“Down With Americans, Long Live Putin!” Haitian Protesters Seek Russian Help Against US “Puppet” Regime

Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

A French language AFP report over the weekend featured surprising photographs of Haitians burning American flags as the unrest and chaos continues especially in the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince.

Major cities throughout Haiti have for days essentially been on “lockdown” due to civil unrest and mass protests demanding that President Jovenal Moise step down over charges of corruption and rampant inflation under his watch — yet unlike similar unrest happening hundreds of miles due south of the small Caribbean country in Venezuela, Washington has stood in support of the president, who since 2017 has found himself facing a flood of popular anger surrounding the PetroCaribe scandal.

“Down With Americans, Long Live Putin!” Haitian Protesters Seek Russian Help Against US "Puppet" Regime

A man identifying himself only as Bronson, a Haitian protester, burns the US flag on February 15, via the APF.

Though the mass protests have multiple layers in terms of motives, stemming mostly from skyrocketing inflation and the government’s failure to hold to account leaders caught embezzling from a multi-billion dollar Venezuelan program that sent discounted oil to Haiti, or the PetroCaribe affair, a number of the protest gatherings are distinctly anti-American in their rhetoric and symbolism, while at the same time being pro-Russian.

Reflecting the global geopolitical divide over the crisis in nearby Venezuela, the AFP report describes some of the anti-American elements to the protests as follows (based on a rough translation from the French):

A group of protesters burned an American flag Friday afternoon in the heart of the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince, calling for help from Russia to solve the crisis that paralyzed the country for over a week.

Down with Americans, long live Putin!” the roughly 200 demonstrators in the capital Port-au-Prince chanted, some holding up printouts with the face of the Russian president.

The protester who set the American flag on fire, calling himself Bronson, told the AFP, “We are asking Russia, Venezuela and China to take a look at the misery we live in here.” Bronson and the group of protesters said the Haitian political system had for too long been under the thumb of Washington, and appealed to Russia and China for help.

Bronson said further, as related by the AFP:

“We mean that we divorce completely Americans: we took too much occupation in the hands of the United States, we can not,” said Bronson, a small group protester who set the flag on fire.

According to some 200 participants in the rally, former Haitian President Michel Martelly and his successor, the current head of state Jovenel Moise, were placed in power by the United States.

Indeed over the weekend the White House said it is sticking by Moise’s leadership, and called for calm in the streets.

“Down With Americans, Long Live Putin!” Haitian Protesters Seek Russian Help Against US "Puppet" Regime

Haitian protesters appealing the Russian president Putin for help, via the AFP.

Starting weeks ago Washington began putting immense pressure on Port-au-Prince to break ties with the Maduro regime in Venezuela, in recognition of self-styled “Interim President” Juan Guaido.

These pressures were successful and the Haitian government caved earlier this month, fueling the rage of many Hatians in the street, many of which were already angered over the impact that Washington’s oil sanctions on nearby Venezuelea are having on Haiti.

Thus Jovenal Moise’s government so easily succumbing to Washington against Maduro was the last straw for many in a politically complex scandal which has grown for years as a result of the Petrocaribe deal, which began in earnest when it was revealed in 2017 that almost $4bn in funds earmarked for social development went missing, widely assumed to be the result of corrupt officials still holding positions of power within the Moise government ranks skimming on a mass scale.

Meanwhile the US State Department urged all American citizens out of the country over the past days, and issued a no-not-travel advisory due to “crime and civil unrest.” This was followed on Saturday by national security adviser John Bolton issuing a statement for all sides in Haiti to “respect and protect their democracy” — a bit ironic considering he spent the rest of the day tweeting regime change related messages targeting Venezuela’s Maduro.

He revealed in the tweet that he met with Haitian Foreign Minister on Friday “to express the United States’ enduring support for and friendship with Haiti.” He further urged “all of Haiti’s political actors to respect and protect their democracy, engage in dialogue, and put an end to the political violence.”

This is certainly unlikely to mitigate the growing anti-American sentiment present in the protests, which have also included violent clashes with police, resulting in several deaths.

