The USS Enterprise is underway with the Enterprise Carrier Strike Group in the Atlantic Ocean. US Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Harry Andrew D. Gordon/Released
US President Trump has repeatedly promised to deal with North Korea, whether as a presidential candidate during the 2016 elections with hefty promises of protecting South Korea from its big bad brother, or as fully fledged President promising fire and fury in case Kim Jong-Un even looks at the US funny.
Trump is exceptionally skilled at making promises, although keeping them may not be his forte. During his year of Presidency the only successful move against North Korea was tightening UN sanctions on the country, which is Trump’s achievement only partially at best. Even then, North Korea did not seem deterred, apparently continuing to grow its military and nuclear power, despite the US deploying its THAAD systems in South Korea.
And that nuclear power is growing. North Korea’s first successful ICBM test launch on July 4 saw President Trump making the usual round of promises, after firing up Twitter, of course. “Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?,” the President asked through his medium of choice. The second launch on July 28 led Trump to promise that he will not allow North Korea to obtain an ICBM that can deliver a nuclear warhead. The fifth launch over Japan should have raised some flags. The final test to date saw North Korea successfully conducting a test of a hydrogen bomb on September 3. Trump responded by vowing that he will “totally destroy North Korea” if it threatens the US.
Kim Jong-un reacted to Trump’s claims by calling him a “mentally deranged US dotard”. Trump, using Twitter, urged Secretary of State Rex Tillerson not to waste time seeking a diplomatic solution with “Little Rocket Man”, adding that he won’t be nice unlike his predecessors, with everyone else rushing in and trying to defuse the tension by saying that the US is open to a diplomatic solution.
Meanwhile, reports started showing up that North Korea was on the brink of developing a missile capable of reaching the US West Coast. US started sending three aircraft carriers near North Korea, and conducting military drills with South Korea and Japan.
Speaking of North Korea’s neighbors, Japan is the country with everything riding on this, considering that the missiles are flying across its skies. No wonder the Japanese don’t want to put all of their eggs into a single stars-and-stripes basket. Japan understands that the US’s help won’t amount to much in case Kim finally decides to go nuclear. Now more than ever before Japan is likely to formalize its JSDF into an actual military, with re-elected Prime Minister Shinzo Abe considering amending the constitution that had abolished the army after World War II.
China does not seem to be all that impressed by the US either. Despite intensive talks between the two countries, China is making mostly formal gestures, doing little to deter the North’s nuclear ambition.
Trump is currently taking a trip across Asia, prioritizing finding a solution to the North Korean crisis. Whether he is aware of that or not, any deal better than deterrence appears increasingly far-fetched by the minute. Considering quite surprising remarks during his meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, where he claimed that the US is to blame for getting the short end of the stick in US-Chinese trade relations, the US President seems more and more like he’s all bark and no bite. Where is Trump that with such gusto had previously criticized China, accusing it of “raping” the US economy and being the country’s “enemy”? Will tweeting insults at Kim Jong-un in the end become a formal apology?
The White House has to make a move. Is it ready to accept diplomatic defeat? Is it ready for war? The US has to act now, or it will be too late. North Korea is growing its nuclear potential by the minute, and the more time is wasted, the closer its nuclear arsenal to a full fledged deterrent force. Undoubtedly the Kim regime considers to strike back at the US in case of a “judgment day” scenario. What Trump plans, only he and God know.
but you must admit the man is excellent when it comes to fart from the mouth.
I mooted the other day that Trump and the Deep State are unlikely to start a war with North Korea until they have banked all the cash for their missile and F35 sales to nations in the area.
As an aside to all of this, IF the US weapons are so ‘smart’ and a guarantee of safety , why is the US frightened of North Korea’s missile capabilities anyway.
I think it’s because the US armed forces are so used to attack the defenceless (Grenada, for instance), anyone that proves to be able to fight back frightens them.
It’s also evident of their freakout of Iranian missiles and other defencive measures which in no shape threats the US (or anybody else for that matter, as the country’s history indicates).
defenceless, like iraq in the first gulf war…
iran wiuld be turned within week into middle age. by single usaf.
How , Iran is so large and using nukes is not allowed against a no nuclear state.
Be informed air power alone can do nothing to win any war if fight is near to Iran.
Iran has good air defence too and well hidden and dug in
they can win. americas goal is to destroy irans industry. they dont need any km2 from iran. and for this purpuse is the usaf enough.
If it were so easy they would already have done it.
Go do some research and don’t bore us with your ignorance.
(((Solomon Krupacek))) is a delusional kike Jew.
Beyond delusional and seeking medical help.
He’s beyond the point of seeking medical help. That’s something he should have done decades ago, he’s at the point where the delusion is only going to get worse until it drives him mad.
I don’t know why are you denying the truth, as the US attacks on smaller and weaker countries are fully documented. I suggest you read a little to know why Iraqi air defence didn’t work then.
Regarding your wishful thinking about Iran, I can’t foresee the future but I’m sure our air defence is not like Iraq’s in the ’90s and can’t be shut down remotely.
More nonsense from “the King of Garbage” on this site. Why don’t you return to your Marvel comics and leave us all in an interesting discussion with sensible commentary?
hay, latino, how are you?
