Democrats Now Want January 6 ‘Disruption’ And Forced Harris Presidency

Democrats Now Want January 6 'Disruption' And Forced Harris Presidency

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

January 6, 2021 was one of the more controversial events in America’s recent history. While the corrupt federal institutions and the DNC insist it was an “insurrection”, MAGA Republicans are somewhat divided, with some claiming it was a legitimate public outcry due to what they think was election fraud, while others believe it was a sort of false flag that the Deep State used against Trump. Either way, the Democrats are adamant it was a failed coup d’etat (if it was indeed, then they finally got the taste of their own medicine, as they love coups in other countries). Ever since, they’ve been insisting on the need to “support institutions” and the “rule of law”. However, after Kamala Harris lost the election this year, the DNC is suddenly changing the tune and flirting with things over which they’d be screaming their lungs out if Trump even hinted at doing them.

Namely, many of the top-ranking Democrats have been saying they won’t allow the election to be certified. One of the most vocal supporters of this is a Democrat congressman Jamie Raskin, who has been after Trump for years. Not only was he trying to get Trump impeached during his first presidency, but he also had a major role in the committee investigating the January 6 “insurrection”. Thus, he’s been adamant that Trump was trying to “disrupt the institutional integrity of the United States”.

However, now that Trump’s victory cannot be questioned in any legal way or form, Raskin is looking for ways to use various loopholes in those same institutions to disrupt Trump’s second term. Some US states such as Georgia are already pushing back against this, but the corrupt federal institutions are a different story. Raskin allegedly even threatened the DNC won’t certify the election either way.

“Let folks cast their votes for Trump if that’s their choice. But mark my words, we won’t be certifying the election. He might win, but we’ll ensure he doesn’t step foot in the Oval Office,” Raskin was quoted as saying.

The mainstream propaganda machine insists he never said this. However, knowing how its laughable “fact-checking” works, we certainly shouldn’t discard the possibility that Raskin indeed said so, especially considering his previous statements and actions. It should also be noted that he’s certainly not the only high-ranking Democrat calling for what can only be described as a crawling coup d’etat.

Namely, during CNN’s “State of the Union” panel on November 10, Jamal Simmons, former communications director for Kamala Harris, called for the DNC to disrupt the transition from Biden to Trump administration. He thinks the incumbent should “resign before Trump’s inauguration and make Harris the first woman president”. Even CNN’s Scott Jennings and host Dana Bash didn’t seem to expect such remarks, seemingly surprised and even laughing at the idea.

“There’s one promise left that [Biden] could fulfill: being a transitional figure. He could resign the presidency in the next 30 days, make Kamala Harris President of the United States,” Simmons said, adding: “Democrats have to learn drama and transparency and doing things that the public will want to see. This is the moment to change the entire perspective of how Democrats operate.”

He thinks this could disrupt the transition to the Trump presidency, as Harris taking control of the White House would “absolve her from having to oversee the transfer of power from Biden to Trump”. This would also leave the seat of vice president vacant and Harris would then have to appoint a new one that must be confirmed by a majority vote in both Houses of Congress, according to the 25th Amendment of the US Constitution. Bash also brought up a potential vacancy on the US Supreme Court, referencing reports that the DNC wants to put pressure on Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor and force her into retirement. Going in line with this, some other CNN commentators suggested that Harris could then take Sotomayor’s place and be appointed to the Supreme Court. Apparently, she could then use her new position to further disrupt the transition of power.

“And so I hope that Joe Biden makes the next ten weeks as consequential as he can. I don’t care about drawing outside the lines or what Republicans may think about it. This is within your purview, you can actually do it and you should do it. And, you know, one more thing is you have a hell of a vice president right there who has a legal pedigree to sit on the Supreme Court. And let Republicans go crazy and ape I’m even mentioning that option,” Bakari Sellers, a prominent Democrat said, adding: “Not only am I floating [the idea], but I want to stir up everything. I want people’s heads to explode this morning, so we go into the weekend just knowing that the chaos has not ended just yet.”