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“Down with Americans, long live Putin!” the roughly 200
demonstrators in the capital Port-au-Prince chanted, some
holding up printouts with the face of the Russian president.

It needs further examination to make sure who are those protestors. Although the condition is sever and they are fed up with the US, such things directly adds fuel to the fire of “Russian meddling” accusations. The MSM and pack of hyenas will jump and present it as a proof of Russia’s aggression.
It may be genuine as president Putin is popular in many places around the world, it also could be staged.

There are friends here that say Maduro is corrupt and he destroyed Venezuela, the same thing they say about Iran, Cuba and Russia. Well, you want to see real corruption just look at the US vassals. What they should consider and forget to, is to add sanctions and economic war waged on these countries to the equation.


Logically its just a sign of ‘the enemy (Putin) of my enemy (the US) is my friend. Shambolic, corrupt and brutal Maduro’s reign over Venezuela may be, his opposition to the US, hated by many in that part of the world, makes him popular with those people who don’t have to live under his rule. And since Putin is also on Washington’s hate list, and does happen to have some power and influence in the world I’m not surprised he becomes popular with the I hate America crowd.

But you’re right in that the MSM will pick this up of further signs of Putin meddling everywhere. They seize upon anything to make that link. They should just photoshop a white cat into Putin’s hands and then his transformation of the Evil Puppeteer is complete.


As to your last paragraph…They cannot consider such things as that would undermine their propaganda position. The problems of another state is strictly their fault and the interference (sanctions, attacks and lies) fomented by external forces are apparently supposedly inconsequential. It’s important to achieve that facade to vilify their adversary unilaterally. In Venezuela, it’s always helpful to blame a situation on those who inherit a political/financial war that has been waged for the last 20 years, since Chavez, on Maduro. It is also interesting that the exact same is being done against Iran and Russia. Both of those projects have failed. With luck…and the help of REAL friends, Venezuela will recover from this covert war. It is strange however that those that would admit that the US is destroying Syria would actually deny that it is doing the same to Venezuela, especially after 20 years of subterfuge. This is logic?


Well, Russia can have them. A small island with 10 million people boasting an average IQ of 62 (according to actual testing), I am sure they will contribute greatly to Russia’s modernization goals, probably the home of the next AI breakthrough, lol.


I think it can be a 2nd Cuba. And another tier Barrier against US aggression against Russia. If US go after Cuba, they have to through Haiti too, it gives Russia more time to set up defense such as nukes and such. And presidential term limit would further delay US aggression due to election cycles. I think the US wouldn’t have enough time to go Cuba and Haiti at the same time, especially if a drug war to pick up and gain foothold inside the government. And what’s the point of 200 IQ if you can’t get job, other than forced to join the drug war just to kill people. Oh by the way being low IQ has advantage, you can block US interest from anything by not understanding/sympathizing their interest. Drug Cartel hijacking the government, hijacking the UN stopping the US to go after them. Goal seems big but it seems doable if the US hates the UN.


All rightee then.


Do you think UN can be hijacked by drug cartels? Or you think that’s baloney. I think drug cartels can bank on the EU to break up, which makes harder anti-crime syndicate to organize across Europe. And drug cartel and crime will increase can gain foothold in Europe. It’s going criminals with bitcoins(being their own bank)against bankers. Which side are you on? Do you hate the bankers?


So why won’t the US let them go free?


How are they not “free”? They are all welcome to go live in Russia. So you can give them all the freedom you think they are missing in Haiti. Maybe Sochi area, they like the warmer climates. And please, do not oppress them with laws and rules and things, they should have full “freedom”.


It’s their country, yankee go home.


No one’s there, comrade, don’t worry. You can keep drinking vodka under your Stalin poster.


And you can continue to chew gums… under Rockfeller poster


I don’t chew gum, nor do I have a Rockefeller poster. But Sinbad2 is a Stalinist, unless my memory is failing me.


There is more than your memory that is failing you.


Well I did like Children of the Revolution, so I guess I must be a Stalinist?
What is a Stalinist exactly?
It’s OK I know you don’t know what the words you use mean.


