Enough Is Enough: German, Austrian Rescuers Stopped Operations In Turkey

Enough Is Enough: German, Austrian Rescuers Stopped Operations In Turkey

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While the death toll as a result of the earthquake in Turkey has already exceeded 31 thousand, and the work on the rescue of people who miraculously survived under rubble is still ongoing, rescue crews from Austria and Germany decided to suspend search and rescue operations for safety reasons.

Cases of looting, as well as clashes of criminal groups have become more frequent in the regions heavily damaged by the disaster, which were also not the most prosperous before the earthquake. There are problems with the access of victims to food and humanitarian supplies.

Although there were no attacks on the international rescue teams, the threat made some rescuers think first of all about their own well-being.

“There is increasing aggression between factions in Turkey. The chances of saving a life bears no reasonable relation to the safety risk,” the Austrian Armed Forces said.

German Chancellor O. Scholz also informed the public that German service personnel will not return to their duties until their security is assured. At the same time, they are all ready to go to the place if there is data on finding new survivors. But looking for these survivors under the rubble, apparently, is beneath the German rescuers.

As always, the “collective West” runs first from the “battlefield”. Of course, it is not clear why 5-star hotels were not rented for rescuers from “civilized” countries of the world and Turkish people did not provide them with everything they needed. As for the people under the rubble, they will wait. Austria and Germany have bigger problems.


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It is a mistake to think of rescuers as weak or evil there are many caring and compassionate people amongst the rescuers their safety must be assured. Their governments however will ” never let a good crisis go to waste”


The rescuers don’t run away easily, neither the want to reside in a 5 star hotel. If they decide to leave, then there are good reasons for that.


Dealing with that sort of conditions has not been teached on the career ladder “Lehrgang” ;-) … or there is no beer handed out from day one… and bring cigaretts they have need of them.

John Deer

Turkish citizens who lost everything (apart from themselves) have reportedly threatened the rescue workers, who thus left the country. Ambulance crews in Egypt have also been attacked regularly for decades and generations when a patient dies out. Middal Isst.

Last edited 2 years ago by John Deer
L du Plessis

but these EU states sent millions of $ to ukraine for a year with millitary hardware!!


HAARP everywhere. It is really interesting that after NATO research of geoclimate weapons was done in Canada , the worst ever earthquakes , drought and floods hit US (testing) and all “Evil” countries like Iran, Syria and Turkey of course, as they blocked Sweden joining NATO, but never hit Israel. hmmmm. Let’s say it is a coincidence.
Oh btw. Research of the ionosphere is absolutely OK, only scientific research, sharing all the data of the current status of ionosphere is OK as well .. too bad that all the countries that are providing these data to the international community are hit with earthquakes, landslides and other “natural” disasters. Some people will call it a conspiration theory … even now. Geoclimate weapons can create artificial earthquakes and they were tested already 10 years ago, as for as flooding 18 years ago in Serbia 2005, google it.


Pure garbage this journalism…


Be careful Turkiye, the West could use these circumstances for either regime change or split Turkiye apart via warring factions.

Nose, Nose

If you don’t want us to help you, but rather rob or kill us, fine, but then insulting us by saying that “they (ie, we) run from the battlefield” just indicates that we should not even have considered helping you in the first place. You “built” this junk, you sort it out yourselves.

Bruno Cortês

Why Russia, China and India are not running away from Turkiye and Suryia, but the “Collective West”, “The Garden” are? Well, well, well… I´m not surprised at all! The Turks should kick the butt of the Collective West by not allow the warprofiteering but “law respecting”, the NAZI SUPPORTERS Finns AND the “Neutrals” Swedes to enter the NAZI ATLANTIC ORGANIZATION at all…

Bruno Cortês

It appears that Langley have taken control of Southfront chat now…hahahaha…. Fucking NAFO Trolls… When you wake up and a Chinese own your home, your ex- enterprise and everything i will be laughing! Because they will!

Bruno Cortês

Ahson, My Son, United States, External Debt, 31 Trillion, January 2023, Internal Debt also larger than GDP… and Growing… They don´t tell you that when you join the NAFO troll farm? Google It then!

Tommy Jensen

31000 less is more pudding to us.

neo kweer libtards = kaputinism are next:

When your turn comes,I know for sure 95% of the real free world will celebrate for many,many years,
so you think its fkn funny,then laugh at this!


Yes of course maybe some NATO planned mayhem. Just saying , right.


Perhaps Harp was used, like Japan to reduce it’s vassal to nothing and new leader?

neo kweer libtards = kaputinism are next:

Its a natural disaster,y if usa had anything near as clever theyd run all the world by now but no
they needed to foster out the corona scam which is the only thing they are good at being lies+scams!

neo kweer libtards = kaputinism are next:

Looks like theres no future other than brics,either way eu and usa are doomed,Turkey + syria REMAIN!


It the earthquake was as devastating as they make it out to be then why were the usual suspects posting so many fake videos on twitter…? Oh well, they’ve made millions from contributions so I guess it was a success (for them) either way!
