (fake) jew?

Alekai Mordechai

Sure. Sanctions making things tough.

Arch Bungle

Tough times? Iran is stronger every year since 1979.

And every year the yanks and israelis get more terrified of them.

Alekai Mordechai

Iran needs to understand that their assets are in fact too callous. One minute of carelessness is getting them killed.

Looking at the sophistication of israeli police, vis a vis Iran. Seems to be Iran is too hamstrung or israel is just too focused and have all the right tools for espionage in and outside their border.

Iran has lot to catch up to.

Arch Bungle

He does indeed have an Iran obsession.

Potato Man

I saw this “story/news” on Veteran today a day ago and I don’t think it is real…and Zion have history of BS-ing and making fake shit. There isn’t much to believe…just word of some fuking people on twitter that go full ape mood 24/7.

One thing Iran could do is to find the MEK leaders that got ordered from Zion/US block and finish them. No-one care if some MEK die not many people know about MEK, Iran blame Israel and US so people watch for them and some of MEK leaders die goes unnoticed and if US or Zion say anything well then…good to see them butthurt but it wouldn’t matter people don’t care about MEK terrorists. If US put them in light more people gonna know about them…Zion/US terrorists in Iran which is also good.

“It is possible that Tehran even deems it suitable to utilize the almost exact copy of the AGM-41 Hellfire missile it recently unveiled.”
Iran have a lot of weapons/drones/rockets-missiles that they haven’t shown to anyone, also air defence systems.


Pathetic DENIAL … this was Iranian sourced scumbag …. pmsl

Arch Bungle

And you know this how? Through your crystal matzo ball?


It’s a phony story … just look at the board … they know it too … you pathetic troll

Arch Bungle

“This incident, however, is a killing of an individual of no specific
affiliation, and the chance for it to be politically motivated is none.”

… Must have been someone really important then.


Wow … a true believer … an Iranian bigot who still believes … eh?

‘And his own sweat smells the best’

Mick Jagger

Shlomo Shekelstein

twat, on your knees and keep smelling Bibi’s asshole, instead of spamming diarrhea from your dumb, filthy mouth….


STFU … make a point or get lost


Shlomo Shekelstein

twat, you dumb little bitch, my point is: eat shit.

Then swallow and return for more, and say “next”.


Ok will do … f/k up

You haven’t made a point … the lowlifes on this board are mostly bragging about their ‘faves’ … all of them are slugs from Russia / Slavic / Iran et al

I piss on them all … eh?

When they come up with facts and history … I’ll answer appropriately … when they trash Jews expect the same sluggo …


Shlomo Shekelstein

twat, you senile old fool, you can only piss in your diaper, then drink it for breakfast instead of tea… along with ‘cookies’. You’re just an old fart hiding in some shitty basement from Covid, desperately trolling for some attention, trying to talk like a youngster with all these overused lol’s… sick and disgusting like pedo-Biden (he’s probably your age – 150 years old).

you’re not even jewish, your only jewish relative is Alzheimer ?

Arch Bungle

You’ve just posted 9 lines of zero value shit.

Thought you joos were supposed to be smart?


See … that’s why your ilk are still so stupid … goy

Arch Bungle

You’ve just posted 1 line of zero value shit.

Thought you joos were supposed to be smart?


YOU’RE a goy with sh Xt for brains … a bovine chewing cud

When YOU’RE able to write something of substance … it’ll be copy and pasted from some other source … hello?


Arch Bungle

Wow … a true believer … a joo bigot who still believes … eh?


A f/kn Muslim sh Xt head … a waste of oxygen … Shia brand ? loser

Porc Halal

Hmmm, interesting …

“ The SS was particularly enthusiastic in its support for Zionism. An internal June 1934 SS position paper urged active and wide-ranging support for Zionism by the government and the Party as the best way to encourage emigration of Germany’s Jews to Palestine. This would require increased Jewish self-awareness. Jewish schools, Jewish sports leagues, Jewish cultural organizations — in short, everything that would encourage this new consciousness and self-awareness – should be promoted, the paper recommended.

