Facebook Bans Zero Hedge

Originally appeared at Zero Hedge

Over the weekend, we were surprised to learn that some readers were prevented by Facebook when attempting to share Zero Hedge articles. Subsequently it emerged that virtually every attempt to share or merely mention an article, including in private messages, would be actively blocked by the world’s largest social network, with the explanation that “the link you tried to visit goes against our community standards.”

We were especially surprised by this action as neither prior to this seemingly arbitrary act of censorship, nor since, were we contacted by Facebook with an explanation of what “community standard” had been violated or what particular filter or article had triggered the blanket rejection of all Zero Hedge content.

To be sure, as a for-profit enterprise with its own unique set of corporate “ethics”, Facebook has every right to impose whatever filters it desires on the media shared on its platform. It is entirely possible that one or more posts was flagged by Facebook’s “triggered” readers who merely alerted a censorship algo which blocked all content.

Alternatively, it is just as possible that Facebook simply decided to no longer allow its users to share our content in retaliation for our extensive coverage of what some have dubbed the platform’s “many problems”, including chronic privacy violations, mass abandonment by younger users, its gross and ongoing misrepresentation of fake users, ironically – in retrospect – its systematic censorship  and back door government cooperation (those are just links from the past few weeks).

Facebook Bans Zero Hedge

Unfortunately, as noted above, we still don’t know what event precipitated this censorship, and any attempts to get feedback from the company with the $500 billion market cap, have so far remained unanswered.

We would welcome this opportunity to engage Facebook in a constructive dialog over the company’s decision to impose a blanket ban on Zero Hedge content. Alternatively, we will probably not lose much sleep if that fails to occur: unlike other websites, we are lucky in that only a tiny fraction of our inbound traffic originates at Facebook, with most of our readers arriving here directly without the aid of search engines (Google banned us from its News platform, for reasons still unknown, shortly after the Trump victory) or referrals.

That said, with Facebook increasingly under political, regulatory and market scrutiny for its arbitrary internal decisions on what content to promote and what to snuff, its ever declining user engagement, and its soaring content surveillance costs, such censorship is hardly evidence of the platform’s “openness” to discourse, its advocacy of free speech, or its willingness to listen to and encourage non-mainstream opinions, even if such “discourse” takes place in some fake user “click farm” somewhere in Calcutta.

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Barry Warmkessel

Typical of jewish rum media organizations.


The suppression of ideas and alternative debate have always been the holy grail of all religions and despots, in fact all have engaged in censorship, as much as their political power and support enables them to do throughout history.

The Jews though have been involved in the manipulation of ideas and thought for millennia.

cechas vodobenikov



Boycott Facebook!

Jens Holm

We need those medias very much. We have to chnage the bad parts in stead.

Concrete Mike

Why should media be concentrated in the hands of oligarchs??

You can change whatever you want…the structure is the same…nothing will change…its all narrative control….to manufacture consent! So the rich can exploit the poor.

Zionism = EVIL

Zuckerberg Wants Facebook to Build a Mind-Reading Machine to change how already dumbed down Americunts can be turned into Zombies.

For those of us who worry that Facebook may have serious boundary and perceptual manipulation issues when it comes to the personal information of its users and ability to manipulate news and opinions , Mark Zuckerberg’s recent comments at Harvard should get the heart racing. Zuckerberg now wants technology in society, to influence public opinions, perceptions, the challenges, the hopes, and the anxieties.

Zionism = EVIL

Sad reality is that the Jews want to create a brainwashed global sheeple colony of dolts who can’t think for themselves. Jew agenda is a global police state where eventually even thoughts would be controlled like the current push to ban any criticism of Zionist criminals. Zero Hedge is a good objective website that posts factual coverage of “news and events” and that includes taking the lid off Americunt and Zionist crimes against humanity. Obviously, the Jew criminals like Zuckerberg can not stand any TRUTH , so the TRUTH has to be banned, Zionists and their Nazi mentors have the same policies, now ashkeNAZI = NAZI. The next step in Jew agenda is a global crackdown on the internet. It is for all people who value human freedom to stand up to these murderous thugs. Southfront and few true free media outlets are an exception that the Zionists have not been able to control so far, and hope they never do.

Tommy Jensen

Dont worry. We will get to SF and other “free” anti-semitic media too. You goyim will soon get to regret you stole the silver treasure in Temple II.

Allan Greedspoon

Looks like jensen has escaped the institution once again. . . .

Zionism = EVIL

Jens and Tommy live in the same loony asylum, some days their internet privileges are restricted.

Jens Holm

All has to moderate themselves now and then accoreding to the rules of the sites.