By the way, when you leaving Crimea and Donbas and Lugansk and Abkahzia and S. Ossetia and Transistria, bud? They’re not your country, comrade, you stole enough land in the prior 500 years, go home, and take your Lenin and Stalin statutes with you.


“We have brokered the power transition in Ukraine” Barack Obama about the ilegal coup in Ukraine that started the civil war. Any more questions?


No they certainly aren’t my country jerkoff, Australians don’t like enslaving other people.


Oh, you’re a Stalinist down under. That’s right, you prefer annihilating all your locals. Just like Stalin would have wanted. Good boy.


Well, the problem with that is that they might just start trying to leave the US sphere of influence. That would look bad for the US facade of being generous, helpful and loved. Look at what happened in Grenada. Another precident we can thank Ronnie for. It would be a feather in Russia’s cap if they were to help turn Haiti around from the state sponsored misery we keep them in. But that would be neigh impossible with the embedded crooks we own. The Haitians have run out the crooks before, unfortunately only to have the US bring them back, one way or another. I wonder if those who belittle people like this have a clue of how much they are manipulated? Look at all the good the Clintons did there and the money they skimmed off. Let’s not forget the Red Cross scandal either. Remember the UN troops and the scandals from the corruption and rapes? One thing is for sure, they have the IQ to know the US/UN is no F’ing good. The same cannot be said for Americans that still ‘believe’…in whatever makes them superior.

You can call me Al

I was thinking that they may actually travel to the US for the American Dream; which does not exist anymore.


The really sad part is that Americans don’t even realize it. They are continually bombarded with the patriotic BS (NASCAR and sports military presentations, paid for by the military) daring anyone to digress from the company line. Witness Trumps blather over Kaepernick taking a knee.The fact that the founders repeatedly stated that criticism of and control of the government was the highest of patriotic duties is completely lost today. The old mantra, love it or leave it has become the norm. Some day soon, the US dupe will realize we have no clothes on.


They clearly have a higher IQ than the average American since unlike half of Ameritards who still support the orange Zionist baboon they are in the street fighting against their own ZoG.


It’s kind of funny, making fun of American IQ, when, well, let’s compare the technology of US and, say, Russia? I have to say, US compares quite favorably. Maybe Russian IQ is closer to Haiti’s than America’s?


Have been locked in a cave last 20 years? Russia has now far superior technology in military avionics, missiles, lasers, space stations, space launch rockets, submarines, tanks and many more….


Don’t confuse him with reality! He has that blindered American exceptional view of the world. For God’s sake don’t dare tell him the Russian economy is growing while the US is shrinking or that Russia has nearly no debt while the US is drowning…we don’t want that BS balloon to pop. I can’t even imagine comparing Russian elected leaders to (s)elected(?) US leaders. Putin vs Trump (or any other US politician), yep, we’ve got those Russkies beat there!


There is a distinct difference between a US commoner and a scientist that serves a strict pro-imperialist purpose. Also many of those scientists are of German (post WW2) or Asian descent.
Zionists need the first to be ignorant cattle, but they need the latter to be good at what they need them to be good at (while having no critical political opinion of course) thus the latter gets different educational and social conditions.


Who cares what is the descent? They are Americans and BL was comparing American IQ.

Fact is US average IQ (98) is higher than Russia’s average IQ (96) on every IQ summary I’ve ever seen, e.g. https://www.worlddata.info/iq-by-country.php , even though the average IQ is brought down a lot in the US by it’s significant black population (average IQ in the low 70s). But like I said, if Russia were to absorb the 10 million Haitians, Russia’s IQ would go down about 5 points too :).

You can call me Al

They are running wild again as they always do. They did suffer tragically from natural disasters, backed up by Clinton stealing their aid money and then by the US sitting in port feeding the richer occupants, but their behaviour is alien. If you are talking baboons, you only need to look at Haiti or the rest of the Caribbean Islands.

