Ethnic Cleansing ‘With White Gloves’. Trump Has Decided To Deport Palestinians

Ethnic Cleansing 'With White Gloves'. Trump Has Decided To Deport Palestinians

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The cease-fire between Hamas and Israel may not be very durable. Benjamin Netanyahu’s agreement to withdraw IDF units from the Palestinian enclave, including the strategic Philadelphi Corridor, does not appear to be as surrenderist as it first appeared. For Bibi’s government, the most important thing at this point is to resolve the hostage issue. This will relieve considerable tension in Israeli society and allow for a change of strategy in Gaza. Regroup and start over. Next, Tel Aviv will act in full coordination with the Donald Trump administration.

Sanctions against illegal Jewish settlers in the West Bank have been lifted. Restrictions have been imposed on the International Criminal Court, which earlier issued an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu as a war criminal. Deliveries of heavy bombs, previously halted by the Joseph Biden administration, resumed. The United States withdrew from the UN Human Rights Council and the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The American president signed an executive order deporting foreign students who participated in an “anti-Semitic” campaign after the bombing of Gaza began. The general information background in America is drifting sharply in a direction favorable to right-wing Zionists.

The quintessential pro-Israeli course is Donald Trump’s proposal to transfer Palestinians from the Gaza Strip. On February 4, after talks with the Israeli prime minister, the American leader announced Washington’s plans for a Middle East settlement. These plans are more reminiscent of the Generalplan Ost from German practice in the 1940s.

First, direct American control over the Palestinian enclave, i.e. occupation, is announced.

“We will own it and be responsible for removing all dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons in the area, leveling the land and getting rid of destroyed buildings, and launching economic development that will provide unlimited jobs and housing for the people of the area,” Trump said.

Second, the indigenous population – that is, the Palestinians – would be forced to leave their own homeland and resettle in neighboring countries.

“The only reason the Palestinians want to go back to Gaza is because they have no alternative. It’s literally a demolition site, almost all the buildings are destroyed… Instead, they can settle in a beautiful, safe area with prefabricated housing and live their lives in peace and harmony, instead of going back and going through this again,” the president of the United States said confidently.

Trump promises to turn Gaza into a “Middle Eastern Riviera” where people of different nationalities will live. But apparently it will no longer be Arab.

Ethnic Cleansing 'With White Gloves'. Trump Has Decided To Deport Palestinians

Tel Aviv likes Trump’s real estate plan in Gaza

Netanyahu is happy

The deportation of two million people – presumably to Egypt and Jordan – would be one of the most egregious examples of ethnic cleansing in the twenty-first century. It would take a new war to implement this plan. Trump’s determination indicates that Washington will give the green light to the Israeli army to commit any crime to achieve its goals. The Americans will no longer organize “humanitarian corridors” and “temporary ports” to deliver humanitarian aid, as they did during the Biden presidency. They will be directly involved in the Israeli military operation and guarantee a total blockade of the isolated area.

In addition to the occupation of the area, a place will have to be found to house the expelled Palestinians. According to leading Western media, the White House will put pressure on Cairo and Amman to agree to accept the refugees. Neither Abdul-Fattah Al-Sisi nor King Abdullah II want to get involved in such a toxic issue as ethnic cleansing in Gaza. However, the US wants to put the issue to rest in the usual Trumpian way: either you act in our way or you lose your privileged status. For Egypt and Jordan, these are not just words. Their entire armies are totally dependent on American aid. The consequences of cutting it off would be devastating.

In 2023, the Egyptians and Jordanians were among the top 5 recipients of U.S. military and other aid. Egypt received 1.5 billion dollars, Jordan – 1.68 billion dollars. Regular cash receipts from America are important not only for the budgets of Middle Eastern countries. It is also a kind of bribe for local political elites. A payment for loyalty. At one time, the Egyptian top leadership was actually bought by Washington. Large financial tranches to Cairo were stipulated by the Camp David Accords. Evil tongues say that this money is a feeding trough for the Egyptian generals. Losing everything is very real. Donald Trump has already shown that he is capable of the most radical steps.

