Evidences Ruined Kyiv’s Lies

Evidences Ruined Kyiv's Lies

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Another video of Russian strikes in the Ukrainian capital revealed all the lies officially claimed by the Ukrainian military. According to the official report by the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Russian forces launched 13 Kh101 missiles in Kyiv, of which 11 were allegedly shot down.

One of the missiles allegedly directly struch a children’s hospital.

Numerous videos denied the lies. One of them was well illustrative. It shows a series of Russian strikes ar the Artyom plant. The facility was pounded by at least 6 Kh-101 missiles. Thus, the Ukrainian military officials claimed lies.




The video clearly shows how Russian Kh-101 missiles look like. They are completely different from the one that was filmed striking the area near the hospital. There are clear evidences that the hospital was targeted by a missile of the Ukrainian air force, in particular NASAMS. The only question is wether the missile failed or it was inntentionally launched on the civilian facility full of children.




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Long Jan

if polen shoots down russian missiles over ukr , then the pl corridor will be nu кеd, very simple. no more russian soldiers dying on the ground, use the tacticals already! it’s time folks. enough of attrition

Last edited 2 months ago by Long Jan
captain hohol

nuked? i don’t know, but russia has the right to take out poland’s patriot missile batteries.

if poland is initiating contact against russian ordinance (property, no different than military assets), then article 5 is nullified in such a situation.

poland is being retarded, the eu won’t save them, nor will the united states.


how about starting with the unmanned drones over the international part of the black sea before attacking nato territory? perhaps shooting down those expensive nato drones or one of the recon planes would suffice to show them this is no game where they cannot be harmed…

AM Hants

hasn’t russia’s new defence secretary, at the end of june, already stated they are fair game?

Death to Ukrainazia

hopefully it’s true, and you are totally correct!!!

AM Hants

it was reported over on rt and he was meant to have stated it on the 28th june. fingers crossed.


yes, 3 have been downed since, they didn’t make it back to moldovan airspace… ha ha ha ha ha ha…


part of black sea between odessa and crimea was inside closed entrance zone. it was announced in the beginning of smo. i don’t know does it exist now, but need to make it wider. recon ships and planes can move in turkey’s zone (up to 12 miles from shore line) and still able to scan russian airspace, less effectively, but can. shooting down could be useful, but will not solve the problem at 100%. all that posing the threat near the borders must be destroyed for sure, it’s not the question.

AM Hants

do you remember the c i a t*rture chambers that poland happily agreed to hoist? the same poland that was the eu’s largest debtor nation and always, just like ukraine, expects somebody to pick up her bills. is there nothing she will not sell for a quick buck?

Death to Ukrainazia

“the best place for a russian cossack to keep his sword is in a polak”!!! taras bulba

AM Hants

cheers, that has made me laugh.


taras bulba was the cossak colonel, he fought against polish aggressors a lot, but i don’t remember such words. and cossaks were armed with sabers (better for cavalry), not swords. “do you see this saber? here is your mother!” — his words to sons. the most famous quotes are: “what, son, did your poles help you?” and “i begot you, and i will kill you!” before killing his son andriy for treason of cossaks, christian faith and russia. bulba was the patriot till the end.

Last edited 2 months ago by Антон

the net of torture camps in poland, lithuania, occupied kosovo as branches of guantanamo. one citizen of macedonia (fyrom) was kidnapped and delivered on cuba as suspected member of “taliban”. accusations were false and he was released after several years. justice of the western sodomites. but poland isn’the biggest debtor, their internal state debt is around 40-50% of gdp, one of the lowest in eu. germany and france — 80-90%, italy – over 100%.

AM Hants

sorry, meant poland used to be the largest beneficiary of the eu. not many creditor nations left, to pick up the bills of the beneficiaries.

are you saying that poland never admitted to holding the torture chambers on their territory? so why did the european court of human rights fine poland for refusing to stop the cia torture under the rendition programme, in stare kiekuty?


“are you saying that poland never admitted to holding the torture chambers on their territory?”

i said nothing about admitting. admitted or not, but existence of such prisons is fact. criminals don’t like to recognize their own crimes, so they may refuse even obvious facts, saying black is white and vise versa. who care about their admitting?


starting a war with poland is exactly what the jews want in new york. using the russian blood to kill the whites pôles then replace them with migrants and expand their global empire….

