Dmitry Yarosh (center), leader of the Maidan Brown Shirts, on an international wanted list and charged with inciting terrorism.
Written by Julie Lévesque. Originally published on GlobalResearch. This incisive article by Julie Lévesque was first published on March 6, 2014 in the wake of the EuroMaidan “regime change”.
Under the new government, Yarosh is leader of the Neo-Nazi Right Sector delegation to the Ukraine Parliament. His close friend and political partner Andriy Parubiy co-founder of the Neo-Nazi Social-National Party of Ukraine (subsequently renamed Svoboda) was appointed by the new government to the position of Secretary of the National Security and National Defense Committee (RNBOU), a key position which oversees the Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces, Law Enforcement, National Security and Intelligence. Right Sektor leaders Yarosh was appointed to the number 2 position at RNBOU. Have the Neo-Nazis cornered Ukraine’s National Security agenda?
Welcome to “The New Normal”
In the following video filmed in the Ukrainian Parliament and posted in late December 2013, we can clearly see on the pillars two flags which are listed in the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) “Visual Database of Extremist Symbols, Logos and Tattoos”: the White power flag and the Confederate flag.
The Celtic Cross is categorized by the ADL as a “General Racist Symbol” representing “International white pride” and used by Neo-Nazis and White supremacists.
The Confederate flag is also described as a “General Racist Symbol” representing “White pride” and used by White supremacist.
The flags from France, the United Kingdom, Canada, as well as the one from the Ukrainian ultra-nationalist Svoboda party hang beside those two White supremacist flags. This “hate on display”, as the ADL puts it, adds on to other evidence of the neo-Nazi elements in the Ukrainian political factions which ousted elected President Yanukovych. The western mainstream media can no longer casually dismiss this as Russian propaganda.
Max Blumenthal, as well as many other authors, described the fascist essence of the political groups involved in the overthrow of the elected government in Ukraine:
One of the “Big Three” political parties behind the protests is the ultra-nationalist Svoboda, whose leader, Oleh Tyahnybok, has called for the liberation of his country from the “Muscovite-Jewish mafia.” After the 2010 conviction of the Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk for his supporting role in the death of nearly 30,000 people at the Sobibor camp, Tyahnybok rushed to Germany to declare him a hero who was “fighting for truth.” In the Ukrainian parliament, where Svoboda holds an unprecedented 37 seats, Tyahnybok’s deputy Yuriy Mykhalchyshyn is fond of quoting Joseph Goebbels – he has even founded a think tank originally called “the Joseph Goebbels Political Research Center.” According to Per Anders Rudling, a leading academic expert on European neo-fascism, the self-described “socialist nationalist” Mykhalchyshyn is the main link between Svoboda’s official wing and neo-Nazi militias like Right Sector. (Max Blumenthal, Is the US backing Neo-Nazis in Ukraine?, Alternet, February 25, 2014)
Numerous reports have exposed the links between the U.S. government and Svoboda, and several pictures show U.S. and European authorities with the controversial Svoboda leader Oleh Tyahnybok.

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy for the European Union Catherine Ashton and Oleh Tyahnybok (left).
The ADL, which has expressed its concern about the Svoboda party, has yet to condemn U.S. and European support for it. In a statement published February 28, ADL’s National Director Abraham H. Foxman writes:
The Ukrainian Jewish community is nervous. The ultra-nationalist Svoboda party, with its history of anti-Semitism and platform of ethnic nationalism, won more than 10 percent of the vote in October 2012, shared the political leadership of the Maidan revolution over the past months, and just this week received three ministries in the new Ukrainian government.
While Svoboda’s leaders have refrained recently from making anti-Semitic statements, it is troubling that Oleksandr Sych, Svoboda’s chief ideologue, was named vice prime minister. Sych’s speeches over the years have focused on promoting Ukrainian nationalism, which he says is exemplified by Stepan Bandera, a leader of the Ukrainian nationalist movement of the 1930s and 1940s. Bandera was at times aligned with the Nazis during World War II and was complicit in mass killings of Jews and Poles by Ukrainian partisans…
Dmitro Yarosh, leader of Right Sector, met with Israel’s ambassador to Ukraine, Reuven Din El, and told him that their movement rejects anti-Semitism and xenophobia and will not tolerate it.
