Even With Western Aid Drying Up, Corruption Continues To Flourish In Ukraine

Even With Western Aid Drying Up, Corruption Continues To Flourish In Ukraine

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Trump is now conducting a “special financial operation” to determine where money went

Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

The deep-rooted corruption in Ukraine began to surface after it became clear that the Kiev regime was losing the war. Although the West used a corrupt Ukraine to attack and weaken Russia, the Westerners themselves now look for an alibi for the defeat and to distance themselves from their proxy after ignoring the total corruption of the Kiev regime due to the ambitions of certain leaders to inflict as much damage as possible on Russia.

Cracks have begun to appear in the relations between the allies due to corruption, and Ukraine accuses its Western partners of using corruption accusations as an excuse not to admit the country to NATO and the EU. Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe today, but the West continued to support Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky uncritically until Donald Trump raised the issue due to then-US President Joe Biden sending American taxpayers’ money to Ukraine.

It was then discovered that the Kiev regime was giving part of that money to Hunter Biden, the son of Joe Biden. Hunter Biden, in turn, sent that money to his father, who, at the end of his term, issued a decree on Hunter’s preventive pardon.

Trump is now conducting a “special financial operation,” which will include both the Pentagon and Ukraine, to determine where the money went. For this reason, Trump has suspended the US aid program to Ukraine for 90 days, suggesting that there is evidence of financial mismanagement and theft of US taxpayer money.

Biden’s last decrees also indicate corruption related to Ukraine. Besides Hunter, Joe Biden issued preventive pardons for his brothers and their wives, as well as for his sister and her husband. It was not clear why and for what reason. However, there was no information about the existence of any criminal offenses and so on.

In Kiev, the main culprit behind these corruption schemes is Zelensky, who officially has a monthly salary of 28,000 hryvnias, about $664. Undoubtedly, he has other income because he bought a house for his parents and in-laws, a yacht, and more. According to media reports, Zelensky purchased a villa in Italy and acquired an estate in Britain—the former residence of King Charles and Princess Diana—while Zelensky’s wife has an apartment in London. In addition, the couple owns real estate in Cyprus and Miami. This, according to some sources, is not a complete list.

An Egyptian journalist who wrote about the purchase of the Italian villa in the name of Zelensky’s mother-in-law, worth almost $5 million, was found dead under unclear circumstances. As for the castle in the UK, these allegations are made by Ukrainian sources and still need to be verified. However, there is nothing secret that does not become public, and the Trump administration is certainly monitoring the movement of money.

Friends, godfathers, and relatives of Ukrainian officials are also getting rich quickly because property is being purchased in their names. Corruption in Ukraine is flourishing at all levels, and Ukrainian officials are issuing directives to journalists not to write about it until the war is over because it is bad for the country, as it may be left without Western aid. Sooner or later, everything will come to light.

The Trump administration will likely have all the information and initiate criminal proceedings by now. It is no coincidence that Zelensky is now saying that Ukraine does not have the strength to capture the lost territories. This statement seems to indicate a radical change in Kiev’s position and a renunciation of unrealistic goals to “return to the 1991 borders.” The reason for this is that Western aid is drying up.

Trump’s words that Biden and Zelensky started the war and that if he had been president, there would have been no war, draw attention to the fact that since January 20, the new president’s inauguration, there have been no attacks on Russia with American HIMARS and ATACMS missiles. The assumption is that Kiev received such an order from Trump, who replaced and fired people who dealt with Ukrainian issues in the State Department and the Pentagon.

Zelensky was a puppet managed by the West and was under the control of British intelligence. This is evidenced by the fact that in the spring of 2022, Zelensky annulled the Istanbul Peace Accords on the directive of then-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, even though he had a chance to stop the war that would have prevented Ukraine from losing more territory and preserved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. However, he instead decided to continue to fight on the promise that billions of dollars would flow endlessly, a prospect that Zelensky could not resist as an opportunity to further enrich himself and those closest to him.


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the narrative

my hope is that many usaid workers will become whistleblowers. trump can pull all their security clearances with an eo. that is his real power if he is to “drain the swamp”


you’re just plain stupid naive idiotic simple imo .your ” thinking ” is only passable in your creativity in making up new names and trying to act like someone else now since obviously your handlers told you to pretend to be serious minded now and grow up allegedly imo .

the narrative

i understand … common sense solutions … are uncommon.

