Estonia Preventing Russian Children From Learning Their Own Native Language

Estonia Preventing Russian Children From Learning Their Own Native Language

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

There appears to be no limit to Russophobia in the Baltic countries. In a new de-Russification measure, the Estonian government decided to abolish Russian language teaching in a region where almost the entire population is ethnic Russian. The case adds to a series of recent measures taken by Estonia and other Baltic countries to end the historic Russian presence in their territories.

In the Narva region, on the border between Estonia and Russia, 97% of the population is Russian. The city is just 130km from Saint Petersburg, which is one of the main centers of Russian culture. Considering these particular circumstances of the city, the local authorities submitted a special request to the Estonian government to allow the Russian language to continue to be taught and spoken in schools. The letter sent by the Narva City Council demanded authorization for at least 40% of the school curriculum to be taught in Russian during the next school year.

However, the Estonian government rejected the proposal, not alleviating its strongly Russophobic position. According to the country’s authorities, there is no “legal basis” to reduce de-Russification measures in the Narva region. More than that, in her official statement on the case, Minister of Education and Science Kristina Kallas stated that studying in the Estonian language is “in the students’ interest”, which sounds absolutely false and hypocritical, considering that local children are mostly Russian and they obviously have no “interest” in studying a language other than the one they speak at home with their families.

The negative response from the Estonian government was actually expected, considering the advanced level of anti-Russian paranoia among the country’s authorities. The measure in Narva comes amid a series of cultural genocide policies whose objective is to gradually eradicate the use of the Russian language throughout Estonian territory. Not only are students victims of this type of measure, but also the teachers themselves.

Many children’s teachers are also ethnic Russians. Some of them even speak Estonian, but they do not have advanced knowledge of grammar or great fluency in speaking. Now, with the new rules, these teachers will have to study Estonian and prove their knowledge of the language to continue working. If they fail to learn Estonian, these professionals risk losing their jobs.

It is not just the Russian Federation that is denouncing this situation. The attempted cultural genocide in Estonia is already beginning to be criticized by international organizations, such as the UN itself. The United Nations human rights office recently classified Estonia’s policies as “potentially discriminatory” due to the fact that they affect the rights of an ethnic minority.

25% of Estonia’s population are Russian citizens. Estonia, like all post-Soviet states, has a strong presence of ethnic Russians due to the fact that until 1991 all Soviet republics belonged to the same country. Many experts describe the Soviet collapse as a humanitarian tragedy precisely because it suddenly made millions of Russians “foreigners.” Currently, Russians are not only living in countries other than their own, but also suffering discriminatory policies simply because they are Russians.

Estonia is not alone in its Russophobic measures. Latvia and Lithuania are also advancing policies to eradicate the Russian language. The Latvian government, as well known, is promoting Latvian language proficiency tests for Russian citizens. Citizens who fail the tests can simply be expelled from the country. As expected, those who have the most difficulty in this situation are elderly Russians, who have lived their entire lives speaking Russian only and are now being forced to learn a new language at risk of cancellation of their citizenship.

Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine has served as an excuse for countries allied with the West to openly take actions of cultural genocide and apartheid. Russians are simply being treated as “inferior” citizens in states that until recently belonged to the same country as Russia. For now, such measures are being implemented against the language and civil rights of Russian citizens, but it is possible that Russophobia will escalate to the point where the physical safety of Russian speakers begins to be threatened.

There is a process of “Ukrainization” in the Baltic countries. Now, their main “enemy” is the language, but it remains to be seen how governments will react to the Russians’ insistence on preserving their ethnic and cultural heritage. For the Russian Federation, there is a clear red line when it comes to its international relations, which is precisely the security of its citizens abroad. If the Baltic states begin to physically threaten the Russians, there will be a serious escalation with Moscow.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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mr. orban get the out of nato…!