Much like the gentleman like me are OUSIDE the ASYLUM.

If we were neighbors, I would at least not feel for being armed.

Concrete Mike

At the end of the day, FB is a private platform with private rules.

Dont use it and it will wither out and die like all other tech stuff.

Betamax anyone?

Allan Greedspoon



someone stole your great great great great great grandfathers uncles brother-in-laws aunties silver treasure……supposedly…..according to what you read in a book once. Is this why your so mad?

Zionism = EVIL

Firstly, the only SEMITES are the Arabs and secondly the Jew scum take goyim names to fool the world, why not use SCHMUCKSTEIN which is more appropriate :)

Jens Holm

Arabs never was able to build the Ark themselves :) even instructions from Allah might have helped them.

Look how they flee by the see in rotten boats and are solded swimming west, which are unusefull. And they never has learned to svim as well :(

Concrete Mike

Bork bork!


Sadly that will be their strategy Tommy.
Silence all real debate .


Facebook is the biggest promoter of Zio-news.

Concrete Mike

Yes it is. Part of a self promoting loop.

Narcisism on steroïds


Yeah, Zero brain.. ups Hedge, is an full blown idiot bin, and have done nothing but sucking up to whatever moronic babeling the Moronistans Gov and ISISraeli hooligans have pimed for years, much of it is so bad it hurts, their political reality is soaked in something I define as an haze made by sniffing glue, you cant be that brain dead by any other means, expect coke heads, shit that eats up your mind and soul, and I have NO sympathy what so ever, bitches, you think the Tribe cares, huh, now even the morons gets it, I hope.
The thing is, Trumpstein the Idiot, is crashing your land, and another tip, do watch when the hour is getting late and they are sliding down an ally they havent been in for an long time, the loosing side, their idiot propaganda is ramped up, we are spoon feed PC, even from Russian sites, why do you think they had this black man on the news, moked by an group of uh…. whites, when the ugly truth is the oposit, of 100 cases, 99 is about white been attacked, raped and a lot of happy slapping, on Twitte to FeaseBook, but the ZioMSM never “bothers” to write about that, etc, etc, to economy, where they are completelly blank.
All wars are bankers wars, period.
And whom runs the banks.
Until you get it, we are indeed screwed, and will be screwed much harder in the future when the FeD continues with their insane monetary policy, and even there the ZHedgers are idiots.

The thing is, ZH is an AmeriCunt site, and it shows, article upon articles, hate propaganda about issues they know jack shit about, socialism they scream and points to Venez, and so on to NK, but never bothers to tell the rest why this countrys are in truble, because of this Oragne monkey they have in charge, whom is continuing the policys witch the previous scums have instigated, and Trump is going to expand everything. And in ZH they pimp propaganda at an level witch is unpresedented.
Only beaten to pulp by Unz ugh…. the IQ gang.
Anyone whom drools about IQ is to me an idiot, period and knows jack shit about even our Mind, apart from been cock shure they are the peak of eh…. evolution.
They never learn, Trump is 100% fake.
And to be honest ZH and others, I knew it all the time, to me, He is the missile that sinks the UssA, thank God for drooling idiots, and the imperial banana republic is packed to the brim with them.
Gods speed to the bottom of the pit, and do notice something else, what I define as reversed perseptions/pshyco, where they do this because they know, as with another person site I never go to, AJ and now ZH is because they know people will be rishing over there because of just this, its basic phsycologi.
And the idiots fall for it all the time.
My final warning to the inhabitants of Moronistan, is this, now when their agenda is derailed and exposed, do notice that suddenly, the raving loonie Pelosi confirms it, the political kabuki show, is ending, from now on, they all will be behind Trumpstein Da Bitch, all because Trump is doing what His masters tells Him to do, and the gag order is gone, just watch.
Nothing will be better, only the MIC is getting feed, the rest is going down the drain.
And TrumpTards lives in denile.


PS: Boycot the terrorstate UssA and ISISrael to oblivion, nothing hurts the Tribe more than hitting their wallet.

steve smith

Your rambling, barely intelligible shitpoast is ironically the result of the haze from sniffing glue

Hansi Hintern

Am I the only one thinking that the face on this pics clearly looks like an alien (from outer space or another dimension)?

I think, that David Icke clearly was up to something, though most of these creatures probably don’t shapeshift in the physical sense. There are a few videos of people shapeshifting, then ticking at their forehead, shifting stops, these guys maybe are actually protected by a physical hologram, but these cases represent only a small fraction. In most cases shapeshifting is not physical, it’s your perception, that changes. When they appear to shapeshft, you just get to see the entities controlling them, first you see their snake eyes, then the whole body, Greys, Reptiloids, Lam-like beings etc.

