People supporting an EU integration attend a rally at Independence Square in Kiev December 4, 2013. Uk
Since sanctions started affecting the EU more than Russia itself, the leadership in Brussels is trying to spin the narrative. However, the EU public is not very receptive to this.
Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst
The European Union’s support is key to the sustainment of the Kiev regime. Without the bureaucratic bloc, the Neo-Nazi junta would’ve never been able to survive as long as it did. EU member states, nearly all of whom are also NATO members, continue to provide crucial support to the Kiev regime. However, this support is not unconditional and limitless and it remains to be seen how the EU will act in the long run. EU officials admit there will likely be a “crunch point” in the fall or early winter when members will start feeling real economic pain resulting from anti-Russian sanctions, while also having to dig ever deeper into their coffers and provide their (now even more scant) resources to sustain the Kiev regime.
To prepare the public for this, EU leaders have begun warning that the conflict will last longer than expected and that the consequences being experienced now are just the beginning. Emmanuel Macron, for example, stated that France will continue to prop up the Kiev regime forces “until victory has been achieved.” Still, behind these public statements of support lies a quiet tug-of-war between Germany, France and (earlier) Italy on the one hand, and Poland, the Baltics and Nordics on the other.
France and Germany are particularly concerned about the potential escalation with Russia, as they realize the Kiev regime can’t win without involving NATO more directly, which would certainly result in Russia’s response. Therefore, a clear distinction needs to be made between public statements and the actual views of Emmanuel Macron, Olaf Scholz or other senior EU leaders which they can only divulge in private. Still, it’s clear that as long as the United States continues supporting the Kiev regime, Berlin and Paris are unlikely to publicly challenge the views held by the EU’s Eastern European members, nearly all of whom are under firm Washington control.
This geopolitical reality will be felt more directly in the tug-of-war debate over anti-Russian sanctions, as the more hawkish member states, such as Poland, the Baltics, and the Nordics will continue pushing for further restrictions. Although the bureaucratic empire in Brussels is yet to reach its sanctions amplitude, signs of fatigue are still felt as major members are concerned about what consequences their economies will suffer if the EU expands the oil embargo, in addition to targeting Russian nuclear-energy and natural gas exports. Thus, it will be much more difficult to reach a consensus on any new sanctions.
The EU will need to find alternatives to continue supporting the Kiev regime, such as expanding loans and other forms of financial support, including the promise that it would provide additional funds in excess of €9 billion by year’s end. This is crucial for the Kiev regime, as it has been on the brink of default for months, struggling with a €5 billion per month financing gap, which would undermine the Neo-Nazi junta’s ability to continue fighting. This also includes direct support in the form of so-called “lethal aid.” In addition, there are also discussions on the Kiev regime’s “integration” into EU structures, since it has been granted “candidate” status in June, although this move has been largely symbolic.
Given the history of EU expansion and just how long it takes for a country to join the bureaucratic bloc, the membership negotiations will not only take quite a long time, but will remain symbolic, since the Kiev regime isn’t exactly in a position to enact any meaningful reforms. However, Brussels hopes to sustain the illusion of intra-EU cohesion and unity by keeping at least a semblance of the Kiev regime’s EU perspective alive.
Macron’s ideas for a “European Political Community”, broader and a more geopolitical/security concept than the EU itself, serve as a testament to that, as the EU aims to keep the remaining European countries in its orbit without giving them actual membership. Top EU leaders have ignored concerns on the trajectory of public opinion, Macron even more so than Scholz. Last month, due to frustration over “Ukraine fatigue” and numerous other domestic issues, especially coming from the extremes of the political spectrum, Macron lost the absolute majority in the French Parliament.
In time, however, the EU is bound to lose even the illusion of its misplaced self-confidence. As the Kiev regime keeps suffering military defeats, and despite a massive media campaign to portray it as winning, the EU public is becoming less enthusiastic, especially as domestic issues are kicking in. Since sanctions started affecting the EU more than Russia itself, the leadership in Brussels is trying to spin the narrative, claiming sanctions supposedly have no boomerang effect, but that “Russia’s unprovoked, brutal invasion” was the reason behind everyone’s troubles. However, the EU public is not very receptive to this myth and it doesn’t seem it ever will be.