The Bell Tolls for Thees

it’s a hyper-corruption free for all before the bell tolls.


you really are stupid to repeat the idiotic notion that roy cohn jr. is going to “drain the swamp”. pathetic.

the narrative

yes .. the zio bot are in control of washington. the hope for whistle blowers in a cia / mossad us is a big reach. but any president could cancel clearances and close deep state / blob communication, funding streams and organisations. it would have to extend to k street ngo’s.


too many usaid workers have usaids. it’s part of their opus dei


it looks like a big audit is in progress, and many bum holes are twitching nervously. i’m sure that all the victims of natural disasters in the us, who were left high and dry with no official help, will be suitably impressed when the shtf moment comes. or the shivering uk pensioners with starmer’s £3 billion a year to zelensky for the next 100 years.


bribery s common since its not illegal ,just considered not nice to get caught ,as you all know .

Niccolo Machiavelli

“according to 18 uscs prec § 201(b), whoever directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official with intent to influence that person’s official act will be fined for the offence of bribery. the punishment prescribed by the statue is a fine of an amount not more than three times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, or imprisonment for not more than fifteen years, or both.”

Niccolo Machiavelli

corr. “statute” not “statue”….


don’t worry, biden has pre emptively pardoned everybody, including himself. but “nobody is above the law.” except for all the democrat royalty …. and the swamp creatures …… and the epstein frequent flyer list …… and the aipac lobby …… and …… and …… well, come to think of it, quite a few people are above the law, but never mind, it’s all part of the rules based order and that’s just who we are.


zelenskyy has many things in common with nicolae ceaușescu. he’s a dictator, is corrupt, has indebted ukraine, ruined his country and worst of all has gotten over a million ukrainians killed for nothing. i wouldn’t be surprised to see the clown experiencing a well deserved untimely demise.

The Bell Tolls for Thees

ceaușescu didn’t have the mi6 goons as his praetorian guard. then again, we know what they did to ceasar.

Che Messi

it’s better what they did to caligula. the more the merrier. sic semper tyrannis.


“zelensky could not resist as an opportunity to further enrich himself and those closest to him.”

dirty zionazi pretend slavs must burn…


lol from the most corrupted govern in the world history lol russia is corruption from kursk to vladivostok , thats why the elite russia has is kids and families living in londo paris berlin geneve etc meanwhile a butter pack cost 25 dollars at russia so lol you are the bigest joke here


cost of butter in russia – 225-300 rubles per pound. $1 = 100.7 rubles. so a standard half pound 227g packet of butter costs 112-150, or $1 – $1.50. for $25 you get around 16-20 packets. if you’re that greedy. there is inflation in russia because the economy is booming, but it is nowhere near as bad as western countries. the united snakes beats putin hands down on the corruption front. don’t believe me, ask “10% for the big guy” biden or his reptile of a son.


or the $123 billion of the $200 billion us aid to the ukies that has “disappeared.” the united snakes is just one vast cesspit of graft and corruption, with all the kleptocrats guzzling away, snouts deep in the trough. incidentally, russians, rich or otherwise, have long since given up on western countries. they are banned from travelling there, and are liable to have all their property confiscated, right down to cars and bars of soap if they do so.


there is an infinite number of alternative very nice places to travel to and live in. western countries, the golden billion, are not as indispensable as they think. they are 12% of humanity, and form a part of the world rapidly declining in importance.

Conan M

because it’$ a ba$ti0n for all american liquidity that may wind up being the only place american $usd is accepted with everyplace else sending it back to the conu$!… trump is a zi0ni$t stooge that will be pushed in any direction he is told by netanyahu aka molach and the rest of the tribe… question is after what putin did with syria and the “war” that he is fighting with one hand tied behind his back…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M
Conan M

…what is in store for the prime real estate in the eastern donbas?… and will putin encourage the ethnic russians that previously lived there to come back to it?… or will it be sold with a new coat of paint to the highest bidder?… much like gaza, lebanon and syria?… too many f-ing “k”**$ and the goyim both western europe, eastern europe and north america who worship them because they have been made rich at their own governed’s expense!…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M