On June 8th, an F-35A’s fighter jet’s landing gear collapsed at Hill Air Force Base, Utah.
The aircraft was returning from a routine training flight when the incident took place.
The pilot, part of the 388th Fighter Wing, was able to exit the aircraft and is undergoing a medical evaluation.
Safety investigators will look into the incident, Hill Public Affairs Director Thomas Mullican said in an email.
“In response to the incident, the runway is currently closed and aircraft from Hill AFB in flight at the time of the incident have been diverted to other airports,” Mullican said. “Additional training flights have been paused until the runway reopens.”
This is yet another issue with the F-35 fighter jet, the offspring of the most expensive military program of all time.
This crash is the third time such a fighter jet crashes, following a US Air Force’s F-35A crashing at Eglin Air Force Base back in May 2020.
At the same airbase, a F-35A suffered a nose landing gear failure upon landing at Eglin AFB on August 22nd, 2018 with only sustaining minor damage.
There’s several other, older, issues on F-35s dating back to 2014 such as other nose landings, as well as engine fires at Eglin AFB.
In 2019, a Japanese F-35A crashed into the Pacific Ocean off northern Japan.
An investigative report published by the JASDF concluded that “spatial disorientation” on the part of the pilot and not any mechanical failure caused the accident on April 9th.
The August 9th report didn’t not elaborate on how JASDF investigators and outside experts reached their conclusion. The interim report published in June relied exclusively on pilots’ testimonies and data and communication received by ground controllers.
A Japanese search team managed to recover parts of the F-35A’s flight data; however, it was reportedly too heavily damaged to yield any data about the cause of the accident.
The first ever F-35 crash, but it happened on a F-35B took place on September 28th, 2018, near Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort, South Carolina; the pilot ejected safely.
The cause of the crash was attributed to a faulty fuel tube; all F-35s were grounded on October 11th pending a fleet-wide inspection of the tubes. They were returned to duty on the next day.
Looks like the whole of US has crashed. F-35 is hyped up garbage.
Wishful thinking
POGO and other technical audit reports don’t paint a particularly positive picture.
Do you mean tha Capitalism is on the brick of colapse?
Crony capitalism*
Well, that would be something
Hey my piggy pal, where are you from? your English is seriously up shit creek, it is BRINK not brick, even though the capitalist swine are shitting bricks these days eh!
Yeah, moma swine shat bricks like you
Buying a made in China television and watching some news shows may help!
Good to know you can afford a tv now, btw if you work hard soon you could buy some VHS with Bolywood movies
Collapse caused by BRICS.
Lol, good joke
Hey piggy, you are capable of thinking :) wonders never cease.
Nothing is impossible, only very unlikely
As another F-35 burst into flames just moments before its pilot was set to take off on a routine training mission sheds some more doubts about the ill-fated F-35 project which has bilked the US taxpayers and NATO vassals alike of over $1 trillion for buying total trash. The F-35 initiative is the Defense Department’s most expensive weapons program ever, expected to cost taxpayers more than $1 trillion over its 60-year lifespan.
The greedy Ziocorporate terrorists spent $1.5 trillion developing this trash, the world’s #1 stealth money syphoning machine
Yeah, that’s why 1000+ are already booked by other countries.
I bet many wish that they weren’t lumbered with it.
Ransom payment for the U.S. Empire…
1000+ includes the U.S…
Poor Ruskyes cry about other ppl money
Russian debt to GDP ratio 11%
U.S. debt to GDP ratio 134%
Debt per capita U.S. $64,000
Debt per capita Russia $6000
Forex reserves U.S. $112billion
Forex reserves Russia $600billion
As usual better luck next time…
Lol, debt per capita includes inflation which is 30% of total debt, meaning US gov owes $21.000 to each US citizen.
Which they will never get…
Thw same with the rest of the debt which nobody will get.
And that will be the end of the Bretton Woods Agreement and the Petro dollar.
The Ruble is the one tied to the oil price, not the Dollar
Actually 60% of oil trade is still in $.
Albeit decreasing.
So low oil prices and a weak Ruble together compensate for the profit loss.
Something the U.S. cant do…
Russia also runs a trade surplus of $200billion a year vs the U.S. whom run a trade deficit of $800billion a year.
By any chance do you hate graphs? If not, go check oil price and Ruble xe and see they look exactly the same time.
I just explained why…
Do you mean that actually the Ruble controls the oil and not the other way around?
