The Last Supper featuring a black Jesus has replaced a Nativity scene at St Albans Cathedral to show solidarity with Black Lives Matter
The cultural rift between conservative Russia and the neo-liberal, minotrities-controlled West is deepening.
The Russian Orthodox Church officially rejected the idea of using paintings of ‘Black Jesus’ in churches, which is now being promoted by mainstream media and neo-liberal activists.
The image of Jesus Christ as a black man contradicts church canons and “this will not happen in Russia,” Archpriest Leonid Kalinin, the head of the expert council of the Russian Orthodox Church on church art, architecture and restoration, told RIA Novosti news agency.
“Christ was not, in fact, an African American, was he?” he said. “So this is an image of some other person. Apparently, for the sake of the political conjuncture, they are trying to show in this way their hypertrophied, unreasonable, completely inappropriate attitude towards African Americans.”
Archpriest Leonid Kalinin noted that you can portray anyone and whatever, “but it will not be possible to call him Christ.”
“This will not happen in Russia. Because we adhere to the strict canons of the Church. And they have not adhered to them for a long time. Therefore, it is natural that they can try to portray anyone in any way, but this will not be true,” he emphasized.
Earlier, Russian Formula 1 driver Daniil Kvyat refused to take knee ‘in support of the BLM’ before the rance in Austria saying that Russians take a knee before the homeland, the flag and God only. This expectedly caused an outrage among mainstream commentators.
In June, St Albans Cathedral (in the UK) officially installed a painting of the Last Supper featuring a black Jesus above its altar in order to demonstrate its ‘solidarity’ with the Black Lives Matter movement. In the same month, the Church of England’s senior figure, the Archbishop of Canterbury, called for a “rethink” on the portrayal of Jesus as white.
St Albans Cathedral altar to display painting depicting a black Jesus https://t.co/Hr17Cj7Kgi
— Lorna May Wadsworth (@Lorna_May_) June 30, 2020
As to the United States, BLM supporters propose various radical ‘solutions’ how to deal with churches that do not support or support not enough the trending neo-liberal agenda.
All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends should also come down.
They are a gross form white supremacy.
Created as tools of oppression.
Racist propaganda.They should all come down.
— Shaun King (@shaunking) June 22, 2020
In fact, it seems that at least a part of church structures joyfully joined the process of building of the global neo-liberal world order. Pseudo church structures created as tools of influence in largerly conservative eastern European societies also support these developments by helping their globalist masters to undermine the canonic churches. These process can be easily seen in such countries like Ukraine and Montenegro.
It’s especially interesting how these enteties simultaneously fueling racism and hatred towards the supposed enemies of the ‘Western path’ promoted by their masters and support various neo-liberal initiatives. This looks like the 1984-style doublethink at its best.
Jesus was a Palestinian and Jesus images in India are of a dark middle eastern man. That is the true history. Racist Europeans have a revisionist view of reality.
Dear Ashok Varma. For sure, Jesus was a Palestinian. The Christianity did not become widely popular in India. However, every nation and every culture add to the picture of Jesus Christ particular characteristics. The picture shared by you demonstrates this. Here, you can see an example of a canonic image of Jesus Christ of the Russian Orthodox Church. You can easily find out that both the image shared by you and the Russian icon have many common. You can also see that these two images have nothing common with the image mentioned in the article.
As to ‘racist Europeans’, we cannot agree with you. For centuries, in Europe, as well as in India, various views and movements were appearing. Far from every European nation shared them. Racism has no nationality and color of the skin.
Well the Portuguese did some mass conversions to Christianity in Goa, but the greedy Brits were mostly into economic plunder.
Why should we even listen to these people? They have castes in India, and yet they feel entitled to lecture all of us Europeans, in racism? What a joke.
This is how we got here.
This fool represents only himself. He doesn’t represent all Iranians (that is what he is) and certainly not all Indians.