The initiative of the American leader, despite its eccentricity and scandalousness, may well be realized. History, including relatively recent history, knows many ethnic cleansings, sometimes quite “civilized”. For example, the population exchange between Greece and Turkey in the 1920s or between Poland and the Soviet Union in the 1940s. As a rule, such events are the result of bloody catastrophes, be it the Greek-Turkish war or the Second World War. In this case, the “voluntary and forced” expulsion of the Palestinians may be the final chord of Israel’s operation against Hamas.

A number of European countries, allies of the United States, called the White House initiative unacceptable.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Berbock said, “Expelling Palestinian civilians from Gaza would not only be unacceptable and contrary to international law. It would also lead to new suffering and new hatred.”

But advising NATO partners is certainly not something Donald Trump intends to do. No European country is in a position to influence the situation. Only the United States will decide the future of Palestine. And these decisions are appalling in their rigidity and callousness.


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white gloves over red hands ; what could possibly goes wrong ?
those guys are morons .


the eu imposes a detention order on the “international criminal court” against bibi, who is leisurely strolling with don trumpald in world history 🇪🇺 = 🤡 🖕😆🖕


correct all bar about 1% are. simple fact.


trump is a builder and negotiator.. he throws an idea out there to see who has a better idea, so far no one has a better idea, and no other nation wants to take in palestinian… they don’t want those wonderful peaceful people in their countries.😊


chumpo is a loudmouth conman, a bought and paid for whore serving zio interests. no other nation wants to take in palestinians because there’s no reason why they should, they want to stay in their homeland. if some jew comes along and steals your house at gunpoint, do you blame the jew or your neighbour for not taking you in?

dead mercs

another trumptard refuses to get it. you have been joooooed again with the chump nonsense. ussa is over.


i have a better idea, send all the politicians, banksters, corrupt judges, lgbtqs and every piece of shite from d.c. etc. to gaza, call that the 51st state, and turn d.c. into a new independent homeland for palestinians, and then convert the 51st state into isreal as most of those d.c. scum has israeli passports anyhow, and strip those traitors of us citizenship and never let them enter the us ever again… win win…

Chedder biscuit

that works for me too.


along with your fake names abd lame brains


are you crazy? without banksters, corrupt judges and every possible sort of shite our beautiful democracies will crumble! we don’t want that, do we?


you’re crazy for thinking anyone believes your not half a dozen names a day. imo

Shlomo's little weenie

original 👌


more demented zionist logic that will not work. zionists are human scum


humans are scum, they all equally suck.


thats what a jew would say blame the goyim. all of this was done and instigated and created planned and organized by jews. every w ar in the middle east every big w. ar in the rest of the world is created by these filthy jew parasites. they are a scourge on humanity.


its time enough people wake up and remove all jews from our governments and institutions shut down their ngos retake our sovreignty thats the only solution to their scam schemes and c rimes against us.

Shlomo's little weenie

‘human’ ? one of their dark ages voodoo jugglers was putting it out they’re origins are from some planetary deal 300 light years away. if so, we would all hope that they would just vaporize back to whatever filthily hideous deal they had going there.


as soon as i saw the news that netanyahu was going to washington, i know he was only going there to give trump aka the new shabbos goy in the oval office his orders.


netanyahu does it well he visits he visits one of the most powerful men in the world and controls him like a servant , i know many americans are angry at this but much of the usa is controlled from tel aviv –if you look behind the scene at who the real owners of us conglomerates are including the media.


wall street, blackrock, vanguard, treasury, state department, spooks and secret police, murdoch media, jewllywood, all 100% kosher.


murdochs catholic dumbarse wall streets top ceos are too the heads of most banks insurance finance law courtrooms police stations government department bureaucracies etc globally are not jews they’re catholics reality nor propaganda.


murdoch is fully paid up kosher. blackrock is 100% kosher. biden’s “government” was over 75% extreme zionist kosher. not much d-i-v-e-r-s-i-t-y there. the six megamedia corporations are 100% kosher. in the jewsa, if you want a minor public service job as a teacher or a dog catcher, you have to swear an oath of loyalty – not to the us, but to israhell.


trump is polite with his guest, helping with the chair, don’t be silly.


you think he should metaphorically spit in his face like zelensky did to the pope? in front of media obviously.


give it a rest adolf.


you know nothing at all really because you’re gullible. how dumb can you be?