AM Hants

poland always obliges. didn’t they kickstart wwii? forgetting that they annexed part of czechoslovakia. why does poland have a mega problem with holding on to independence and keeping out of trouble?


didn’t let stalin to pass through poland to help cz and annexed small part of cz, though region of teshin had one important metal factory with large production. marshal and leader of poland pilsudskiy wanted alliance with nazis to parade in moskva together. he died in 1935, but new leader of poland had the same intention. the problem was that warsaw was the london’s satellite in 1939, so their relations worsened after mad adolf declared the war on england.


to be a friend of anglo-saxons is worse than to be an enemy. poland was doomed anyway. they were in alliance with france and england, but nobody fought for poland, because moskva was the main goal. 3rd reich had no common border with ussr, so london helped to create it. they fed rhein dmz, cz and austria to the reich to make it stronger. president of cz benes (read as benesh) was outside the room when leaders of reich, france and england negotiated about the fate of his country.

Last edited 2 months ago by Антон

jews were always the best friends of anglo-saxons, since times of cromwell in uk. israhell is a british creation, creation of rotschilds celebrated as a “father of the (jewish) setllements”. i strongly support polish anti-communism, however i do not support polish oligarchy licking anglo-saxon arses, just like very same such oligarchies in other slavic countries.

AM Hants

city of london, washington dc, the vatican. frankfurt, the city of choice for roman kings. jerusalem, which used to be an outpost of the roman empire, over 2,000 years ago. jesuits and the nomadic turkic tribes, who adopted the religions of christianity, islam and judaism, whilst studying hebrew. funny how all roads lead back to rome, including those polish oligarchs.

AM Hants

poor poland, always the victim. they only had independence for 19 years and look at what happened next.


pilsudsky fought valiantly against communist bastards and defeated them. anton, do not forget that ussr was a jewish-communist endevour, not some great slavic state. if you praise commies who wanted to spread in europe like malignancy after 1917. then you spit on a decent man nicholas ii, a good man tricked into wwi by a trecherous brits and freemasonic scumbags in his surroundings


it’s goebbels’ version, i.e. pure lies. poland has started that war with assistance of france. doesn’t remind it something that happens right now? they started it in 1920, occupied western regions, but were kicked out from russia in 1939 and decided to play like poland was victim of russians, germans, jews, martians and reptilians from the flat earth. they also occupied part of independent lithuania taking their capital vilnius. lithuanias are jews too, right?

AM Hants

wasn’t stalin a georgian bolshevik, who led the soviet union? did poland annexe part of czechoslovakia in 1938, yes or no? how are the wehrmacht of poland and ukraine connected to uncle adolf and his ideology? why does poland have no problems, with regards bandera, his ukrainian idols and all the history that unites them?


too much questions. stefan (read as shtefan, his real name, not stepan) bandera was sentenced buy poles for terrorist attack against minister of internal affairs. nazis kept him in prison for a while, but released. ordinary people in poland still hates banderites, but their puppet government is serving to fashington. minister sikorskiy said it in rude form — we (poland) are suc***g to washington.


that’s why all su**ers have no problems with nazism, not only in poland, but everywhere. take annual un resolution against glorification of nazism and chauvinist policy and look who voted against — the su**ers.


*mistake, by poles

Death to Ukrainazia

the only good pole is a dead pole!!!

History on Parade

unfortunately, that’s what bandera’s call to arms was too.


not true. don’t be a nazi, please.


poland is camp ashkanazi, this is where the zionists are managing their project ukraine from, it’s also, amazingly, the only eu state not being subjected to the kalurgy migrant invasion. imagine that, the ashkanazi camp gets special treatment from the eu, which is a debt scam run by the zionist banking/counterfieting cartel. russia will make a special place in hell for them soon enough.

AM Hants

poland, cannot wait to move into ukraine permanently. 3 seas initiative and poland believing itself to be a super power. how long did they hold onto their independence, after the prussian, russian and the austro-hungarian empires fell? how long did it take for poland to kick start wwii and how long till she kick starts wwiii?

Death to Ukrainazia

don’t worry, in first minute of ww3 no more poland no more poles!!! amen

AM Hants

thanks to their wehrmacht ss political leadership links. how many eu members and institutions, that are linked with the eu and us have leaders that are the childen/grandchildren of those who were part of the wehrmacht or bolshevik elite?


in germany, the biggest industrial conglomerates and families who own them (siemens, krupp, thyssen, osram, basf-former i.g.farben, bertelsmann) are run by a children and a grandchildren of an ardent nazies, many of them still clinging to ideology. most governments in the slavic countries of europe are former commies, scumbags and many have very suspicious origins (anglo-saxon, german, french, jewish).


how about in a first minute of world war ay-ay-ay no more brits, germans and americans? sounds much better, isn’t it?


world war ay, ay, ay.

