On December 3rd, Sergei Kulikov was approved by the Russian Government as chairman of the board of Rusnano instead of Anatoly Chubais.
Chubais was removed from his post just a few days earlier. He is a notorious neo-liberal supporter, and he’s occupied a multitude of government positions over the years.
The Rosnano project under him was a financial black hole that produced scandals of corruption and misappropriation of funds.
Despite that, he almost immediately was appointed to another post by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Anatoly Chubais was appointed as the president’s special representative for relations with international organizations.
The corresponding decree was signed by Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin press service reported.
“To appoint Anatoly Borisovich Chubais as special representative of the President of the Russian Federation for relations with international organizations to achieve sustainable development goals,” read the document, which was published on the evening of December 4th.
At the time of publication, neither the presidential office nor the representative of Anatoly Chubais gave extended official comments on what exactly the ex-head of Rusnano will do in his new position.
Chubais has already engaged in negotiations with international organizations during his career. For example, in 1995-1996, he was the Russian Governor of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
It is rather questionable that he still remains a part of the Russian government, and that the West views it as “nationalist”, “conservatist” and protective of the Russian population and its interests.
Regardless, looking into his appointment to the position can be seen as him being recognized as a representative and “manager” of the global neo-liberal elites that are present and pursuing their interests in Russia.
This, in itself, is a sort of arbitrary and veiled confirmation of the speculations that the Russian Federation lacks a uniform sovereignty and is, at least partially, controlled by Western-originating global forces.
The Russian Federation, partially, is under the control of the so-called “New Oppression” and that’s been going on since the collapse of the USSR.
Several figures were in the limelight during that entire time, they were given a platform and they kept moving forward, securing leadership and government positions through the years. These are mainly Anatoly Chubais and Alexei Kudrin.
After a while of this agenda moving forward, it was even deemed not worth to conceal, and these movements began happening out in the open. And it was done in a very simple manner, these global forces were simply rebranded as “global systemic international investors”, which are neither that global, nor that systemic.
They are simply represented by several massive funds, and an exquisitely narrow circle of ultimate beneficiaries, most of them with either Jewish or Anglo-Saxon roots.
It was argued that the activities of “global investors” are aimed not so much at their personal enrichment and strengthening of power, but at promoting the ideas of democracy and liberal values. In recent years, and even more so, in recent months, statements as these have caused laughter in any person who would stop and consider the reality of the situation. This has become increasingly apparent in the COVID-19 pandemic.
In Russia, there was a general unspoken rule that everybody knew what was taking place, but they acted as if there was nothing there. And that is no secret, it is quite apparent.
It could be that, with this very public removal of Chubais from his Rosnano position, and his appointment at a rather advisership role. It could be a way to see that this, until recently, behind-the-scenes partial control has now only got consulting and communication capabilities, and no executive power now. It could be that Russia would like to make it seem like the global forces’ control is waning.
Regardless, in the next two months, quite a few things will come as revelations to whether this is true or not. If Kudrin, Elvira Nabiullina, Sergey Sobyanin are removed from their posts, or shuffled to posts that appear to rather be placeholders than actual executive seats. This could mark the beginning of a top-down revolution that’s beginning in Russia.
One thing is certain, 2021 will be an exquisitely difficult year for Russia – either a revolution will take place, as mentioned above, or the existence of a unified state could potentially move from the theoretical field into practice.
What’s new about the idea that Putin is just Yeltsin without the booze, with better PR, and less tolerance for oligarchs who get interested in politics?
Pretty snarky, but quite on point still. A more effective, streamlined, polished version managing the same system and power bases.
On the contary he revolutionised russia to be the world leading superpower in atomic,nuclear,supersonic,hypersonic,fairly taxed,housed,medicated,longest bridege both rail and vehicle in entire euro continent,debt free,most gold backed currecy on earth(factual) infact like i said you are just another low iq nocando dumbass bget off the frg sex change tabs insolence,either way the man is a great leader,fkoff septic!
Save it for your lice infested gayb ar where all you fake mates love the scent of sht!
Yeah “Jimi”. At least you found out that your keyboard can write without ALL CAPS. Talking about IQ. Now keep grasping at propaganda straws and instead of seeing both sides of the coin, that most ordinary Russians are able to see, patriotic Russians included.
Cheers Jimi. You can take your meds together with that pint you know..
What exactly are you saying?
– Average Russian actually likes Putin. The loud minority of libtards and commie wannabe’s hate him. The rest of the normal Russians like him for obvious reasons.
– Russia has transitioned beyond the norm from 2000’s to now. Hence why its industrial production, manufacturing, agricultural production are all growing and still doing well even during this virus time. And faired quite a bit better than most other nations economically during this spell.
– the rebuilding of Russia has done wonders. There are quite a few videos all over sdelanounas.ru that have transition periods showing then and now of various towns and cities and how things are being rebuilt.
– Biggest project that has been a major success under Putin that failed under even Stalin was BAM. Look it up.
Unlike most of the people on this comment section, I actually pay attention to Russia’s economic and social development. I guess I got some benefits since I can read Russian.