Zionist child killers

a senile fat felon and a zionist genocidal war criminal engaging in ethnic cleansing of palestine 🇵🇸 will not work. palestinians will never leave their lands.


the jewsa has taken off its mask and is revealing its ugly face for all the world to see.


you are.heres a clue yesterday australias federal government passed into law hate speech crimes you’re comments will have you potentially in jail and america will do the same, the west will. and if they retrospectively impose it like they did with the sex laws then people who weren’t breaking the law at all at the time will still be convicted anyway later. and they jailed a lot of people that way.


“in america you can criticise god, but you can’t criticise israel.” israhell government spokesman.


“if you want to know who really rules over you, ask who you are on no account allowed to criticise.” voltaire


chumpo hasn’t decided anything. he’s just a good little shabbos goy, a bought and paid for whore doing what he’s told by his zio masters. for $100 million of adelson money he’ll lick nutteryahoo’s boots till he wears a hole in his tongue.


you’re transparently a supporter of the neo nazi movement apparently determined to kill jews and overthrow anerica just like hitler.

Shlomo's little weenie

you’re transparently a fuckwit 💩💩💩=🇮🇱


most gaza palestinians will never leave theyr homeland and hamas, islamic jihad and other militant groups still well armed and still thousands of fighters, so these zio-us wet dreams unlikely will be so easy realized


they’d be easy enough to move, stop giving them all that free food and put it somewhere else and they would all head that way like a line of ants. any of us would do the same if we were staved out, gaza would be easy to control by controlling the food supply.


trump needs a refresher, if the idiot even ever knew, the fate of marines in beirut. maybe he should think about this stupidest of stupid ideas. when did he ask palestinians what they wanted? oh, that’s right tramp knows what they need, even if they don’t. seriously, this is the zionist idiots way of placing us troops on the ground. not even biden was this stupid. looks like they are following that ‘end times’ crap.

Zionist Candidate

is trump enforcing a zionist departure from globalism . exhibiting full zionist control over american interests with a new approach to american politics. giving americans a false sense of independence while still promoting a zionist new world order.


yes-while american infrastructure crumbles brown university reports netanyahu /israel received nearly $18 billion –usa legislation enacted a bill for israel to receive $12.5 billion in direct military aid in march 2024 .


every major us metro area is over run with useless, angry, privileged africans looking for loot. the situation is more lawless and congolese then any investor wants to admit. look what just happened in la, that colored mayor just let the whole suburbs burn down because that is where whites were living. the whole place is like that. that is an unstable situation, the us military should be doing the same thing the israelis are doing.


always way behind the pack aren’t you somewhere off in the distance with dust in your eyes.


haven’t found that cliff yet while commentary here and elsewhere are waitingbto learn that you jumped!


grow up zelensky received just from joe 174 billion. get real.


and $123 billion of that was stolen (according to the kiev cokehead himself.) along with 70% of the wunderwaffen toys, now turning up with the mexican cartels.


to be honest, so far i like trumps zionist world order better then obamas south african fantasy world order. it all stinks but some things stink worse then others.


if gaza is going to be rebuilt, it will be rebuilt by the gazans themselves, they have done this many times before and they will do so again. not by some corrupt, bankrupt, lying pos zio conman building his big beautiful golf courses and luxury kushner condos for his rich jew megabucks donors. even quisling stooges like sisi and fake king abdullah won’t go along with this – they know they’d get overthrown and strung up from the nearest lamp post.


but good luck with that, donny. maybe you can move in your lgbt army and see if they can do what your zio paymasters couldn’t in 16 months. they might even offer to rename gaza city trump city like they did in the stolen golan heights. i’m sure that the gazans would give you and all the zio settlers you plan on moving in a very warm welcome.


maybe chumpo could build another big beautiful pier as well, like the one that got swept away before. anything to oblige his zio masters.


oh crap it is all going to be rebuilt with my tax dollars. i got to pay for the bombs, then i get to pay for the new “free housing”, then i will get to pay to have it all blown up again, dealing with jewnonsense is so frustrating and never ending.


you’re tax dollar wouldn’t buy a big mac for more than a handful.


finally, the mask is off, how delightful! maybe now ms. baerbock will wake up to the reality of germany’s friend and ally. this stuff is real nazi! and something on a scale that even “evil” putin would not dare to achieve. oh, but yeah, everything is ok. we are americans, we are the true democracy, the land of the free! this is how it works, baby. deal with it


its right up there with ukrop and their bandera evil.

Conan M

what says putin ?… and will he do the same in the eastern donbas as “d0nnie” is campaigning for in gaza???… to the highest bidder?… or a ‘right of return” in both theater(s)?… we know who owns the both of them!…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M

it doesn’t matter what putin says or thinks, he has no ability to project conventional power and no will to use nuclear weapons.

Edgar Zetar

i never had real any expectations with trump, he likes money money just like israel, trumps loves nethanyahu, so everything is going as expected. trump even say he would start wwiii to save israel. i told you since israel september attacks and gaza war that this was another false flag attack just to go in and wipe out all palestians from palestine. usa empire are putting the last nails to their coffin as the colonization empire that pretended to be the good empire of fellows, they are not.

Edgar Zetar

also, i don’t know if palestinians are so bad in their planning because they constructed tunnels in every town and city… have you saw how israel bombed their civil population? bombing all day off with usa bombs and weapons? it reminds me of the allies (usa and uk) bombing the german civil population in world war 2. mask are off i guess, they can put all the white gloves but now we can see their true face.


before the zionists showed up the place was called trans-jordan. the trans-jordanians lost many wars against the zionists. so two states already exists. one is israel, which is the territory the zions won fighting and the other place is jordan.
jordan is the inheritor state of transjordan so it would follow that the plaestinians should really have jordanian passports and jordanian citizenship.
instead everyone wants to use them as pawns in some religious war.


who do you think is wef?


welcome to mar-o-gaza. this must be the ultimate expression of the degeneration of a dying capitalist system. a new quagmire that will make iraq or libya look like a vicarage tea party.


i have no sympathy to the palestinians, it would be better for them to go live somewhere where they don’t have to deal with so manyjews.
i was ethnically cleansed from my old neighborhood. i wouldn’t even think about going back to that city or state. no one cared if i was replaced by hordes of colored foreigners (ie. invaders). now the invaders are being replaced by new invaders, trump daddy might save them from that for 4 years then it will right back to wide open border.


russia is no better. putin is always letting in some foreign garbage to please the oligarchs and drive down russian wages and raise russian rents.
none of our ethnic homelands are sacred, why should i act like the palestinians land is sacred?

Last edited 1 month ago by Vanya
Niccolo Machiavelli

unlike americans, palestinians have a history with the land they inhabit going back almost 1500 years. americans are just murderous european thugs who stole the western hemisphere by committing genocide against indigenous peoples numbering in the millions.


so maybe the best solution is to relocate the jews from occupied palestine to chumpo’s greenland. that way the palestinians could reclaim their homes in occupied palestine without having to deal with any jews at all. if you don’t like “coloured foreigners ie invaders” don’t blame the palestinians, blame (((the people))) who brought them into your country. start by looking at barbara lerner spectre.


what is real sickening for me is american taxpayers are paying for all of this. the news in the us says the israelis bought some bombs, but the money they used came from the us state departments foreign aid budget. that means the us tax payers bought the bombs. why do i have to pay for the jews weapons , why can’t they buy their own weapons. the jews are nothing but grifters and genocidal maniacs


musk and trump don’t care about all those billions being wasted but i sure do. the lazy rich jews need to start paying their own bills and stop mooching.


shlomo doesn’t have to put his hand in his pocket for a single shekel. everything is paid for 100% by the goy taxpayer. the f16s, f35s, the entire merkava tank programme, all the patriots and ironic doom and david’s jockstrap, every bomb and bullet used to kill kiddies in gaza. all the 6 dolphin nuclear missile submarines from germany, for a cool one billion euros each. shlomo is an expert at living entirely at other people’s expense.