You are the ignorant troll here dumbass :)
stupid troll for sure lol
He has turned a nice Indian guy into Iranian. Wonders never cease :)
He’s a nice Indian like you’re a nice Buddhist. LOL.
Thanks you for your clarification, I was not insinuating that the Orthodox church has any connection to racism, but in India and well as other parts of the world people have suffered tremendously at the hands of Anglo and western European institutionalized racism. Hinduism is deeply rooted in India so Christianity in general has been less successful than Islam which came along with Muslim invasions. However, the British overt racism and signs like “no Indians and dogs allowed” have left an indelible mark on Indian national psyche and sensitivities.
“India and well as other parts of the world people have suffered
tremendously at the hands of Anglo and western European
institutionalized racism.”
That explains why so many people from India, Bangladesh and Pakistan live in UK….. I suppose.
That has to do with the limey gits colonizing those countries which were India then, next thing you would ask is why there are so many Africans in the Americas? it is called slavery and racism was the main driver. However Indians now own most of the limey cunts as things have turned full circle. India has a bigger economy that the limey beggars.
I don’t need U.S. history lessons, thank you.
I know very well what my point was, so no need to try to obfuscate.
I am not pro UK and never was, but still one must be fair in judgment.
After your unwarranted attack on them I can hardly expect that from you (on this subject) I suppose.
One can’t emigrate from one’s country to UK and kept screaming about racism.
It’s just rubbish attitude.
“Racists” exist everywhere and they are of every skin color.
Upvote, me likey :)
india and pakistani stay in UK to take back what is thiers. and looted by british . today india and pakistan bangladesh is looting british and other EU countries. to day its is very easy to make fool of the the britsh empire.
I have heard that explanation too often.
So you hate the place and the people but you want your “revenge”?
Even if possible, there is one big problem with that plan.
It is not that “india and pakistani stay in UK” but the people of those ethnic origins do and by their own free choice.
UK (weather they accept that fact or not), has become their own home as well. And that is the core of the problem.
One does not create mess and mayhem in ones own home. That does not make sense and creates bad blood among the inhabitants of the household. That can’t possibly end up well.
Nobody can benefit from that.
You be be with soros/eu/cia and get you assflogged or share in the commonwealth whom atleast contributed towards development of other peoples,
Either way India needs to sort out their sht,between their neighbours (period)
Now the eu will be diluted for the better,There will be emphathise on development
Dear Ashok Varma, thank you very much for your effort to expand and explain your point of view. We appreciate this.
” but in India and well as other parts of the world people have suffered tremendously at the hands of Anglo and western European institutionalized racism. ”
How do you think Islam became prevalent in India. By peaceful persuasion and brotherly love ? Or through subjugation and violence. Your ant-white tendencies are showing.
Well, be strong in your beliefs! Quite to use Internet, TV, automobiles, refrigerators and many other things created by ‘Europeans’.
your right wing primer loves publishing right wing rubbish. no wonder you are being censored. I would not give you a single cent of my money even of my life depended on it. we don’t come here to read right wing racist rubbish
Dear Swift Laggard II, please, provide examples of “right wing rubbish” that you found in our comment or in the article. Probably, it will help our audience to understand why we were really censored.
As to this: “I would not give you a single cent of my money even of my life depended on it. we don’t come here to read right wing racist rubbish”. SouthFront is committed to the freedom of speech, the plurality of opinions, principles of equality, and universal human rights. We stand against the right-wing Nazism and the left-wing neo-liberal fascism.
Most of those racist europeans who painted Jesus in the middle ages did’t even know about of the existence of other color people.
Different people imagined Jesus in their own image.
The same as Japanese Buddha has long eyes even if he was from India.
How do you know? did he shit in the streets :)
Indians didn’t shit at all in the past, racist anglosaxons gave them the virus that make people shit.
Now you are switched on again :) I am impressed with your insights.
Are you really this stupid ?
Y so butthurt?
“Jesus was a Palestinian”, “Racist Europeans have a revisionist view of reality” – Like it or not Jesus was a Jew and many believe he was fair-skinned (probably thanks to his dad).