AM Hants

i live in england, and under a direct path of a russian hypersonic. owing to the things we elect, i have absolutely no problem with how russia deals with us. love my nation, just not the oligarchs and politicians, who are so loyal to the city of london.

Death to Ukrainazia

i absolutely agree, gods own russia must untie its hands!!! it should be 100 eyes for every one russian eye!!!


you follow way too much of jewish religion. think again if not a jew. if you are a jew, just carry on such good deeds presented so well in satanic crime script of talmud.


let them intercept. or at least try. ukraine hasn’t had much luck. furthermore there is a shortage of interceptor missiles. poland blowing though dozens for each attempted group strike is well worth it as soon they will be put of interceptors too and weaken the situation further for the west.


they still may rely on outerceptors.


reminds me of how the poles started wwii by massacering german peasants with excessive cruelty, this time, ukraine chose, or rather was chosen by the fake chosen ones, to be this war starter… did poland learn a dam thing from their mistakes? nope, the chosen ones chose to burn those books and keep the poles blind to their history of stupid begets you dead. why waste your interceptors? unless by confession, you are trying to protect nato troops, which means, nato is on the block next.

White Gandalf

this is what should have happened at 24.2.2022 – en masse. not two years later in homeopathic density.

macho man

you mean russia should have killed more children in hospitals?

Moshe Dayan

the ukrainian telegram videos are proof that it was a us anti-aircraft missile. quit lying : you’re giving your country a bad reputation and losing credibility on a daily basis.

Long Jan

which person in the year 2024 calls himself ‘macho’? are we back in the 70ies? no so there are 2 option> you look in real life like contrary of a macho, so that in virtual world you can finally play the ‘though boy’ that you aren’t. just go out of the closed merwin

AM Hants

with nato provided missiles? what was it madelaine albright said about the 500,000 children in iraq, back in 2003? what were the reasons for the iraq war, back in 2003?


madeline was a jewess. what did you expect?

AM Hants

wasn’t she a recipient of operation paperclip? czech. whose family emigrated to the us in 1948?

Death to Ukrainazia

macho paedo man, that is only america and israel, not russia!!! besides, worst case scenario, it’s only collateral damage!!!

Last edited 2 months ago by Death to Ukrainazia
Jürgen Grabowski

great shots!

i will let you run in an endless loop tomorrow in our bar in frankfurt 😆😆😆

CNN Stringer

really? my goodness, won’t ursula send the gestapo after you?


not ursula but it would probably fall under the “spreading russian disinformation act” punished by up to 5 years of prison so i would not reccomend it.

Allahists are Nazis

nur die wahrheit befreit!

Jonas Strandval

impressive performance of the ukrainian air defense 🤡🤡🤡

Green Mountain Boys

faster than a speeding turtle.

Level Kiev

kiev should be carpet bombed the remaining residents there who sided with the neo nazi junta can move to germany and live there with their nazi sympathizing friends.

CNN Stringer

we would like them here. we’ll call it operation paper tiger, or maybe operation pockets clipped by the banderclots.

Stupid Pet Tricks

always carry your wallet in your front pocket when visiting anywhere ukrainians gather.

Stupid Pet Tricks

gneaus stupo already has a camp picked out for them at his squatter’s hut on the dog run and poop loop built over the old gestapo hq ruins. when he’s not posting here, he pickets the russian embassy demanding they pay for rebuilding his beloved headquarters.

V2 for Victory

what was the importance of artyom plant to deserve so many missiles?

CNN Stringer

russia ran out of room to store them all?


also very demoralizing to see kiev burn. it shows everybody the regime is toast and even more people will refuse forced conscription.


they have been bombing the energy infrastructure as well as other tactical military targets. can’t produce weaponry or repair tanks (heavy industry) without power.

Stupid Pet Tricks

i always thought the ukrainians had pyramid power, since they teach their kiddies that they invented them.


and deliver to the front, because 80% of locomotives use electricity. this is even higher than in rest parts of russia. communists did great job in developing infrastructure of ukrssr. in 1991 it was economy of france level with icbms and aircraft carriers production, planes, cars, trucks, agricultural vehicles, a lot of coal and steel, transit gas/oil pipes with very cheap price (“thanks” to yeltzin). percent of gasification was also higher. hohols shitted everything up.