Shlomo's little weenie

it’s the 6 million holly-cost industry. the one that keeps on giving. the populations of these parasited countries put up with it too.

It ivan

wasn’t the usa that bombed gaza? those jews zionists can’t do it ..they are the most disgusting people in the whole world…that’s why hitler slaughtered them..their time is almost over we will witness it in one to two coming years there will be no israel anymore …both the usa and israel lost to hamas…the usa can’t win a war with hothi in yemen who is smaller than hamas..hahahaha

It ivan

they couldn’t find the hostages and now after the ceasefire they are coming up in front of them hahahahaha children and women murderers


notice how silent all the western nations are and the un. the us controls them all with the yankee dollar and finance.


its not a yankee dollar, its a rothschild dollar. that is where the problems originate.

Niccolo Machiavelli

rothschild is a banker. bankers never use their own money. rothschild has a nickname indicating whose banker he is.


you’re really in la la land for a start vegy, the rothschilds are employed by the vatican to be their bankers. the banking world as we know it was created initially by romes emperor charlemagnr when he legalised, against all jewish and christian teachings, the charging of interest it was then escalated by the catholic knights templar who really invented banking as we know it and established swizz banking as it was until the 1980s when finally the west forced them to stop operating secretly. imo


and btw banking is a corporate activity regulated by corporate law which is subject to the popes moral authority plain facts.


against all jewish teachings ? nice try schlomo!!! source : your torah, deuteronomy 15:1-6 “every creditor shall cancel any loan they have made to a fellow israelite.” “you may require payment from a foreigner, but you must cancel any debt your fellow israelite owes you.” “for the lord your god will bless you as he has promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. you will rule over many nations but none will rule over you.”


only thing i dont understand why not trade this stuff we dont care about for free slav soil? like china gets taiwan and russia get to free ukraine and let usa do whatever they want with the middle east and get greenland from the eu as bonus. let the eu pay for choosing their allies and make sure ukraine and moldova will never be nato or eu but safe with all slavic fatherland of russia.


the problem is the americans don’t treat all their economic vassals the same.
they encourage some to attack others, they promote strife and then expect subservience.
a responsible america would promote brotherly relations between all the economic vassal states instead of promoting ethnic strife as they have done in ukraine, poland, finland, etc.


the problem is people are uninformed uneducated brainwashed with propagandas


it’s a never ending story you get a few choices autocrats dictators hereditary unelected despots or democracy in various forms. we live in, by rule of law from the vatican, the common era now. that s the point in time when the roman emperor ended the democratic republic of rome by anointing himself as the authority to name his heir that’s where we live now


and take a guess why you don’t even know why most of the entire 8 billion people on the planet don’t even know the first thing about reality. wake up.

Shlomo's little weenie

we’re all awake, and always have been, you retarded cnut. 💩💩💩 = 🇮🇱

the narrative

yea, so israel can’t manage / kill palestinians in gaza anymore? because trump is managing? or the united states openly admitted to the world. we are aipac’s slave state ?


trump ‘has decided’ to…..

Dragon of Bosnia

no, but he’s just a puppet.

Joseph Day

i knew he wouldn’t have won the election unless he was further up gew ass than biden


trump’s an idiot. american troops couldn’t even set up a jetty in gaza. whose going to clear gaza? the israelis couldn’t and there’s no national interest in the us trying to. maybe recruit ukrainians? a land without people for a people without land. kill two birds with one stone. would be quite interesting to see how the ukrainians and israelis would get on as neighbours like the old days on the shetl.


the real problem is that other arab countries don’t do anything at all about this. no military action. no oil embargoes. not even a strongly worded statement.


the nazis have never bragged about and celebrated their crimes against unarmed civilians. in contrast, the jews are bragging publicly and celebrating on a daily basis about the mass killing of women and children, including pregnant women and babies. jewish leaders have unashamedly presented trump with a toy that the jews used as a weapon to murder civilians.