I mean if the oil price is down but you sell in Euro and USD the exchange rate will compensate for the low oil price.
It’s a deliberate tactic.
Russia can afford a cheap Ruble the U.S. can’t.
Japan and China are using the same tactic by the way…
So let me understand, do you mean Russia devalues Ruble on purpose when barel price drops?
Yes, indeed.
Russia gets paid in Euro, Dollars and other currencies for their oil, why would they devaluate the Ruble. And you just said that USA doesn’t afford to devaluate the Dollars? They are doing that since 1913.
Because they exchange the Euro and USD to Ruble, if the Ruble is weaker they get more Ruble.
Inside Russia the purchase parity changes less than globally, and they can even wait and just sit on it waiting till the Ruble goes up again.
Why do you think Russian Forex reserves are going up, global economy tanked, yet Russia is still making profit…
Compared to other currencies that’s nothing(USD vs Ruble/Yen/Yuan), the USD fluctuated in a 100 years as much as other currencies in weeks or months.
You could say that’s good, but not when you are trading.
Look at the two biggest traders China and Japan, keeping their exchange rate extremly low…
The ruble floats. The USD remains strong because there is demand for USD as a reserve currency.
A strong currency makes the goods a country produces more expensive. Trump wants to bring back manufacturing to the USA however he can’t because of the strong USD. Even US oil and gas is more expensive because it’s produced in the USA.
if businesses can’t sell their goods they go broke.
You got a stock bubble, you have a debt to GDP ratio of 140% and the goods you make are uncompetitive with other sellers because you have a strong dollar.
On top of that the USA is being run by an idiot gangster who specializes in bankrupting casinos and whose main qualification as president is he played a businessman on TV. The guy still thinks that China pays the tariffs for fuck sake.
On their internal market the oil is cheaper than in Russia.
Try $78,600/person and $208,730/taxpayer.
Debt to GDP as of today is 149%
And my favorite stat US total assets/person $433,901…. US liabilities / person $448,762. The USA is bankrupt, it’s just confidence, bullshit and the fed keeping the carcass animated.
Omg poor Americans owe you lots of money, when do you ask them back?
First the US debt problem isn’t just the national debt. Corporate and personal debt are at record levels as well. As you know in order to service debt you need cash flow and when business shuts down so does the cash flow.
Businesses cash flow was disrupted March / April which means bills due in May going forward will not be paid. The massive layoffs also hit at the same time so rent and other consumer bills will start going unpaid.
Usually during a recession there is 12 to 18 month lag between the trigger event and the flood of bankruptcies and failures. This is when the real pain begins. During the last recession it took 18 months before the crisis hit and the bailouts began …. this time they bailouts started on day one of the crisis which is giving Americans a false sense of complacency about the economy.
So to answer your question lenders will start calling in loans and taking legal action mid summer …. the bankruptcies late summer, early fall. Lets hope the Fed has the oil changed and presses tuned up because they are going to be printing money like crazy come September to bail out lenders.
Thanks for the tip, I will tell my boss to go fuck himself and shove his greens up to his arse and will find a Russian boss that can pay me in Rubles.
What tip? When did I say ANYTHING about the strength or value of the greenback let alone advised you to get paid in rubles?
I made a comment about the US economy and debt. I made no comment about the US or Russian currencies.
You said it will colapse this summer
Summer hasn’t even started yet. I also said Deutsche Bank would go broke Q1 of this year but that was before Covid-19 and a big fat bailout from the German government. I failed to predict the fall of capitalism and the victory of socialism that happened last month.
Here’s a stock tip for you …. buy Hertz. The company is in bankruptcy with no market for their product yet it sold for $6 a share yesterday. The stock is worthless. In bankruptcy stockholders get paid after the government, secured creditors and employees which means the stock someone bought yesterday for $6 is guaranteed to be worthless after bankruptcy yet people are still willing to pay good money for the stock.
That’s how weird and delusional the US economy is right now …. the USA is now a casino in which every bet’s a winner thanks to the federal reserve.
lets see how sustainable this is.
Damn, I missed the victory of socialism over capitalism that happened last month, must have been sleeping.
Noo, not Fed this time, pleasee
What’s not to love about risk free investing? Ruthless capitalism for the poor and bailouts and parachute money for the rich. Russia may be described by some as a gas station masquerading as a country but the US is now not only a casino masquerading as a country but a casino where nobody loses thanks to the generosity of the taxpayers great grandchildren.
