Europe Playing With Fire By Calling For Deep Strikes

Europe Playing With Fire By Calling For Deep Strikes

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Associations, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

European parliamentarians have made a very dangerous decision by voting to authorize long-range strikes against Russia’s deep territory. Calling the Ukrainian aggression, a “right to self-defense,” European politicians have taken a significant step toward an escalation of violence that could easily lead to an open phase in the current conflict between Russia and NATO.

resolution voted in the European Parliament on September 19 approved a recommendation to authorize deep strikes against Russia. The resolution sets out a series of escalatory measures, including increased military spending, imposition of more sanctions, and confiscation of Russian assets. However, the central point of the document is the formal request to countries supplying long-range weapons to authorize the use of such equipment against Russian military targets outside the conflict, border zone.

The text of the resolution states that restrictions on the use of Western weapons by Ukraine undermine the right to self-defense and should therefore be abolished. Currently, the biggest restriction is on the use of long-range weapons against deep targets, since cross-border strikes are already officially authorized. Fearing an escalation, suppliers of long-range missiles are asking for their weapons not be used on target areas too far from the conflict zone, but MEPs are calling for this rule to be lifted.

“(The European Parliament) Calls on the Member States to immediately lift restrictions on the use of Western weapons systems delivered to Ukraine against legitimate military targets on Russian territory, as this hinders Ukraine’s ability to fully exercise its right to self-defense under international public law and leaves Ukraine exposed to attacks on its population and infrastructure,” resolution reads.

The adoption of this pro-war resolution reflected the concern of hundreds of MEPs about the possible deterioration of military support for Ukraine. Several recent reports indicate that Europe is close to significantly reducing military assistance given the deterioration of the local defense industry. For this reason, the pro-war lobby in the EU is doing its best to maintain the current level of support – or expand it – by passing new legal documents in the European Parliament.

The European parliamentarians have highlighted the reduction in the supply of weapons and ammunition as one of the main threats to Ukraine. In this regard, the resolution recalls international agreements signed between Western countries and Kiev to emphasize the alleged importance of maintaining military assistance at a high level, as well as constantly expanding it.

“(The resolution) Underlines that insufficient deliveries of ammunition and weapons and restrictions on their use risk undermining efforts made so far and deeply deplores the declining financial volume of bilateral military aid to Ukraine from Member States, despite the strong statements made at the beginning of this year; reiterates, therefore, its calls on the Member States to fulfil their commitment of March 2023 to deliver one million rounds of ammunition to Ukraine, to accelerate weapons deliveries, in particular of modern air defense systems and other weapons and ammunition in response to clearly identified needs, including Taurus missiles; calls for the swift implementation of the commitments made in joint security commitments between the EU and Ukraine; reiterates its position that all EU Member States and NATO allies should collectively and individually commit to supporting Ukraine militarily, with no less than 0,25 % of their GDP annually,” text adds.

As expected, the European measure was celebrated by the mainstream media. Politico published an article praising how the European parliamentarians had called for attacks on the “heart of Russia”. The possible consequences of the measure were completely ignored, with the focus of Western journalists being simply to honor the irresponsibility of the resolution.

In Russia, on the other hand, the news was received with warnings. Moscow has repeatedly said that deep strikes would be seen as a declaration of war by NATO, since it is known that only Western military personnel are qualified to operate long-range systems. Russian politicians commented on the European resolution, saying clearly that the EU is “calling for nuclear war.”

It must be emphasized that the Parliament’s resolutions do not create obligations for member states, but serve only as a kind of guideline. In the end, it is up to each European state to decide whether or not to lift the restrictions. However, given the high level of anti-Russian bellicosity, it would not be surprising if this type of irresponsible measure were adopted. It remains to be seen whether the countries that actually supply long-range weapons will take this decision.

Russia’s patience and desire to avoid escalation and cooperate for peace have so far prevented appropriate retaliatory measures from being taken. However, in the event of deep strikes, it would be difficult to avoid a response, since this would be a scenario of open war started by NATO itself.

Washington seems to clearly understand Russia’s red line, but the Europeans act without any geostrategic mentality. Perhaps the US is inducing the European countries to allow these attacks in order to test Russia’s patience, using France and Germany as guinea pigs to see whether or not there will be a nuclear response. It is important that the European countries understand the trap they are creating for themselves – otherwise they may cross a point of no return in military escalation.


