Destroy Europe: Trump Completes Biden’s Plan To Isolate The EU

Destroy Europe: Trump Completes Biden's Plan To Isolate The EU

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The European Union now sees the United States of America as its adversary, not its ally. European diplomats told the Financial Times about that on condition of anonymity. “It is now clear that Europe is alone,” European Commission officials complained to journalists after the Munich Security Conference. Brussels is seriously concerned that the Americans have effectively pushed the EU out of the Ukraine negotiations. The increasingly tough steps taken by Donald Trump’s administration are weakening the Old World’s position on the international stage. Suddenly, however, the Europeans have discovered that they do not have enough tools to adjust Washington’s position.

When describing Trump’s foreign policy, some observers point to his anti-European orientation. They say that under Joseph Biden, the U.S. sought to preserve allied relations. The Republican began his presidency with a tough tariff policy. Ten percent tariffs on imports from the European Union are expected to be introduced soon. There are 25% tariffs on steel and aluminum imports to America, including from the EU. On the other side of the Atlantic, this was seen as the start of a new trade war. Ignoring Brussels’ position in negotiations with Russia is also seen as an extremely unfriendly move by the new master of the Oval Office.

Destroy Europe: Trump Completes Biden's Plan To Isolate The EU

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But the truth is that the American strategy of weakening Europe is by no means a novelty of Donald Trump. And the Democrats under Biden followed exactly the same course, only outwardly covered by a veil of political correctness. Joseph Biden’s skillful diplomatic game created the conditions for the transition to a harsher Trumpian scenario. The previous administration completely destroyed energy relations between Russia and Europe. This deprived the EU economy of the relatively cheap energy resources that had been its competitive advantage for many years. Oil and natural gas imports shifted from Russia to the United States.

Russia supplied 167.86 billion cubic meters of pipeline gas to the European market in 2021 and 49.5 billion cubic meters in 2024 (a 3.4-fold drop). The efforts of American and British special services were used to undermine the Nord Stream gas pipelines. On the orders of the Pentagon, the AFU seized the Suja gas measuring station in the Kursk region. Thus, Europe is deprived of any maneuver in the confrontation with America. It is technically impossible to get away from the American “gas needle” and quickly switch to alternative supplies from Russia.

Damage to the Sudja station in August, 2024:



It was under Biden that the outflow of business from Europe to the US began. “The EU is losing €300 billion of European savings that go abroad every year, mainly to the United States. This is the money our companies need and it undermines our competitiveness,” said European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen on April 18, 2024.  Starting in 2022, there will be a mass relocation of production from Germany and other Old World countries to the New World. The Americans offer a more favorable tax climate and comfortable working conditions. The deindustrialization of the EU became a fact not under Trump, but under his predecessor.

Destroy Europe: Trump Completes Biden's Plan To Isolate The EU

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We can conclude that the integration of Europe into the American macro-region as a dependent market is Washington’s strategy, regardless of who is in the White House. Ironically, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky stated unequivocally: “Does America need Europe as a market? Yes. But as an ally? I don’t know,” he told at the Munich conference. The EU lacks energy independence, an economic base in the form of developed industry (the structure of the economy is being simplified), and political subjectivity.

There is no elite consensus on the continent. This was confirmed once again by the Paris summit of EU leaders. According to Politico, the politicians did not come up with any results. Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk also reported a lack of practical solutions. An additional split was caused by a strange approach to the selection of summit participants. The Czech Republic, Romania and Slovenia were not involved in the negotiations, which caused displeasure among the authorities in Prague, Bucharest and Ljubljana. Slovenian President Natasha Pirtz Musar said that by not inviting all European countries, the organizers of the Paris summit were “showing the world that even within the EU not all states are considered equal”. In her view, “this is not a Europe” that would be a worthy partner for the United States.

What seemed to be Trump’s “isolationism” turns out to be imperialism. From the “strangulation in the arms” under Biden, America is moving to direct pressure on the Old World. And the results of this pressure will be extremely unfavorable for Europe. American instruments of influence over European states may well be the strongest since 1945, when U.S. forces marched triumphantly from Normandy to East Germany. “In my opinion, Europeans have lost the gene of independence, sovereignty and national interest. The more they are patted on the nose or head, the more they bend over and smile wider,” Vladimir Putin said in March 2023. The justice of these words is confirmed by current events.


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for decades we were told that the european union was all about peace.but now, if you talk about peace, or negociations or even talking to russia, you are a traitor.

the brussels elite tried to play evil empire, having placed at their head someone with family experience in the business. but even at that they are completely inept.


the european union even received the nobel peace prize in 2012. it was already ridiculous, it’s pathetic now.


denmarks a kingdom. traditionally catholic old school.

Rabid Ukraine

denmark’s the place where cowardly viking runts were left to die. their sickly progeny lives on.

