Emirates At The Forefront Of The “New Middle East”

Emirates At The Forefront Of The "New Middle East"

On the right: A drawing by the Italian artist Giovanni Gasparro depicting the Devil

Written by Damir Nazarov

Zionism has resumed its genocide against the Gaza Strip. The criminal Netanyahu was guided by two interrelated reasons. 1 – the revival of the alliance with the right-wing radicals, 2 – the next stage of preparation for the establishment of the “Indian corridor“.

But with the beginning of the next stage of the destruction of the Palestinians, Zionism is betting heavily on its long-time ally, the UAE.

Let’s look at the chronology of events. At first, it turns out that the UAE is making every effort to counter Egypt’s plan to rebuild the Gaza Strip. Then Somalia and Sudan reject the forced resettlement of Palestinians and their resettlement on their territory. After that, there is an assassination attempt on the President of Somalia. It is alarming that the UAE does not hesitate to use the most terrible methods to achieve its goals. For example, the assassination attempt the head of Somalia is reminiscent of the story of the mysterious death of the Sultan of Oman, where the reaction of the deceased’s cousin, Haitham, became an indirect indication of the Emirates’ involvement in the “murder”.

As during Trump’s first term, the Emirates tried their best to please the MAGA leader by striking a variety of deals that they believed would lead to “big changes in the Middle East.” The UAE is actively helping Trump in his own efforts to expel the Palestinians from their land, while the US president is pandering to the ambitions of the Emirates in foreign policy, where Somalia and Sudan occupy a prominent place.

Actually, there is nothing new in the UAE’s foreign policy, the image of Iran and the Qatar-Turkey axis dominates among the main enemies, where “political Sunnis” have pushed “revolutionary Shiites” into the background. Therefore, the Emirates are forced to act quickly and implement their plans at least until the next US Senate elections, since in the event of a Republican defeat, the Democrats will not allow the UAE to pursue an obvious pro-Trump line in the Middle East.

As for the race with the Turks for the palm in the main country of the Horn of Africa, Ibn Ziyad’s ambitions are dictated by a wide range of tasks. In addition to countering Turkish-Qatari influence, it is important for the UAE to create another outpost against the Yemeni Houthis in order to ensure the “security” of the future “golden road“. For these reasons, plus the paranoid idea of evicting Palestinians from their homeland to East Africa, the Emirates are further intensifying their influence in self-proclaimed Somaliland.

Some inside the UAE elite know that in the future “new currency world”, they will not have such a privileged position as they do now. The future financial center will move to Asia (probably to Kazakhstan), and all the autocracies of the Persian Gulf, made famous by the dollar and oil, will lose their status in the “new world” and remain on the margins of progress. Therefore, they are trying to delay the inevitable, in which they are actively helped by the Zionists and Trumpists, who are also destined to go to the dustbin of history.


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and what can the emirates do? the taliban hate them, the jolani gangs hate them, and the uae is fraternizing with israel. trump was bribed by qatar.


that is why they firing ronan bar from shin bet


it’s all about building a “new world order” with the devil in charge..!


when mushlom radicals are dead we will have peace!

Moshe Dayan

if only bibi would quit funding them


he can not stop fundling my mothers cont but right after that tomorrow with the animals from my uncles farm he brings the goats for her big holes

the narrative

qatar is just a us base on the the largest natural gas pocket in the world ( south pars ) shared with iran . future pipeline projects are desired by european banker clans .


they will explode when irun is wiped off the maps!


i don’t think there will be any qatar pipelines now like the one proposed through syria. qatar is quite content with lng exports now. pipelines through other countries are a liability. any pipeline would go through saudi arabia/ syria/ turkey and they would all want their cut and use it to blackmail other countries. syria is going to be too unstable for the next 20 years. the only viable pipelines now are the ones that go direct to the customer, russia to china.


across siberia. qatar and saudi arabia nearly went to war a few years ago. pipelines are also a liability because they tie a supplier into a particular customer. lng can be exported to anyone, anywhere. pipelines are vulnerable and expensive to build, like nordstream.


the pipelines come only after my mothers cont was filled by qatars and every jidahdist homo but never sapiens just the round of the mill homo moshlom from the desert of gayran


after i wiped my mothers cont from the dirty goats nuts come i will have a lick or two myself she likes it rough in the nights when i make sounds like a tranny goat she think my dad wants to make new mahammad brothas for me tonight again


they can get on the right side of history and join the kyllings of the radical jihadists.


emirati government is very close with zionism and freemasonary. they do however, also have good ties with china and russia, iran and india


the uae leadership are crypto jews.

Keyboard warrior

wow a picture says a 1000 words and this one is just perfect!


islam is the devils religion!

Keyboard warrior

you are the devils spawn. i bet you are in your mother’s basement boy. didn’t she tell you which one of those 1000 bastards she was with is your father yet?


exacty and it also exposed the jewish genes of the uae leadership they are crypto jews that is why they serve zionist interests.


it is a perfect image this is what it looks like when the inner jewish demon comes out. all these crypto jews who run arab governments have deceived their populations for far too long doing israels and the jews dirty work.

Conan M

in the very image of bi bi “the creator”!…

Last edited 1 day ago by Conan M

no, it is a depiction of mahammad with its goats

Conan M

everyone knows only j**$ and their goyim chattle are interested in children and animals when they are not swapping lgbtq roles!…

Last edited 23 hours ago by Conan M
Emanuel do Brasil

país corrupto e cheio de assassinos.


you are one loco culo

the narrative

the bankers got the uae in the fold many years ago . remember the shaw of iran ? similar !


you moshloms are just envious of the great deals the saudis are making with the west.

that’s because you are radical piggs and they are not.

you fockking loser!



if the arabs keep shooting at israel then israel will kill them down and then there will be the peace of the dead, if there will be no peace between mature and reasoned people then legions of dead will keep silent vigil over those lands.


peace of dead is better than no peace at all!


moshloms are the devil!





nice piece ! we all have to keep doing our part, not online but in real life, the world will be a better place once zionism is gone , china keep building military power, i am almost certain is not been built to be show in an history museum, it will be use if this arrogants keep thinking they are exceptional


end of gulf states sheikhs are in works.


🤣 🤣 🤣 the picture illustrating the article.

Baran ats

very interesting nazarov! keep and made these articles more ! but get into more details about middle east and it’s proximity area, not what happened today in middle east(i know what happens there very well) but geopolitics,shady stuff and predictions. present your perspective about what you saw and seeing.