SS officer Leopold von Mildenstein and Zionist Federation official Kurt Tuchler toured Palestine together for six months to assess Zionist development there. Based on his firsthand observations, von Mildenstein wrote a series of twelve illustrated articles for the important Berlin daily Der Angriff that appeared in late 1934 under the heading “A Nazi Travels to Palestine.” The series expressed great admiration for the pioneering spirit and achievements of the Jewish settlers. Zionist self-development, von Mildenstein wrote, had produced a new kind of Jew. He praised Zionism as a great benefit for both the Jewish people and the entire world. A Jewish homeland in Palestine, he wrote in his concluding article, “pointed the way to curing a centuries-long wound on the body of the world: the Jewish question.” Der Angriff issued a special medal, with a Swastika on one side and a Star of David on the other, to commemorate the joint SS-Zionist visit. A few months after the articles appeared, von Mildenstein was promoted to head the Jewish affairs department of the SS security service in order to support Zionist migration and development more effectively

The official SS newspaper, Das Schwarze Korps, proclaimed its support for Zionism in a May 1935 front-page editorial: “The time may not be too far off when Palestine will again be able to receive its sons who have been lost to it for more than a thousand years. Our good wishes, together with official goodwill, go with them.”/10 Four months later, a similar article appeared in the SS paper:

The recognition of Jewry as a racial community based on blood and not on religion leads the German government to guarantee without reservation the racial separateness of this community. The government finds itself in complete agreement with the great spiritual movement within Jewry, the so-called Zionism, with its recognition of the solidarity of Jewry around the world and its rejection of all assimilationist notions. On this basis, Germany undertakes measures that will surely play a significant role in the future in the handling of the Jewish problem around the world”

Porc Halal

Ps…” On this basis of their similar ideologies about ethnicity and nationhood, National Socialists and Zionists worked together for what each group believed was in its own national interest. As a result, the Hitler government vigorously supported Zionism and Jewish emigration to Palestine from 1933 until 1940-1941, when the Second World War prevented extensive collaboration” …

“ Zionism believes that the rebirth of the national life of a people, which is now occurring in Germany through the emphasis on its Christian and national character, must also come about in the Jewish national group. For the Jewish people, too, national origin, religion, common destiny and a sense of its uniqueness must be of decisive importance in the shaping of its existence. This means that the egotistical individualism of the liberal era must be overcome and replaced with a sense of community and collective responsibility …

We believe it is precisely the new [National Socialist] Germany that can, through bold resoluteness in the handling of the Jewish question, take a decisive step toward overcoming a problem which, in truth, will have to be dealt with by most European peoples …

Our acknowledgment of Jewish nationality provides for a clear and sincere relationship to the German people and its national and racial realities. Precisely because we do not wish to falsify these fundamentals, because we, too, are against mixed marriage and are for maintaining the purity of the Jewish group and reject any trespasses in the cultural domain, we — having been brought up in the German language and German culture — can show an interest in the works and values of German culture with admiration and internal sympathy …“

Porc Halal


“ With official backing, Zionists worked tirelessly to “reeducate” Germany’s Jews. As American historian Francis Nicosia put it in his 1985 survey, The Third Reich and the Palestine Question: “Zionists were encouraged to take their message to the Jewish community, to collect money, to show films on Palestine and generally to educate German Jews about Palestine. There was considerable pressure to teach Jews in Germany to cease identifying themselves as Germans and to awaken a new Jewish national identity in them.” /13

In an interview after the war, the former head of the Zionist Federation of Germany, Dr. Hans Friedenthal, summed up the situation: “The Gestapo did everything in those days to promote emigration, particularly to Palestine. We often received their help when we required anything from other authorities regarding preparations for emigration.” /14

At the September 1935 National Socialist Party Congress, the Reichstag adopted the so-called “Nuremberg laws” that prohibited marriages and sexual relations between Jews and Germans and, in effect, proclaimed the Jews an alien minority nationality. A few days later the Zionist Jüdische Rundschau editorially welcomed the new measures: /15