Karl Heinz Radant (CARLOS)


du darfst nicht vergessen, dass die heutige polit “elite” der eu überwiegend aus nach 68er klüngel besteht, also aus einer wohlstandsgeneration, welche keine kriege mehr persönlich erlebt hat.

in brüssel setzt man auf die rationalität wladimir putins, bezüglich der sanktionen und aufrüstung der ukraine.

bis jetzt hat das ja auch ganz gut funktioniert, unter einem präsidenten dimitri medwedev wäre brüssel das lachen vermutlich längst vergangen…


faggot obama received nobel prize for peace thanks to degenerate inbred swedish family of wallenbergs who own 45% of swedish economy. so did kissinger. swedes are huge globalist scum, thanks to lobotomized population.


wallenbergs are bankster oligarchy, allegedly protestant but most probably jewish converts (like marranos used to be in spain and portugal). scratch the money and you will always find a jew.


look since the protestant breaking away from the vatican’s power it’s been about the restoration of catholic rule its very simple actually. imo. allegedly.


speaking of traitors and degenerates, take a look where from springs an utmost degeneracy – always the same – anglo-saxon and french world. take simple example: macron’s wife is transsexual child predator, jacinta ardern (nz prime minister, actaly uk protectorate) is transsexual “married” to homosexual man, ape man michel(le) obama is transsexual “married” to crack addict and rampant homosexual former escort boy barack.

dead hand talking

for decades we were told that the european union was all about peace.but now all wer’re told id that without ukraine, the eu will break up into pieces.

it’ll do that anyway, as soon as the eu makes ukraine a member. a classic lose-lose conundrum.


my biggest dream eu leftists and degenerates ended with russians and americans shaking hands in brussels. half for us slavs half for usa and nothing for socialists and other leftist degenerates. (the commies in soviet union were very moral people compared to the modern leftist degenerates).


you’ve no. idea

dead hand talking

we leave the ideas to you. lol


thank god (or whomever), your dream may be fullfilled soon. it was a high time anyway.

Dragon of Bosnia

time will come when american policy will be declared at least “not acceptable” in europe. we’ve seen all that subversive acts american acts, and consequently movements from yellow vests, to riots in netherlands and on and on. but no one gave a toss. some pricks that are for lords sake declared as highly moral, were just looking for theirs narrowed interests. so only way is to stand just like in iran, against american oppressors back in 1978. anglea markle knew everything.

Last edited 1 month ago by Dragon of Bosnia

silly.wakey wakey.


angela merkel was globalist puppet placed at the helm of cdu under hevily suspect conditions when her unyielding predecessor suddenly fell ill. an east german bitch who was stasi informant therefore blackmailed by mi6 and cia. who let the millions of illegals into europe? frau barren schwein.

dead hand talking

merkel should have joined up with albright years ago and formed a scrubwoman’s union.

Enrique tarrio

“they will not replace us” “russia is our friend”

Dragon of Bosnia

well, that is true. all european welfare comes from russia. trump and pimpeo made such enormous push and pressures to stop nord stream 2. and then, biden blasted with those anti-submarine deep charges, bombs. so, all in all, this is all about destruction of europe. biden said nord stream will be stopped. if russia invades we will put an end to it. that sums it all.


wrong again but nice try. pompeo worked as a catholic first american second last. imo that’s why he’s over and out, along with his other spiritual chum, old pounds shillings and pence. imo

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous

that is correct. pompeo is an opus dei gangster messing a lot with so called knights of malta gangster crew

As the World Churns

does pompeo have a substack? i need another good laugh after reading mickey mcfoul’s substack called mouse droppings.

Last edited 1 month ago by As the World Churns

the eu and nato are in self destruct mode. they will not survive the ukraine crisis. washington’s eu satraps are just pathetic, corrupt, bought and bribed whores who have no agency. they are so irrelevant that chumpo doesn’t even go through the motions of consulting them or taking their views into account. the eu is now just a de industrialised, impoverished irrelevant backwater. clowns like stormer, schulz, macron, bareback, vd leyen, like to preen ….


and posture as important figures but they just don’t matter any more and they will soon be thrown out of power. corrupt, arrogant, incompetent, ignorant, delusional and ideologically driven, they will not be missed.


that’s the planned thinking you’re supposed to decide is your own observation.


remember, they are just puppets. if you look for real culprit of evil, go after bankster and aristocratic families of europe, from rotschilds to wallenbergs, from windsors to habsburgs and turn und taxis


yes and no nothings what it seems. layers. united kingdoms working together win class war’s and the commoners remain beguiled with stupid information designed to leave thrm without satisfaction. and they don’t even know it. imo


so called eu is best portrayed with the people you listed. leaders are the representation of nations they lead – dumbed down, lazy, corrupt, scammers and liars


chumpo is looting his own empire, like african colonies. eu, nordstream, greenland, canada, tariffs. and all the eu clowns are alternatively boohooing and pathetically trying to puff their chests out. stormer is even threatening russia with his mighty army. all 70,000 gays and trannies of it, all 40 tanks and 12 field guns. they must be quaking in their boots in the kremlin. as field marshal von rundstedt said, “make peace, you fools!”


he’s sending for his king 10,000 troops now apparently. sir starmer. the labor leader. hahaha. like we don’t want to be in the commoners market anymore since its stuffed europe already. etc. imo


sir in some slavic languages means “cheese”. with starmer, it is rotten stinky one.