It’s a kind of remote viewing for the public, under some circumstances we seem to be able to see through the deception. Maybe a few 100.000 years ago we all had the ability (think of Lloyd Pye), maybe it was turned off genetically, maybe there’s some kind of disturb signal. In “They Live” Carpenter indicates, that the aliens are physically different, but I think, almost all aliens (on earth) are more or less human or perfectly human-looking hybrids, just controlled by entities in different realms, and if we were able to turn off the deceiving frequencies, we’d immediately see their controllers.

Daniel Martin

I’ve abandoned that CIA/NSA sponsored social project years ago, can’t believe that people are still drawn to that platform.

Zionism = EVIL

Facebook preys on isolated low life selfie types by catering to the idiots who want to show that they have a life by taking selfies and posting them. Wow, look at me having a meal, look at me I am about to fall off a cliff just trying to impress other virtual losers. Facebook is a haven for low IQ retards which the Americunts and Zionists want to create. Hundreds of morons have died trying to selfies to post on Facebook to please the Jew global manipulation agenda.

Promitheas Apollonious

the funny part is all who claim to be fighting against NWO and their tools is also their most fanatical supporters like if they not on face book or twitter or…….. then they can not breath or have a life. Morons living in a make believe world all by their own.

Concrete Mike

My thougts exacly.

Sure the fb platform reaches billions of people. Problem is most of these people dont get what fb are for, intelligence gathering amd social consent manufacture.

Once you see FB is for the tool of influence to morrons that it is..its pretty to easy to get outbof.

Ill give an example. One of my wife friends, pretty little thing, is always lamenting on how little likes she has. Finally one day i had enough and told her. Why are you obsessed with getting recognition from morrons? I was about to ask : do you need a manufactured consent for everything???

I stopped before saying that…because she does need manufactured consent!

I felt sad for her…how trapped she was in a fake world. How can one deal with reality when one cant even deal with fake online life!.


For me, Facebook offers a very useful object lesson about this “antisemitism” I’ve heard so much about. Mr. Zuck said “give me all your data, and I’ll build a community where you can find your own friends, and discuss with them anything that’s on your mind”. What happened? Billions of people, including tens of millions of Arabs and other muslims, trusted the jew. He seemed a cool guy with his curly hair, and very smart with computers; nobody brought up his heritage. Which antisemitism?

Then a bit later he turned around, “Change of plan folks. From now on, jewish CNN and jewish WaPo will tell you what you’re allowed to think, and you goyim will sit there and consume it. One word of dissent and I’ll ban you for life.” How much of this was US Govt pressure, and how much was our kosher friends just being unable to help themselves?

John Whitehot

people should be remembered that private corporations and entities are not obliged to protect freedom of speech, of thought, and any other right.

They usually publish a vague guidelines document, written in such way that it can be interpreted however the owners of the corporation want to.

This does not apply only to facebook or the web – it applies to ALL the so called mainstream media in the US and a large part of them in the EU, because they are privately owned.

So remember this, the next time some zionist paid troll frowns about “Russian state media” and other bullshit, freedom in western private media is nothing more than a word; while the US, together with many other western/NATO countries, altogether lack a “state owned” outlet that protects and enforces constitutional rights.

steve smith

I don’t necessarily disagree with your post, but there’s some legal distinction between a ‘platform’ and a ‘publisher’; as I understand it (I am no lawyer), platforms are outlets for their individual users without ideological bias on behalf of the ownership, and function somewhat like a ‘public utility’; whereas publishers can pick and choose which content to publish based on whatever criteria the owner sees fit. The key distinction being that platforms may not be sued for content, but publishers are legally responsible for their content.

FaceBerg, Goolag (Youtube), and Twatter hold ‘platform’ status currently, though they are idefacto ‘publishers’ due to their selective censorship. There’s a movement underway to strip these three of their protected ‘platform’ status, hopefully it will realise some success.

John Whitehot

“publishers are legally responsible for their content”

yes, but this means you can sue them if they publish wrong or offensive information on your person.

it’s got nothing to do with censorship or respect of constitutional amendments.

Brother Ma

Any platform that reads private messages and is so powerful and now works for the gov openly is to be shunned. To help that, we need newer platforms by hungry innovative people. Get out there and do it!

Saddam Hussein

Youre an idiot if you use facebook in 2019.

You can call me Al

I agree. To a certain extent (I don’t loose sleep over it), I do wonder why SouthFront has suddenly got their tags on here. I either ignored them, but I am sure they only pooped up a week or so ago.

John Whitehot

agree rather strongly