Germany … is meeting the demands of the World Zionist Congress when it declares the Jews now living in Germany to be a national minority. Once the Jews have been stamped a national minority it is again possible to establish normal relations between the German nation and Jewry. The new laws give the Jewish minority in Germany its own cultural life, its own national life. In future it will be able to shape its own schools, its own theatre, and its own sports associations. In short, it can create its own future in all aspects of national life …

Germany has given the Jewish minority the opportunity to live for itself, and is offering state protection for this separate life of the Jewish minority: Jewry’s process of growth into a nation will thereby be encouraged and a contribution will be made to the establishment of more tolerable relations between the two nations” ..

Porc Halal

… a continuacion…

Now, let’s talk alittle about jews and bolshevism, shall we…

“ Douglas Reed writes: “The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party, which wielded the supreme power, contained 3 Russians (including Lenin) and 9 Jews. The next body in importance, the Central Committee of the Executive Commission (or secret police) comprised 42 Jews and 19 Russians, Letts, Georgians and others. The Council of People’s Commissars consisted of 17 Jews and five others. The Moscow Che-ka (secret police) was formed of 23 Jews and 13 others. Among the names of 556 high officials of the Bolshevik state officially published in 1918-1919 were 458 Jews and 108 others. Among the central committees of small, supposedly ‘Socialist’ or other non-Communist parties… were 55 Jews and 6 others.”

Speaking of che ka (secret plice)…
“ The Jews were especially dominant in the most feared and blood-thirsty part of the Bolshevik State apparatus, the Cheka, which, writes Brendon, “consisted of 250,000 officers (including 100,000 border guards), a remarkable adjunct to a State which was supposed to be withering away. In the first 6 years of Bolshevik rule it had executed at least 200,000. Moreover, the Cheka was empowered to act as ‘policeman, gaoler, investigator, prosecutor, judge and executioner’. It also employed barbaric forms of torture.”

Richard Pipes admits: “Jews undeniably played in the Bolshevik Party and the early Soviet apparatus a role disproportionate to their share of the population. The number of Jews active in Communism in Russia and abroad was striking: in Hungary, for example, they furnished 95 percent of the leading figures in Bela Kun’s dictatorship. They also were disproportionately represented among Communists in Germany and Austria during the revolutionary upheavals there in 1918-23, and in the apparatus of the Communist International.”


“ That the Russian revolution was actually a Jewish revolution, but at the same time part of an international revolution of Jewry against the Christian world, is indicated by an article by Jacob de Haas entitled “The Jewish Revolution” and published in the London Zionist journal Maccabee in November, 1905: “The Revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution, for it is a turning point in Jewish history. This situation flows from the fact that Russia is the fatherland of approximately half of the general number of Jews inhabiting the world… The overthrow of the despotic government must exert a huge influence on the destinies of millions of Jews (both in Russia and abroad). Besides, the revolution in Russia is a Jewish revolution also because the Jews are the most active revolutionaries in the tsarist Empire.”

But why were the Jews the most active revolutionaries? What was it in their upbringing and history that led them to adopt the atheist revolutionary teachings and actions of Russia’s “superfluous young men” more ardently than the Russians themselves? Hatred of Christ and the Christians was, of course, deeply imbedded in the Talmud and Jewish ritual – but the angry young men that began killing thousands of the Tsar’s servants even before the revolution of 1905 had rejected the Talmud as well as the Gospel, and even all religion in general”


Paranoia strikes deep into your mind it will creep … it starts when you’re always afraid … lol

Porc Halal

Are you shaking and foaming at the mouth right now? … have you seen a psychiatrist?

Shlomo Shekelstein

Diarrhea strikes deep into your mind it will creep … it starts when you’re always full of shit … lol

No really, 42.500 comments of what, lol and next? Pathetic. Cheapskates from IDF should really stop hiring cheap hasbara trolls, you’re not worth 1 shekel, not even 1 agorot.