Last edited 2 months ago by Антон

manufacturer of military electronics, avionics and air to air missiles. was before de-industrialization after 1991 and especially after 2014. now it could be involved in drone assembling using foreign parts, and it’s empty hangars can be used as ammunition storage or military barracks/training stage as any large structure. i hope there were 200-300 mercenaries that will never come back home.

Last edited 2 months ago by Антон
Rise of amalek

like one americunt told me “they were fighting for their freedom”

CNN Stringer

so were the donbassers and crimeans. go figure.

Green Mountain Boys

freedom to steal from our taxpayers? no wonder the democrats love them so much.

Butcher, Baker....

they had freedom for 25 years and cashed it all in for some stale devil’s food cookies. pretty stupid if you ask me.

it was the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker (for funerals) crowd.

for short, the bbc.

Butcher, Baker....

the ‘project for the new american century’ manifesto:

first we bake you some cookies.

then we butcher you up

then we make candles for your funeral.

(oh, and then we say a prayer in thanks for your organ donations)

Last edited 2 months ago by Butcher, Baker....

the ukrainians became the ideal sacrificial lambs for the neoconnivers’ ‘full spectrum dominance’ wet dream.

i think that deserves its own chapter in the ‘encyclopedia of world history’ under ‘dumb and dumber’.


freedom to carry a gaypride in kiev.

evjensky holmchuk

freedumb is coca cola and lgbt in denmark—zelensky change my name to jens holm deport me

Green Mountain Boys

denmark’s notion of freedom is freedom to surrender to the nazis before they even asked.

fritz: ‘we are at your door. will you surrender?’

hans: ‘we did last week. c’mon in, have some schnapps.’

Last edited 2 months ago by Green Mountain Boys
CNN Stringer

did he have his daughter come out from her bedroom and sing deutschland über alles for fritz? i hear they did that a lot.

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

iyes, my daughteris loves wif donkays and animals! ebaych, we good.

CNN Stringer

we like ukraine’s lies. they’re very reliable in that department.

AM Hants

reminds me of the white helmets in syria. do you remember all the images, using the same kids, time and time again. different years, different towns, but always the same kids. ukraine using the same film production company.

CNN Stringer

indeed i do. i sent most of them to the editor for approval myself. finally he just said, “you run with it. you know what we want. i’m too busy raising funds for the democrats and can’t be bothered.”

jens holm

potato in diapers

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

iyes my dagthters also stinks like nigers cum.


the larger nazi at sf , a tard with 2 neurons working , a piece of shit have more brain

Stupid Pet Tricks

can you stand on your hind legs on command? i know your english is shaky, so what command works for you? maybe achtung?

jens holm

favorite missile–dildo

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

my daoghters olso prostitute as yous! we good nda happy thereafttor.

AM Hants

hunter biden special, no doubt.

CNN Stringer

we were told that his bubble art was inspired by lengthy conversations with his father, but don’t say i told you. we’re known for getting fired if we sneeze the wrong way.

Yuri Assbangov-Hemorrhoidenko

i longst fo my beloved belloruspizdanstan!

Moshe Dayan

are you trying to “learn” ukrainian language with that name, like zelensky still trying to learn that language? he and his “beard” wife speak russian in private. maybe he can do a pole dance for you to get you all excited. but you must show the money first.

AM Hants

mrs zelinsky, loves her new bugatti. whilst the hubby is looking for a similar priced, new piano to play with. ukraine, where the citizens are fed to the meat grinder, just so the president’s wife can get a new car.

Stupid Pet Tricks

i think liberaci’s old piano would fit in nicely with his black sequined leotards and ruby red slippers.

Death to Ukrainazia

yuri ukrianazianpizdastan-hemorrhoidenko, you can only assabangov your brotherly bandera loving ukrainassabangovpizdastanis!!! zelenskiy loves you very much, herr yuripizdastani!!!

Last edited 2 months ago by Death to Ukrainazia

reminiscences of the market strikes! history does not repeat itself, but it rhymes.

can any one see the victim pattern are they jews?


apart from zelensky, how many jews are there in ukraine?

AM Hants

his mentors, were $oro$ (remember the greatest times of his life, was back in hungary 1944, when he openly admitted being a nazi collaborator). plus, kolomoisky, now languishing in a prison cell. the leader of the european jewish community, who funded the ukraine azov/nazi battalion. wasn’t adolf related to a certain banking family, of a certain faith?

