Eric Zuesse: The Insanity That Rules The West

Eric Zuesse: The Insanity That Rules The West

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Written by Eric Zuesse.

On May 30th, Newsweek headlined “Russia ‘On Course’ for NATO Conflict, Commander Says”, and reported that Karel Rehka, the Commander of Chechia’s Armed Forces, said that, 

“We view war between Russia and the North Atlantic Alliance as the worst-case scenario, but it is not impossible,” Rehka said. “It is possible.” Russia, the commander added, “is currently on a course towards a conflict with the Alliance.” … NATO deterrence, he added, is the solution to show Moscow that “it’s not worth it because it just can’t succeed” in defeating its Western rivals through military means.

The West’s unquestioned assumption is that Russia is currently engaged in an invasion of Ukraine for the purpose of “defeating its Western rivals through military means.” But that statement is blatantly false, as will here be documented via the links:

On 17 December 2021, Russia formally presented to NATO a proposal for negotiation:

 “All member States of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization commit themselves to refrain from any further enlargement of NATO, including the accession of Ukraine as well as other States.”

This was proposed within a context that opened with:

“The Parties shall guide in their relations by the principles of cooperation, equal and indivisible security. They shall not strengthen their security individually, within international organizations, military alliances or coalitions at the expense of the security of other Parties.”

In other words: it entailed that each NATO nation would agree never to participate in an invasion of any nation that has not invaded it and that has agreed with it not to invade it unless that NATO nation, or any other NATO member-nation, has FIRST invaded it or another NATO-member nation.

In other words: it was a mutual non-aggression pact, which Russia was proposing to NATO; and, IN THAT CONTEXT, it entailed that Ukraine will not be allowed into NATO.

The reason why Ukraine was specifically mentioned in the proposal — and no other nation was — is that Ukraine is much closer to Russia’s command-center than is any existing NATO-member nation; it is only 317 miles or a 5-minute missile-flying time away from blitz-decapitating Russia’s ability to, first, recognize that a nuclear missile had been launched at The Kremlin, and, then, press the button to launch Russia’s retaliatory weaponry in response to that invasion by NATO.

Russia’s 17 December 2021 proposal was the latest and final request from Moscow reflecting Moscow’s many-times-repeated “Red Line” national-security need that if Ukraine will become a NATO member, then Russia will not accept this, and that this acceptance of Ukraine into NATO will start WW III: nuclear war between superpowers.

Back on 24 February 1990, the U.S. Government started secretly instructing its NATO allies that though they all (under instruction from the White House) had told Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO will not expand even “one inch to the east” (i.e., toward Russia’s border) that had been only a lie, and that NATO’s goal to capture Russia will continue even after Gorbachev dismantles the Soviet Union and ends its Warsaw-Pact military mirror-image of America’s NATO military alliance and ends its communism — all of which Gorbachev did do in 1991. President Bush’s only recorded explanation of that secret instruction to his stooges was: “To hell with that [honoring the promise]! We prevailed; they didn’t.” In other words, he was telling them: Might makes right, and we will possess the might then even more than we do today — so: ‘Onward Christian soldiers!’, till ‘victory!’

If Russia were to accept that, then it would be allowing The West’s version of ‘Christianity’ (which Hitler likewise believed passionately) to emerge victorious over Russia’s — which rejects that viewpoint (the supremacist viewpoint — the demand to be supreme instead of to possess equal rights with all others).

Furthermore: whereas for The West this is all about ruling the entire world — it is about America’s becoming the global dictator — it is instead about something quite opposite from that for Russia: As the proposed document said at its opening: “The Parties shall guide in their relations by the principles of cooperation, equal and indivisible security.” It was a commitment to the exact opposite of what, for example, U.S. President Barack Obama had stated on 28 May 2014, to America’s future generals:

“The United States is and remains the one indispensable nation.”

Russia was demanding the rejection of that, the rejection of the idea that only the United States is indispensable and all other nations are dispensable. Russia was repudiating The West’s position — its ideological position: supremacism.

The Newsweek article continued by saying:

“Moscow has framed its disastrous invasion of Ukraine as a pre-emptive strike against NATO, which it has long accused of fomenting ‘Russophobia’ in the country, even while the Kremlin meddled in Ukrainian domestic politics, annexed Crimea, and seized swathes of the eastern Donbas region.”