Sissy Chechen

stupid chechen cocksucking rasha. this is what happens when you pay rocket scientist half the salary of the yandex errand boy on a shitty bicycle 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Last edited 5 months ago by Sissy Chechen
Sissy Chechen

stupid chechen cocksucking rasha. this is what happens when you pay rocket scientist half the salary of the yandex errand boy on a shitty bicycle 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Last edited 5 months ago by Sissy Chechen
Sissy Chechen

stupid chechen cocksucking rasha. this is what happens when you pay rocket scientist half the salary of the yandex errand boy on a shitty bicycle 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂

Last edited 5 months ago by Sissy Chechen
The Hooded Executioner

stupid cocksucking ukrainia, it’s wonderful when ukrainians die like flies and russians live like gods🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


he wont because he’s a fraud like every other “populist”


where’s the problem ? why shall estonians teach russian children how to speak russian ? if they (ru kids) want to learn russian, then their parents have to teach them, or they should re-settle to russia. there they will hear lots of ru language and can learn as much russian as they want to, at school.

Last edited 5 months ago by MotherTeresa
Self-evident Truths

why? because estonia is spitting on the eu’s purported ‘values’, that’s why.

the eu is a joke. its destiny is to dissolve itself from its internal cognitive dissonance.

jens holm

the offical second language in eu as well as nato is english.

by that russian comes 3.

Gneaus stapo

totaly agree.

jens holm

as nato and eu member i agree – get out.

Jüri Eintalu

sorry, the article is not precise enough. the caption says that estonian authorities prevent russians from learning their own native language. but the content of the article says instead, that they cannot learn other disciplines (mathematics, for example) in their own language.

i am also curious about the assertion that russians are not allowed to speak in russian in public places. they are speaking in russian freely everywhere.

The Hooded Executioner

sorry stinking baltic lies are not welcome here!!! russians should leave baltics if they want to live!!! death to the baltic states!!!

Jüri Eintalu

your reply is insulting and is not based on the text of my post.

Sissy Chechen

stupid chechen cocksucking rasha. this is what happens when you pay rocket scientist half the salary of the yandex errand boy on a shitty bicycle 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Last edited 5 months ago by Sissy Chechen
Estonia Not A Real Country

can’t wait to see russia finally bash your skulls in

Self-evident Truths

are you suggesting russia do to estonia what germany did to prussia? eradicate its culture and replace it entirely with german language and culture?

russia didn’t even go to such extreme lengths under the tsar.

Self-evident Truths

but the biggest prize in hypocrisy still resides with canada, when one contrasts how it dealt with french canadian rights to language and culture under pierre trudeau and how it dealt with russian rights in east ukraine under his illegitimate son.

by all rights, canada should have self-destructed from that inconsistency…and maybe eventually, it will.

Sissy Chechen

stupid chechen cocksucking rasha. this is what happens when you pay rocket scientist half the salary of the yandex errand boy on a shitty bicycle 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Last edited 5 months ago by Sissy Chechen
jens holm

be a stinker yourself. thoise are the facts:

estonia began transitioning toward a unified estonian-language education system in december 2022 following the implementation of a new bill, aiming to reduce the number of schools in the country teaching p r i m a r i l y in the russian language.

according to the bill, a full transition will be finalized by 2033

The world is watching

next on their agenda, burning the orthodox churches like they did in kosovo and arresting the priests, like they do in ukraine or just killing the priests like they did in kosovo. i’m sure ukraine will catch up soon.

Last edited 5 months ago by The world is watching
Sissy Chechen

stupid chechen cocksucking rasha. this is what happens when you pay rocket scientist half the salary of the yandex errand boy on a shitty bicycle 😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Last edited 5 months ago by Sissy Chechen
jens holm

at are reasons. there are not there. you have erased them.

very much as you a n a l i z e from your behind.

finland, the baltics and poland were crusaded from sweden, danmark and north germany by rome. tallin even means danes town.

so buzz off with cristians from moskva and kostantinopel and putin as your selfelected tzar.

im fully aware about the numberplate war in youghurt slavia. as long as you kill each other there, you dont come here.

Self-evident Truths

of what reasons do you speak, dear fellow? the so-called ‘genocide’ of the kosovar albanians that after two years of a post-war unmik investigation resulted in no more than 5000 fatalities of undetermined ethnic or civilian/military origin? go on, look up unmik’s final report.

Self-evident Truths

or perhaps you speak of the ultranationalist serb arkan whose summary killings barely scratched those of his nemesis, the war criminal hero thaqi, albright’s ‘great democratic hope’?

well, there are hundreds, nay thousands of arkans being trained , supported and championed in ukraine for decades by western powers and poor ignoramuses like you.

Self-evident Truths

your ignorance, dear jens, is barely matched by your inconsistency. high time for some mental-cleansing of your sort in the eu before it collapses from its own internal dystopia.

jens holm

you kind grew extremist and pay today.

your created no new jobs and income by you having a lot of better choises just as the mighty ussr and russia today.

and of course you ignore others paid much more then you.

jens holm

you has erased what happens before that. slovenia left and then there were war servia-croatia.

then there was trying to take the whole bosnia. the muslim attacked non and came here by etnic clansing.

long married were forced to divorse and many were killed. your kind next fired all public emplyed – allllll – hospital and a university included.

jens holm

so you got in kosova/o what any normal people could see. enough is enough. you dont get the upricers. those were the ones which dared against serbian military and police forces.

your version is far out. here must tito be a well estited criminal terrorst against the many croats well guided by nazisme.


you are taking the piss of us, the article makes it very clear that courses in russian are being removed from the curriculum. which does affect that public place called the schoolroom.

Jüri Eintalu

again, you are using uncivilzed language. still, what you say completely ignores what i wrote in my post above. you simply do not address my post.

The Hooded Executioner

low life baltic scum, die already, death to estonia, latvia and lithuania!!!

Sissy Chechen

stupid chechen cocksucking rasha. this is what happens when you pay rocket scientist half the salary of the yandex errand boy on a shitty bicycle 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Last edited 5 months ago by Sissy Chechen
jens holm

you dont get it. the articly mainly are a false. you should not eat before control by other soucers. fx easy to confirm by this:

#estonia began transitioning toward a unified estonian-language education system in december 2022 following the implementation of a new bill, aiming to reduce the number of schools in the country teaching primarily in the russian language. according to the bill, a full transition will be finalized by 2033#

jens holm

its the same for ukraine. people living there should speak the mainlanguage and no only have tv antennes and schoolbook as a in the infected russia.

the mainpartner for the them are by english, which connect them with countries of importance.

Sissy Chechen

stupid chechen cocksucking rasha. this is what happens when you pay rocket scientist half the salary of the yandex errand boy on a shitty bicycle 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Last edited 5 months ago by Sissy Chechen
jens holm

i agree.

the writing is highly biased . thats why the baltics has joined anything else.

Jüri Eintalu

i am not sure. the western propaganda is not better than the russian propaganda.

Blind leading the blind

far worse, actually.

jens holm

i see no propaganda like that.

i see the the landgrabbing ussr empire collapsed themselves all the was to west of berlin.

i was strickly against taking any ex and internal advise. how can prolatars share, if they are not able to produce and distribute.

staekes comes from heaven, by santa claus or by the rich ones here in west paying to unicef?

jens holm

and there were people, which solution. the gorbatov and jelsin version were there. but they top when its to late.

telling what goes in our part of the world and how and why is not progaganda. thats facts not random made creations from a dark basement in kremlin moskva.

russia progaganda is keeping all russians away from the rest of the world is.


exactly ! so where’s the problem ? why shall estonians teach russian children how to speak russian ? if they (ru kids) want to learn russian, then their parents have to teach them, or they should re-settle to russia. there they will hear lots of ru language and can learn as much russian as they want to, at school.

Last edited 5 months ago by MotherTeresa
Jüri Eintalu

dear mother hitler, among other things, you assume that it is prohibited in estonia to teach russian language and literature in school. to my knowledge, it is not prohibited.

Self-evident Truths

why should canadians make french a second national language and make its teaching mandatory in its schools? please explain.