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europe calls for deep strikes while they continue buying russian gas and their economy heavily depends on it. seems either hypocritical, stupid, or is it all a racket? war is the greatest racket after all for the banksters and all the war profiteers


thanks for reposting my comment arachnida the 8 legged spider are you a trap door or funnel web?


holy shit. you are as insane as they come.


i’ve noticed that over the past few weeks too.

Baghdad Bob

the trap door variety lives in kursk.


brussels lost touch with reality a few years ago and that floosie von der lugen has made it tenfold worse with her kow towing to washington dc and her inbred nazism more or less has ruined the eu! and she still was reelected for another five years and visited kiev promising more €€ for weapons and the cost of running the civilian society and heating for the pending winter.


and she is investigated by the brussels prosecutors office for her shady dealings with pfizer that most likely netted her a fortune!

Grifters adrift

which explains her affinity with ukraine. natural born grifters, both.


i’d love to see boris johnson riding his bicycle down the main street in sudzha waving his silly flag with a pot on his head and blaring out of a bulllhorn…. ‘russia, you’re finished!.’

dizzy brits, pick more bozos as leaders than the americans do.


the uk has selections not elections, just like the rest of the west.


brussels prosecutors, now that’s a poxy moron.

Baghdad Bob

pox europa and pox americana are in an existential battle to see who destroys europe first.


nobody elected her. she’s just another tinpot unelected brussels bureaucrat with delusions of grandeur. her period as minister of defence was a disaster for the bundeswehr. corruption, one scandal after another. she’s not just corrupt, more worryingly she’s as thick as two short planks.


maybe you’ve lost touch with reality war is a business maybe you should let go of your fantasies from disney land. because wars horrible and everyones known it for thousands of years doesn’t now nor ever will stop it being the most profitable business on earth mass murder and grand theft. run by the most well respected families on the planet.


well respected families…??? and you have the nerve to question other’s grasp of ‘ reality’???


the macaroon seems to have revived putin’s 20 yr old, er sorry, macaroon’s new call for a new european security architecture. guess a million casualties were finally enough to inspire him.

Professore Saviano

fortunately we in italia have the mainstream media to explain that such ideas such as sovereignty are only foolishness and may safely be ignored.

active attempts to eradicate the notion of sovereignty. the most interesting and most ambitious attempt to do so, comes from those “philosophers” who claim that sovereignty is in principle incompatible with the rule of law.


interesting nazi cia doublethink

Walter Mitty

many decades ago, american televangelists routinely accused the eu of being the anti-christ, dedicated to satan’s world domination.

strange that they left out the us itself but at least now i know why the accusation.

in those days i thought they were just bonkers. now i think they were just prescient in their own wacko way.

Last edited 5 months ago by Walter Mitty
Walter Mitty

actually not strange that the us wasn’t included, as they saw the eu as a rising rival superpower to the us and in their own american ‘exceptional” way, marked anyone perceived as threatening us imperial hegemony as the anti-christ.

it’s probably even the reason the us made it a priority to inculcate the eu with lapdogs. just look at how many religious wackos are in congress and the military. pompeo’s a good example.

Last edited 5 months ago by Walter Mitty

europe became vassals of the us after ww2. in many ways, the us occupied europe both physically and culturally. that being said, it goes beyond the us, even. and into a millennia old jewish vendetta against the german and european (or gentile as they call them.)


london, washington, and brussels are all under the control of the judeo-masonic banking elite. you see this effort to destroy
europe even today in the immigration policies which are defined in ‘great replacement theory’ . a theory which has been linked obviously with neo-nazi ultranationalist “conspiracy theories” — but actually has a lot of factual merit if you look everywhere objectively without any political bias.


even lefty loony sweden is coming around to the fact that they are losing their european identity and are now paying migrants 31k euros to leave. if even lefty loony sweden comes around — that tells you that there js something going on. there are globalist forces that want to see europe utterly destroyed and defeated.

Professore Saviano

precisely, in italy, after ww2, the us operation gladio, saw the cia operating out of italy, partnered with everyone from right-wing terrorists, to the vatican, to the mafia. it is all freemasonic skullduggery here. all under the anti communist banner. and now they are more neo communist than russia. the irony.