I dont know what jesus was because i was not there i was just told he was christian. but since everyone agree he was from the middle east region then. it is clear he was brown. darker like the real africans or white. but we can all agree we were convinced when we were young to believe in a specific religion in the region we were born and also to believe he was white.
Jesus was born into a Jewish family in a Jewish community before they were Christians in the world (as you know).
I don’t know what his skin color was and it really doesn’t matter to me.
He preached tolerance and love for the other and that is what matters.
Indeed, that depends of the region, Eastern Jesus has darker skin than Western Jesus, the same Buddha changes his features from place to place. However woke virus reached this place before corona.
India had little contact with the middle east until the muslim conquest of India, which was led by ARABS, not LEVANTINES, so as afar as Indians knew, Arabs were what all Middle Easterners looked like, but Jesus was Levantine, not Arab. There’s a Chinatown in New York today, does that mean it was also there 1,000 years ago?? 2,000 years ago? Stop replacing history with feelings.
Jesus (if the Bible is correct) would have been a Palestinian Jewish man.
He would probably have looked a lot like Bashar al-Assad.
So are you saying when the Bible describes Jesus they said he had skin like snow an hair like string? I read something different. Bronze an wool?
Well he was neither black nor white. So there you are, a common ground.
Well Palestinians and Arabs are Caucasian and technically “white” so you are right. Many have blue eyes too, just look at President Assad for instance.
“Many have blue eyes too, just look at President Assad for instance.” – Maybe it’s because of the crusades? LOL.
Or maybe its because Greeks, Romans and Persians who are all Caucasian, have lived in that part of the world for hundreds of years before Islam was born.
He is one of the most stupid and ignorant trolls here, so don’t spoil the ignoramus.
You want to say that the Crusaders had no influence on the genetics of the peoples they conquered? There was no rape, etc.
Actually a ginger Syrian told this story tomeone I know, that his ancestors were crusaders that were spared by converting to Islam :)
Seriously, don’t be silly, Assad (lion) are Circassians.
I don’t know what is that but I will find out :) just told what somebodyelse told me.
I heard similar stories from several Syrians and Lebanese.
There were no Arabs outside the Arabian peninsula before the 7th century, it was all Levantine, i.e. European. FYI Assad is Levantine, Christianity was there 650+ years before Islam arrived.
The blue eyes came to the Levant region from Europe. Romans, Crusaders and others.
Relative to other Arabs the Syrians are considered fair-skinned and have a relatively larger percentage of blue-eyed , again thanks to European “guests”.
Dont confuse his simple mind. Its not fair to him.
Arabs are semites not caucasians.
Bacon, my errant child, there are only 3 races, Caucasian, Mongloid (Asiatic) and negroid (African), so Semites are Arabs and Caucasian.
And the Australian Aborigenes?
They are clearly negro, from Ham.
No they are not,far advance vision for starters!I played rugby with and against them,good hard players not dirty like anglo saxons.
Their case is justified,pretty clever utilise blm to advantage,fk the us democrats!
It is nice from you Zionism
= EVIL that you are explaining it without using very bad language.
Australian Aborigenes must be some special Negroid.
They migrated from the Middle East where all humans come from.
They are the oldest race known to mankind,according to unbiased scientists!
Are you talking about the scientists that Believe old extinct ape bones are humans? All 3 races came about at the same time. We are all 1st cousins.
They actually are special. If you look at the concentration of neanderthal and homo-sapience genes. They were away from the massive mixing. They and the Tibetians.
Nah,they a boongs not nero,no way they ain’t into bed with lgbtq either(period)
Unless one got paid a shtload of cash to say equality lifes matter!
Semites are white, from Shem. Arabs are from Shem (Abraham) and Ham. (Hagar). They are a mixed people.
olive /white,mid dk golden hair,there you go!
How do you stay white , walking around in in the desert for 40 years?