Ukrainian Jewish journalist Eleonora Groisman interviewed Sergei Mischenko, the leader of “Spilna Sprava,” and told him that Ukraine’s Jews were worried about the nationalists. Mischenko responded that Jews will not have any problems and shouldn’t worry. He went on to say, “On the Maidan there were Jews with us who served in the Israeli Defense Forces. We got along excellently and fought shoulder to shoulder...”
Will Svoboda accept Jews as full-fledged Ukrainians and follow the welcome assurances of the armed nationalists? Or will the promises of Right Sector and Spilna Sprava be overtaken by the ethnic nationalism of Svoboda? (Abraham H. Foxman, In Ukraine, New Government Must Reassure Jewish Community, The Huffington Post, February 28, 2014)
The ADL doesn’t address the fact that former Israeli soldiers fought alongside with known neo-Nazi militants who now claim to reject antisemitism. This sends the paradoxical message that neo-Nazism is somehow acceptable. It is worth noting that the US media as well as the ADL refrain from using the terms “neo-Nazi” , neo-fascist and “extremist”. Instead of condemning this abnormal alliance, the ADL sees a glimmer of hope in the “promises of Right Sector and Spilna Sprava”, groups which the Israeli media itself qualified as “fascist and neo-Nazi”.
Along with similar fascist and neo-Nazi groups such as Spilna Sprava (Common Cause) and Afgantsy (a coalition of veterans from the Soviet war in Afghanistan), Pravy Sektor has played a key role both in seizing government buildings and providing security for the sprawling protest camps against riot police. (Ari Soffer, Ukraine: Neo-Nazi Militia Leader Threatens ‘Civil War’, Arutz Sheva, February 5, 2014)
Israel’s Haaretz also reported that members of Svoboda and Pravy Sektor, were “flying flags with neo-Nazi symbols” and were “distributing freshly translated editions of Mein Kampf and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Independence Square.” (Anshel Pfeffer, The new dilemma for Jews in Ukraine, February 25, 2014)
The Anti-Defamation League should not only firmly condemn the presence of all the fascist and neo-Nazi groups in the post-coup Ukrainian government, but also denounce the countries which support them morally and/or financially, like the U.S., Canada, and member countries of the European Union.
Nazis in Ukraine are nothing but useful idiots: useful for killing, useful for dying. The same morons as rent-a-jihadists from ISIS. The same masters as well.
With the difference that the jihadis use the americans whenever they have the change, while these nazi morons are faithful as dogs.
We thought that muzzies were stupid, but I think we must reasses our conclusion.
same as old nazi’s
There kicking your ass. And in no way shape or form are even the 300 Nazis of Azov as bad a ISIS
Very interesting article! I do think that most of the people posting hate messages against the Jews and Israel on Southfront are allied with the Ukraine Azov and other neo-Nazi organisations. What better way to discredit a pro-Russian and pro-Donbas website?! Some FORMER IDF soldiers fought in Maidan, they were Ukrainians who had served in the IDF and returned to Ukraine. I would say they were misguided and saw it as fighting for freedom: https://www.haaretz.com/ex-idf-soldier-fought-on-kiev-streets-1.5327651.But that does not equate to Israeli participation at state level, likewise with any claims that Israel are training Azov.
I knew I was right.
That’s called plausible deniability.
Ukraine is being denazified indeed. There are now some videos of Wagner mercs roasting like pigs. Nazobarbie
More often the opposite, unless you add civilians to the roaster.
To my knowledge this sound reasonable. The Russians are right, soft nazism is a decease and even more dangerous than Hitler’s hardcore policy.
And the decease goes further than Ukraine, all the way into European governments and inside the root in Washington.
To give Ukraine the big stick now will give the decease a break and hesitation in Europe.
“Dangerous” because it rejects parasitism? Europe, Canada, USA, Australia, and New Zealand must all turn back to real nationalism in a general way.