Je Me Souviens

soon, freeland will make ukrainian a third national language and make its teaching mandatory in its schools.

jens holm

they have many problem. fx the ukr schools are low standards.

jens holm

every russian in estonia as forced in from some 1935.

and why not the rest. ukras we forced in 1917, their ancient history was erased as well a most things we renamed.

The world is watching

the neocon agenda has finally met its executioners. better late than never.

Last edited 5 months ago by The world is watching

such measures are a trap set out by nato to provoke russia into expanding the conflict.

but russia will not take the bait.

waging war on satanism is a much more fruitful strategy.

jens holm

very good joke. their are no bait. there is a potemkin one in a basement in moskva.


sooner or later, but the conflict will begin. we bought half of pribaltica (estland and livland with riga) from sweden for siver coins, and nobody gave money back.


shitty chihuhuas in the baltic are asking for denatification

jens holm

sure. you get what you ask for.

Jüri Eintalu

i do not support the policy of forcing people to study math and physics in a foreign language. but i still insist that the article contains false information.

jens holm

its full of the lies.

math and physics are foreign language in themselves. they are world language.

Jüri Eintalu

it is not full of lies. the article contains some false or unproven statements. but many statements and evaluations in this article are true.

jens holm

sure. its like a dentisk a sand to bread and have a descent job as well.

very good trick if you made to that 🙈

Lie Detector

spoken by someone who has never spoken or experienced either.

jens holm

thats rights. thats why i prefare open systems.

Estonia Not A Real Country

none of these eastern european and baltic welfare states should have been allowed to join the eu let alone nato. these retards have a grudge against russia yet want to hide under nato skirt while being ugly nazi fascists. their time is coming very soon. and no. us is not going to risk nuclear war to rescue these village idiots.

Jüri Eintalu

stalinism and nazism are both totalitarian ideologies.


and poland too, like in 1939.

Blind leading the blind

they should have joined the eu and remained neutral and outside of nato. nato was foolish for accepting them as it did, as it was a mirror image of the germans’ nazi occupation. these little barking chihuahuas should have been muzzled long ago and sent off for psychiatric counseling, to maintain peace and prosperity in the region.

jens holm

no wonder they dont want to have such a father or mother.

Blind leading the blind

their behavior is equivalent to if russia began beating war drums over the latvian rifles having been the principal cause of bolshevik victory and the russians then blaming latvia for 70 years of communist rule.

jens holm

morons like you dont decide that. they do.

very much as you are under ptin skirt youselv. you only write craps.

jens holm

russians are pussies.

its only something for something a eye for foot or something.

i guess i started in 1935, when stalin took them and made made infection just the died with ukraine.


ethnic russians in the baltics need their own version of the provisional irish republican army to protect the rights of their community and the russian speaking minorities of the baltics.

jens holm

and the result fx is ukraine. hip hip


despite putin’s naziphobia, this sort of thing conducted against ethnic germans by the poles prior to 1939 was the reason why hitler invaded that country, especially after the massacres began.
putin of course did exactly the same thing in donbas, and now we are told he will repeat the process in the baltic states, if the situation deteriorates.
he – and his nation – need to understand how history has been rewritten to demonize germans, as it is being rewritten to demonize russians.

Jüri Eintalu

prior to 1939, in poland and chech, millions of ethnic germans were forced to study in foreign language in schools. this was one of the reasons why hitler came to power. it is described in one hayek’s book, translated into estonian by some members of the reform party. but the leadership of the reform party never reads the books.

jens holm

a very odd version. its not strange all people in country has to learn its main language. thats a obligation and goes for ukraine and estonia as well and goes from same laws to railroad tracks.

i also remind you the other recained countries did same thing.

thats a reason for i support eu. you can cross borders and minoryrights are supperted well – by demand.

jens holm

some deny to see that are bullies. the most famous i duda in hungary. another one are serbs, which still think they have rights to rule the whole bankals.

