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A large explosion took place in the city of Jalalabad, the administrative center of Nangarhar province in eastern Afghanistan.
According to the local agency Asvaka, the incident occurred in the Kabul-Hada quarter of the city on October 18.
An improvised explosive device (IED) went off on a busy street at the moment when a Taliban’s vehicle belonging was passing by. Two civilians were reportedly injured and taken to the hospital.
No photos were released to confirm the reports.
The Taliban are yet to comment on the issue.
The Nangarhar province is an are of increased ISIS activity in Afghanistan. The Taliban have sent military reinforcements there from neighboring provinces in order to carry out a large operation against ISIS.
The reports on the large-scale operation in Nangarhar came along with uncorfirmed claims on the detention of Shahid Qari Naima Chaparhar, who allegedly was the ISIS governor in the province of Nangarhar.
If the taliban is so “good” now, they should defend the Shia mosques that keep getting attacked
The Iraqi scenario is being repeated but this time with Sunnis.
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