Jesus was European in appearance, it really is tiring this continually needs to be said.
2,000 years ago, almost the entirety of the coastal middle East was Levantine, i.e. European.
There are numerous historical physical descriptions of Christ which would make him indistinguishable from any European today. I’d love to see this ‘artist’ do the same with Mohammed & then try putting that picture up in a mosque, how would she be welcomed??
….modern ‘Christianity’ is the only religion so pathetically weak as to accept such blasphemy.
Europeans don’t look the same, that’s why Catholic and Protestant Jesus has blue eyes while Orthodox Jesus – brown eyes… Plus the other differences.
that is after the crussades. and I wouldn’t call Egyptians “European looking”, not now, not 2000years ago not 5000years ago. Historical records that depict people are facts, how we see people is our opinion of course.
Of course there are many opinions. Nazis for example insisted that Jesus was not jewish at all and had a Nordic appearance. Genetic studies of sample skulls from that area of 1st century with carbon dating indicate short hair dark brown skin color and brown eyes, which I assume you might have seen on the internet. But perhaps you have alternative credible source for the claim of european appearance?
First off, Jesus was not ‘jewish’ the concept of ‘jewish’ didn’t emerge until centuries later, (throw your modern ‘bible’ in the trash) ‘jews’ claim descent from the tribe of Judah, which Galileans (the people Jesus was born into) did not.
Now lets get to business, I don’ know what colour of skin you have (nor do I care), but I assume you are familiar with the concept of tanning? When European people spend time in the sun, they get a sun tan? And you wonder why Europeans get tanned in sunny countries? Giving them darker skin? There’s a reason sunbeds are pointless in hot countries. Besides, numerous genetic studies have shown the entirety of Egyptian nobility was European & so were the vast majority of commoners. Even today there remain dozens of enclaves across North Africa with light skined & blue eyed peoples with unique cultures who are directly descended from Europeans, having lived there thousands of years, not forgetting the ME of course.
No offence mate, but i don’t know you and can’t take your word for it. Please provide source for all above mentioned claims you made. Egyption nobility being European, Jesus not being jewish and etc. will be waiting
You want a spoon along with your babyfood? If I can be assed to find the sources & check the materials, so can you.
Your claim, should be your source.
>First off, Jesus was not ‘jewish’ the concept of ‘jewish’ didn’t emerge
until >centuries later, (throw your modern ‘bible’ in the trash) ‘jews’
claim descent from >the tribe of Judah, which Galileans (the people Jesus
was born into) did not.
Stop this nonsense. You’re playing semantic games. Everyone knows that the term Jew in this context refers to hebrew “Descendants of the Tribe of Judah” (or claimants thereto).
>Now lets get to business, I don’ know what
colour of skin you have (nor do I care), >but I assume you are familiar
with the concept of tanning? When European people >spend time in the sun,
they get a sun tan? And you wonder why Europeans get tanned in sunny
countries? Giving them darker skin? There’s a reason sunbeds are
pointless in hot countries.
Bollocks mate. Europeans go lobster red. They can’t tan.
>Besides, numerous genetic studies have shown
the entirety of Egyptian nobility was European & so were the vast
majority of commoners.
No they have not. All serious studies have shown some trace genetic history which may include European, African, West Asian ancestry. NONE show any evidence that even ONE Egyptian noble was an Anglo, Saxon, Germanic, Caucasian, Gaul or any of the current mix of gringos that inhabit Europe.
Oh, and you can exclude the Ptolemies – They came in at the end of the Egyptian golden era to clean up what remained and contributed nothing to the Egyptian megalithic age.
>Even today there remain dozens of enclaves across
North Africa with light skined & >blue eyed peoples with unique
cultures who are directly descended from Europeans, having lived there
thousands of years, not forgetting the ME of course.
Not only is this point completely irrelevant, but we know exactly where these people came from. They were imports from the Roman conquests or consequences thereof (e.g the Vandals).
