Druze Fighters Clash With Syrian Army In Al-Suwayda (Videos)

Druze Fighters Clash With Syrian Army In Al-Suwayda (Videos)

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Unrest reached the southern Syrian governorate of al-Suwayda on December 6, with local Druze armed factions attacking the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

The factions first announced the formation of a joint operations room then attacked several key government buildings in al-Suwayda, including the Ba’ath Party office, the police headquarters, and the central prison. The SAA and security fighters evacuated without putting on much of a fight.

In the northern al-Suwayda countryside, the fighters also took over the key Shahba checkpoint which controls the highway leading to the capital, Damascus.

The Druze factions also moved in the southern countryside of al-Suwayda, capturing the Political Security Branch in the town of al-Ghariyah near the border with Jordan.

According to al-Suwayda 24, a local news blog, the clashes have so far claimed the lives of four people and left at least 16 others wounded.

Al-Suwayda have been witnessing anti-government protests for over a year now. The attack by Druze factions there conceded with others by militants in the nearby governorate of Daraa, where the SAA lost vast areas including several key bases.

The uprising in southern Syria came amid a large-scale offensive by al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its allies in the country’s northern and central region. So far, the militants have captured more than 800 square kilometers, including all of Idlib governorate in addition to the cities of Aleppo and Hama.

The Druze factions in the al-Suwayda appear to be coordinating with the militants in Daraa. However, it is unclear yet if they are both allied to HTS.


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Guy Metdrapedes

good riddance to the druze who will wiped out by hts in the end.


we will see a repeat of december 25 1991.


history always repeats .empires disappear inexplicably .


syria shows nobody rules th country. it is being broken up. the arabs are falling for divide and conquer yet again


nobody “falls for” divide-and-conquer, they are subjected to it.


this all happens because of the treason of iranian new leadership who made deal with israel and americans. iranians betrayed both hezbollah and syrians.
new government in iran must be eliminated, as soon as possible.


syrian assad called israil and said,
help me stop turkish proxy hts now.
if you help me, i will give you golan.
but israel rejected for now.
allies turkey,israel,usa destroying syria… .


assad needs to organize his army prepare positions stop loosing equipment to turkish backed terrorists and fortify strategic positions. use sharpshooters in prepared positions in urban areas to take out terrorists driving around on technicals bring them off balance. it seems his army is non existend at the speed hes looskng control over large cities none of them would fall within this speed with some proper defenses

Last edited 3 months ago by Erdoganisacockroach

what army you talking about?


assad’s generals (or maybe the russians if his generals are incompetent) realised the syrian army is pointlessly spread out across deserts. it is all being pulled back to key strategic road hubs instead, so the resistance from assad will become more substantial soon, although his survival is still in doubt

mulhalhe mbate

you have betried assad! the question is why? do you trust erdogan?

Janne Kankaanpää

why? they are extorted by military to give bribes and live under dictatorship. they are being treated as second class citizens to alewis, who control all government, military and trade. when druzes and christians turn against assad, his situation is extremely bad.

keyboard warrior

yes they going to looooove living under the rule of hts head choppers. their women will be raped and killed and those who still get to live, will have to pay an extra tax and live as a second if not a third rank citizens.

Janne Kankaanpää

can you kindly find me one source of hts men raping women, or chopping heads? not isis, but hts.


are you retarded?

keyboard warrior

you really must be living in a different planet if you don’t know that isis, al qaeda and all those sh*t heads have changed their name to hts. be glad that you live in finland and not under hts rule. trust me. your head would have been chopped of.

Shlomo's little weenie

finland ? ? – never judge a book (critter) by its cover (blog persona). hmmmm . . . by stealth and deception, the inbred primate doth crawl around, lying its rat head off.

Guy Metdrapedes

maybe if leftists didn’t scrub the internet on behalf of terrorists such as yourself there would be more evidence. i’ve personally seen numerous videos of hayat tarhir al-sham beheading people. on this site even.

The Kurd

not here to defend assad but there is even a (old) video of hts cutting the head of a child. but i also understand the perspective of the druzes, these guys dululu thinking we owe assad any loyalty. oppressing minorities while being a minority isn’t real a good long term strategy. then again, still better than hts if u ask me.

Janne Kankaanpää

that was noureddin zenki movement 2016, not hts. that kid was a rebel fighter though from different movement. still a minor. i do not have info of hts beheading, or raping people. i am more than happy to hear anyone prove i am wrong.

hts is minority in opposition who do not get to choose government if assad is gone. if assad is gone, there will be free elections in syria.

Last edited 3 months ago by Janne Kankaanpää
The Kurd

ok let’s skip the part of evidence. just ask yourself this: imagine you being a religious minority and these guys come to capture your village. would u thrust them with your family and people? be honest! again, not here to defend assad but in my opinion still the lesser of two evils.

Janne Kankaanpää

hts does not have the manpower to force governmental change. if you are asking me, do i trust assad, or rebels in general, then totally rebels. i have been to jordan and turkey and know that arab sunnis and kurds are all very nice, kind and generous people. i do not fear them. but if i met assad soldiers, i am sure i will find myself from some jail, or torture chamber. at least they will try to extort me and steal my money. arab sunnis and kurds would never do that.


totally rebels that transformed from isis to el nusra to whatever name is being used to peddle the us jihadi weapon. thanks for derping, asshole.


i thought maybe you were just deluded, but after this last post of yours, i can see you’re just another trolling liar from tel aviv. israelis would never do any of that either, huh? all the terrorists members are sunni. kurds are two-faced. both are owned by israel and company.

Janne Kankaanpää

i hate people for racism and violence against innocents, not for religion. i have many religious muslim and christian coworkers and i have no problem at all with them. we have saying in finland, let all the flowers bloom. worship anything you want, just dont hurt innocents.

The Kurd

luckily for u, u haven’t met the worst side of the middle east. there are many religions fanatics here who believe u can do whatever u want to people who dont share their religion. these kinda people are fighting among the “rebels”. there have already been videos of both hts and sna torturing soldiers and civilians. time will tell if these are just incidents or a strategy. but if it was up to me (being an atheist), i would definitely not take the risk.

Terry Rist

the helsinki sewer’s working overtime since finland joined nato.


will they be as good as the ones in libya, dipshit?


keep up the good work, asshole.


if putin was not a jew but a christian ru national, with true will of doing good for russia & russians, instead starting stupid war in ukraine he would have stationed 250.000 ru troops in syria. that way no “surprise rebel offensive” would have been able kicked pro-ru assad regime away.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

but since jewtin is a traitor of course he chose to better destroy ru army in ukraine when these troops were urgently needed to protect syria. even now putin could do it, but because he is skunk, not a man, he’ll not do it.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

assad bad, mm’kay?


because assad is dictator.


the idea of erdogan colluding with the west or israel is overstated. virtually every ruler in the middle east has colluded with the west, assad used to provide black sites for cia torture during the ‘war on terror’, gaddafi was a fool who aligned himself with the west and soviets depending on whatever he felt like, saddam was the same. so erdogan is a similar character and likely a future enemy of the west

Janne Kankaanpää

suweidah and daraa cities both fell in under 24 hours. i expect both provinces to fall totally within few days at max. then the same will happen in damascus province. villages and military bases will turn to rebel bastions.


you expect, we’ll see.

Janne Kankaanpää

both provinces have fallen and the rebels are around 10-15km from center of damascus city and fighting inside city of homs. anyone still thinking assad will stay in power?

Janne Kankaanpää

syrian army is not very willing to give their lives for assad, because everyone of them know 100% now that they will not be recieving their paycheck in january.

Potemkin Village

russia loosing in syria.

Karl Pomeroy

russia doesn’t lose.


no one’s going to win who serves the
whore or beast .this time everyone’s going to end up owning nothing .


you know it. we all here told people beware, jewtin is a traitor leading russia into the abyss. now syria falls, then libanon then iran. muslims will rip southern russia apart after that happens and due to becoming fully indebted with china, russia will have to give all of eastern russia and former soviet union territory to china to compensate for debts. all thanks to the actions of the jew putin, which naive christian ruskis still accept as “their leader”.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gurki

russia will maintain its bases. syrians are the ones losing most in syria. even iranians can see assad is useless


🫵🤡 😆😆😆


this is not just surian incompetence. there are deals agreed to behind the scenes to carve up syria


🫵🤡 😆😆😆


maybe everybody agrees to remove assad. i did not know he was so problematic to so many, including his own allies. the alawites will have to fight for a homeland, probably latakia province north of lebanon. it looks like suria is being balkanized. arab cowards back stab each other


🫵🤡 😆😆😆


thanks for chiming in tommy soiler

Shlomo's little weenie

lots of players now; getting complicated! got a funny feeling the hook noses may have drawn a short straw here. media screeching aside, still early days.


syria as a country is finished. what russias putin needs to do is keep latakia, an exiled assad government there and its bases protected by tactical nooks until iran gets their own, and then have tiny israel and the iranians negotiate from a place of mutually assured destruction. die diebinnen will give it all back for sure. nice guys finish last just ask assad.


it’s better for russians leave now before it’s too late.

Marcelo Rodriguez

yo no entiendo porque irán no manda fuerzas terrestres a siria para detener los avances de los militantes, esto sería necesario con el apoyo aéreo ruso y las fuerzas populares y milicias iraquíes. además si la situación se complica se podria pedir ayuda a china que tiene una base en yibuti quien podría enviar soldados para detener a las milicias yihadistas.

Marcelo Rodriguez

esto debe ser hacerse de inmediato con una coordinación de los grupos del eje de la resistencia( milicias populares iraquíes, houties de yemen, tropas y asesores iraníes) y la aviación rusa, además se podría pedir la colaboración de fuerzas chinas o coreanas. con estás alianzas sería relativamente fácil detener los avances de las milicias yihadistas en siria.

Marcelo Rodriguez

creo que siria no ha caera en el abismo, y no caerá damasco si se procede a unir las fuerzas de la resistencia, fuerzas rusas, tropas iraníes, houties de yemen, y tropas coreanas o chinas. con esto bastaría para derrotar y extirpar de una vez por todas a las milicias yihadistas, apoyadas por occidente e israel, de una vez por todas y para siempre del territorio sirio, es el momento justo para eliminarlas de una vez para siempre.


what the druze the saudi israeli and american terrorist organisation?


we are now witnessing the end of the assad regime


if the dwarf in moscow were a true patriot (like peter, catherine or stalin), he would defend russia’s vital strategic space in the mediterranean (homs, damascus, latakia, the tartus naval base and the nearby air base), even with nuclear weapons against turkey. but he does nothing because he is a handicap and a traitor, and russian patriots must remove him from office before it is too late, that is, now.


praise to god the one we win , assad and its supports in fact was worst than a tiger of paper . now we take revenge and the criminals will pay very badly for their indescribable crimes in god willing.

milos obilic

assad with done… russia should fund kurds to make 30% of turkey gone… then sweep to constantinople and finish with that tuskish scum


people will believe what the media. tells them to believe, george orwell. when the deceiving, fake and impostors, so call syrian rebels are really nothing more than americans cia, british mi6, israelis mossad and turkish mit. america is rule by zionism, c.o.


people will believe what the media. tells them to believe, george orwell. when the deceiving, fake and impostors, so call syrian rebels are really nothing more than americans cia, british mi6, israelis mssd and turkish mit, well pay assassins, murderers and terrorists in disguise. america is rule by zionism, c.o.
