Expecting More Nuclear Surprises In Eastern Europe

Expecting More Nuclear Surprises In Eastern Europe

ZNPP after Ukrainian drone strikes

Traditionally, the end of summer “pleases” us with optimistic news. Recently we have seen the Paris Olympics, riots in Britain and, of course, the re-election of a new “democratic president” in the USA.

A decade ago, the Zelensky regime in Kiev was on fire again, having successfully invaded Russia’s Kursk region, its ancestral homeland. The tactical success turned Kiev’s head. After all, if they could occupy hundreds of square kilometres of Russian territory with impunity, why not go further? Apparently they decided… They decided not to go deeper into Russian territory, but to finally draw the entire Western world into a direct and uncompromising conflict with Moscow.

Various sources, such as captured AFU officers, hacker teams of various kinds, Russian and Ukrainian media, claim that the Ukrainian regime is preparing provocations (massive attacks, which Ukrainian sources traditionally describe as “the Russians will blow themselves up”) in at least one of the Russian nuclear power plants near the war zone, i.e. Zaporizhzhya NPP or Kursk NPP.

The provocation could take place this weekend, from 17 to 19 August.

In fact, Kiev does not have the capability to break through the defences of the nuclear power plant and cause consequences comparable to the Chernobyl or Fukushima disasters. This would require a tactical nuclear attack or a massive bombardment of the power units for several hours by dozens of MLRS systems. Everyone understands this.

Expecting More Nuclear Surprises In Eastern Europe

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Zelensky’s office and those in charge of NATO’s special services are well aware of their capabilities. Therefore, the main task is to create the maximum PR effect, to create a wave of euphoria in some people and a wave of fear in others at the necessary moment. It does not matter how much damage is done in reality, how many people suffer. What matters is the media effect, at least at this stage of the conflict. From their point of view, that is all that matters.

That’s why they’re planning to hit certain, the most vulnerable, sites of nuclear power plants. Their task is to cause any, even the smallest, radioactive release into the atmosphere. To achieve this, it is enough to attach a radioactive warhead, the so-called “dirty bomb”, to one of the payloads of the Soviet Tochka-U missile system or the American HIMARS. The Zelensky regime has plenty of such charges.

The MSM has been talking about Kursk every day for the past few days. This is obvious. However, in the last 48 hours a huge number of such “journalists” have suddenly gathered around exactly two places: Zaporozhye NPP (which is far from Kursk) and Kursk NPP.

If the provocation is successful, the democrat Zelensky will certainly blame the terrible tyrant Putin for everything. It will be a signal to the whole world community that Russia is incapable of protecting or even undermining its nuclear facilities because of the desperation of the situation. Unfortunately, the reality is much simpler and more frightening.

The consequences of such a strike will affect the operation of the main Russian logistical routes to the south-west and south, the M2 “Moscow-Belgorod”, M3 “Moscow-Kaluga-Bryansk”, M4 “Don”, M14 “Melitopol-Taganrog-Rostov on the Don” motorways, which will be in the zone of the alleged contamination, however slight it may be. This will greatly reduce the possibilities for Russian troops to move in these directions.

Finally, there are now millions of holidaymakers in the resort areas of southern Russia (Krasnodar region, Republic of Crimea, Rostov and Stavropol regions). Panic is inevitable. This is what Zelensky’s regime is hoping for. The next few days will show what will happen in reality. The Russians have an interesting saying: “It was smooth on paper, but they forgot the gorges”.


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these ukies do like their little pr stunts, don’t they? not quite up to the standards of the heroes of snake island and the ghost of kiev, but you have to give them an a for effort.

📜⏳🌬️🌊☢️, Ukraina, Has Fallen!

revelation 18:2. after these things i saw another angel, coming down from heaven. having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. and the angel cried out with a mighty voice, saying, fallen, fallen is babylon the great! she has become a dwelling place of demons and a den of every unclean spirit. a den of every unclean unclean and hateful bird!

📜⏳🌬️🌊☢️, Ukraina, Has Fallen!

i heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people, so that you will not receive of her plagues. for she says in her heart i am a queen and i am not a widow, and will never see mourning. for this reason, in one day her plagues shall come, pestilence, mourning and famine, and she will be burned up in fire, for great is the lord god that judges her!


how unoriginal you russian stooges can’t come up with your own comments, so you have to copy others!