Professore Saviano

and the americans then expanded their occupation in the aviano air base which then became officially nato base. the history of aviano is quite interesting. it is italy’s first airport predating the great war. in short, luftwaffe flew missions out of aviano in ww2 and then the americans began establishing their presence there in the 1950’s after they began their pivot against communism in the east. italy has been thoroughly occupied since second world war

Last edited 5 months ago by Professore Saviano

look, it’s still the roman empire they conquered egypt.


no it’s saturn worship the egyptians worshipped ra the sun god and then that was saturn. saturn is satan. the lord of the rings.


you’re worried about migrants your biggest enemy is other whites you fool.


it’s class war always has been it’s the wealth that creates power that duvidez the classes into shepherd’s and their flocks pharoah and his slaves.


yes but you don’t understand that europe rejected catholicism and embraced protestant ism.


isn’t protestantism now just satanism lite?

Baghdad Bob

they could just buy them a ticket to mexico and a map to the rio grande. much cheaper.


the masons come from egypt the stone masons. pyramid builders haven’t you seen the pyramids they put in place as the signs? look around you’ll find them little pyramids about 4 foot high often missing still the cap stone that will go on when they’ve taken over the whole planet.


wakey wakey it’s started with the egyptians enslaving the jews and moses demanding freedom. the jews weren’t enslaving the gentiles.


how can you be sure? did the egyptians dethrown and eject the jews from egypt in a popular uprising and military coop that the jews spun as being victims? after all, who is obsessed with killing children and keeping slaves? we know the jews are…


no egyptians ever enslaved j’ews’. in ancient egypt, jews were about as known and important as hottentots are today. that ‘enslavement (victim theory) is modern jewish pr. read the story of joseph who helped the pharoah enslave all egyptians. joseph was the kerry, nuland, blinken of the day.


which egyptians ever did that? soros, vanguard, blackrock, epstein, bill katz and jeff bezos, on the other hand… the list is very long.

Stupid Pet Tricks

looks like you pissed off some poor fellow living in the eu, walter.

Gneaus Stapo

unread american mctards have that effect


hello, stapo. i see you’ve managed to pull yourself out of a crumbling economy long enough to share a few words of wisdom with us. thanks and well, back to work you go then.


yep google pope francis address to congress seeing is believing then google his address from the balcony where his side kicks almost wet themselves laughing when he says god bless america.
“they in there hate jesus and christians” pope emeritus benedict said referring to the vatican under pope francis.


i will only agree with your statement if you agree that satanism is a religion. it is the ‘religion’ of congress and most of the west.


that’s the new vaticana msm propaganda now francos been saying jesus is satan publicly for about the last 18 months. allegedly.

Gneaus Stapo

sovereignty is diametrically opposed to globalism since it’s nationalism/ nationalist. that is the framework of the globalist. to remove national identity and surrender sovereignty


heil mein fuhrer!


the pre-eu italy i once knew was populated by skeptics and near anarchists, thumbing their noses at government at every opportunity. how did brussels ever manage to turn them into good little eunuchs?


germany and italy are the biggest vassals in europe. germany has 30k american troops stationed there and italy about half of that if you count the cia. they are vestiges left from ww2. the banking elite dictate policy to brussels & washington. the cia and mossad ultimately are the clandestine “invisible hand” of the neo-feudal corporatocracy which answers to the global banking elite and the judeo-masonc crime syndicate.


italy has always been a center of
culture & arts. but it hides a darker truth as well. it’s a center of secret societies including the freemasons since before the renaissance. today you have many globalist think-tanks linked to intelligentsia and of course: freemasonry. for intance go to read their “limits on growth” report. it is essentially a neo-communist manifesto for late-stage capitalism.


incompatible with ‘the rules-based international order’, whatever tf that is supposed to be.

Last edited 5 months ago by platon
Ray Douglas

hit brussels and london, or, london or brussels.


these clowns will only be brought down to face reality when they get a few missiles up their backsides.


they won’t be up their backsides. they’re not stupid.

Baghdad Bob

they’d have to find their spines first.


the city of london corporation rules. google the truth about london and greater london and his it’s divided.

Stupid Pet Tricks

the eu has a satanic sense of morality, so playing with fire is a natural passtime.


the world does, but they’re deceived so don’t even know it. eg every dingle firm of sex apart from intercourse between a husband and his wife legally married solely only exclusively with the intention of creating a child is a sin and abomination to god.


every sexual act. not just lbgqt or sex work or b@d or s@m or bestiality or pedophilia or pederastery
every single sexual act


single form of sex, i typed there this auto corrects very unusual.


that’s a lie, paul clearly says in the epistles that sex between man and wife is ok in general, not just for procreation.


you know, the puritans and victorian era brits had that attitude and that’s why they ended up invading other countries for so many centuries, out of sexual frustration. that’s also why their women always prefer vacationing solo in mediterranean countries.


that’s a naive assessment based on modern bitches attitudes, which is based on ass burnt feminist maxist nonsense, which didn’t exist during that era. back in the day, they were overpopulating whores and the government was rounding up as many poor poppers as they could to traffick to their lucrative plantations and estates abroad as a cheap work force that understood the master’s culture and language, simple as that.