You can call me Al

Do not be rude, they have an IQ of 67 – https://brainstats.com/average-iq-by-country.html

Tommy Jensen

Putin pouring gasoline all over Haiti, interfering in yet another country´s election and internal affairs, trying to force Russia into a role as the world´s energy hegemon while gobbling other countries gold.
The United States has done everything possible to maintain democracy, human rights and peace in this s..thole, and we are still not talking about freedom .


I was going to give you a 9/10 for trolling, but, it was just a bit too over the top, so, 7/10. Nice troll. Now go collect your skekels.


But how is the US going to solve the situation? Aid? Trade deals? Venezuela may have preemptively pointed about ‘aid and conflict’. Like let the Haitians suffer more then give them aid and they will forget.


Irony is his MO, trying to be a moron as it were.


All fed up with the US out in the streets protesting but if they manage to get off their shithole that is where they are going.


US would treat them a lot better in US than they do in Haiti. Once they come to the US they are “exceptional” :).


That is correct. As it is in most majority white countries.Blacks and browns get treated better than they do by their own countries, government, and people. Something they don’t realize.




LOL. If the places they came from were better and full of their own they would have stayed there.


Oh, yes, their countries (especially those brown and black ones, eh? wink, wink, nod, nod) are all corrupt on their own. The west hasn’t subjugated none of them. That would be like Europeans saying that all the immigrants (refugees) from Syria and N Africa came for no reason. War and sanctions are poor excuses, right? All those useless eaters from central America aren’t trying to come to the US because their countries have been ruined by US corporations either. Isn’t strange though that these people come from countries ‘owned’ by the US? How weird is it that they aren’t coming from Nicaragua, an unfriendly country? Not to worry though, we are soon to get to enjoy the very same benefits soon enough. We’ll have that wall, but no damn roads or bridges to drive on.


Yeap.All those people living in those countries are just mindless marionettes incapable of any free will of their own and none of their actions,behavior, and culture can be attributed to them in making the places they live third world shitholes because they are all powerless puppets being controlled by the omnipresence of the US government and US corporations. Forget about corrupt cops on the beat that finds ways to shake them down and corrupt local politicians and bureaucrats that do the same thing. All made possible by their endemic culture of corruption. Anyone in a position of some power shaking everyone they can down. Does not matter who it is. Also because of this endemic culture of corruption criminal organizations like the cartels can move and operate openly in these countries and do a lot more harm to these people than the US government and corporations have ever done to them.


Just like in Syria, Libya and Iraq, huh? They are the mindless idiots you speak of as well? Yeah, those people should have just stood up and said ‘we don’t like you, please go home’. It’s a good thing there is none of that police corruption in the US, right? What would people think if your life savings could be stolen from you by cops here in the good ole USA? Oh, crap, forfeiture laws, forget that one. Then there are the corrupt politicians there, thank god we don’t have that problem…oops, dual citizen politicians, forget that one too. Well, at least we don’t have to worry about corporations like Monsanto and oil cartels running roughshod over health laws…well, damn, forget that too. Boy , just be glad there is no endemic corruption here…dang it, pay to play, revolving corporate doors…missed that one too. As for shitholes, have you driven on the roads in Michigan lately? Indiana? Surely you wouldn’t refer to NOLA, where GW really shined after Katrina? or Houston, where recipients were told to sign a support Israel document for aid? or the wonderful job Trump has done in PR after the hurricane? You just keep on with your exceptionalism and blindered view, it’s better for your sanity. USA, USA!


Just like in Syria, Libya and Iraq, huh? They are the mindless idiots you speak of as well? Yeah, those people should have just stood up and said ‘we don’t like you, please go home’.

Against any military intervention in the ME for one of the reasons it produces refugees. Invade world. Invite world. Many or the vast majority of these refugees go to Europe and the US. And the vast majority of them don’t want to leave? Why is that? Don’t you think they would want to being they are in the lands of the “evil oppressors”? They don’t leave because they discover the US and Europe are much better than the countries they came from and have things like generous welfare benefits that their countries of origin don’t.

