Disabled Man, Called By SBU A Russian Spy, Killed In Ukrainian Prison

Disabled Man, Called By SBU A Russian Spy, Killed In Ukrainian Prison

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On January 17, 2023, SouthFront published a story provided by the well-known Ukrainian blogger Anatoly Shariy. The story describes the process by which the SBU “manufactures” so-called Russian agents, by picking on vulnerable people who have no-one to defend them – ‘vulnerable’ meaning suffering from conditions which render them ‘socially undesirable’, and therefore isolated and unable to fight back. LINK, LINK

Shariy described how these spiritual heirs of the Nazi Gestapo, in order to create a propaganda event, accused an almost blind, helpless invalid, who suffered from severe mental illness, of being the agent of the Russian secret services. ‘Proof’ is provided in the crude form of Soviet flags and St George ribbons, scattered liberally about the poverty-stricken apartment where the man lived.

The story demonstrated such moral depravity that even most of the Ukrainian media, which are known for their “honesty,” quickly tried to bury it.

A month and a half ago, there were fears that the SBU would likely kill this unfortunate man to cover their traces. Sadly, this has now been confirmed.

Yesterday, on March 2, 2023, Sergei Titov was killed in a Ukrainian prison. It is depressing to imagine the torments he must have suffered in his final days. We can be sure that his captives would have used him to assuage the impotent rage of imminent defeat, despite his clear innocence.

Yesterday we had another example of Ukrainian terrorist tactics. Militants crossed the Russian border into the Bryansk region of Russia, and killed 2 civilians going about their daily lives. One was a driver who was taking 3 young children to school. They also did their best to kill the children, but the mortally wounded driver defied them and drove 6 km away from the scene of the attack. As a result, the Ukrainian terrorists managed to wound only one child.

Do not be fooled by the fine words about preserving Ukrainian freedom and democracy. Russia is not at war with Ukraine per se, but with the Nazi abomination that bullies and savages ordinary people – Russian and Ukrainian – without hesitation. This Nazi abomination has been carefully nurtured by the collective West over many decades, to fulfil the task of breaking the enemies of Western hegemony. This is what the Washington and Brussels establishment is fighting for, and this is what must be destroyed.


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Part of the responsibility for this and everything else goes always on Russia.
For not ending this neo-Nazi asylum regime, by hitting it hard and finishing up immediately.

The snake must be hit in the head.
The answer, why is not so, is in Kremlin.

Madam Defarge

The head of the snake is Zelensky.

Buford T. Justice

The head of the snake is the White House , Zelensky is only a puppet .

Last edited 2 years ago by Buford T. Justice


Ok, o but one thing I’d like to know from you is this. Your comments show that you admire Mr. Putin very much, thinking him to be a great politician. Ok.

But how do you cope with the knowledge that Putin is – same as Biden – an evil pedophile ? You can watch it for yourself, this old video where he is like an evil pervert molesting a very young boy, going for his lower belly near penis region and kissing there, for all to see.

He does the same sick – yes even worse shit – that Biden does whenever he comes into contact with kids. So sorry, but no, I do not like such creatures, not Biden and not Putin. Here check it out yourself and tell me if you are really supportive to such a man. This pervert Putin and his child molesting .

Yes it is long time known already. Jew Putin is a pervert, same as Epstein, Selensky, Joe Biden and all the other fake presidents (like hidden lesbian Angela Merkel, and homosexual Obama).

Watch this video proving it !

Putin the pervert


And Here:

Putin the pervert

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin
tom sawyer

miss poko molo Nebraska retired janitor inferior to Jews and pygmys

Mexican Beaner 🇲🇽

Zelensky is oligarkh Kolomyskyi’s bitch.

Walter Ego

So that is the conclusion you reached with the help of your 2 Doctoral titles, one in Warfare History and the other in Economics. Thanks.

Madam Defarge

Ukraine is going down and down and down.


US and NAZI Abomination, wake up North America, you are the useless eaters and the Elitist psychopaths have already started the culling.


This is indeed the most cruel and inhumane tactic used by the Criminal junta in Kiev tactics used to terrorise their own people should anyone dare to speak out about the savagery inflicted on their own citizens day in and day out. Sergei Titov an innocent who came to their notice One day those who were responsible for his death and false accusations that sent him to a Ukrainian prison will answer for their Crimes. Pray for Sergei Titov


all disabled mulatto Oregon penis enjoyed in my mouth


Just shut up you stupid fool


Pretty sure German natzi’s exterminated disabled citizens.


It was Nazi policy,a trial run for Auschwitz.

Stephan Williams

17 people agreed with your BS, Cromwell. It’s not surprising. There’s a plethora of dimwits and willful ignoramuses lurking here salivating over their opportunity to prove how ignorant they are about actual history, as opposed to the “Made Up” kind they’re more comfortable with.

Boxwood tree

Auschwitz was a labor camp. If any so called Jews were killed there, which I doubt, you can rest assured that the rulers of Europe, the so called Jewish Rothschild dynasty, made sure that it happened. But then, they would have decimated their Jewish army which is why I don’t believe the so called Holocaust ever happened.

Stephan Williams

“Pretty sure German natzi’s exterminated disabled citizens.”

Pretty sure”? So…in other words, you just made that crap up?!?

Tell me, Shamella – what makes a person do creepy things like that?


Another reason to destroy these nazi scum


Was this guy killed in jail, is that confirmed?

Isser Harel

Ukraine is a neonazi police state run by a criminal actor and an entire group of professional thieves. Hopefully someone will grow a pair and remove the dirtbag and become a real hero.

8 Star Armchair General

Approved. You go do it.

Romanian yankee whore

CNN, citing its sources in the Ukrainian General Staff, reports that on February 28, 2023, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine amounted to:

killed, died from wounds, diseases 259,085 people;

wounded, crippled 246 904;

deserted, as well as missing – 83,952;

captured – 28 393.

Gerry Bell

This is really disgusting. Was this the guy with only one leg? I think I remember the story about his arrest. Absolutely disgusting.

Stephan Williams

The whole “Nazi” thing is so stoopid. They aren’t NOT SEES! The creeps in control of Ukraine are chews – doing the things organized chews always do – murder, steal, lie and terrorize while claiming to be victims of unreasonable “hate”.


There’s a special place in hell for these pieces of human excrement.


It should have been titled he was murdered by the SBU in prison. He’s now in a peaceful and better place, may he RIP.