Rabid Ukraine

yeah, but it’s pronounced seer, which he has to be the worst one ever to walk the earth.

As the World Churns

thenceforth, we shall dub him ‘sir gorgonzola’ and knight him with a salami.


lord mountbatten screams out of ocean depths – give me a child for sexual satisfaction. jewish prince william will lead the charge. charles the turd rules the world!

Grab Your Gat

are you just of off some illicit drugs, such are crack cocaine or such? what i mean reading your comments they get increasingly more insane.

Last edited 1 month ago by Grab Your Gat
America's Animal Farm

the only thing that ‘pig in a poke sold to americans’ nuland ever got right was ‘fuck the eu’ and even then, it was for the wrong reason.

Last edited 1 month ago by America's Animal Farm

they like the idea of newman and newland. turns them on.


seriously. it does. you don’t know. never trust anyone queen mum.

Rabid Ukraine

take a break and go annoy some other forum with your nonsense for a while.

Shlomo's little weenie

it ( shithead & its’ bot ) can’t. it wouldn’t get away with this crap elsewhere ; the loneliness of this half-wit would spin out of control. suicide ? ✅😀😀😀.


althou being a satanist witch best to be roasted, nuland was on the right track

Rabid Ukraine

i always thought a trial by water would do. with all that fat, she’d float for days and they’d have their final proof she was the spawn of satan.

runaway train

the right track? would that be the one she’d be tied to waiting for the amtrak express?

no fear there. with biden jr on their board, it’d probably derail before reaching her.


no problem for me, i’m fine :-)


fine or fined? put on a bilboard briggite macron is transsexual pedophile and you will be thrown into bastille within hours. france is so deep into worst of corruption that if you want to purge it, it would take a non-stop operation of guillotine for 2 years at least


it wasn’t bidens plans he was just a pawn, a useful pawn, well positioned for them, but just a pawn anyway. its still about martin luther. and henry the 8th and anglican ism and qe1 being deemed a heretical excommunicated spawn of a witch, literally, to them. it’s still about destroying the last vestiges of heresy to them imo. you either get it or you’re ignorant or a liar. imo.

Last edited 1 month ago by Anonymous
A Bleeding Heart Democrat

a dirty, corrupt old man who never met a war he didn’t want to start and lacking all his marbles is still an old man and we must have sympathy for him.

Last edited 1 month ago by A Bleeding Heart Democrat
jens holm

no sympathy for immoral corrupt killer biden the ogre

eurotrash #71

we suicided becoming vassals of the washington cesspool


the european union can only save itself by transforming itself into the ‘united states of europe’. without ukraine, which should become neutral like switzerland.


god forbid! united states of europe dictatorship! are you out of your mind!? why on earth would anyone with a sane mind want to save globalist, satanist, communist-socialist eu? it is abominable london-new york monstrous creation.


yes, putin in march 2023 said half of the thing, jd vance said the other half 2 days ago


exactly right!

Conan M

0range trumptard hasn’t done a god damn thing that impresses with his peace initiatives. plain and simple his military during his first term -that sent “advisors” along with natostan were getting their a$$e$ kicked by the eastern donbas resistance, and when poopin joe came to the “white house” the u.$. military really got a taste of russian military “perfection” along with the $bills that just keep piling up since 9/11 that empire can no longer sustain!…

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M

nothing like kunt-tard cuntn m to mpress us w her hillbilly mental illnesses

Conan M

we’re watching syria. you should be popping the corn for rapture when nuttyahoo and 0rangetard pivot to the levant to start wwiii. either way, it “ends”!… gold to the “moon”!

Last edited 1 month ago by Conan M
Rabid Ukraine

now the europeons will have to fight a two front war, russia to the east and america to the west.

couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of war-mongering, suicidal idiots.

Joseph Glynn

not a great day for some of our imperialist friends i dare say.

War of the Worlds

neocons never die. they just move on to the next shit pile. it’s what trotsky taught them.

Last edited 1 month ago by War of the Worlds

they trusted a country of snakes led by snakes. what did they expect would happen?

stupo mctaco

we germs like to be amerikan poodle–they feed us dog food and teach us to be submissive

Yuri Mulatov

subhuman americunts try to be superrior russian. how pathetic.

evjensy holmchuk

my licktator say i too senile to clean toilets


ukraine war where plan by france,britain,italy and germany prior to minks agreements.first their failed to annex crimea and because of failure become arrogant and aggressive.


during crimea threat by eu and stooges,france abolished mistral ship building agreement with russia.cutting off of iran oil and to single handedly controlling oil market failed.sabotaging russia is france,britain,italy and germany plan.during minks agreement their were busy building fortified war trenches


biden nd son build 30 human control nd zombi lbs and therefore biden festly distributed lots of american taxpayer money in their illegal ukraine wr to split up russia nd steal its reaches which has failed.

jens holm

western europe gave up their sovereignty 75 years ago—fearful sheep have no seat at adult table when talking to russian bear


all corrupt democrats should be exterminated—these parasitic leeches belong in prisons