Here is the actual history — not that myth — about that allegation. (Just click there, and you will see it.)

When America had won its Revolutionary War, it, too, had won its freedom and independence from its Master, the British dictatorship across the ocean. Russia, even now, is refusing to accept any less than that, for itself. This is what the 17 December 2021 Russian-proposed documents were offering, now to America’s NATO. Today’s America (and its colonies) rejected it.

That offer was, on 7 January 2022, contemptuously rejected by the United States and by its NATO. They wouldn’t even negotiate about anything in it. Russia had only one option left: to invade and take over Ukraine. This is, for Russia, a necessary defensive war against the United States’s ceaseless aggressions. Russia is demanding: Your aggressions to capture us will end here: “Give us liberty, or give us death!”

Russia is refusing to allow the U.S. to possess the capability to place its nuclear missiles a mere 317 miles away from The Kremlin.

That is the historical truth of the matter.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Kurva Math

neonazin terrorist formations made another attempt to break into russian territory from the areas of pletnevka and volchansk. a total of up to 70 fighters, five tanks, four armored fighting vehicles, seven pick-up trucks, and one kamaz truck were involved in the attack.
the response: the enemy was hit by heavy flamethrower systems, missile troops and artillery of the western military district. as a result, the enemy withdrew in the direction of zhovtnevoye after suffering losses.


dream on fuckhead! those shithead orcs have no idea of nothing just as you pathetic moron!!


even ukras are stating the failed attempt on telegram shliuchka

Ultrafart the Brave

well, there’s a well-informed and carefully considered response if ever we’ve seen one.

no bias or racism involved, to be sure – although we’d hope that one of your close relatives or friends didn’t just get his arse blown off at the russian border.

we’ll take your contribution on board and weigh it up against whatever other evidence might come to light in the fullness of time.

Romanian yankee kurwa

there is no insanity but a delusional last effort to save the enslavement khazar world financial-banking dollar system which is rapidly falling because of the started russia long term financial strategy. so, they go for the boss and the kukraine shithole cia prefabricated event was the mobile. in one way or another russia should have expected the rabid khazar fajoo dog to byte.

Dumb, Dumber, Putin!

russia is nothing but talk! n.a.t.o. doesn’t need ukraine, because now they have sweden & finland, and the u.s.. still can park their nukes right next to moscow, in fact closer then russia had in cuba in the cold war to washington dc! poo-tin has totally f*** himself and country when he invaded ukraine!

Last edited 1 year ago by Dumb, Dumber, Putin!

o trezire asupra situației a inceput. ar trebui o rupere de ritm. ar trebui debarcat la v de odessa cu ambarcatiuni mici. un nou front trebuie deschis.

Kurva Math

sounds like a good plan


ar fi probleme mari de logistica. actuala lungime a frontului e echivalenta cu distanta in jurul carpatilor de la tg.jiu la suceava


surpriza e cea mai importanta. populatia la sol nu e ostila. drumurile sunt numarate pe degetele de la o mana. ar fi o altfel de abordare. e un cap de pod. va deveni o prioritate incercuirea adversarului?

Romanian yankee kurwa

nu se poate face cap de pod peste marea neagra sau dniepru. ar fi un dezastru. pentru un asediu la odessa este necesar traseu pe sol. traseu pe sol nu merge fara capturarea mikolaiv-ului ceea ce este foarte periculos daca nu faci un bufer suficient in jurul lui. rusii nu au inca capacitatea asta.

Romanian yankee kurwa

nu se poate inca. rusii nu dispun inca de suficiente efective pentru asta. si nu cred ca odessa figureaza in oblastul kherson care face parte deja din federatia rusa


ei pot. depinde sub ce comandant vor lupta. unul care a luptat in siria e dezghetat. fara incercuire le vor da in cap toate pocnitorile posibile. fara curaj si ingeniozitate nu pot castiga.


insanity? that mainly governs the east in any regard (namely moscow and beijing) besides nazism, neocolonialism, and national chauvinism … definitely the world doesn’t need such fucking shithole countries!!


nazism is the main ideology of the kiev nazi junta which prosecutes the church, ethical minorities, prohibits free press, bans the opposition etc. this is the very definition of nazism. most ukra soldiers have swastika and ss tattoos. so they are nazis. the late army chief had a swastika bracelet and elenskyand only a good nazi is a dead nazi. so nazi, kill yourself, or the heroic russian army will do.