Are you still upset on Mckain for calling your beloved Russia a gas station or are you genuinely worried about the american taxpayers grandchildren?
Yes I’m upset at McCain calling Russia a gas station because if people actually believe bullshit like that they’ll believe a war with Russia is winnable.
Yes I am genuinely concerned about all our grandchildren because I already see my own children’s standard of living falling below my own and I believe in leaving something for future generations rather than my debts.
Great civilizations are built generation by generation …. not used up by a single gluttonous generation.
Mostly I agree with you on your comment. Still calling it a gas station was obviously referring to their economy. Nobody wants to bomb a gas station anyway.
I wouldn’t bandy that about so gleefully if I were you. The Federal Reserve deliberately drives up inflation, precisely so that, through briefly negative interest rates, they can steal more money from US citizens, whose now devalued savings buys them less. In essence you’ve just proved that the US Government are cynical criminals who exploit the people.
Isn’t sweet how the little shitholes inhabitants are always worried for the American taxpayer?
I have no idea how you think that comment is relevant. I am an American taxpayer.
And don’t you love how desert people and poor ass Ruskies cry for the American taxpayer’s money when they see an advanced weapon?
At least somebody cares that my money is being wasted to line the pockets of L-M shareholders, while my countrymen in uniform are being sent out with unreliable and ineffective equipment. It’s certain that none my Senators and Representatives do, while the majority of my countrymen are too ill-educated and brainwashed by the MSM propaganda machine to notice.
But also do you care of the Russian people being robbed by the most clogged bunch of billionaires in Moscow, or are you afraid to say a thing or two about it, Ivan?
According to US treasury 2019 Consumer Debt Study, total consumer debt in the U.S. is at $14.1 trillion, with Americans carrying an average personal debt of $90,460.
Not to mention Russia’s immense natural resources and high tech aerospace and military exports sector.
US is the biggest ponzi scam in history.
Still on the stupid Russian obsession, you stupid Ukrainian Canadians really need to get over Ukraine, or re-immigrate to your granddad’s homeland you loser.
Did I upset you much?
Nothing you write ever stands the test of veracity, in other words you tell too many lies.
Please don’t cry. Ill give yoy a lolypop
IDIOT, it is Ruskie, to you dumbass Uki ;)
Ohh noo, I was attacked a grammar-nazi swine eating Musli
Canada was part ofnl development and manufacturing, yet we still pulled out, because the plane makes no sense for us.
Too expensive, short range, small loadout.
Its a first strike aircraft in a nutshell, wich is something canada has done very little, thus i make the case that we dont need it, capitalism be damned!
I agree with you on this, F-18 is good enough.
When are you immigrating to Ukraine.
Don’t need to, they will conquer Moscow soon.
Canada needs a twin engine jet for arctic operations a single engine jet is simply not suitable.
Even if the Flop-35 was as good as the Lockheed commercial says it would still fall short.
Aside from you are a 100% right.
Well need is a strong word. Some native reserves dont have running water or electricity, so what do we need more? Stupid planes to go bully other nations on behalf of NATO, or to take care of our own peoples.
I’m not a zero sum kind of guy, there must be an acceptable compromise.
We have lost the capacity to develop our own products sadly, wich really sucks, because boeing fucked bombardier pretty hard, and were going to turn around and buy more FA18? HELL NAH!
Id rather we buy chinese planes! Just to stick it to Lockheed and Boeing.
Canada should resurrect the Avro Arrow, with new engines, electronics and long range missiles.
It still has a superior flight envelope even with 1950 tech it beats the F-18.
The Amercants would have a meltdown :)
The USA initially needed to guaranteed sales of 3200 F-35’s to produce the aircraft at the estimated price and cover the R&D costs.
The USA was going to take 1763 of them and the allies would buy 1337.
Unfortunately the allies only ordered 755 and not all those orders are firm with many countries making only taking a few aircraft initially and evaluating them before committing to the total amount
The USA has since bumped up their orders by 626 to 2389 to make up for shortfalls in sales bringing the total sold to date to 3144 ….. just about to the break even point. They also talked Poland into taking 60 of them after Turkey and Canada quit the program. They’ve also been trying to strong arm Germany into taking them …. without luck.
So even with the “partnership” jobs kickback plan to sweeten the deal no one want to buy this aircraft in the numbers the USA needs them to and among those in the program some are still leaving the door open to get out of it.
Will they will buy the ‘F-35 Killer’ Su-57 instead?
Again the paradise of Ukraine is waiting for you.
But I like Russia
Why is it an either / or question to you? I’d buy according to my needs.
In the case of Canada where we do air patrols over vast sparsely populated areas I’d lean toward the F-18 superhornet. it’s got twin engines to get you home safely, costs half as much per/hr to operate and can fly more than one mission a week, doesn’t need to be repainted with invisible paint after every mission, much longer expected service life and doesn’t rely on Windows Vista to fly. Provided Boeing is still solvent in 6 months that is.
I’d go for a SU-30 variant too … similar aircraft. Problem is getting parts and munitions once the shooting starts.
Israel can buy them, no problem.
You sweet thing, what do you mean by “buy” them?
As far as my country and I are concerned, “buy” all of them!
Sure thing Garga :)
This guy is an idiot and a Iraqi self-loathing Arab/Jew. He is a hoot!
Shut the fuck up pedophile.
He outed himself the other day as his English is that of a ten year old and he pushes the same self-loathing crap every day. According to him now, he is a “Iraqi Jew”, which obviously makes him an Arab, since so-called Jew cult were outcast tribe of desert wandering Arab criminals.
He is very silly young troll. I have figured him out as he claims to be an Iraqi. He writes like a homo-erotic teenager hooked on video games and bloodshed. Has some major Oedipus issues.
Given their reputation as a hanger queen and reports that their expected service has been cut in half you may need to.
Sure with our money!
Check Israel’s GDP and tell me if we need 3B$.
Beggers, liars and cheats.
What GDP? it is all based on western taxpayers largesse or ponzi scams. Luckily, the Chinese are smart not to fund an illegal regime.
My Iraqi Jew Arab troll, Israel does not buy anything, it is a charity case.
Israel’s GDP is still very high, and our defense budget is atleast 20B$ annually. We are not beggars like some other countries, plus we sell our weapon systems even to India.
But scammers.
Not beggars? LOL US taxpayers would disagree.
It is part of a peace deal between us and Egypt, both get money from the U.S so if you say we don’t need to get it fine, take it from Egypt too. Also, that money is used only to buy U.S military equipment from U.S companies and can only be used in dollars, so Israeli industries don’t get a cent.
Ah, but Israel will only “buy” them because L-M granted them the unique right to rip out most of the buggy electronics and put in IAI systems. Until L-M gave in on that point, the IAF flat out refused, and for good reason. Even then, they are only “buying” them because they are using their US Foreign Military Aid funds, which have to be spent on US products, and they have a longstanding tradition of acquiring junk equipment at a bargain then refitting it into something useful.
L-M in turn only agreed to the IAF’s condition because it was so desperate to sell them, and knew that having the IAF use them would be a major a selling point when offering them to others, due to the IAF’s reputation as one of the best air forces, known for making smart equipment buys.
In other words, the fabled “5th Generation” avionics that L-M touts as the great advantage of that miserable airframe are garbage.
Fair point, but we even modified the American F16 to F16I using IAI systems so it’s not new. We can not afford to buy everything we want using the aid money that’s why the IDF’s budget is 20B$ so it can purchase other toys too. I would buy atleast 50-80 F35 it’s worth every penny.
Yes, it’s not new. Israel did it with their their F-16s, F-15s, AH-64s, and generally any aircraft they buy. It’s a smart policy. What is different is that in the past, US companies have had little problem with this practice, but in this case, L-M pitched an enormous fit about it (and turned down Japan’s request to do the same), and was only finally cajoled into agreeing by the USAF, who threatened to cut back their own purchases if L-M didn’t agree, because Israel simply would not take the aircraft any other way. L-M was furious, because now everyone could see that Israel wasn’t impressed with the most hyped part of the aircraft.
Of course Israel has it’s own defence budget…but last I checked they weren’t wasting any of that on any extra F-35s, and I think that says something. They are getting all 50 of those F-35Is with FMA funds. If the aircraft was as wonderful as claimed, they probably would have gotten more. L-M certainly tried to sell them more. They are approved for twice what they bought. Instead, they are buying 25 F-15IAs, which are superior as both fighters and strike aircraft, and upgrading 25 more F-15Is to IAs.
Only puppet failed little swiney shitholes like NATO lapdogs and Australia. Who in their right mind would buy anything from the Americunt failed racist cesspool facing collapse. Talk about lack of spare parts, even if these shit cans were able to fly barring a “bird strike”.
I hear annoying desert creature noizes (Star wars reference for the poor sand nigglets that grew up without TV)
“that’s why 1000+ are already booked by other countries…”
Nope. That is patronage by vassal states.
the money is given to US colonies to buy this trash in order to prevent the US economy from crashing
US weapons are overpriced and Americans are historically untrustworthy as they impose sanctions if a country does not tow their line. Their complete lapdog Pakistan found out the hard was as it has been repeatedly sanctioned. India has retained its military purchases from Russia, even though Modi was installed by the CIA, our military does not trust US, which is in meltdown anyway.
Well there is a price for being protected of looting by the new mongol empire aka Russia, being able to spend billions of dollars on useless toys is because the lil greens didn’t raid and rape for a long time. US is god sent alliens for small countries in the lil green vicinity
US forced many countries and paid many politicians to make them order that bad plane.
The most accidents are among Russian planes. 1st Su-57, out of only 12 planes, crashed also.
SU 57 – one crash
F35 – well i dont know but at least 10 crashed already and its not even fully operational.
F-35: 2 out of 400 in 3 years, Su-57: 1 out of 12 in 1 year. And it’s not fully operational either.
Lmao WTF is going with that damn Jet ?? just scrap the whole damn thing and make more F-15 and a better, cheaper F-22, this crap might get a worse record than the early F16’s ….
Dont give them ideas hahaha
Made in the U.S. with pride…
Hahahaha such shit
F-35 or not, the sun is setting on the American empire. Empires have to fall and this one is on its way. I think we should call this Newton’s 4th Law.
Oooops, how much did that cost?
Meanwhile, talking of planes, what is going on at the MH17 trial in the Hague? Did Kerry ever hand over that illusive satellite intelligence he was bragging about, back in July 2014?
Thank you Styx for this link, for those who have not seen the documentary.
It is “going on” very well. I enjoy watching it. Sorry, for Helmer, but the Dutch judge did not “present bombshell” at all. Just his [Helmer’s] wet dream. It’s been said so often, the investigators have plenty other evidence than the “satellite intelligence”. The prosecutors presented numerous bombshells on the other hand by exposing the [numerous] Russian lies and debunking the [numeous] alternative scenarios. Recommended , hants.
Of course… the smartest response that you are able to produce.
All lower case?
I am snoring heavily.
Happens when you drink too much alcohol.
Just because you ain’t adult enough to enjoy a drink or few,
Stick to ye jelly,blubber kweer,keep lying transfat brain:
Gorer did the describe amerika as “an oral culture”—the 1 stage of development in Freud’s 5 stages…where adults read comic books, speak their own language like children (the use of lace holders, play children games, ride ski boards and dress like children—as Kant wrote, “standardization in music is immaturity”—all of amerikan trash (Adorno) is “3 chord manure”. Mel Torme
conversing w insecure children bemuses
Have not had a drink since Christmas. As have not fancied one and only drink wine spritzers,when in the mood for a drink. However, your comments do send me into a very deep sleep.
So what you post here is just a reflection of your dreams?
Listening to the prosecutor now. Explains why the four are prosecuted; what they are accused of. You are missing all that, hants. Well, you are probably only interested in what your facts twisting media make of it.
What did Thijs Berger have to say? Can he prove his version of satellite data, corresponding to the four accusers, beyond reasonable doubt?
Why is he whinging Russia did not provide primary radar? How long is a nation, who is a neighbour of another nation, which had an aviation disaster, legally expected to hold onto primary radar data? When did the DSB request Russian primary radar data? Was it October 2014, 3 months after the tragedy?
US State Department admitted the only MH17 they held, was courtesy of social media.
Berger admitted, the NATO radar intelligence was broken and fragmented, showing ‘no chain of custody’.
Berger admitted there was conflicting evidence from the DSB/European representatives and the BUK manufacturers, who happened to produce and supply the Soviet Union BUK (remember Ukraine presented missile, with serial number, intact, at their press conference?). Anyway, Russia provided the missile passport, based on serial number, that Ukraine presented to the world. The BUK manufacturer also produced the BUK systems that both Russia, Ukraine and Soviet Union used/use.
So why would the DSB/European friends have conflicting evidence? Almez-Antey have nought to lose, by not presenting substantiated facts and evidence, now do they?
Can Berger, prove beyond reasonable doubt there was a BUK operating and together with logistical support system, including radar, which would allow a farmer or miner, to take a civilian airline down in 120 second, window of opportunity?