It’s a good thing there is none of that police corruption in the US, right? What would people think if your life savings could be stolen from you by cops here in the good ole USA? Oh, crap, forfeiture laws, forget that one. Then there are the corrupt politicians there, thank god we don’t have that problem…oops, dual citizen politicians, forget that one too

Never said there wasn’t any. There exists a degree of corruption in every government in the world. So long as humans occupy any government there will be degrees of corruption. Are some worse than others and have a higher degree of corruption? You bet your a$$ there is. African and Latin American governments are the worst in the world when it comes to corruption. One the reasons for providing motivation for those people(millions every year) to leave those countries and get on up into America and Europe. They are not making b-lines for Guatemala and Nigeria to start new lives. Don’t want to go there. Those are corrupt third world shitholes that are full of people like themselves. Better go to a place that doesn’t have the same people and endemic corrupt culture. Keep on heading up into America and Europe. As far as forfeiture laws keep on the right side of the law(or don’t engage in drug dealing for that matter) and you won’t have to worry about them. It sucks to live in a country where the rule of law is enforced. But people keep on coming here from the third world with our forfeiture laws and willingness to enforce the rule of law. One of the reasons why you have the first world and the third world and the third world wanting to get into Europe and America.

Well, at least we don’t have to worry about corporations like Monsanto and oil cartels running roughshod over health laws…well, damn, forget that too. Boy , just be glad there is no endemic corruption here…dang it, pay to play, revolving corporate doors…missed that one too. As for shitholes, have you driven on the roads in Michigan lately? Indiana? Surely you wouldn’t refer to NOLA, where GW really shined after Katrina? or Houston, where recipients were told to sign a support Israel document for aid? or the wonderful job Trump has done in PR after the hurricane? You just keep on with your exceptionalism and blindered view, it’s better for your sanity. USA, USA!

Well at least we are not living in a third world shithole where the majority of the people don’t have electricity, pluming, and safe drinking water. We have Monsanto and other food companies, maybe not giving us organic foods and a healthy diet, but we don’t have lines waiting on gas like in place like Mexico because everyone is stealing it. We don’t have cartels or some African despot that would bust every bone in our bodies or beheading us driving up the murder rate astronomical levels making the place even more of a shithole. And all those states are comparable to Mexico and South America in terms of everyday quality of life? I don’t think so. Again. If that was the case you would have no immigration coming from places like Africa and Latin America. They would have just stayed stayed there instead of immigrating because the US and Europe is just as bad as the places they came from. Being we live in the real world that is not the case. With all the faults Europe and America have it is still a better place to live hurricanes and all. Testament to that is how millions of people every year around the world vote with their feet by immigrating and coming into Europe and America. That is because they know it’s better than the shithole they are living in.