With every new stupid post you vindicate everything I’ve been writing to you! The interesting thing is that you’re too stupid to recognise it and so keep on posting nonsense! …………amazing!
latino, i am happy, you are OK. full of bile and hate, which is your normal state :)))
Dirty little creature
Solomon what’s wrong with you that you love to put names on people so much? Do you think it strengthens your position? Feel tough? Feel superior?
Are you that empty inside?
morning, ayatollah!
Bad Solomon! Bad!
Your punishment is to write “I mustn’t act like a Joo-Joo” a hundred times.
Now you contradict your self . First you said US can turn Iran to middle ages now you say to hit only the industry and call that a victory?
Sounds like a kid talking
You forgot Iran has the means to hit all the bases around Iran and wipe the out . This surely Russia would love to contribute.
Fact is there is no way US can defeat Iran like they did to half starved Iraqis under oil for food program
yes, the elimination of industry = middle age. factories are products of modern age ;)
15,000 or so comments and only 5,000 votes. Pathetic. Obvious that people think you are a plonker.
cock, i dont write for upvotes. i amn not such mental bastard like you :)))
Rubbish comment of a mix of bigotry and ignorance. War gaming by the Pentagon shows that a conflict with Iran would incur massive human and material costs. Also the US would not be able to invade and subjugate Iran.
Alternatively, US AF can simply GIVE all of their F35s free-of-charge to North Korea. With such a grave disadvantage, NK is sure to lose any war with any possible opponent.
Surely that would be a War Crime that the US politicians involved should be held accountable for in Nuremberg and hung after their convictions.
Air power does not win any war
Proven Lebanon 2006 and NK reported to be well dug in after decades of preparation where next day may be a war.
Fact is no country , except China, can defeat NK in this modern age on the ground with 7 million fighting men
The costs to China would also be unacceptable.
There are lots of ignorant people in the world and you are one of them. The only way for the US to control NK is to put boots on the ground and accept massive loses. As for the F35 its a piece of junk.
Excellent and accurate commentary!
I think China put a stop to Un attacking by saying if he attacks first they will not back him, but if attacked they will support NK. That was the quiet end to the possible nuclear war by UN. Trump needs to keep up face at home.
Since 2010 North Korea has been a balance between International Legitimacy and Unipolar Western domination of the entire World which will be irreversible if North Korea allows Japan through the USA to control all of Korea again.
Japan used Korean Women as objects of perverted aspirations to be utilised by the Japs from 1905 to the Cairo Conference 1943, after which only the South remained the minions of outside control, no doubt the South would welcome the Japs back because their spirit has been broken, and it’s better for a Korean to be screwed by an Asian rather than an American, probably there could be a Hong Kong solution but with King Kong acting the role of both animal and President that solution looks unlikely, Trump is an embarrassment to the self-respect of all Primates, and is a funny looking Ape.
‘ The final test to date saw North Korea successfully conducting a test of a hydrogen bomb mounted on an mid-range ICBM on September 3rd’
Where did you get that? it was an underground test!
probably the korean missile went in direction center of earth :)
I enjoy reading these articles, and the responses. There would not be a nuclear war, the world powers know the there is something else we don’t know. This is all dog and pony for the American people. A way to keep funding a secret project and make American people believe there is an enemy so money can continue to flow to military programs. America is only fighting conventional wars because it wants to. Open your eyes. Pay attention to what’s not being said.
What a whiny little sissy this Hungarian is..
Dr. Sebastian Gorka and John Bolton think that Trump is doing a magnificent job because he is talking tough. The fact that Kim Un has had the greatest advances in his nuclear weapons program during Trump’s first year of his Presidency is totally irrelevant. There is a new sheriff in town, let’s up it to 4 aircraft carriers.
Do you think we really NEED to play this game ?
No. I think they are both buffoons and I’m horrified that people like this have Trump’s ear.
Can planes defeat NK? Dream on . NK is well dug into the ground and mountains and a few planes from three carriers would not make a dent
Remember to defeat NK you have to take on 7 million NK well dug in and they have 200 k, special forces trained .
Dare to enter NK?
Slow down son, and keep your finger off the trigger, Rocket man will not do anything worthy of burning alive 4 million North Korean Citizens.
What’s with the summary paragraph? “too late” for what? Are we seriously considering that Kim will use such an effective deterrent in a suicidal first-strike attack? Yanks have no problem with invading and destroying nations at a whim, especially when “little enemies” are backed by “big enemies”. They haven’t done so with North Korea because that would remove a tried and tested “enemy” for use in jingoist propaganda and North Koreans don’t have any oil so they won’t be able to pay the US back for all the bombs that will need to be dropped on their cities and towns to “free” them.
Can’t see NK nuclear development as being a threat to global security, a threat to US hegemony is more appropriate.
Death throes for US & NATO hegemony in sight. The US has been rendered, for the first time since WW2, impotent. The costs of starting a war with Russia and China are unthinkable, except by maniacs, or those callous and evil enough to ignore the consequences of such an action for the human race. The US can posture, but, in reality, its zenith as the sole global hegemonic power has passed. The rest of the 21st Century belongs to China, SE Asia and Russia. The markets understand it but the Neocons may not. Trump will now have to work with the new status quo.
The real danger for the world remains the Zionist International Bankster Cabal who have been very busy establishing themselves in China anticipating well in advance the collapse of the US and the west generally. For the last 25 years they have been preparing themselves for a post US and US$ world, where once again they can rerun their Central Banking system, rape the economy and control their New World Order from Beijing continuing to enslave the world in the process.