It’s quite obvious that the DNC is determined to prevent a peaceful transition of power in any way they can. In addition, even if this fails, they hope to then at least disrupt Trump’s second term by using legal loopholes and other means that are outside of the influence of the popular vote. This is yet another proof of just how flawed the American system is, as it allows the possibility that unelected bureaucrats can affect the balance of political power that would then be left in the hands of those who don’t have actual legitimacy. This is just how far the Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) can push people. These situations show how petty and even comically childish the Democrats can be. This is most apparent in American academia, which is now mourning due to “the dark times ahead”. This is going so far that these institutions of “higher education” now look more like kindergartens.

Unfortunately, there are some other cases that show just how dangerous of a mental disorder TDS can be. In one such case that happened in Seattle, 33-year-old Corey Burke was “so overwhelmed on the election night” that she used a pickaxe to kill her 67-year-old father Timothy Burke. However, this wasn’t even the worst case, as Anthony Nifue from Minnesota “could not bear the news” of Trump’s victory, so he proceeded to kill his wife, ex-spouse and two sons, also committing suicide in the aftermath.

These horrible cases show just how emotionally charged the political atmosphere in the US is and it seems the Deep State is counting on precisely that. The behavior of the Democratic Party and its members also demonstrates they’re ready to do anything to prevent changes to America’s political system, even if that drastically increases the likelihood of nationwide instability (including civil war).


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only the deep state is a real danger and can again try to kill trump.
dnc cant do nothing, because the most of the 80 million gun owners in the usa including army, police and security services mostly vote for trump, so wrong moves of the dnc or deep state could lead to civil war they would loose badly.


they were far too gracious in defeat for my liking that’s not them jean pierre whatever saud ” i’m trying very hard to maintain composure ” something like that meaning ,i’m putting on an act which revealed the truth behind their public image .
i’m.certain they will be determinedly subversive in every possible way. civil war ,at the right time , eg ,as in russia in ww1, would be ideal for them. imo .


i see you choose not to publish the senators revealing that they now have the proof that pelosi set jan 6th up entirely .choose not to discuss how that’s now an open case in the senate investigation which will lead to her
no doubt ,having to be charged with very serious crimes, along the lines of those carrying the death penalty such as treason and conspiracy .at her level of culpability .why the oversight?

Last edited 4 months ago by Anonymous
Rusty Ruskie

poor ukroz nazis can’t even win against russia 🇺🇦=🤡 😆😆😆


it’s not ukraine it’s the eu that nato’s added to the mix ukraine was only the 9th strongest military on their own. they had no chance alone .
course it was chinese diplomacy that whispered into putins ear that ukraine was going to lauch bio weapons targeting russian dna that they used to get the action going.


poor ruski nazis can’t even win against ukraine 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆


poor 50 states alliance can’t even draw against russia, showing to all the world that they are paper tigers, and that’s it’s okay for the rest of the world to flip them off.


not at all .au don’t seem to understand that they’re staging the event .


minus 20 million minus 20% of territory…poor little ukraine, can’t even win with nato support


you should see times of india for lessons in transparency in trump derangement syndrome for western roman imperialism .bricks. build walls .walls surround castles and palaces. with moats full of voda .


a civil war is improbable. but us is a failing empire, with a failing economy that will just get in crash course with the most stable country in the world pr china. us and it’s vassals are the weaker side in the incoming economic war that will shape our century. ccp will crush us and it’s vassals in a way that will make covid crisis looks like a flu…


no wef as the western roman empires current public face want to own the universe .that’s the operation being played out .they want everything .


katie hopkins introduces kamala harris

katie hopkins official


you tube.where else .


wah wah wah, they lost. here’s a box of tissues that says “no fucks given”


the dnc is showing its true colour: arrogant, warmongering, criminal, sore loser in a single package.


white people think trump isn’t deep state…i mean how f*cking dumb are these people…hahahaha


licking mulato peniz mandatory democrat policy