I would like to reply, but since you haven’t refuted a single point & don’t seem to know anything other than what you scraped off antifa.org, I’ll leave you to it…’mate’.
Best. Cop out. Ever.
Please put forward your scientific data supporting your speculations.
There is no valid information supporting any of these assertions:
1. Jesus was European in Appearance (or in any other sense)
2. Levantine = European
3. That the physical descriptions of Christ are indeed “Historical” in the sense they can be trusted as historically valid sources.
Nobody knows if he was even European in appearance.
The earliest representations of Jesus portray him as a “brother of the darker persuasion”, just look at the early Ethiopian or Coptic Christian images of him. Though even this might be simply “interpretation”.
This one I’ll reply to; In current-day Antigua, Santa Claus is represented as an Afro-Carribean, despite the fact written sources say the real St. Nicholas was in fact a fair-skinned Greek born & raised in Asia Minor.
Pray tell, who should we believe is correct?
a right wing primer that trumpets right wing rubbish
Why all this fuss?!
I don’t understand how does Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury statement, or their choices of color has anything to do with Russian Orthodox church?
And why is not simply ignored by Orthodox (I am an Orthodox myself and I couldn’t care less)
If they want Jesus green it is their problem. They are already into the gay marriages which is by the way already by the Russian Orthodox conservative standards considered to be a pure blasphemy.
For me pedophiles, even satanists being part of congregation in Western churches are much bigger problem than this color “problem”.
Catholic church is the factory of pedophiles.
“Catholic church is the factory of pedophiles.” – What a “scholarly” definition.
Do you have any other “smart” racist / bigoted definitions like that?
Did he offend the Catholic race or the pedophile race?
He has offended over a billion Catholics.
This is called bigotry. Check it out in the dictionary.
Do you know the history of the Catholic Church?
The characterisation of the Catholic Church as a factory of paedophiles is an apt description. It is supported by historical fact.
The sheer number of child abuse cases covered up by the Church supports the analogy of a ‘factory’ for the Catholic Church.
I do not like the generalizations of whole groups of people.
This is a different thing. It is pointing out the evil deeds of criminal institutions masquerading as the keepers of religion.
The Catholic Church as an INSTITUTION worked to protect and conceal the truth of pedophilia for centuries, with the knowledge and assistance of the Popes and the Cardinals. That makes them culpable as an INSTITUTION.
So no, not a generalisation but a very precise description of institutional behaviour.
I agree that elements in The Catholic Church worked to protect and conceal the truth of pedophilia in the Church.
But that doesn’t mean that “Catholic church is the factory of pedophiles.”
I’m not a Catholic and I have no Catholic relatives, but we should be fair.
When I say it is a factory of pedophiles I am not referring to the bulk of the oblivious, unknowing flock.
I am referring to those who turn the wheels of the machine that is the Catholic Church. That factory, by the sheer systematic efficiency with which they turned out broken, abused young men and women over 200 years deserve the label of ‘factory’.
In any case, if there is a God, I’m sure He will sort them out …
There is no excuse / forgiveness for what they did.
Yep, the WASP “Christian” faggots are causing mayhem in the world and these freaks are concerned about whether some Palestinian guy was tan or not, or if there were spas in Palestine. Most people have bigger problems with Jew cunts nowadays.
Yeah and not only Israel perfidious regional power games (and their negative influence on U.S.). But also catastrophic economic situation in the U.S. and “West” in general is huge problem.
We are on the verge of dollar implosion and global depression.
Catastrophe of that size usually brings lots of war.
As humanity we must learn to coexist better… If not, we will end up with with mutual total extermination.
” Yep, the WASP “Christian” faggots ”
You’re better then this.
No is not.
Funny, you didn’t mind when he wrote his hate speechs against Americans, Jews, Russians, Turks, Italians, Britons and many others.You care only when it comes to people like you.
Don’t be a fool. I’m not even Christian.
I do not like the guy because he hates almost everyone.
It seems like the Archpriest would only accept the Son of God if he is not a black man.