Diversity Cowards
Civic Nationalism is Globalism
True, if you think about it though Nazi and fascism
Fascist states have: thinking 1930s Germany and Italy
1)a dictatorship
2)A cult around the dictator who poses as an infallible strong man
3) control of the media and state censorship
4) suppression of all opposition political parties
5) prompts a militaristic self image
6) aggressive militaristic foreign policy
7) an external enemy who needs to be destroyed Ie Jews and slaves
8) a desire to rebuild former empires
Notice any similarities with any current states ?
If you can’t think of any it’s Putin’s Russia.
I bet if Russia had free elections, the ultr nationalists would take more then 2% in Russia
Look at these Russian Nazis:
The role of overt Nazis in the state apparatus of the failed Ukrainian state is unique in Europe. No other parliament has somebody like Parubiy in the positions he held, for as long as he held them. There is a serious Nazi problem in the Ukraine. Unless you’re the US MIC, in which case it’s a Nazi instrument for anti-Russian policy.
Held…past..or does hold it still ? Btw. entertain us a little bit more and once again explain us the nazi ukraine state with a jewish President :)..is that a western plot to confuse ?
You haven’t watched this have you?
@12 mins, 30 secs
@ 25 mins, 25 secs
@ 1 hour, 3 mins, 40 secs
1. You know nothing about the National Socialism aside from refuted war propaganda that continues to be widely propagated to this day.
2. Opposition to NS is in direct opposition to White well-being.
You arrogantly assume you are right without knowing any other perspective, while beholding to the erroneous assumption that anything which differs from the Russian propaganda narrative is unequivocally disinformation that somehow always originates from the US deep state.
You believe only Whites should forgo the natural inclination of a racial in-group preference. Meanwhile, most non-whites are encouraged to be race hustlers for their own self-aggrandizement, unified only by the racial hatred they commonly share toward Whites.
If racial in-group preferences are not respected and separated by national borders within ethnostates, either side has no interest in respecting the other side either.
Any member of Rodina or the LDPR as similar to this individual
This is from 2012 and according to the Police only 5-6000 participated. Bad eksample to our case.
Puši kurac.
If you ignore points 6 – 8 you get a perfect description of China.
I disagree with you about Germany and Italy during the 1930s. Otherwise, I think you are mostly right. I think Putin admires Stalin.
If only Wagner was actually a real thing. But it’s not. Still, that was a very good try.
Includes proof those dead bodies weren’t staged.
NeoCon Rodents control you Clown! Putin is the only leader now fighting against the NWO and you FOOLS can’t see it. Keep dying for the Jews.
NeoConservativism is a Trotskyite construct you clown! Irving Kristol was a jewish Trotskyite, father of American newscaster Bill Kristol (not to be confused with Billy Kristol) and considered the godfather of neoconservatism. It was nothing but a ruse to subvert true conservatism and turn it into another liberalism.
Who controls the US? It’s the NeCons you faggot. Who gives a fuck if their parents and grandparents were Trotskyites. The NS movement in Ukraine is fake and full of retards like you, easily led around by these parasites. Keep being used and continue to die for these Jews you Jackass!
Not staged eh!?! This is why they magically appeared 5 days after the russians left Bucha? Were they in hiding for 5 days? HAHAHAHAHA
Cook pass babtridge: https://t.me/intelslava/24798
Jews are supporting ukraine Nazis because both hate Putin.
You just understand nothing about free speech and how democracy works. You just not understand the concept of diversity of opinion. You just not understand what the concept of protesting is. You just not agree that a minority have the right to exists and the fact that even an individual has the right to have a different opinion
You understand nothing about freedom and free world.
And also, you just understand nothing about economy.
You are conversing with orcs here, what do you expect? =)
Orcfront will justify every warcrime, no matter how bad it is.
The plentitude of sources now shows clearly that orcs are responsible.
The orc leader decided to go to war, even though the intimidation already gave him the option to get a neutral Ukraine via diplomatic channels. Orc was hungry, wanted more than he could choke. Now orcs are in trouble and Orcfront in full damage control mode.
In Odessa they loved orcs, that’s history now. And that is only one example.
In one point Ukraine can’t thank stupid orcs enough, for forging a national understanding.