AM Hants

2) the nomadic turkic tribe, who adopted christianity, islam and judaism, whilst learning hebrew and having no semitic dna. yet, they scream the loudest, when their crimes are found out. they are the ones that have caused the suffering of those who follow the biblical faith of the fakes adopted religion.


ermak is the real figure behind zelensky. he is also jewish

Ancient Sotonian

herr schickelgruber was in fact a devout roman catholic, which led to his use of the haken kreuz (hooked cross) as his party’s symbol – not to be confused with the hindu symbol that a certain father murphy called it accidentally on purpose when he translated adolf’s ‘struggle’. as to bankers, they never use their own money so the question then becomes ‘whose banker was he?’ – the answer to which is readily available online.

AM Hants

city of london, the vatican and washington dc – 3 corporations who rule the world. not forgetting that over 2,000 years ago, jerusalem was part of the roman empire. why do all roads lead to rome?


please add switzerland to the list of gangster cauldrons. switzerland should be destroyed even before london and vatican.


you’ve never been to ukraine, i take it.

Confessions of a DC paid troll

you probably know me as ramses ii here on sf. my real name is merwin. at the age of 32 in my miserable life i was not able to find a real job, so my father found a job for me thru his contacts from college time who now wok for the dnc. i work online (they actually asked me to stop coming to the office) direct here from my dad’s basement,

Confessions of a DC paid troll

yep i have no own flat. and the task is to visit pro russia sites and try to spread pro ukra stuff, but usually i achieve the contrary: due to my lack of empathy ppl who read my posts end up being more pro russia than ever. i am a failed semi virgin (semi because i dont think you would consider sex with my adult cousin to be a real defloration), well anyways

jens holm

dont worri, all mens are bi, i too bi, bat on receiving side

captain hohol

very nice blyat.

Max Schmidt

aussie mercenazi brock “quex” greenwood, a founding member of the national socialist order (nso) has been demilitarized in the sumy oblast of the smo. his kiwi fiancée already changed her status on facebook and instagram. we wish quex a nice tip to bandera hell

CNN Stringer

why do all the world’s nazi skinheads want to congregate to ukraine?

if i weren’t shackled to a cnn truth monitor, i’d be tempted to write about it.

AM Hants

the timing, just before the hato summit, when most of us were expecting some form of false flag to go down. over on the daily fail, the images, were classic ‘white house video/film production’ using ‘crisis actors/actresses’. what was it madelaine albright said about the 500,000 babies, toddlers and children of iraq, when hato comes to town? what was the reason for the iraq battle?

AM Hants

white house, should have said ‘white helmets’. but, is there any difference, when you look who funds them?


“white helmets” were managed by british citizen, ex-secret service member (not so ex-). he was killed in turkey.


man, never enough of the good news. carry on please.


i’ll try, hehe. james le mesurier was found dead in istanbul, 19 november 2019. he was beaten and died of injuries in the garden of his house, supposedly murdered.

CNN Stringer

“what was the reason for the iraq battle?”

the reason was to find the guy who put powdered sugar in colin powell’s test tube, but you didn’t hear it from me.


just in time for more theatrics by otan pederasts


russia govern nazis scum, vladolf and his team of neo nazis half brainers


nuke the russia neo znazis scim


the only nuking that will happen is biden nuking his diapers

CNN Stringer

i hate to be the bearer of bad tidings but you’re not smart enough to post so often.

we do have an opening at cnn though.


cnn — clown nazi news?


nazis russian being nazis scum, the usual at hours days


spiderman….gay amerikan superhero. maybe ukraine needs your help hahahahahaha!


another half brainer slave worker

Stupid Pet Tricks

lol…. you’re a slave to a western zionist cabal of neoconnivers and don’t even know it.

to them, you’re nothing more than a used condom. in short, you’re a moron.


“in short, you’re a moron.”

certified and experienced. the court jester approved by the clown of kiev.


court jester is angry, that’s great. when he’s angry, he starts to write hilarious crap. hear me, the court jester! your majesty want more gibberish crap from you!


nazis russians braging for being nazis , scum is scum


scum is jensy, the court jester.


it’s ok for russians to kill civilians. just like the us and israel.

birds of a feather.

Massa John

business as usual, nothing more or less


hohols are animals in the meaning that all of them are swearing (in russian, hohlo-volapuk has no own swear words, it’s the proof of artificial origination) and no one can keep silence. they are swearing among women and elders, among kids, even on tv. their officials are animals too, because swearing non-stop. i watched just one video from lvov when a man filmed 4-5 cruise missiles and was silent. i thought he is decent man, but no, he came to another room after hits and started swearing!