I might be wrong but I don’t think that it has anything to do with racism. From religious point of view Jesus came to bring salvation to ( every race ) every human being (not only to Jews ).
From common sense point of view, Jesus was born in Jewish family, so he couldn’t have been black man (or with blond hair either).
Normally he should have looked like Palestinian (since Jews today are mostly of non Hebrew origin, thus, they are not good for comparison).
Bottom line, using Black Lives Matter agenda on Jesus is in way inappropriate.
Because some Christians are oversensitive and consider that to be sacrilege (when some people change usual presentation of God).
As Christian I personally think that Jesus message was deeply spiritual and far above and beyond racial dimension. I do believe that all Christians (of every color) are literally brothers and sisters. Racial question is just one of many human issues and divisions that has nothing to do with Jesus.
The problem is that nobody knows what Jesus looked like. Nobody. The fact that he was Jewish in religion tells us nothing about his ethnicity or genetics, Mary or Joseph could have been coloured for all we know …
Even the portrayal of Jesus as a blonde blue eyes fellow is equally offensive to one group or other because it is simply another inaccurate portrayal.
Egyptian Copts and Ethiopian Christians have portrayed Christ as non-white even black from the very beginning of time. What should they make of whitey telling them that all of a sudden it’s against church canon to portray him that way ?
So what the Archpriest is simply saying is that his inaccurate and speculative portrayal, because it portrays a genetic heritage close to his heart is truthful while the other speculative portrayal of Jesus as black, is invalid simply because of his racist aversion to the image of Christ as a black man.
If he and others were honest, and truly acting in the spirit of Christianity they would say nothing about the portrayal of Christ. Christ has been portrayed as Black for more than 1500 years.
If you wish to believe in Christ as a Caucasian, a Nordic, a Latin an Anglo-Saxon, go right ahead, nothing wrong with that. But understand that once the Church and it’s represents start stating preferences for one racial portrayal of Christ or another, they have wandered into the path of lies, and far from the message Issa bin Yusuf taught …
it is racism, pure and simple, unbefitting of a man of God.
” Issa bin Yusuf” ?!?
So you area Muslim and you are explaining a Bible to me?!
Sounds like bad joke.
Again, he probably looked like average Palestinian (which is logical)
Ethnically Jesus was Hebrew, just like the rest of the Jews at the time.
It seams that only you don’t know that fact.
Of course there are those who say that he never existed (that’s another story)
There is no reason in the world why Hebrew “genetics” was not very similar to the Palestinians who lived in the region at the time with the Hebrews.
Saying that Mary, who was Hebrew too, could have been black is exaggerating.
So I think we disagree from the start completely. No point in continuing…
You sound obsessed with the race and you are exaggerating LOT also.
And Christianity is not about that at all (if you are Christian).
But if you are Muslim i couldn’t care less about your explanation on “Issa”.
What in heavens name makes you think I’m Muslim? Simply because I use a non-anglicised form of the name?
FYI I was raised Catholic so I know what I’m talking about. I have read the Bible end to end multiple times.
My point was to indicate further that there is not only one portrayal of Jesus in existence but dozens.
Again – nobody knows. I thought Alexander Dumas was white since he was born in France hundreds of years ago and the son of a Marquis, but boy was I surprised when I saw his portrait. This shows the extent to which one can be misled by making assumptions without hard cold evidence – as we do on the ancestry of Christ.
We just don’t know anything about the ethnicity of Jesus or his parents. The ethnicity of the region is so mixed that he could as well have been of both Hebrew and Assyrian descent like the Hashemites. The region at that time was a hot mix of Aramaic speaking tribes, Persians, Romans and black Africans, which cant just flip a coin and bet ‘100% Hebrew’.
I’m not obsessed with race. I am obsessed with truth and with fairness. When I see lies being told on the basis of speculation and racist bigotry being spouted by priests who claim to serve God, I can only but get annoyed.
OK I am glad that I was wrong about you.