Jebem li ti mrtvu krvavu majku usta…
The Russian language site shows anti-Semitic tendencies. Homophobia can be seen. The ideology of United Russia is conservatism (right wing) and nationalism. Security agency is repressive, and there is not a high degree of individual freedom.
Is Russia qualified to criticize Ukraine if it cracks down on those who speak out against the framework of an “authoritarian and patriarchal Russia?”
Russia hasn’t been cracking down on anyone for years. Putin has tolerated 20 years of snakes like the owner of Meduza speaking against him and Russia every day. The same cannot be said for the fake western democracies, where they censor and/or harass you at a whim. Ask the canadian truckers or the proud boys or Julian Assange or even Uto Ulfkotte.
I can still speak out here “in the west”. They don’t like it, but accept it, unlike the orc from the kremlin caves.
Assange is a very silent matter now, but not a forbidden topic like in Orcia war, invasion and orc warcrimes right now.
If you point to bad events in another realm, are you doing it in order to justify the bad events in your realm? Then, what is better with you, as you are justifying that someone becoming a murder justifies yourself becoming a murder.
The Ukrainians and the various degenerate scumbags working with them are completely open about committing war crimes. It went on for eight years in Donbas with the murder of civilians, and now it has escalated to widespread abuse and murder of Russian servicemen who are captured. The Georgian Legion should be killed to a man. And likely will be.
Mamu ti mentaln fašističku. Da mi te je se dokopat . Konjem bi te satrao…
Where any of these poor oppressed people assassinated or poisoned, had property confiscated as they do In Russia?
Russia has been under assault by the Anglosphere nations for over one hundred years. It existed before the Soviet Union, and continued afterward. The Ukrotards have proven too stupid to figure that out, and whored themselves out to the US anti-Russian program. Sucks to be a Banderpite idiot.
Every single gold dime was taken and the rest sold, as the Police do in US………….LOL.
Here is a partial list of critics and opponents Putin has had killed: within the last 20 years:
Alexander Litvinenko
Anna Politkovskaya
Stanislav Markelov
Anastasia Baburova
Boris Nemtsov
Boris Berezovsky
Paul Klebnikov
What is Putin afraid of? Is his ego so delicate that he cannot tolerate different perspectives? Maybe this Ukrainian war would have panned out differently had he been able to tolerate different ideas.
Russia’s traditional friends -> North Korea, Venezuela, Syria, Iran.
Is the human rights situation in these countries good? Various data indicate that the human rights conditions in these countries are “the worst”. These countries are generally poor and generally show violent tendencies. If they do not agree with the Charter of the United Nations, they should withdraw.
You are conflating different issues. Russian anything does not justify the existance and propagation of neo-Nazi groups and views in Ukraine.
Read about the BRICS and come back when your education would be done….
So 4th Reich is here, thnx but no thnx
Russians being Russians. Making a mountain out of a mole hill to justify Russian crimes
The far right only got 2% of the popular vote in the last election. Hardly a significant problem.
Pure speculation here, but if the occupation of Crimea and invasion of the Donbas had not happens the 2% would have been much less.
You don’t see burning people alive or the prescence of neo-Nazi groups such as Azov in the Ukraine military a problem? How about their summer camps in which they brainwash the youth? There are neo-Nazis everywhere, trust me I know because I live in a racially divided shitbox town in England in which there are neo-Nazi biker gangs. But most countries try to fight the neo-Nazi threat. In Ukraine they have been embracing the neo-Nazis and formalising them within the military.
Slavs are stupid Jew slaves.
Slav Nazis serving a Satanic Jew President.
Slavs in both Russia and Ukraine are controlled by satanic Jew oligarchs.
Southfront rages against globalism, but cites the ADL? Come on.