Why did Ukraine send a civilian airline through a war zone, with no primary radar working?
DSB report, years ago, published Ukraine had no primary radar working on the day.
Dutch law state you must prove your case, using ‘beyond all doubt’. Do they not?
“ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ”? Or what do you want me to respond to?
With you, guess I prefer a very heavy sleep. The comment was for others to read, if interested.
Then let “the others” read this:
Berger is not “whinging Russia did not provide primary radar data”. It took a long time, but finally in Fall 2016, they they provided something, including the primary radar. And, surprise surprise… , that completely contradicted what the Russian MoD had presented on July 21st, 2014. And, as the Russian MoD had used their original radar data back in 2014 to make some points, accusing their neighbour in their TV show of July 21st (and after), the investigators immediately requested for the radar data. Of course they did. Obviously that was to corroborate or refute the claims by the Russian MoD. What the investigators received after their initial request was only screen video, useless for serious analysis.
What “US State Department admitted” – if anything, is completely irrelevant. And so is “NATO radar intelligence”. This is not about the US, nor about NATO. They play no role. If they would have had any information, fine. This is about a Malaysian civilian airliner, filled with 296 innocent people, shot out of the sky over eastern Ukraine in a conflict between the Ukrainian army and Russia-supported separatists. These are the relevant parties. Your friend Helmer, Russia and Russia friendly media do their best to divert the attention to the “big enemies”. They fail miserably.
Regarding the identification of the missile parts, a couple of strange things have been revealed. First, of these documents only photocopies have been provided; no chance to investigate their genuineness. Second, all they tell is that the missile was manufactured and supplied in 1986. It can not be retrieved in the Ukrainian archives since the independence. The Russians have not provided any proof of what happened
between ’86 and ’91. It is gone.
Yes Berger can “prove beyond a reasonable doubt” there was BUK operating. A TELAR to be precise. A Russian TELAR, provided by Russia, that was used to down MH17, from a field near Snizhne, with the accused playing a certain role. That is what this court case is about.
bruto is too stupid to bother with—the case entirely depends on fake satellite evidence —which does not exist….as Bercovitch wrote, “amerikans are blind from birth”
Really? How much time has been spent on the subject of fake satellite evidence during, what is it, 5 days in court? (Apart from the fake Russian “evidence” – as presented by the Russian MoD, 4 days after the shoot down; and apart from the fake satellite “photo” of the jet firing at the Boeing).
Seriously you p00fs got nothing on the truth,infact the fake milita clothes on the fake army personel and the fact 32mm rounds were fored from south west direction proves you degenerate asswipes are infact the liars and not russia nor east according to official Australian federal investigators,yes it’s true,yet turnbulls face when asked,what a loser!
Also german big shot aviation law barrister comfirmed by civil law,100% ukraine soros government at fault,failing safety protocols so you can take ye sht to where it don’t shine,
What a weak retort, filled with innuendos and insinuations = useless.
No links, no articles.
We are wiser here than you think.
So perhaps take a hike buddy, recommended.
Interesting comment. Perhaps you should become concrete, Mike, and prove that you are wiser than I think. Or look in the mirror.
it’s been good business for the disunited states of A, having coerced their nato compatriots to buy the crap ready to fall down jets at an exorbitant price and thus making the collection of junk more affordable for the obese and under-educated morons in pentagon. it’s sort of sexy to look at but that’s all there is to it. germany said no (arm twisting ongoing) to the f35 and then refused to accept washington dc’s no to northstream 2. what’s happening, germany freeing itself from the overt and covert threats coming out of loudmouth trump’s mouth.
Well said.
Come on guys give Lockheed Martin a break here. We all know that uh landing gear is new technology? The bugs need to be worked out
Dumb they should have used vertical rocket landing gear,more reliable soviet innovation:
Logistics absolutely suckj,morons don’t even realise they can never defend their bases with this junk!
after 1.5 trillion $ US experts claim nearly 200 defects—the f-35 cannon cannot find a target. it is slow and easily detected by Russian/Chinese radar—like their osprey, Abrams tank it is inferior…money can’t buy them love—only prostitutes
it’s better and cheaper to buy e.g. a dozen su 57 than a handfull of f35s.
Turkey is now seriously laughing. It is sooo happy to be removed from the program…..
The Japanese plane that went down in the Pacific Ocean – The flight data was damaged so badly that it yielded no useful data? From crashing into the sea? Wow! That’s a pretty weak flight data recorder.