On August 17th, the EU’s High Representative and Vice-President Josep Borrell issued a statement saying that the European Parliament does not recognize Alexander Lukashenko as President of Belarus.
“With more and more shocking reports of inhumane conditions and treatment in places of detention, the European Union expects a thorough and transparent investigation into all alleged abuses, in order to hold those responsible to account. The European Union Delegation to Belarus has conveyed our expectations to the Belarusian authorities.
As agreed by the EU Foreign Ministers at our recent video conference, the EU is working on new listings for sanctions against those responsible for violence, repression of peaceful protests, and the falsification of election results.”
Separately, a fundraiser for the opposition in Belarus collected $3.3 million. Apparently, a fund that supports the “victims of repressions” managed to amass the sum from donations and it keeps growing.
So, for those who lost their jobs, they raised $ 710 thousand. Almost 14,000 people have ‘donated’.
Fundraising continues for ‘victims’ of violent repression. This relates to individuals who have been allegedly subjected to violence from security forces. The collected amount exceeds $2.6 million.
“Today, more than ever, it is important to support everyone who lost their jobs because of their convictions and to extend a hand of solidarity with those who want to live in a free and democratic Belarus,” the organizers of the fundraiser emphasized.
According to them, the fund accepts applications from those who need help and distributes this assistance “on the basis of the principles of openness and transparency, accountability to donors and respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens.”
Pro-government Belarusian sources say that these ‘donations’ will in fact be used to fund protests and further.
About 700 people complained about abuse of power by the security forces. Because of this, the Investigative Committee of Belarus will conduct inspections. The deaths of two people have been officially confirmed. The opposition claims that not two, but rather five have died.
The Nexta Live channel, which was revealed as a Polish-led campaign to organize the opposition in Belarus, continues pumping propaganda.
The following is the schedule for today’s activities for the opposition, as published on the Telegram channel:
- Svetlana Tikhanovskaya is ready to become a national leader. She launched the creation of the Coordination Council.
- The heroic workers of the MZKT directly to the face of the dictator expressed everything that they think of him. He did not expect this and was very frightened.
- MTZ workers came to the aid of their colleagues and marched together throughout the city.
- The EU announced its readiness to provide financial assistance to the strikers, and a Solidarity Fund is being created for these purposes (it will support with labor money). Also, the EU does not recognize Lukashenko as president.
- The doctors very rigidly put Karanik in his place. And so that he barely stood on his legs.
- Near BT, ONT and STV thousands of people gathered who support honest workers. And on state TV they showed how the workers of the MZKT loudly shouted “LEAVE!” whe met the psychopath [Alexander Lukashenko].
- Two brave workers went on strike at the Foreign Ministry.
- A national flag was flown over the Nesvizh castle. [This is particularly interesting, since the protesters are obviously not flowing the national flag, but another one, similarly to how Al-Qaeda-linked “moderate opposition” members had their own version of the Syrian flag.]
- The Kupala Theater in full force submitted applications in support of director Pavel Latushko (he was also fired). A national flag is hung on the theater itself. [Same as above.]
- The mines in Belaruskali were stopped, the workers gathered in the center and put forward popular demands. The mines will stand until the dictator leaves.
- A large number of people gathered in Grodno and organized a public flogging of the local administration. After that, the creation of a general strike committee of Grodno was announced. Tomorrow workers of “Grodno Azot” will stop all workshops. And all this was shown on the state channel “Grodno +”.
- In many cities, people came to the center and voiced popular demands. The officials have one day to think about it.
The Nexta Live channel promised an “extremely interesting plan” to be announced on the morning of August 19th.
There was also another way for a member of the opposition to win some money:
A girl from Minsk was allegedly offered 2,500 euros if she said that she was raped by the Belarusian police after her arrest. Even if this protest began without external interference, now the foreigner powers are actively trying to ride the protest.
A screenshot of the conversation with the offering of money for rape claims was released by Russian journalist Eugene Poddubny:
Seriously, who the fuck is the European pimp parliament to decide who is legit or not? the stupid cunts have enough problems in EU shitholes than worry about Belarus. The European parliament is a CIA created circle jerk assembly of faggots, queers, LGBTQ fucks and retards. I kid you not!
EU doesnt have a backbone.
True, but the arseholes bark a lot via the Bilderberg media. If you read MSM today, they are all gloating over “democracy” in Belarus and “human rights” while the scum kill millions in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan, you name it. These are the worst hypocrites in history.
France, Germany, UK all have worse trackrecord than Belorussia when it comes to Human rights.
Both in the past and present.
And there is no other countries, who starts colored coups against France or Germany. Last attempt was in Paris in 1968. Numbers of wounded could be much bigger with maidan.
Julian Assenge, Yellow Bests and child fatalities in US peaceful protests, so comes to mind. Not forgetting Poland hosted the CIA torture chambers on Polish territory.
Your a fucking idiot. Have fun visiting Lukashenko after he’s overthrown !!!
lukashenko exposed the bribe offered him by the IMF/World bank to lock
down Belarus due to the covid scam, when he refused to sell out his country
they went to plan B, terrible dictator yada yada yada
same BS different day
Lukashenko is breaking. Yesterday he said new elections only over my dead body, now he is saying, we can make a referendum for constitution changes and then hold new elections.
Bad move, i think. Retreat will be seen as weakness and they will push more. They I mean protesters, others might see CIA, Soros, Polish Intelligence whoever, doesn’t matter. If he is ousted he is ousted.
Exactly, this is the old Ukraine and Yugoslavia template to put pressure on the government. Russia is the ultimate target, if they can get hold of Belarus and bring NATO cunts in.
Indeed. If to look at the map (not only geographical) without being on anyone’s side, NATO Russia or anybody else. Belarus seems to be quiet an important piece on the chess board. Specially since Ukraine is out, it became even more important for NATO to grab Belarus out and for Russia to keep it under. Stakes are quiet high. And knowing Putin (not personally of course:))))), he will not let it go easily. But also doesn’t want to use force.
Some things are cooking.
You are right, however, Russia has brought this conundrum on itself by going along with these shameless cunts wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and now Syria. Putin has been in power since 2000 and only now he has started waking up a bit. The Americunts and Zionists use the NATO hyena pack to weaken their enemies. China and Iran are difficult due to homogeneous populations, but Russia has a Jew 5th column and easy to destabilize with NGO and “soft power”. I am afraid that unless Russia starts building a military block with Iran and China, these cunts will keep on pushing Russia.
Can’t claim to be smarter than whoever is a strategic policymaker in Russia. But cooperation with China is a short term en-devour. Fast growing resource hungry China would love to have a piece of resource rich Russia. So in a long run China is a bigger threat to Russia than NATO. But it is also an opportunity. I would play for both sides for now. NATO (EU is just waking up to it) and mainly USA see China as the main long term threat and would love to have Russia as a parter/buffer, or at least not on China’s side. But alienating China would also make Russia dependent on European market only, since main economic activity is sales of energy resources.
Best is to play both sides now, then maybe even join in for anti-China alliance.
On the demographic, social, economic and historic map, Russia is a European country. It never was asian, historically it always fought with asian powers, vast majority of population is on the west side, all economic activity is on the west side. It is only an eventuality to join forces with west against east. My personal opinion though.
You have valid points, BTW what I have found working with a range of “politicians” in my intel day is that the average person is mostly better informed and more logical. Keep in mind that there are no permanent alliances in the game of nations. Right now the western cunts see Russia as an easier target, China is more difficult due to a large economy and very homogeneous Han population. Trying to penetrate China is almost impossible like Iran. Russia already has a Jew 5th column and a corrupt system. The Russian nationalists should settle for any alliances to protect Russia as the NATO cunts have no intention of easing up.
I wrote that considering the latest changes in the attitude. Just like west was pro Communist China and tried to use it against Communist USSR, they would easily switch to pro Russia and use it against China. I specially see it in Trump, since he not a politician and puts all the cards on the table including getting Russia back at the table to go against China.
Belarus, of course NATO would love to have it. It can even be used to corner Russia joining in. It is an opportunity that can’t be missed from their point of view. And a country Russia can’t afford to lose. And Putin might use all the cards available at hand. That is the situation of today.
But if tomorrow Putin says that we will join in forces with NATO against China, i will be the last person to be surprised.
Russia can even choose China as a partner against NATO if China is to be trusted with non aggression (political or economic). Also viable option.
The only option that will surprise me, would be Russia trying to be the third alternative power in the future Bipolar world. I wouldn’t want to be the alternative 3rd guy between NATO and China. Not with an economy 10 times smaller.
Sensible comment. The problem is that China’s rise is directly attributed to the greedy Bilderberg “globalists” who wanted a compliant manufacturing colony, without any appreciation of Chinese history, culture or nationalism. Russia also played the China card by arming the PLA. 90% of Chinese weaponry is based on Russian designs. But I believe, China does not pose a threat to Russia at this stage due to various reasons, the most important being Russian nuclear muscle which is far superior to China’s relatively modest nuclear strike force. For the Bilderberg global parasites Russia is a softer and more doable short term target as since the the days of the drunken buffoon Yeltsin, western intelligence agencies and NGO have been successful in penetrating Russian society, much more than China. Russia also is very resources rich and a tempting prize.
Fair enough. I can’t say much more about it, since what I wrote is something that might happen in 20-30 years. Who knows what will happen by then.
russia, china already have signed a mutual defense treaty
Putin and Xi are horrified at the destruction the west has caused
around the world, one of the reasons they are no longer using the dolla
for trade, once the us economy crashes the genocide will cease
and the largest terrorist state will crumble
Your a fuckhead. You just like SouthFront just lie lie lie
no counter argument tho a , loser
He already made too many fatal mistakes. Its game over for him and most likely Belarus.
Sadly, after Ukraine this was inevitable and you may be right. These NATO cunts will not ease up as it is the hyena pack mentality, once they have their teeth in, they will not let go unless there is a cost to them.
Depends, unless they see the red army coming they will let go and run.
Red army ain’t coming, unless they cross the Bel border. All EU/NATO has to do is keep sending their printed money to the Bels and they take over.
Lukashenko is done. I kind of think Putin is letting him go, the old man ain’t straight
European Parlament holds no power tho.
Its mainly representative.
Though, non elected representatives.
Not elected is fair for EU government (EU commissars or commissioners), ie. EU’s government. Donald Tusk lost his office in Poland and moved to Brussels in gazenwaggen… no, in “Gelandewaggen”.
What kind of insignia is that Anton?
German army units from Poland… but not Waffen SS…was that annexed part of Poland so he has regular German uniform?
OK now I see from link…a Gestapo!!
Was he driver for Gestapo only or member of Gestapo as well?
Most probably member of Gestapo.
SS boy from Poland, like his EU grand son…nice
Tusk senior is notorious in Poland for having served with the Hiwis….he cooperated with the Wehrmacht as an volunteer aux., same can be said of US born former Ukraine Health minister to Poroshenko (her dad was in the security police under German occupation Ukraine….Belarus had similar traitors (see also the good Belarus TV series on the assassination of the Gauleiter there).
This type of scum resurfaces as part of Anti-Russia policy.
‘Wehrmacht as an volunteer aux.’
How’s that possible?!
Was he German or Pole? Poles couldn’t volunteer in Wehrmacht I think
As Auxiliaries in Security police etc
Sure, because they don’t go and tell the gilet jaunes or the Catalans, it’s easy to play fags with other people’s asses, it’s hard to find in the world a less democratic regime than the euro bureaucracy not elected by anyone, what interests the principals of the €uro bureaucrats is stealing the Belarusian potash mine valued at 150 billion dollars, along with other rich and promising companies, the lies about democracy have become a transparent dress that no one in €urope can hide behind.
“potash mine valued at 150 billion dollars”
150 billion is enough to buy whole Belorussia. It’s GDP by currency course is about 60 billion.
Since when is the value of a mine measured by the country’s GDP? So what is the GDP of Kuwait or Qatar worth excluding oil?
I thought it’s obvious, you’ve mistaken: 150 million, not billion. Billion is too much.
Belarus earns two billion a year from that mine, how can they estimate it at less than a third? these are the assessments made by those who want to privatize it, bearing in mind that it is underutilized, unlike the financial sharks who would like to make a big speculation.
Prove your numbers.
For what?
WTF since when is Belarus member of EU ???!
And if they are not member , than why would they give fuck what “European Parliament rejects”?!?
Who gives the primacy and the right to those fuckers to decide for Belarus population?!
But You use Your socalled primary right right here about Us. Why is that allowed.
I have told here several times, that We dont need Bellarus for anything and we even has too much food and lower any help we can for Our agriculture.
Its the same for Nato. What do You want in Your wet dreams. Should Nato only has troops in USA or none, so You and Your bastards coould take all the way to west of Berlin agin and even make fences and concrite walls, so people again can be kept from Our part of the world, which they have been connected well to even before the viking age.
Should I start writing that people of Moscow has married too many Mongols or not??
And Yes EU do have democrasy and Parlamentarisme and mainly are doing fine. It works, doesnt it. Our base by that are we by voting can remove and replace bad leaders.
Here we dont see Lukashenko as a good Leader but keeping the Bellarussians down. Are we not allowed to say so. Are we not allowed to deny meeting with criminals like him. Who gave Lukashenko the rights, You think he has.
Well the collapsed USSR did.
We are very nice people giving those Bellarussians other options even we dont need them, so they can improve their living styandards as well as grow older.
Is that so bad.
Your frontzone talk is a Putin fiction. All Europe dont support that and almost deny any raises is military forces as USA does. So as a minimum we dont have the same Agenda as You blame USA for.
Now go back to Your Oligarcs and remeber to support the nepotisme and corruption as well.
EU is Ziocorporate. Meaning they’re quite alright with global power Zioterrorist forces changes everything everywhere for a “new world order” of their liking. Only one seeming to ignore this for some reason is Putin, whose Ziocorporate tendencies become more evident everytime something like this happens.
Unfortunately not even the Chinese are much better, trying to adapt the BRI to the needs of Ziocorporate terrorist elites of the West so as tro profiteer from “free trade” with them.
Now EU forces army will try to invade Belarus.
So Lukashenko will send police patrol to chase away their army back home to Brussels !
Yes, we will take Smolensk.
You need to have big balls to do that. Just stay home and continue playing with the keyboard, it will have a better outcome for you.
Give me a sec to think… I think will take Smolensk still.
The western vampires smell blood and will suck Belarus dry.
Yes, Belarus was this dumb, so dumb.
– UK in ‘unprecedented’ deployment of Royal Marines to Belarus –
“Unprecedented deployment by UK @RoyalMarines to Belarus (which neighbours Russia).
30 members of 42 Commando are on 2-weeks of cold weather training with Belarusian military, dubbed Exercise Winter Partisan. It’s largest ever contingent of UK personnel sent to train in Belarus https://t.co/VytvqF8UUp
— Deborah Haynes (@haynesdeborah) March 3, 2020
”Even if this protest began without external interference, now the foreigner powers are actively trying to ride the protest” – Protests never start by themselves. We are all waiting on what Putin’s move will be.
All the parties in the Belarus crisis – the Belarusian people/government, the West and Russia – must focus on what they want to avoid rather than what they want to achieve. They want to avoid world war. But the history of the last century shows world war is what we keep getting.
NATO are not interesting in a war Poland vs Belarus…one of the reason is that Belarus would have the support of many countries of CTSO included Russia and China…second Russian troops would be deployed in Belarus…third Polish army assets would be destroyed!..and the rest of NATO are useless ( I have doubts that France and Germany will send troops to Belarus while Brits cannot afford to risk soldiers vs Russia and east EU countries armies are a joke and fear a confrontation vs Russia)…NATO only hope that his ugly female agent and her flock of sheep can change the government.
” third Polish army assets would be destroyed ”
Sure, like that would go unpunished. There’s no way Russia would attack NATO troops.
Not needed Russia involved…they will provide to Belarus enough weapons to crush Polish army!
Like they allowed Donbass to crush the Ukrainians ?
Who cares on the West what people of Belorussia want? Or in Venezuela?
Similar case in Venezuela and the donations dissapeared and soldiers&People defectors are asking for alms in Colombia…
Jaunlana Guidovskaja?
“A girl from Minsk”
She is a 26 y.o. prostistute (literally) and pro-maidan activist, i.e political prostitute also.) There is a video with interrogation in police station: she says about tactics to intimidate police by separating 1-2 policemen and beating them by a crowd. Over 300 policemen are traumatized by “peaceful protesters”.
Lukashenko is a dictator and you defend him SouthFront. Your protection racket might work on the idiots but not people that have a brain.
Rigged election and beating protesters is a big bloob for him. Striking workers on top is finni.
Putin WILL not allow another Maydan happening …. There will be blood
No Maydan needed, just striking workers paid by EU. Putin can’t do anything.
He will send men in green to prevent coup …
He is still in power because he has allies inside. Probably the military and the security apparatus. It’s a corrupt regime that didn’t help its country.
So many democratically elected Presidents the EU and US refuse to recognise. How many in the European Parliament were elected? How many are funded by $oro$?