Covid time leaves me lots of time … hello?

It’s entertainment for me … eh?

I’m on my phone with unlimited data … you’ve got nothing to say … eh?

F/k off


Shlomo Shekelstein

Yeah, you are a pathetic loser with nothing better to do than spam garbage all day long. Really stupid, totally worthless garbage. You’ve got nothing to say in your entire miserable ‘life’.

“Retired public golfer” … eh?
more like retarded public golfer… public toilet ?

Shlomo Shekelstein

“That the Russian revolution was actually a Jewish revolution”
No doubt there.

Porc Halal

the truth hurts … some people just can’t face it …

Fred Swenson

You are insane.

Jim Allen

Just another pitiful troll with a large pretense of knowledge, and a penchant for willful ignorance.

Porc Halal

and what is your argument against the historical facts I’ve quoted? … I know, insulting is the argument of the stupid but still…

Jim Allen

The fact the “historical” facts aren’t facts are all, and the few that actually are, aren’t in context.
Not antinsult, a statement of fact.



Porc Halal

In fact, I didn’t expect more from a zionist jew …

Alekai Mordechai

Do you know your jewish brother in law is the biggest consumer of halal pork?

Porc Halal

Nice … I still try to figure out who my jewish brother-in-law would be though ….

Alekai Mordechai

You wouldn’t know that ….. yet

Luke Hemmming

Damn i thought this was too good to be true!




No YOU didn’t … YOU posted that it was true to me … hello?

FOR A MOMENT … you were GLEEFUL … lol


Rhodium 10

Not only Iranians, Palestinians or Hezbollah have accounts to settle with Mossad…also Armenians living in Israel know that Mossad supported Azerbajan with satellite Intel and sofisticate weapons( Harop,Loran,Orbiter 3)….to kill Armenians and expel them from NK….

Jim Allen

Every country in the Middle East, North Africa, Japan, South America, every country in the world, with the possible exception of The Headcutters.


So … like Santa’s List … Yossi’s checkin it twice to see whose been naughty … eh?

Their present?

A nice big surprise …

Shlomo Shekelstein

A nice big surprise … eh?

Yossi and Bibi have a nice big surprise for you as a present: ?

ok, probably not that big, it’s not their nose….


So again … you got nothing


Shlomo Shekelstein

I have a nice BIG surprise for you ?


Lots of accounts to settle … lol

Armenians in Israel … eh? They’re full citizens of the state with representatives in the Knesset … hello?

If they ‘act out’ they’ll regret it … and besmirch their community … eh?

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis are sovereign … they have been busy these last 72 years … lots of dead enemies of the state strewn around the battlefields … expect no mercy on the battlefield …



US: Pls don’t retaliate, wait for Biden. He will compensate something.

Iran: How are we gonna survive such face losing!?

US: Israel will fake one assassination of Mossad commander. You claim credit.

Iran: Great.


This hit is FACT, go visit Fahmi Hinavi grave and prove the article wrong. I bet Schmolly Vood is working overtime now creating fake video’s showing Hinavi “alive and well”. Remember “The Liberty”, we won’t forget or forgive.

chris chuba

I believe it is fake because Israel is the police state we accuse Iran of being.

Try to get a visa to enter Israel even from their world’s best friend, the U.S., you will be interrogated as to why you should be allowed to enter. If you are in the U.S. and originally from say … Jordan, India, or some other country, I bet you get even more scrutiny. It would be interesting to see how many such visas are rejected to see if Israel has to limit them based on their ability to monitor foreigners. If something does go wrong, it won’t be long before people can now be spirited away to their new best friends in Saudi Arabia for interrogation.

So yeah, I bet it would be hard for operatives in Israel. It’s hard for native born Palestinians to build shacks and get water. I’d be curious to hear from people who have actually visited Israel to share their experiences, you are an innocent foreigner and were surprised at how closed of a society it was.