Down with liberal fascism.

not one americunt nailed a russian,how many russians nailed stupid americunt sepos,drrr!

babylon the great – london, new york, basel or vatican – pick your choice. however, i am, so to speak, quite reserved about anything that comes from jewish inspired religions and their gods or messiahs. revelation included.

Down with liberal fascism.

but you are blaming putin for everything is that not what republican graham loyaltists want?

Yankee Doodle Dandy

that nuland witch and her neoconniving cronies started this war. even more americans than you’d think know that.


have you noticed how attractive and sexy is that fat jewish bitch? just as much as were her predecessor madeline albright was. and i have heard some serbs bragging how they gave her refuge and protection during wwii. well, 500 000 killed iraqi civilians say “thank you for that”.
i hope they would give it a second thought when jewish refugees after the fall of israhell overflow europe.

📜⏳🌬️🌊☢️, Russia, Has Fallen!

revelation 18:2. after these things i saw another angel, coming down from heaven. having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. and the angel cried out with a mighty voice, saying, fallen, fallen is babylon the great! she has become a dwelling place of demons and a den of every unclean spirit. a den of every unclean unclean and hateful bird!

📜⏳🌬️🌊☢️, Russia, Has Fallen!

i heard another voice from heaven saying come out of her my people, so that you will not receive of her plagues. for she says in her heart i am a queen and i am not a widow, and will never see mourning. for this reason, in one day her plagues shall come, pestilence, mourning and famine, and she will be burned up in fire, for great is the lord god that judges her!

Gulbuddin Hekmatyār is alive

adolf hitler was a corporal loser with power of speech. volod zelenska was a actres loser with the lost of speech. it’s not going to end well for the ukraine. they should surrender already and get it over with before putin destroys ukraina complete just like hitler destroyed ukraine.

Ghost of Moscow 🌪️⚡⚰️

how unoriginal, you can’t come up with your own comments, so you have to copy and piggyback of someone else! oh well i guess we should be flattered right?

Down with liberal fascism.

in a real fight one must also learn from others,just because you cant fight for sht,sepo!

Ghost of Moscow 🌪️⚡⚰️

in more than seventy years, no other foreign nation besides germany, have ever occupied ukrainian territory! not only are the russians advancing, and the ukrozzz are unable to stop their advance. but the russians are now setting up headquarters and governments in occupied ukrainian territory for the citizens, it’s totally unreal!

Ghost of Moscow 🌪️⚡⚰️

the ukrainian citizens in donezk or charkiv are being told to evacuate because of you don’t we the ukrainian government can not protect you, nor insure your safety and well-being, on ukrainian territory! now the average ukrian citizen can’t help to think, that if our military can’t even push back an invasion of the russians, what would happenwhen a nation like poland invaded, it would be a total lay down!

Ghost of Moscow 🌪️⚡⚰️

this invasion is a complete humiliation for ukraine, if the afu military can not even stop the “puppet”, how can they stop the “puppet-master” if they were to invade ukria? two million ukrainian civilians had to evacuate from donbass, because the ukrian military is incapable of defending them on their own territory, this is just so shocking! it would be a total lay down of the ukrainian military, if poland was to invade!

Ghost of Moscow 🌪️⚡⚰️

in more than seventy years, no other foreign nation besides germany, have ever occupied russian territory! not only are the ukrainians advancing, and the russians are unable to stop their advance. but the ukrainians are now setting up headquarters and governments in occupied russian territory for the citizens, it’s totally unreal!

Ghost of Moscow 🌪️⚡⚰️

the russian citizens in kursk are being told to evacuate because of you don’t we the russian government can not protect you, nor insure your safety and well-being, on russian territory! now the average russian citizen can’t help to think, that if our military can’t even push back an invasion of the ukrainians, what would happen if 30 some n.a.t.o. nations invaded, it would be a total lay down!