Don’t believe me? Look at sdelanounas.ru
Way better than southfront. Southfront is usually tabloid tier in economics.
I guess you are new here. No shame in that, tabloid sadly fits SF. Though there were times you could actually find some good military analysis here.
If you want to know what i want to say, you could read my long comment i posted under the article, but it still would by far not be conclusive. I must have posted 100s of comments here on this topic over the years, but i actually have stopped commenting all together months ago because there are only a few people left here where it is possible to have a rational discussion, and wasting an hour or hours of my lifetime to write a compherensive analysis like i used to do, only to be trolled is nothing i see worth doing anymore. No offense.
I plan to start blogging and vlogging sometime next spring, and i will surely write on that topic. The topic surely is fascinating, multifaceted, and of major importance and implications.. Will post a link here when its time. If you are really interested, and not trolling, read my comment at the top of the comment section, if i find the time i can check my files if i have saved some old post or analysis on that topic and post it here.
LOL, every damn time i wrote that Oligarchs are still in power in Russia, and Putin has not only some nationalistic but also many neo liberals, Oligarchs and western puppets in his circle, i get downvoted.
Good to see you people here are waking up to the muli faceted reality.
Putin was made by the Yeltsin clique, by Oligarchs. How could it be different?? They had the country under their control, and STILL HAVE.
It is not about what Putin truely wants. No one knows that. But the Neolibs, the Oligarchs still have the power centers in control. And until around Ukraine, Putin was relentlessly banking on working with the US as his favorite “partners”. Even though Clinton, Bush and then Obama time and time again did not hide this was never going to happen.
Only when forced with Ukraine, he tried to lean more on the nationalist/patriotic power centers like Military, MIC, Intelligence services, etc.
Putin has to walk a tightrope. The western propaganda of him being a head of state with total power are BS. He is dependent on the real power, the oligarchs and neolibs.
Only reason those Oligarchs still have those gov and state enterprises post. And people like Kudrin, Chubais are not put out of a job, but promoted, even though that the opposite of what the huge majority of Russians want.
And the reason why Putins economic neoliberal policys are being unchanged, even though they too are rejected by nearly all Russians, and even pushed Putins approval ratings into the cellar.
The neolibs and Oligarchs took the power with Yeltsin, and they never let it go. Nothing Putin or anyone could do, short of a revolution by the people.
Though again, Putin was a neoliberal, pro western himself as part of Yeltsins clique, and still is to some extent part of that circle, even though his western “partners” pushed him into the arms of the military patriots on some issues like foreign policy, and into the arms of China.
PS: Many transcripts of calls with forgein leaders and other sources of Putins first years as President are not declassified. Some are REALLY interesting..
Lets be careful. Russia was in a weak situation after the 1990’s collapse. It takes time to build up cohesive forces up again.
We can only conclude that so far Putin and his professional staff did an excellent balancing work for Russia in a very difficult situation. Politics is the art of the possible.
As I see it, Kudrin and Chubais is still there because they benefit Russia in some or another way, “keep your enemy closer”.
The conclusion must be Russia is better off than anytime of the last 25 years yes?
Where do i say Russia is better of or not then 25 years ago in my post?
Regardless, i have said times and times before it is, but what has this todo with the anaylsis that i just posted??
He is not “keeping his enemys closer” but this partners he has worked with and gained his power with for 30 years.
All this is in open sources, you could read them yourself instead of to see everything only from one side.
Yes, Putin is a skilled statesmen, highly intelligent and talented. As i said countless times before. But he is not a saviour born again, and if you would just look at the majority opinion in Russia you could understand the not so bright sides of him.
But seeing Putin and the Russian system for what it is, good AND bad seems to be impossible for many here.
You are just like the western neolibs and anti-russian propagandist. Only they see only bad sides, and you see only good sides.
Both is far from reality.
Putin is the best leader in the world this century,name me on better,well?
That’s my point too many finicky feminists and homosexuals not enough sack!
You don’t know Putin you think you do,like other purists of insolence (period)
Russia’s best was before 2008 chrisis.
I’d say before 2014. When oil prices were too high.
Also before 2014 the Russia-NATO relations started to warm up. In 2011 or 2012 it was a summit of secret services, somewhere in Europe, I don’t remember where, in the end all together, Americans, Europeans, Chinese and Russians declared that the main threat for the secret services comes from the Internet. Which IMO proves Russian state wants to be globalist, like the others.
It just proves that everybody understands that there is no more USA hegemony. World powers have to define the rules everybody will play. I do not say that Russian elites doesn’t want to have a share in the great reset, but here in Russia, anti globalists elites are still exist.
What do you mean by anti globalist elite?
The “enforcers” group in Russia. Same thing is in USA. Most of army men and police are Trump supporters.
Unforrunately the other part rules over the economy and mafia(including secret services) in both countries.
So what? Doesn’t your country ruled by mafia too? The only difference your mafia subordinates to higher levels, while Russian and American are independent.