How do you connect ADL with globalism? There is an arguement to be made that lobby groups in US directly effect political decisions. That applies to all influential and wealthy lobby groups with a diverse range of interests, for example the NRA or those representing the interests of fossil fuels.
the only good NAZI is a dead NAZI. the only good globalist is a dead globalist. The US is in bed with the descendants of Hitler and Poland thinks that it’s East Prussia reborn because they are sitting on all that former German land. it will take more than that. Hungary, Serbia and Greece have the right of it, NATO has become what the allies fought against in WW2. Ukraine will burn for the failing American Empire and the power brokers on K street and in London will clip their coupons and scratch their ass while the daily body count is totaled. lives are nothing to them
Apparently it’s so normal that Putin just awarded a neo nazi with medals for fighting Ukranians. The Putin cockroaches who claim to be fighting nazis are using neo nazis themselves to fight against them. Try to figure that one out. The shitty Russian propaganda can’t even lie straight about that one. They’re just mass murderers. Plain and simple. No different than the ISIS terror group. https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-mariupol-azov-nazi-1695125
You know kid that you life would be soon destroyed, right ?
If you are looking for anti-semitism, neo-nazism, fascism, racism and anti-gay, you don’t need to go to Ukraine…just stay on the comments sections of this site!
The way Russian people are currently being treated is a form of antisemitism. The word didn’t exist before the jewish lobby began wailing.
Since when has it been OK to cancel one culture but not another?
The hypocrisy of it all, and them all. The world will never be right until the ordinary people come together and sort it out themselves.
why Ukrainian will be pro NAZI when nazism thinks that all slavic people are sub-human ?
That is the fake-news maker. Those negate the reality. When you say USA defeated the German Nazi you got mental problems because propaganda has blown your mind.
Again, the difference is wast, and nowhere have I ever read that the Germans, incl Hitler stated anything degratory about Russians, because the problem, witch a lot of people simply ignores, is why did it go so wrong, and the answer is world politics, keep Germany down, and Russia out, this have been the mantra for the British Gov and Elite for centurys, they conducted war propaganda for decades before even the WW1 happend and after that it went balistic, along with the Imperial banana republic.
Why do you not know about a peculiare group of people known then as the Brooklyn Gang, huh, and what came after, with the help of people like the Bonniers, I dont hold my breath to be frank.
This so called Nazis are pumped up by the UssA specs and intell orgs, and we know what they are capable and with boxes over loaded with cash, they can by almost everybody, and make them belive everything, to distort reality to where people like Jews openly works with ISIS and this Asovian scums, then again what is the thing they all have in comon, huh, the Al-CIAeda/MI6/Mossad, etc.
This have been the norm since the war on Serbia.
I dont use time on certain insidents, not that they are unfortunate and victims are by large civlians witch is sad, but other aspects flashed by just a day ago, where if it was rumors, o.s. where an ZATO plane did an IDF, aka flying behind the shaddow of an comersial jet, flashing to make sure it is been seen, the same way IDF manages to fool the Syrian airdefence system operatores, where they fired on the fighter jet witch the moment it was locked on, flew and hided in the Russian planes shaddow.
Pure scum, of course and that happened here to, veeery intresting, and somehow, everybody is ass tight on this one.
Again, I will link to something witch stil is true, have been since the dawn of man, and stil runs the evil cabals from behind the curtains, the central bankers, all wars are bankers wars, this one, where they aimed at Russia, thru feeding their war with stupid Ukrainians, is the same, the sole difference, is that Russia drew a line, and acted acordinly.
M. Riveros All wars are bankers war/s.
WHY do we not talk about why France is occupying North Africa, couped Mali some years ago, do you know why, do you, huh, the clue is the video above and the war on Libya.
But this reveal that somehow anti-semitisme were justified when Joos participated in the ekstremist groups yes?
Rothschild interfered in German politics and sucked Germany dry under Hitler and got jailed.
Joos were majority with Bolsheviks in atrocities in Sovjet, Joos participate in ekstremist governments as here Ukraine, in colour revolutions and usury schemes.
So who is who? Russia seems so far to have normal joos participating in normal life, and sure there are normal joos in Israel and elsewhere.
The false joos are disguised and try to hide. The normal joo community must participate in purging the false joos from their middle if they will live without fear.
These Ukrainians Nazis are Good nazis. Just like Wahhabi monstrosities in,Syria are moderate opposition.
(((South Front))) is disinformation.
The ADL is a Far-Left organization.
The white cross be anything from a religious symbol to White power.
Whats wrong with being proud of who you are?
The use of the cross by Nazis is very small and generally rare