Ghost of Moscow 🌪️⚡⚰️

this invasion is a complete humiliation for russia, if the russian military can not even stop the “puppet”, how can they stop the “puppet-master” if they were to invade russia? a quarter million russian civilians had to evacuate from kursk, because the russian military is incapable of defending them on their own territory, this is just so shocking! it would be a total lay down of the russian military, if n.a.t.o. was to invade!


bene bravo….ora hai finito di ruttare caxxate ????? ukro lanciati prima che ti pigliamo !!!

Down with liberal fascism.

ghost of anal (kiev) cope!

Yankee Doodle Dandy

he sounds like a barking seal.


how unoriginal you ukrozian stooges can’t come up with your own comments, so you have to copy others!


to be frank, this is incursion with nato included and i don’t think that ever will 30 nato countries participate, maybe balts, gerries and anglos, but hardly others.

Ghost of Moscow 🌪️⚡⚰️

this invasion is a complete humiliation for ukraine, if the afu military can not even stop the “puppet”, how can they stop the “puppet-master” if they were to invade ukria? two million ukrainian civilians had to evacuate from donbass, because the ukrian military is incapable of defending them on their own territory, this is just so shocking! it would be a total lay down of the ukrainian military, if poland was to invade!


how unoriginal you ukrozian stooges can’t come up with your own comments, so you have to copy others!

Yamil Perez is Dead

adolf hitler was a corporal loser with power of speech. vladimir putin was a kgb loser with the power of speech. it’s not going to end well for russia. they should surrender already and get it over with before putin destroys russia just like hitler destroyed germany.

Gulbuddin Hekmatyār is alive

adolf hitler was a corporal loser with power of speech. volod zelenska was a actres loser with the lost of speech. it’s not going to end well for the ukraine. they should surrender already and get it over with before putin destroys ukraina complete just like hitler destroyed ukraine.

Down with liberal fascism.

more to the point,rest assured no gay nato got any future in deciding war outcomes waste of tax!

Down with liberal fascism.

by who,you and your tranny nato brigade,fkn lol your pathedic,insolvent infact much dumber then dumb,
cope,try captain useless!


the americans have been gunning for putin since 1999. how have things gone in the united states during that period?


and vlad zelensky was a jewish actor with a power to play piano with his member. does it qualify him to be a winner of the war as opposed to addi-daddy and vlad the putin who seems to be winning this war in a real world?

Dick Von D'Astard

liquidate the zelenskyy regime then, can’t be negotiated with.

Gulbuddin Hekmatyār is alive

that’s the problem. you already tried liquidating putin before you were ambushed and your lost ukrainian forces were liquidated and pushed out of donbass. now you’re crying about it.

Yamil Perez is Dead

that’s the problem. you already tried liquidating zelensky before you were ambushed and your russian forces were liquidated and pushed out of kiev. now you’re crying about it.

Gulbuddin Hekmatyār is alive

that’s the problem. you already tried liquidating putin before you were ambushed and your lost ukrainian forces were liquidated and pushed out of donbass. now you’re crying about it.

Down with liberal fascism.

750k dead i know which army id put my bets on,truth is too easy to take kiev,punish joe biden!

Skip 59

the ukraine army has fired rockets at a shopping center in the city of donetsk. at least two people are reported killed, at least eleven other people reported injured.

this targeting of the galaktika trade center is typical of ukraine, which, since at least the year 2014, has routinely fired upon civilian commerce areas.

it was exactly these types of attacks – among other things – that provoked russia to enter ukraine for its special military operation (smo).


this was strategic movement of nato…pardon, ukrainian high command. they know russian stocked a large quantity of a cold beer in that shopping mall that helped people to cope with summer heat. now they are doomed.


and why not? at this point president putin is drawing red lines and never doing anything about them. it will end in disaster for russia in the near future. remember that all this started with western countries providing helmets and rations and now were very close to them blowing up nuclear power plants using f16’s.

Down with liberal fascism.

f16s would be blown out of the sky in world record time,conversely all red lines are noted down,yet revenge is best served cold,when the inepts of the century least expect it,later down the track,cope!

Armchair General

the f16s are being armed with cruise missiles that have a range of 1000km they can just come in from romania and shoot their missiles over ukraine into russia and create real problems in the form of destruction of industrial and oil refineries. soon you will understand what i meant.

