Facebook administration has been unpublished the main SouthFront English page. The official reason of the act of censorship is a few of photos with Novorossian peoples and warriors.

Click to watch full size
The message reads:
Your Page is currently not visible on Facebook. It looks like content posted on your Page doesn’t follow the Facebook Terms and Community Standards, so your Page was unpublished. These Terms and Standards help ensure Facebook remains a welcoming, respectful environment.
At the moment SouthFront Team has made an appeal to Facebook administration. We believe that there were no objective reason to block SouthFront page on Facebook. Thus, the only real reason of deleting it will be a censorship.
We recommend to all our Facebook readers to start read website instead of blocked page.
Also, SouthFront Two English page still works.
There are screenshots of the posts “violating Facebook Terms and Community Statdards”:
The awful image violating Facebook Community Standards 1:
The awful image violating Facebook Community Standards 2:
make a third back up in facebook just in case and 2 in you tube for your reports videos
Don´t appeal or beg to facebook. You should know that this “social” media represents big capital´s media infrastructure. So what did you expect?