Detailed Overview Of Massive Russian Strikes Across Ukraine On July 8, 2024

Detailed Overview Of Massive Russian Strikes Across Ukraine On July 8, 2024

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The Russian military launched several massive waves of strikes on Ukrainian military and industrial facilities across the country. The Russian Ministry of Defense confirmed the strikes, claiming that ‘the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have launched a group strike with high-precision long-range weapons at the facilities of the military industry of Ukraine and the air bases of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in response to the attempts of the Kyiv regime to inflict damage to Russian energy facilities and economy’.  The Russian military concluded that ‘the objectives of the strikes were achieved. The assigned targets were hit.’

Today’s Russian attack was one of the most massive ones on the Ukrainian rear regions in the recent months. There were several waves of strikes launched at night, in the morning and in the afternoon.

On the night of July 8, sirens sounded in all Ukrainian regions. According to local sources, as a result of the combined Russian attack, targets were hit in the central, southern and eastern parts of the country. At about 3 a.m. explosions thundered in the capital Kyiv, as well as in the Zhitomir, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Sumy, Poltava, Kherson, Zaporozhie regions.

The massive strikes resumed in the morning. The Russian military used various drones and missiles, including Iskanders and Kinzhals, in order to identify the targets, reveal the areas of deployment of air defense forces, destroy the targets and confirm the damage. In the afternoon, more Russian strikes destroyed targets in the Dnepropetrovsk and Mykolaiv regions. The strikes are likely to continue all day long.

At 2 p.m. the Ukrainian Air Force officially declared the air defense forces destroyed 30 Russian missiles, including 1 hypersonic Kinzhal, despite the fact that the Ukrainian military has no means to shot down such missiles. The other destroyed missiles allegedly included:

  • 3 Iskander-M missiles,
  • 12 Kalibr missiles,
  • 11 Kh-101 missiles,
  • 3 Kh-59/69 missiles.

The blatant lies of the Ukrainian military are refuted by the horrific damage that it suffered.

At about midday, Ukrainian monitoring sources and footage from the spots in different Ukrainian regions confirmed at least 20 successful Russian strikes.




The capital of Ukraine came under one of the most massive attacks it suffered since the beginning of hostilities. Explosions there have been thundering all night long and continued during the day. The local residents forgot about the prohibition to film the strikes and any damage. The footage confirmed the destruction of numerous targets in different districts of the city. Local sources wrote about the strikes in the Solomenskiy, Dneprovsky and Goloseevsky districts of the capital, while the local authorities claimed that these were the wreckages of intercepted Russian missiles. The mayor officially confirmed at least one Russian strike.

One of the targets of the Russian attack was the Zhuliany airport, located on the southwestern outskirts of the city. The smoke was seen rising in the area. According to preliminary reports, at least one launcher of the US-made Patriot air defense system. The strikes definitely resulted in elimination of Western ‘military advisers’ who are always involved in operation of these precious US systems in Ukraine.



According to the footage from the city, another target was destroyed near the Lukyanovskaya subway station. The smoke confirmed that the strike likely reached the Luch Design Bureau, which is a major Ukrainian developer of components for the defense industry, or the nearby facilities of the Artem holding company, which is producing the missiles and other weapons. More strikes were reported in the area of the Antonov plant, which is producing aviation equipment.

The local authorities also confirmed the destruction of three energy substations in the Goloseevsky and Shevchenko districts of Kyiv. The power grid was damaged.

More targets destroyed by Russian strikes in the Ukrainian capital are likely to be revealed soon. The local residents reported that Russian UAVs were seen operating over the city during the strikes and after the attack.

As always, the Kyiv regime is trying its best to hide the truth. In order to gain the headlines and hide the real results of the attack and Russian success, Ukrainian propaganda launched a large media campaign aimed to again blame the Russian military for another fake attack on a civilian facility. According to Ukrainian lies, Russian missile struck a children’s hospital in the capital. The fake was immediately refuted by the footage, local reports and even claims of Ukrainian political officials. The video of the moment of the strike clearly  showed an anti-aircraft missile very similar to NASAMS.



The Russian Ministry of Defense officially commented:

‘Statements by representatives of the Kyiv regime about Russia’s allegedly deliberate missile strike on civilian targets are absolutely untrue. Numerous published photos and video footage from Kyiv unequivocally confirm the fact of destruction due to the fall of a Ukrainian air defense missile’.

The Russian Ministry noted that Kyiv has been crying about the fake strikes on civilian facilities for years and always on the eve of ‘the meeting of patrons in NATO’. The goal of such provocations is to ensure further financing of the Kyiv regime and the continuation of the war to the last Ukrainian.’