I’ve never read such a myopic view in my life. Why would those that go to western countries as refugees return to their own countries where the corruption/destruction inflicted by multinationals still exist. Show one country that has been attacked by the west has recovered from devastation.
I especially like the way you use the term ‘majority’, as if that means very few suffer from corruption/corporate rape. Do a search for unsafe water in the US…here is just one from said search… https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2016/08/unsafe-levels-of-toxic-chemicals-found-in-drinking-water-of-33-states/ In Michigan, the cost of repairing water pipes before they changed sources was @$9,000. That was deemed too much and they proceeded with the plan without the treatment of the problem. But, when GM needed clean water, they took care of that PDQ… https://jalopnik.com/what-general-motors-did-to-flint-1794493131 There are many more examples, all you have to do is LOOK.
“As far as forfeiture laws keep on the right side of the law(or don’t engage in drug dealing for that matter) and you won’t have to worry about them.” Oh, yeah, the same old BS, foisted on us by the police, which you seem to be enamored with. Explain that to those who are innocent of any crime, yet robbed by police. https://www.nationalreview.com/2017/06/civil-asset-forfeiture-police-abuse-clarence-thomas/ …There are more cases of this than can counted, in the thousands…from the woman robbed of $23,000 of church money in Tenn…to the guy robbed of $15,000 he saved (and provided proof) yet had to sue to get his money back. This why the US supreme court had to address this. Unfortunately, like photographing police in public, SCOTUS rulings mean little to police and the abuse continues, requiring people to sue to get their money back. But I’m sure you would assert this is all make believe.
We don’t have ‘cartels’. Sure we do, they’re called corporations. Why does the FDA routinely approve meds, that end up being pulled after a few years after deaths or severe complications, when they should not have been allowed in the first place, while doing their best to stifle alternate medicine. Read about the FDA and Reagans first day in office. That was one day before aspartame was approved, after 10 years of refusal. How long has Monsatan been saying glyphosate was safe, refusing access to their own research. Now, after 45+ years of it’s use, it’s in everything, including the water tables and our cells. Maybe you haven’t been to a oil pipeline leak, you should check one out. When there was a leak in a line in Mayflower,AR, people were ordered to stay in their homes, were told not to photo the leak and ultimately the town was ruined, as oil comes out of the ground every time it rains. What does it matter that the inspection team said that the line was unfit for the use they wanted, they did it anyway, in disregard of public opposition. Those people lost everything. What about the gulf spill? the criminal use of corexit? https://www.whistleblower.org/gulftruth/ I suppose that you believe that the MIC, Big Pharma and Big Oil manipulations are all fantasy. The fact that the rest of the ‘undeveloped’ world is kept that way is something you would refuse to believe. Do you really believe that multinational corporations, who are majority US/UK/western desire these countries to improve and become self sustaining? That would be very counterproductive and bad business as far as they are concerned. Was US General Smedley Butler a fool and deluded when he said war was a racket, referring to US policy in Latin America? Why do you think Libya had to be destroyed? I noticed that you completely ignored the worst offense of corruption, dual citizen politicians. I assume that you ignored that because you have to…otherwise you’d have to admit widescale corruption in our government, or do you believe that Israel is our friend and that we should be subservient and send our boys to die for them as well as slaughter innocents in foreign ‘shitholes’? Just look at what $3.5B a year buys the middle east…war and destruction…but that is all those countries fault, right? The reason the US will collapse into a pile of debt (the highest in the world, btw)and Americans will be shocked is because we refuse to take responsibility for what we have wrought. The majority of the countries that have refugees are those countries where the west are heavily involved. But, of course, none of that is relevant, right? I guess shithole is in the eye of the beholder, especially when viewed through rose colored blinders and ‘patriotism’. BTW, do a search on US ex-pats moving out of the US…and why.


You know it’s people like you, that have convinced me the only hope for the world is the complete obliteration of the USA and all it stands for.


Coming from a filthy Stalinist I expect nothing less. Of course the much more obvious answer is that people like you, the evil, terrible cockroaches of the world, that need to be exterminated with all haste and speed. I hope your Stalin statute falls on your head and cracks your skull.


I would agree with you if I didn’t live here. But, I understand the disgust you feel. There are many in the US that feel the same, believe it or not. The bigotry and exceptionalism expressed by those from the US reveals the depth of immorality and supposed superiority integrated into the US psyche. Any arguments someone from the US would pose in discussing the rampant corruption and denial in the US is usually met with terms like ‘self-hating Americans’, ‘commie’ or some other derogatory term (filthy Stalinist?) used when faced with facts that disagree with mindsets…never ‘patriotic Americans’, regardless of the fact that the founders would be aghast at the lock-step mentality prevalent in the US. Unfortunately for people like me, the destruction of the US is probably the only real way forward for the rest of the world. I do have to wonder though, that if a certain leech nation were to fall, could the US become a sovereign nation once again, in control of their own future? or is the enemy ideology far too deeply ingrained into US society?

You can call me Al

“when it was revealed in 2017 that almost $4bn in funds earmarked for social development went missing”………. I would check the Clinton’s bank accounts !!.

Joe Kerr

Surprised? This is just the start. The world is awakening from its slumber, and has the self-proclaimed “exceptionals” (in greed, corruption and all the other areas of mafia skilling) in its sights. Better go back home and fix your rotting 3rd world railways before they collapse on your empty skulls, yanks.

Susan MacKenzie

Please stop referring to Nicolas Maduro’s government as a regime. His is a democratic government and he was elected by the people.