you should real about it. another fact is russia as the only one lost ww1. there is infantale revenge as labgrabbing a simple fact for germany, poland, belarus and ukriane,


naziphobia, ha-ha-ha! are you a naziphile? germans demonized themselves when murdered more civilians than combatants. the crime that will be never forgotten and never forgiven, if only germans can’t turn 26,6 million lives back – the number of murdered in the ussr. 3 of 4,5 mln pows were murdered in death camps. total military losses ~12 mln people. rest ones – civilians. blockade of leningrad cost at least 600 thousand lives. for me it’s worth of genocide whole germany.

jens holm

denmark should send soap and antivirus for free.

russian still deny to see usa made the western parts of germany to almost states and removed reasons for nazisme and communisme by the marshal plane.


agreed ! you are right 100% – but most people don’t know this. they simply accept lies, which the jews invented to degrade germans, and justify jewish world domination. there’s one genius book where the true history is explained in detail. book’s name is: the myth of german villiany. written by benton l. bradberry

Last edited 4 months ago by MotherTeresa
jens holm

very good version. a lot of facts and maps support it well.

jens holm

far out version.

the real fact was preussen hungary-austria and russia divided poland 100% away.

far out to mention something there as massare.

the german army had starved their whole possesion. that by l a w s. it covered, so several millions died by no kind of food, no medicare no chothe, no roofs and not jobs.

jens holm

2, it also was germany which started ww1 by the balkans.

many germmans and also tjeks and slovack try to resist even 100% polish areas became even a small poland again by voting.

you not have the sligtest idea for whats went on there. none at all. german just as ussr learned nothing from their result during and after ww2.

Allahists are Nazis

this 3 shithole nazi ww2 counties (not countries) were reinstalled by the west for 2 reasons only.
1. to launder the east european rampage “dividend” of some 1 trillion (us) $ from 1990 to 2005
2. cripple russian security interests and bring the territory under nato, while eliminating the russian populations there

jens holm

you dont decide that. it was never yours and you plundred them to all went bankrups.
some 450 mio in eu here decide and do it well.

in that you only are skinny 140 mio non produtive poor decided by leaders ones.

who should take russia. its worth nothing and filled russians kept in their homemade dark.

we all thank putin uniting us better then biden. hip hip

Jüri Eintalu

i cannot continue participating in the discussion here. there have been too many inauthentic replies and provocative or extremist comments of all different kinds here.


it happens every time with nazi defenders, their arguments are easy to deflect. pribaltica has more signs of apartheid than racist regime in sar before it was overthrown by nelson mandela with help of ussr. combat wing of the african nat.congress (mandela’s party) was trained under moskva, in crimea and odessa while civilians got education in the people’s friendship university of patrice lumumba (still active) in moskva. end with racism, death to fascism.

jens holm

we are not nazis. there hardly are anyone is ukraine and they decides nothing in the rada .

the main problem is you have no real acces to the rest of the world. and when i write that and simple facts and how we lives, your are raised as a kind

you cant even write about russia things. and when you do it fabricated total lies.

i take a simple one again. why has the many nazis in ukraine elected a jew as their leader??

we dont have that kind of impossible lack of comment sence.

Blind leading the blind

it’s war, buddy. haven’t you noticed yet? a long escalatory path to nuclear armageddon. don’t kid yourself. another year max. of escalation will do it, imo.

jens holm

im sorry. you are right.

its possible to find many other sites. i do that too.


that’s why there will be no esstonia, latvia and lithuania in medium perspective (5-15 years). they are asking for war since 1991.

Blind leading the blind

that would be a self-defeating path for russia.


it was part of russia since 1721 and will be again, because limitroph nazis can’t live in peace, so they will not live at all, it’s their own choice.

jens holm

not at all. ussr took them by force in 1935.

by that they are forced to be with others in eu, nato and eu.

no more russia. anything a better.

"R" the peace-WarrioR

the plutocracy of the maidan massacre, was for these language promulgations, by all accounts. the accords that u.s.a. is now a better hegemon by not adjudicating in united nations security council, that impoverishing traditions, shows us free-people that plutocracy has chosen to assure an impasse` on russia finances. plutocracy is a sick-ness for excoriation of fact i.e. not freedom in discourse which is democracy.