Still I don’t agree with you (despite your insisting on possible ethnic mix of the Hebrews that they are much more different than Palestinians )
I don’t know what to make out of your “Dumas” example. Maybe Mary’s father was French guy :)? Why not making theory where Roman legionnaire from France is Mary’s father or cousin…. Everything is “possible” but not probable.
Racist this, racist that…I am already tired of agitated and exalted leftist labels.
“ginger looking jew” !? Where is that coming from?
I’ll stick with Hebrew’s looking like Palestinians since they were from the same time and the same place like Palestinians… And I’ll leave all other theories to you.
We can go on forever on the tangle of topics here, but let me ask you just one question:
“I’ll stick with Hebrew’s looking like Palestinians since they were from the same time and the same place like Palestinians”
Tell me what a “Palestinian” looks like?
Easy question!
They are all BLACK !
Ok look, I’ve been drinking all weekend and that’s not the kind of answer I can work with. Bye!
Finally something I agree with…bye!
” (or with blond hair either). ”
You would be surprised.
Would I?
” 600 bodies dating to approximately 6,500 years ago”
So it was something many thousands of years before Christ?
How’s that related?
yeah of course ….but very stretched bloodlines
the western are facing what we malay in our country has and still struggling to counter it – propaganda by liberals to hate ourself degrade our heritage and being called racist just to defend our own heritage. thankfully majority of us resist and would not let the liberals take control.
To be white male in 21 century makes you criminal
Karma is a bitch, ain’t it?
Karma doesn’t exist. But wait until the World becomes idiocracy without white males.
Of course it exists. Karma is simply the long term accumulated results of stupid actions and that is very real.
You mean white males like LBJ Nixon, Bush 1 , Bush 2, Clinton, Hitler, Stalin, Trump, Churchill … ? If a world without these shining examples of ‘White Male Superiority’ is what we must look forward to then please hurry the day!
You can’t discen incest,you missed the point of evil aka hitler 100%,stalin 0%
Well, after USA fall there are only 2 possibilities:
1. In EU the right and ultra right will come to the power
2. In EU Marxist liberals will keep their position
In 2nd case you maybe even will witness the day white males not exist anymore. In the 1st case: your memories will be the only good thing in your life if you will survive.
BTW I don’t like both of this possibilities but taking in consideration that big money funds only those 2 forces, they won’t let us to choose other options, I think.
Lavrov calls for probe into NATO-Afghan drug trade
The role that the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO) allegedly played in drug proliferation in Afghanistan needs to be investigated, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday.
He stated that Russia gets reports of the potential involvement of NATO’s aircraft in Afghan drug trafficking so often that it should no longer be ignored.
“If military aircraft were used over Afghanistan, they could have been only NATO’s aircraft and such flights could have been performed only by the military or special services. Naturally, such information needs to be probed into, first of all in the United States,” the minister concluded.
“The image of Jesus Christ as a black man contradicts church canons and “this will not happen in Russia,” Archpriest Leonid Kalinin, the head of the expert council of the Russian Orthodox Church on church art, architecture and”
Sorry. This is incompatible with the teachings of Christ.
Jesus was not a Slav. Yet the slavs have had no problem worshiping a heeb from Palestine for centuries. Only when he is portrayed as black, it becomes a problem … That proves that the Archpriest and all who believe like him do not really believe in the teachings of Christ and that a large part of their so called ‘faith’ is simply White Nationalism masquerading as a religion …
What about the Ethiopian Coptic church which has been around longer than the Russian Orthodox Church and have always portrayed Jesus as black? Is that against Russian Church Canon?
Christianity, just another false religion.
Wtf? Not many people actually think Jesus was black. He wasn’t white either. He was MIDDLE EASTERN. Why aren’t people pointing this out instead?
In the US we already have Black Jesus:
That show is hilarious. It’s too bad Charlie Murphy and John Whitherspoon died.
You’re wrong, Michael Jordan is Black Jesus.