Thus, there is a high possibility that the strike right near the hospital reportedly full of children could be not a mistake but a horrific provocation of the Kyiv regime.

More footage from the city showed the parts of Patriot missiles falling on the heads of civilians in the city.



Ukrainian/NATO air defense shamefully lost another battle against Russian drones and missiles. The capital Kyiv is the most protected city in the Ukrainian rear but the scale of destruction confirmed that no NATO systems can help the Ukrainian military.







Precision Russian strikes inflicted more damage to several Ukrainian airfields. Explosions were reported in the areas of the Ozerny airfield in the Zhitomir region, Starokonstantinov in the Khmelnitsk region, Voznesensk in the Mykolaiv region, Mirgorod in the Poltava region, as well as Zhuliany in Kyiv mentioned before.

The past weeks were marked by a series of devastating Russian strikes on Ukrainian rear military airfields, including Mirgorod, as a result of which the Ukrainian Air Forces suffered heavy losses in numerous aircraft.

Today’s Russian simultaneous massive strikes on the airfields across the country are another clear example of impotence of the Ukrainian air defense to protect the strategically import military facilities. Meanwhile, NATO is assuring the public that it will deploy its precious F-16 on the Ukrainian territory.

Sumy region

A series of strikes were reported in the border Sumy region. According to local reports, a military column of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed on its way to the border areas. The Ukrainian military command was forced to send reinforcements to the Sumy region in response to the recent Russian ground operations in different border settlements; but their plan was thwarted by Russian strikes. As a result of the destruction of the column, the Ukrainian military suffered heavy losses in manpower and military equipment. Any details or footage are yet to confirm the reports.



Dnepropetrovsk region

Numerous strikes were recorder in different cities in the Dnepropetrovsk region. There were several waves at night, in the morning and in the afternoon. The footage confirmed several explosions in the capital of the region, the city of Dnipro. Local sources also reported strikes in the area of the local airfield.

Detailed Overview Of Massive Russian Strikes Across Ukraine On July 8, 2024

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Detailed Overview Of Massive Russian Strikes Across Ukraine On July 8, 2024

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The city of Krivyi Rih came under a massive attack. The local authorities confirmed the strikes, claiming the deaths of 11 people. One of the targets destroyed by Russian strikes was the building of the local Northern Mining and Processing Plant used by the Ukrainian military.

Donetsk People’s Republic

Russian missiles destroyed the hideout of the Ukrainian military in the settlements in the Donetsk People’s Republic that are still under Ukrainian control.

Detailed Overview Of Massive Russian Strikes Across Ukraine On July 8, 2024

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Detailed Overview Of Massive Russian Strikes Across Ukraine On July 8, 2024

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Another precision strike of Russian Kh-22 missiles destroyed facilities in the industrial zone in the northern part of the city of Pokrovsk (also known as Kirovograd). The footage published online confirmed a fire at the facility likely used as some workshops or warehouses by the Ukrainian military. According to Ukrainian reports, at least three people were killed as a result of the attack.

More Russian strikes destroyed targets in the cities of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk. The Novokramatorsky machine-building plant was reportedly struck. The smoke was spotted in the industrial area in Kramatorsk.

Detailed Overview Of Massive Russian Strikes Across Ukraine On July 8, 2024

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Kherson region

At night, Russian missile strikes thwarted Ukrainian attack on the Russian rear areas. The Ukrainian military supported by NATO reconnaissance and ‘military advisers’ likely planned to launch another wave of missile strikes on the Crimean peninsula. Preparing for the attack, the launchers with the US-made ATACMS missiles were heading to the launch sites. At that moment, they were spotted by Russian reconnaissance and immediately after their deployment, the launchers were reportedly struck by Russian Iskander missiles. As a result, the planned attack on the Russian territories was thwarted and the launchers with ATACMS missiles were destroyed.

The night was busy not only for the Ukrainian military but also for their colleagues in NATO.

Immediately after receiving information about the take-off of Russian strategic bombers, Poland lifted its aircraft into the air. This is already the routine of the local Air Force. The country’s military emphasized that this is necessary to ensure the security of Polish airspace.

‘Last night, there was intense activity of long-range aviation of the Russian Federation, in particular,because of the strikes on targets located in the west of Ukrainian territory. All necessary procedures to ensure the safety of Polish airspace have been activated, and the operational command of the Armed Forces is constantly monitoring the situation’, said the Polish Defense Ministry.