Polish Couch Balistics

russia has intercontinental missiles that have a range of 20,000 km, they can just come from russia and shoot their missiles over ukraine to germany, france or england, creating real problems in the form of the destruction of entire countries. you can also reach washington in a few minutes. – soon you will understand what i meant.


no, this started with the us and lickspittles overthrowing the ukrainian government in 2014. they were driving the ukretard express then, and they are driving it now. how have things worked out in the us and vassal states in the last ten years?


all by design to start a nuclear world war and the ashes from which they plan to bring their joo/satanist/freemason world order. obviously otan will have ways to beat the russian air defence (or holes will be left as with kursk) with nukes, but even more obvious is how bad the russian response would be with hypersonics and tidal wave generating mega-nukes. they have been planning this together for a while, and love to leave predictive programming in their jewey-wood movies.

Last edited 6 months ago by BunkerDwellers
Conan M

one word “why’?… we thought the russian federation had it secure months ago!… is this deliberate?…

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

how are vladimir’s bank account(s) in the west?… i see that palladium broke above platinum for the first time in months. is it because he and vasily nebenzya are on their best behavior being good little boyz in the unsc in manhattan?!!!

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Down with liberal fascism.

when one is not in a viable position to understand existence,perhaps putin has traitors too,like drr!

Conan M

than again… this thoughtful observation from someone in the know who has been right most of the time watching russia’s “long game” – “russian forces withdrew from border area in new direction in kursk region – report”
“now some gewkrainians are contained in the area between those 3 canceled bridges, and evacuated of civilians. that means a big can of whoop *** is about to be opened on them.”… i certainly hope so!…

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M

man, the economist was right about that putin guy all along! i’ll never distrust the cia, mi6 or bill browder ever again!

Conan M

i like your snarky sarcasm. with headlines like this “ukraine destroys key bridge in kursk region using us-supplied himars”… keep them coming. maybe we’ll see palladium at $3,000 by the end of next week which should make the russian leadership and his banks happy!

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Crocus Shooting Gallery

it’s going to get very hot in moscow soon…heheheh

Down with liberal fascism.

crocusht! you high heels wannabe heros gonna burn in hell with or without putins help (period)


how unoriginal you ukrozian stooges can’t come up with your own comments, so you have to copy others!


there is no ukraine it is nato, nato has lost its proxy now they need a way to commit the rest of its forces, the end is close

Down with liberal fascism.

ukraine defaults,no nation with half a brain can trust unless they too are in default,eg us 35 trillion?


there is no ‘rest of its forces”. some polish indentitarian retards and that’s about the extent of manpower available to the us empire. they couldn’t even keep an army in the field against iraq and afghanistan. stop-loss, anyone?

Edgar Zetar

this is only the start of a huge decades war between world powers. this year you will see aggression move up and up, more conflicts will arise wherever the world powers are struggling. in the western world they are trying to take over all persons who had two fingers in the forehead and replace them with puppets and crazy zombie people. psychological warfare are beign used against everybody in the civil domain. what can we do to escape from this madness?


time to stop playing nice guys and take out zelensky and his nazi regime for ever, permanently.


when they turn to nuclear blackmail, you know the western transvestites and their ukrop proxies are desperate and losing the war


lets go nuke kyiv


all you can expect from the western (all of it anglojewish) media is more bullshit propaganda, hypes, scares, lies, from covid to dangerous nuclear radiation, from co2 is killing us crap (it may be killing them as they are probably not humans) to “now you mokeys, we have prepared monkey smallpox for you”, from cow farting climate change to “no, there is nothing in the sky you should be worried about (chemtrails).

Conan M

well worth reading the comment(s) on zh read “ukraine destroys key bridge in kursk region using us-supplied himars” and the malignant propaganda that is being ginned up by the western media like a “hail mary” pass!… if any nuke is used it will be “j”-ony blinken in camo that will attempt a 9/11 style event to be blamed on russia.

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

and with the 23rd anniversary coming up next month “why” that event was so important in getting to the truth that now has manifested itself as reusable whenever and wherever the tribe needs a false flag delivered to blame on it’$ victims in order to garner support and control the direction of the herd!…

Last edited 6 months ago by Conan M