The other part – meaning the liberal oligarchs.
Is situation in your country any better? LOL
No but in my countey the oligarchs don’t have such power as in Russia and they are over 90% from our ethnicity, not like your oligarchs. LOL.
Your are not oligarchs but vassals. ;)
If I was oligarch I wouldn’t spend my precious time here, with the other vasals ;)
It’s typo. Had to be “yours”
My countey doesn’t have natural resources so we don’t have oligarchs, just some minion millionaires, most corrupt, most from our ethnicity. Your oligarchs are from other nations. So Russians are a vasal nation.
Here is another clue, Tommy. Most anti-Western forces are nostalgic for Soviet times. Many policemen and prosecutors are fans of Dzerzhinskiy and Stalin. And army officers as well. My friends from this social group very often send me funny pictures related with these 2 persons and their actions. While pro-Western forces do understand a lot in how economics works. I think these liberals are used by Kremlin to balance “the enforcers block”
PS the pictures are mostly related to 1937. The most bloodiest year when Stalin executed biggest number of people.
The post card “Happy 1937 New Year”
Well, he was a polyglot business negotiator, all his equitances are from the oligarchy, he had to be accepted, if not even appointed by them.
There is the faction / Oligarchs of St. Petersburg, of which Putin is the authorized representative. And the faction / Oligarchs of Moscow, of the Jewish oligarchs, representing the international, multinational capital.
And they control every aspect of economic activity in Russia, except in the fossil fuel and arms industries.
This was provided for in the Kissinger-Brzezinski (Rockefellers-Rothschilds) agreement of Waldorf Astoria, when the issue of replacing Yeltsin arose
Nice infos, thanks! Will do some research on that later on. :)
irrelevant,old news,no big deal,things are way more complex for kissinger too!
In July 1999, a meeting was held in New York at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, attended by outside the President of the United States. and high-ranking officials, the then Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov, Prime Minister Sergei Stapasin and Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski, who expressed different lines of policy on the problem of Russia.
The next day, the newspapers made it clear that Kissinger’s views prevailed and it was decided to hand over the presidency to then-FSB leader Putin. The remarkable thing is that at that time it did not seem strange to the Americans to decide who will become the president of Russia. A few days later, Putin became Prime Minister, and on the same day, an assassination attempt was made on Russian General Staff Chief Anatoly Kvassin, who was considered reactionary for ordering the deployment of 200 Russians without consulting Yeltsin and Ivanov. at Pristina airport in Kosovo, catching Americans asleep.
Thanks again, all the best!
The transcripts of Putins calls with Clinton are now declassified, and they confirm of Putin asking for Clintons support before.. Clinton, who said himself, that Russian military leadership thought he could make Yeltsin “sell the Russian oil and riches for a few pieces of silver”. Clinton had Yelstin under control, Yeltsin had the oligarchic neoliberal system under control he created, and Putin, who was Yelstins political creature.
Interesting indeed.
That was then,this is now,ever since putin oused soros and rottychilds (period)
If he didn’t,he would not be in the position to put that pro gorbachevs to the outer!
I cant find KIG. Only Kissing Solutions (https://kissingersolutions.com/company/)
Imf couldn’t said it better,but what you low iq pro neo-liberal trolls don’t know is the fact he put the gimp on 3yrs probational duties the far fuk away from internal russia = checkmate!
I’d take the credentials of the 9th dan blackbelt than any two bit pro kweer whom will try everything to demote the most anti -kweer-incestive liberal gender in the planet,to be frank!
Tell us something we don’t know from reichstream media,if you insolent feminists got sack:
Oh Jimmy, instead of writing arguments, you insult me, and THEN YOU REPORT ME?
Ok i will stop.. Dont want to you to hurt yourself Jimmy Boy.. Have a good nights sleep. ;)
That …. “person” deserves public hanging.. Unfortunately, there is more important things than justice..
Nothing special…in Russia there are pro western liberals Oligarchy, Jews Oligarchy and etnic Turquic Oligarchy…all of them hace close economic ties with the traditional enemies of Russia along the history…West countries and Ottomans….but meanwhile business are business…
Sberbank and the Russian economy.
Russia stocks up,fascist/lgbtq/cia/biden trolls cry in rage! Irrespective each rule for each man being,
better late than never,so who’s next to promote joe bidens 30 trillion dolla denbt incestrys?
Don’t insult intellects ok,wisen the fk up,grow a set too,if it’s not against eu-epp-4th reicht policys:
Way to go Chabad Putin !!
” The Rosnano project under him was a financial black hole that produced scandals of corruption and misappropriation of funds.
Despite that, he almost immediately was appointed to another post by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Anatoly Chubais was appointed as the president’s special representative for relations with international organizations. “
Every time, every single time.
” Chubais was born on 16 June 1955 to a Russian father and Jewish mother in the town of Borisov, “
Same as Trump. Let financial elite traitors in power to let them expose themselves.. Then remove them
Putin needs to remove these zio-scumbags from all positions. Otherwise they’ll destroy Russia just like in 1917.