Detailed Overview Of Massive Russian Strikes Across Ukraine On July 8, 2024

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Meanwhile, reconnaissance aircraft of NATO countries were operating near the Ukrainian western border during the massive Russian strikes. A Boeing KC-135T Stratotanker tanker of the US Air Force was spotted operating near Rzeszow in Poland. It was presumably accompanying a reconnaissance aircraft, which had its radar transponders turned off. NATO reconnaissance was busy assessing the damage suffered in Ukraine, monitoring the results of Russian strikes and following the directions of flights of Russian missiles to support Ukrainian air defense.

In response to another humiliating defeat the Ukrainian and NATO militaries suffered as a result of the massive Russian attack, Zelensky called on an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council. He announced his plan during his stay in Warsaw. A few hours before the missile strikes on Kyiv he has traditionally left Ukraine. This time Zelensky arrived in Poland, where he signed an agreement on security guarantees. Zelensky has never been in Kyiv during the strikes on the Ukrainian capital.


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Karma Sutra

gee, kiev is starting to look like belgrade in ’99. they still need to hit some major ammonia storage sites, packed pedestrian bridges and carcinogenic chemical plants that’ll pollute the dnieper for years and boost those cancer deaths in kiev and beyond though to make the analogy complete.

Satanic Nephilim Host Scum!

one of those kinzhals needs to land on that ukro fucker driving around a 600k rolls royce.


it was obvious that one day the destruction would go beyond the russian speaking oblasts. and hopefully the residents of warsaw and berlin do not want this anymore and do not send their cannon fodder to the eastern front.


such action should have been started a long time ago. a snake’s head is cut off by cutting off the snake’s head, not by stomping on its tail. the heavy bombing of kiev gives a clear picture to the world of what follows if you actively join the conflict. the front pictures do not give that, because the politicians are not at the front.

former Airbus Engineer

the antifascist partisan resistance in romania performed some sabotage operations yesterday. will sf report on it pls.

Ramses II

troll yuri is having his ass visited tonight by neighbor sasha

former Airbus Engineer

my name is not yuri but back in the day i knew a sasha who was a very hot girl

Puss & Boots

sasha can be boy or girl, short for alexander or alexandra

god only knows what the ukies use. sisha, sissy, sushi?


sasha far too civilized and sexy for ugly obese amerikunt

The Outsider

care to share some info about that?

former Airbus Engineer

dont be lazy ramses


the neo nazis being nazis

Ramses II

are you talking nonsense to yourself?

former Airbus Engineer

hey ukra, how do you like your own ad bombing you? 🤣🤣🤣

Dylan Thomas

nah, it was just bait to bring the idiots out in response, like yourself.

Ramses II

more evidence of pointless activity vladolf engage in to hide he’s a fruit

former Airbus Engineer

vladolf zelensky there is


the movy, that i think is the hospital, there was a soldier that i think amerikan uniform and black glasses as usual. there are some 2000 yankee boots on the ground. can it be confirmed?

Crocus Shooting Gallery

usa will use confiscated russian funds to pay for all damages…heheheh

Long Jan

and russia will use confiscated american assets to pay for all damages too… heheheh


in the west, there is a lot of talk about the property seized from russia, in reality, russia has almost as much property seized from the west. so the entire asset depots are irrelevant to that extent.


just keep bombing the ukies to smithereens and try to avoid killing civilians. ukraine is held together with ducttape and chewinggum. soon finished and just make sure that z and hisxwife are both swinging in the wind each under his/hers lamppost.

Puss & Boots

i thought they also used some of that bailing wire yats used to build a border wall.

James Connolly

ze and mrs ze wearing one of her expensive outfits hanging from the forecourt of a petrol station would make a nice front cover for vogue magazine, wouldn’t it


nice work russia! kievite ultranazi pro-american vermin will be wiped out!

Ramses II

more ghey army activities?

V2 for Victory

btw i do not agree about the nasam theory in hospital strike. seen the damage in the ground it seems to me clear that it was a lot bigger than that. atleast a patriot or s-300, if not, the cruise missile is the only good answer.


the video evidence was credible, which was also presented at the un.


i thought it was illegal to post videos of missile strikes in ukraine? lol!!

Puss & Boots

only if you can’t get zelensky, the new belching cat to doctor them up first.

Last edited 3 months ago by Puss & Boots

send a khinzal up jewenski rectum…then maybe it may get lost


happy 4th of july, ukronazi pigslop…


zelensky never in kiev when strikes hit? then its all fake. said it before.
all to get everyone used to war.
china sent some troops.
real korea could too.
maybe iran some.
90% is planned to die overall.
confirmed in plan signed by 194 nations, states, etc.
countdown is running.

Trumps Ear

my minion stupo 17 seizures when in gay amerikan bar