agreed nazis must die…however, they are located in the moscow shithole…so burn, kremlin, burn…


ok pollak, go change some light bulbs

Ultrafart the Brave

well, the identity and location – even the definition – of “nazis” is arguable.

the legendary ukronazis with their luciferian tattoos, widespread child trafficking, organ harvesting and human sacrifices, are emphatically a horde of satanists.

being christian, your alleged russian “nazis” must be of a diametrically different character than the satanic ukronazis currently rampaging, pillaging and mass-murdering across the length and breadth of ukraine.


lmao i just had a polak paint the walls of one of my rentals. i told him to also clean the toilet after. truly a slave race. dont forget your place son. at the same time, don’t let your sense of inferiority turn into hate against your betters, such as the russians.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

fuck off ruzzian asshole!!!

Ultrafart the Brave

hobart, hobart, hobart…

… you’re all over the forum like a cheap suit.

one might be forgiven for suspecting that you have some emotional involvement in this topic.


and manipulating the likes will not change your misery ukranazee, you failed. and you know that. cope.


the anglozionazi empire of shit and its worthless iou fiat filth ex saudimercan toilet paper dollah is being flushed and the skirmish in rump ukrapland is only part of it. after the destruction of natostan slash eussr in the rump ukrapper dumpster fire how long can the welfare warfare entity of transgender mutant retards at pentacon kill industries inc survive a confrontation with mr bear?


china is no longer willing to feed the drug addled mutts of slumville, and will extend no more credit for deadbeats. basically it’s all over bar the fat bitch singing in the sewer of washing town.


my talibanned amerikan friends —you are finished your lgbt empire is rotting; your coca-colonized nato vassals are in slime…russia humiliates you in ukraine africa syria,etc; see jens holm for therapy


jens hom a été sans doute hospitalisé dans une structure psychiatrique pour ses obsessions sexuelles….. il est vrai qu’il en tenait une bonne le bougre !!!!!! ayons à son adresse une pensée chrétienne malgré tout.


if this all is even partly true, than its more than not understandable why russia started the invasion with only some 150.000 troops, instead of calling in all 2 million reservists and than smashing whole ukro army in few weeks, including the capture of kiew and the ziokhasarian coca clown an his whole surroundings.


there’s some speculation that within the oligarch circles some factions were in agreement that russia should take ukraine, whereas the american faction decided to resist that and instead go the route of what we see today.


toto sa skončí iba vtedy keď rf dá poriadne do rypákov tým západným hajzlom čo si o sebe veľa namýšľajú. iná voľba už nie je. všetky ostatné možnosti sa už vyčerpané!!!


instead of preventing ukraine from joining nato, would it be better to kill nato?
the black beast mentioned in reveleations is nato along with their terrorists.
the red dragon is the financial bottomless pit of $.

WT Baker

there is no reason for attempting to rationalize the irrational mindset of the london-wash.d.c.-brussels imperial cabal. they are stupid and insane and that never is a good combination of behaviors. it’s time for the world to declare the centuries old british empire dead and move on with peace through development.


eric zuesse is correct but thinking there are any rules in this conflict would be a mistake.


bla bla bla. nato is left over from the cold war, time to sunset it and work out a different answer and the way you do that is by having a pan-european conference and you invite russia to the table and have the big talk about the future. if all concerned want a future where peace exists and war a thing of the past then figure out how to lay the foundation stones for such a circumstance. or, keep wasting more billions on weapons and basically summoning the devil


we had an opportunity to do that until 1999 when nato and eu started it’s advance into the former warsaw pack nations by adding 3 former warsaw nations to nato. this broke the agreement that russia had with nato, brokered by us secretory of state baker and president gorbachev. the agreement was east and west germany would become one nation, and nato will not expand eastward.


correction: and the “insanity” that is the east that unceasingly “aids and abets” the west’$ crime$ starting with the hauling away of the crime scene at ground zero 22 years ago in return for favor$…

to russia starting that new un in moscow… say “when”!…

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

… and it looks like you better hurry as they will kick you out involuntarily instead of you choosing to leave “with dignity” under your own terms “berlin orders moscow to close 4 of 5 consulates in germany” –

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt