Drone Attack Sets U.S. Base On Fire In Northeastern Syria (Photos)

Drone Attack Sets U.S. Base On Fire In Northeastern Syria (Photos)

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A United States military base in the northeastern Syrian governorate of al-Hasakah was attacked late on August 9 by a suicide drone.

Initial reports do not indicate there were any injuries in the attack on Khrab al-Jir base, which is also known locally as Abu Hajar Airport, but a U.S. defense official told ABC News that medical evaluations and a damage assessment following the attack were ongoing.

“On Aug. 9 at about 5 p.m. ET, there was an attack using a one-way attack uncrewed aerial system against U.S. and Coalition forces at Rumalyn Landing Zone in Syria,” the news channel quoted the unnamed official as saying.

Photos posted to social media showed a large fire at the base, which is built around an airstrip. A few hours before the attack, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a London-based pro-opposition monitoring group, reported that a U.S. military cargo plane loaded with equipment and supplies landed at the base.

Khrab al-Jir base is one of several military installations the U.S. maintains in Syria, mainly in al-Hasakah the neighboring governorate of Deir Ezzor as well as in the southeastern area of al-Tanf, under the pretext of fighting ISIS remnants. At least 900 troops are deployed there

Drone Attack Sets U.S. Base On Fire In Northeastern Syria (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via X.

Drone Attack Sets U.S. Base On Fire In Northeastern Syria (Photos)

Click to see full-size image. Via X.

U.S. forces in Syria and neighboring Iraq were attacked with drones and rockets more than 180 times after the outbreak of the Israeli war on the Palestinian Gaza Strip last October, with the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (IRI) claiming responsibility for most of the attacks.

The IRI, an umbrella group of Iran-backed armed factions in Iraq, suspended attacks against U.S. forces last February after the death of three American troops in a drone strike on a base in Jordan, reportedly upon a request from Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to facilitate talks on a U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. However, several attacks hit U.S. bases in both counties in recent days.

The attack on Khrab al-Jir came just four days after five Americans were wounded when two rockets struck Ain al-Asad Air Base in the western Iraqi province of al-Anbar. The Pentagon has blamed that attack on Iranian-backed forces but has not determined specifically which group is responsible.


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the us need the bases in syria to keep the triangle trade going: the us steal syrian oil and deliver it to the kurds; the kurds can then ship the opium/heroin from its own production or received from elsewhere to the jews/mossad in palestine, and the jews/mossad arrange its safe transport to europe and the sale of the same. the theft of oil is paid by the us taxpayers, the kurds get the crude free of charge and nossad can provide a generous cash deposit to the jews sccounts.


and don’t think for a second that the jews have forgotten that heroin is a natural crop in the area that can be exploited.


the main reason for those illegal us bases are to curb iranian arms supplies to its allies in the interest of israeli terrorists, of course .


they don’t need the bases they have assad and other working as agents to sabotage things.


yeah, yeah, and jew putin who works for pentagon every day except shabbat of course.


lol, jewtin and the pentagram work for the same people. the same reason most of the epstein names and information just doesn’t go anywhere. have fun with the consequences, i shall laugh.


what sort of a retard expects a good time camping out in another country stealing their oil? cucky assad is going to get ousted if he doesn’t go along a little.


one question why have these terror bases not been wiped off the map?


could be because assad is a zio agent giving masonic handshakes and signs all the time with other world leaders, like jewtin.


so simple and obvious but poor little princesses can’t handle the truth while innocent people get tortured to death.


it’s going to be a war with fashington. can syria win?


yankee go home!


or go to hell.

Conan M

after 12 years of illegal occupation, rape, theft and murder that has included countless russian troops and russian aerospace… what took you so god damn long russia???

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M

russian airspace in syria, are you sure?


nice. death to american zionist invaders!


kurds are also tired with illegal occupiers. the more property and personnel to burn, the faster they leave.


fry those amerikunts. send them all to hell.

internet smart guy

keep on hitting them.lets have a pindo bar -b q


bye bye usa you wont be missed. let the door hit you on the way out. ;)