V for Victory

anyway, what happened to eric zuesse, a former author of sf?

Karl Heinz Radant (CARLOS)

even in the german media there is now speculation about putin’s lethargy!

those who continue to turn the escalation spiral are surprised that putin does not react to anything. you may also be annoyed by this, but his stoic behavior is already very noticeable and slowly makes his enemies become cocky!

if putin continues to bury his head in the sand, it will soon lead to a big bang, unless russia voluntarily surrenders!


putins being very smart now he’s issued a list of 47 countries that are incompatible with russian values and simultaneously has made moving to russia, dead easy for new wannabe citizens removed all the red tape and from those countries too.


good point. putin isn’t keeping his head in the sand, he’s playing the long game and letting his enemies make all the mistakes they can, because they are socially arrested trust fund babies appointed to political power by those selecting them from the board rooms of counterfieting banking cartels and aipac conventions, they are rash, impulsive, emotional and idiotic, justine trudeau is a case in point, and putin knows this, hence the brics currency, kill the bank, win the long game war.


of course the europeans are gonna continue with this. there haven’t been any consequences for violating any of russia’s, “red lines.” until putin stops acting like a cuckold and takes off the kid gloves, the west will continue pushing the envelope more and more.


strange, everytime nato crosses a red line, they all seem to get hit with khinzal pizza and are reported as dying in “training accidents”. yeah, they accidentally died while training ukrops in terrorist tactics at a point of deployment in ukraine. for every red line crossed, there has been a pizza delivery.


they call for ‘deep strikes’ while russia calls for kettle cooked deep fries.

some days, i’m not sure if i’m watching a bowling or a cooking show.


you’re watching the modern version of the roman colosseum… real time war porn with pawns pounded in open trenches using drones dropping bombs…


given the nazi roots of the brussels eu should it really be a surprise that they back their zio nazi pals in kyiv, not at all. they are clearly insane, and have no support from the peoples of europe. unfortunately that does not stop these bought and paid for lunatics from declaring war on russia and by extension – europe and the world. god bless all who fight this evil.


people living in the eu/uk should ask themselfs:

do we really want to support our “elected” regime fuhrers that support a nazi ideology and dont give a damn about our lifes?

Baghdad Bob

it’s lives not lifes but anyway, who cares? it’s a dying language anyway.


“he lives because he has nine lives.”

same word, one a verb the other a noun with two distinct pronunciations.

one of a thousand examples in this disfunctional language patched together from latin, greek, norman french and elementary saxon grunts and groans.


you’re talking about old, middle/medevil, and modern english grammar variations, and words from other countries have always been adopted and adapted to english regardless of era. it’s one of the rare strengths of the britsh empire, what’s left of it, what hasn’t been bought, hussled and sold with counterfiet mulla…


can someone explain to me how european countries are suddenly able to pay hundreds of billions to a country that isn’t part of the european union and is not part of nato in a time where they are recovering from covid economic shutdowns and held austerity in their own countries telling their citizens they have to pay more taxes for ordinary living.

Baghdad Bob

have you ever watched lemmings on a nature excursion?


neocon witchcraft


if we’re lucky the russians will obliterate the eu headquarter including the floosie von der lugen’s lair and making eu actually headless which is no worse than the present headlessness under floosie von der lugen, who by the way is investigated for various crimes by the belgian prosecutors office!

Baghdad Bob

the pentagone-to-lunch pulled the wool over biden’s dunce hat and told him all the russian targets were moved beyond the urals, out of the nazis’ range.

biden checked wikipedia and said, ‘yep, that’s right..’ no use giving zelensky anything more potent than slingshots now.’ have we managed to make those things yet or are they still from china?

Last edited 5 months ago by Baghdad Bob

the e.u. sounds more and more like an israeli mouth piece, claiming their terrorism, invasion of other peoples, and thier genocide of civilians is “self defense”. the people of europe needs to “self defense” their own treasonous governments.