As EU citizen, I really doubt the EU project will survive long. A good weather alliance that has had it’s last nail hammered into the coffin. The next economic crisis coupled with opposite needs of different European countries will luckily make the EU an empty Box void of political power. Btw Seeing Eurocrats having to search for actual jobs is my wet dream.
You are citizen of what?
From a balcony in Sibiria. ha ha. A bear on the roof is worse then 10 at the graveyard.
2 eskimos w penis in your anus told you this
“A good weather alliance”, Absolutely accurate !
It started cracking with Greece’s € crises a few years back. “Since the debt crisis began in 2010, the various European authorities and private investors have loaned Greece nearly 320 billion euros. It was the biggest financial rescue of a bankrupt country in history.” Now the engine of the EU Germany showing the sign of being very tired. When Russia captures Odessa making Ukraine a landlocked country, and an even bigger burden for EU, some extra nails will be hammered into the coffin, just in case.
Well, every cloud has a silver lining. (En français : d’un malheur peut naître un bonheur. )
A dick in my ass is worth twice in the bush.
Haha another butt hurt troll. They will really start crying when the Dunbas puts all the Nazis on trial in front of the world economic community. Can already see the Deepstate and the clown Zelensky whining relelentlessly.
We know You see the deep state. You make it Yourself and even insist in making it.
nazi retired janitor jens jealous isolated discarded dead garbage—any nation sanction Russia besides dying anglo/EU? you are dead failures except when 2 penis in your mouth
The problem is nobody let me suck their dicks anymore. I charge only $5 and I accept rubbles as payment. My whoring mom does better, she gets at least 2 c0ck a day. Who’s my daddy again?
Ukronazis and it’s US and Natostan allies are having real issues just getting anything from men never mind equipment to warring front.
Most Eastern Ukraine was mostly Russian and they will suffer badly just trying to get past these eyes. Do these idiots honestly think this Nazi supported BS will go on much longer? People will want to get rid of this scum, sooner than later.
You dont get it. We dont care about Your oppinion about anything. Russia is no part of Europe and the rest of the world.
Haha Russia belongs to Saturn, China to Jupiter, India to Mars, Latin America to Neptune and Africa to Pluto. So the only real earthlings are Danish cocksuckers.
nobody cares about USA transgender colony dinkymark—now u idiots all pay for Russian commodities w rubles….deep depression as euro below dollar….🇷🇺😂🇷🇺😂🖕
15% of the world is considered the rest of the world. No different than I suck a whole c0ck for 85% discount.
3 Sea Initiative – 12 nations are involved, with the aim of leaving the EU and trying to compete with China, with their version of the ‘Belt and Road’ project. Central and Eastern European Nations located within the Adriatic, Black and Baltic Seas. Nations with pure hatred towards Russia and her people, but, why? How many of the 12 members, with US calling the shots, are treating the Russian people like the Nazis did to those of Jewish Faith, back in the 1930s/1940s? Did they learn nought from WWII?
A South-North pipeline from Croatia to Poland, which finds the pipeline from Russia to Germany such a threat. Ukraine, is also joining the 12 nations.
Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia.
In the meantime You all should insolate Your buildings and all the pipelines between them and the burners for the varming up.
You also can warm up by heat pumps, which give You 3 times more by using electricity for them.
The Baltics as well as Croatia can make a lot of windpower. I would say that countries in the middle like Hungary could need a nuke powerplant or two instead.
You also can produce a lot of gas Yourself by using the leftovers from animals and make some ethanol/methanol from wood and other kinds of leftovers.
It take many years to start the 3 sea solution.
It also generates a lot of heat from a black cock pumping Jens’s ass. Then the West will be completely self-sufficient.
You can also warm up by putting your c0ck in my mouth.
Perhaps you have forgotten what the ‘Russians’ historically did to these peoples… obviously they haven’t… (hint: slaughter)..
So they may well have a small problem with trust…
even though most of these nations themselves have spent the last thousand years slaughtering each other in various tribal… religious and territorial disputes..
and then cosying up with their enemies to wage war on their allies…
so whatever imbeciles on either side of the current argument may witter on about.. there is that..
The 3-Seas-Initiative has another aspect: to receive all jews from Israel. Kissinger since 5 years ssd, that Izrael has only 15 years in the Midle Orient to search a new country with enough water. Izrael has not future more in Asia.
Total babling nonsense. None in the whole wild west recognize any of this. And we live here.
Drattomir ignores we are not hands to mouth economies. We have budgets.
