Estonia’s Kaja Kallas Admits NATO’s Goal Of Destroying Russian Federation

Estonia’s Kaja Kallas Admits NATO’s Goal Of Destroying Russian Federation

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Western leaders no longer disguise their goal of destroying and fragmenting the Russian Federation. In a recent speech, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas stated that Russia should be “broken” to facilitate regional administration and prevent new wars. Her words represent a serious escalation in the war of narratives, with Russian territorial dismantling becoming the official agenda of a NATO country.

Kallas advocated the end of Russia as a state during a debate in the Estonian capital, Tallin. According to her, Russian ethnic diversity is an impediment to the creation of a security architecture involving Moscow. She recalled the idea of an ethnic state – which is common among German Nazis and current Ukrainian neo-Nazis – and proposed that each people within Russia live under its own state, breaking the unity of the Federation.

Kallas said that a scenario with small nations is better for Europe, virtually admitting what several serious geopolitical analysts have been saying for a long time: NATO’s objective is the complete destruction of the Russian Federation. By proposing that each people in Russia have their own independent state, Kallas is simply fomenting internal racism and separatism in Russia, which poses a serious threat to Moscow’s national security.

Not only that, Kallas also repeated the already common speeches in favor of increasing pro-Ukrainian efforts. She stated that it is vital for the West to be able to defeat Russia in the current war – with the fragmentation of Russia being a step further, after Kiev’s military victory. She stated that what prevents Western countries from doing more for Ukraine is simply fear, concluding that NATO must overcome its concerns and dare to send as much aid as necessary so that Ukrainian victory is assured on the battlefield.

“Russia’s defeat is not a bad thing because then you know there could really be a change in society (…) I think if you would have more like small nations… it is not a bad thing if the big power is actually [made] much smaller (…) Fear keeps us from supporting Ukraine. Countries have different fears, be it nuclear fear, fear of escalation, fear of migration. We must not fall into the trap of fear because that is what [Russia’s President Vladimir] Putin wants”, she said.

Kallas’ position is absolutely unviable in the diplomatic sphere. Any possibility of good relations between states is destroyed the moment a government begins to openly advocate for the destruction of other countries. Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that the idea of ethno-state, with each people necessarily living in an independent country, having no possibility of ethnic coexistence under the same great power, is precisely the racist and extremist ideology that legitimizes Nazism.

This racist mentality took power in Ukraine, after years of Western promotion of Russophobia and ultranationalism. The West is not satisfied enough with using just Kiev and plans to spread nationalist sentiments among all the peoples of the post-Soviet space, creating a situation of permanent war against Moscow. This circumstance of intense nationalism will make NATO’s strategy of opening several proxy fronts against Russia viable.

In several statements, Moscow authorities have already made it clear that the growth of Nazism in the Russian strategic environment is one of the country’s main concerns. In the Baltics, the rehabilitation of Nazism is so advanced that anti-Russian apartheid policies are already being implemented. Now, apparently, the Baltics want to go further and, in addition to spreading extremist nationalism in their own territories, foment racist chaos among the peoples of Russia.

In the end, by admitting that separatism in Russia is the Western objective, Kallas is making it clear that there are no good expectations for the future of diplomacy between NATO and Russia. Moscow has no other way of dealing with countries that have openly cooperated with ethnic separatism other than considering them a threat to Russian national security. Kallas is already considered a criminal in Russia, and there is an arrest warrant against her due to her Nazi-like initiatives to destroy the Soviet memory. Now, it is possible that the promotion of separatism will also come to be seen by Russians as yet another threat posed by the Estonian leader.

Obviously, Western efforts are futile, as Russian society seems more united than ever. And the current unity of the peoples of Russia is due not only to the natural attitude of peaceful coexistence common among various nationalities but also precisely to the fact that the evil of Nazism is currently threatening Russia again. Having lost 27 million citizens in the war against Nazism, Russian society is aware of the need to combat all forms of racism and ethnic separatism.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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what this witch does not understand or pretends not to understand: a destruction of russia would mean that her nato country (and also the uk, france etc.) will be immediately nuкed off from the face of the planet earth.


her country is nothing. nobody cares.


estonia country has no right to exist. putin should have taken care of his baltic backyard while back at first sight of any eastern block country joining nato terror organization.


estland (all modern estonia) and half of modern latvia (livland with riga) was bought in 1721 after war with sweden. karl 12th sold it to peter the great for 1,5 mln silver coins. now controlled by gauleiters of fashington. need to fix it and de-nazify to the core, putting in prisons for life all who loves swastika, nazist greeting, to march with torches. military and militia (kaitseliit) is first thing to denazify with politicians, who repressing even ethnic estonians like ivo peterson.

Allahists are Nazis

baltic nazi scum should be eradicated. the good old fashioned way!


should to add, not all local people are nazis, of course, so they will live in peace as before and may be even grow in numbers as it was before 1991. after 1991 the lost 25-30% of population due to low birth rate and labor migration. they suffered close losses in 1941-45.

Last edited 9 months ago by Антон
Johnny English

why do we listen to the mayor of estonia? with a population of less than 1-1/2 million is can’t be considered a country, it’s just a medium-sized city…..


she’s obviously dumber than dumb and doubt she’s ever had a sensible thought in that head of hers – does her obviously hard earned conclusion, dumb as it is, also see the need to break up the true terror-state, the disunited states of avarice! remind poland that estonia can fit into the polish plan of a greater poland and kallas can join the the damsels from ukraine now walking the streets of the west! she’ll enjoy that!

Antony Blinkenberg

dumber than rocks is how to describe westoid liberals

Allahists are Nazis

a true young global leader of charlie schwab mf


those nazi-bitchez are beautifull! i really would like to put my meatstick into her taco, and teach her some good american values!

and once im done with her, she can go die for the mighty dollar, like all eurotard nazis do at the end!

guillable clowns :)


kaja kallas is married with investment-banker arvo hallik. two minions working for the global kabal.


and his company have business in russia while his wife spits poisonous speeches against russia. corrupt to the bone, no moral principles at all.

Allahists are Nazis

you mean professional money launderer. let’s call things as they are


just a businessman, some legal trading/transporting operations, nothing special.

Antony Blinkenberg

antony blinkenberg approves this message

Antony Blinkenberg

the finns are dumber than rocks. they traded neutrality for being a big fat target and foot mat for the americans. prosperity traded for degeneracy. that’s the finns for you. they allied with the nazis during ww2. the finnish will finish last. only this time, they cannot drive across to russia any longer to buy cheap vodka and drown in their misery

Last edited 9 months ago by Antony Blinkenberg
Golden Rule

what kaja kallas fails to understand or does understand is that her country will also be broken up and depopulated after the globalist wars are complete

Icarus Tanović

yeah, who guves a shit what she says anyways?

John Kesich

does the blackboard behind kallas read
1 + 1 = 3
if so, is that her own handiwork?


a rendszer penzugyi hattere szikla szilard…

Allahists are Nazis

kurva nacistická je to!


i will love one day to see this prostitute raped like muammar muhammad gaddafi . bloodied, urinated and defecated, by europeans patriots .
the same fate i wish to every military following orders in any nato country and usa , you bastard breached the honor code .