We feed and support 6 mio refugees and also some in Ukraine. Here private NGOs also send all kinds of help. Civile help is importent too. Fx the danish goverment will send a lot of windows and help for regaining water supply.
It seemes Drattomir dont read SF. I wonder why. But yesterday its tol d Norway and UK together send buches of mini drones. SF even has written about them in detail.
Its true we have Our hand full. Thats because we work and handle things for trade, covid, monkey pox, recession and Ukriane.
Further more we has Our own problems for the more normal parts of Governes.
Denmark is an NGO, vegan, multicultural, feminist and queer country. And coprophagous Jens his ambassador.
They should also send me a big dildo.
mini drone is 2 eskimo penis in your anus—-you do nothing unless your lgbt daddy emperor gates instructs you—-for jens work is retired janitor shoe shine boy, pleasure is bending over stinking diapers for tranny or eskimo in christaintna
Russia now seemes to solve their unimployment problems by making more soldiers.
Thats good economy. they are lower paid and treated worse then most people in Gulag unlees You were a coalminer or became familiar with uranium.
It seemes to be a part of the Russian culture. No wonder the living age is reduced compared to Ours.
Denmark is a paradise where the blonde queer Jens is happy thanks to his Latin maid, his Algerian ephebe and his Yemeni shopkeeper.
why 3.1 million legal immigrants to Russia 2022? you homosexual moron….why Russian birthrate increasing while dane dying except for females that mate with Colombians? obviously dane males=feminized trannys—-irrelevant tiny USA colony
A question is not only how many Ukrainians have to perish in this Nazi act of terrorism but how many Europeans will die this winter due to the boomerang effect of sanctions.
As long as it is mainly Germans and French plus lots of the rapey Mosque monkeys and stabby African savages the Zionist Occupied EU Governments have imported it will be a good thing!
The amount of self mutilation EU countries are willing to endure is an amazing 👏 😍 🙌 thing to witness. Can I get an encore.
But Chucky was not a cheating slag like Truss!
European Union days are encumbered, it will dissolve faster than anyone expected. The big winner in Ukraine will be the USA. The goal is to prevent Euro- Asian economic integration.
we prefer lgbt freezing poverty —why we impoverish ourselves giving zelensky weapons sold to ISIS to assist Russia in dismantling nazi Ukraine…..zelensky will avoid lgbt anglosphere and dinkymark—now buying villas in Monaco
thanks anglo morons—for buying me caviar and champagne—maybe I share some Salo silotka if you shine my shoes
We voted NO to EU.
The ongoing shrinking of rump Ukropland, the destruction of Natostan naZi$ and sundry “assets” guarantees the break up of the evil EUSSR abomination in Natostan sewer Brussels. We are witnessing the collap$€ of the Satanic globo angloZionaZi empire of shit. Mother Russia is flushing a century of filth right before our eyes and most of the geriatric loons “running” the collapsing empire don’t even see it.
To Odessa and the all new purged landlocked rump Ukrop entity that will never nest another Natostan viper.
It is my opinion that the collective West especially the EU have invested heavily in Ukraine and don’t want to lose their ill gotten investments.
EU/anglo racists unaesthetic, ugly uncivilized becoming more desperate as the realities of moron sanctions exposed….village idiot jens will suck 10 penis to be warm in tent w junkies in areas—-he very happy if double talibaned numbed w Seroquel haldol eskimo sperm
They have been tugging on ukraine for years, going so far to regulate farmers to bankruptcy in order to favor the imports from ukraines unregulated produce (which has lead to serious health issues with consumers (bad meat scandal) and a increase on pesticide usage).
Anything to screw russia over in any way, no trade at the expense of affordable prices that are now inflated, a decade long push for polluting “green energy” that is more expensive and not sustainable at all on top of creating chemical waste.
eu leaders killing and exploiting the ppl for more power and money trough price inflation.
The shit has yet to hit the fan . Wait ’til the cold weather hits , these ass holes will be jumping ship left and right .
It’s hard to defend overthrowing a democratic government (Ukraine) next to Russia and installing Nazis. Especially when your decision creates a collapsing economy and your citizens start freezing to death in the winter.
it looks both the usa and russia agree that the battle between east and west must take place in eastern europe… who could have foreseen this… and that brexit was also based on the self-fulfilling prophecy of high eurozone inflation…