Deceived Ukrainians No Longer Want War


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Deceived Ukrainians No Longer Want War

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Deceived Ukrainians No Longer Want War
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Deceived Ukrainians No Longer Want War

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While Kyiv is trying its best to show the power and unity of their most democratic Ukrainian society, staging fake victories for its sponsors from NATO, the Ukrainians themselves are fed up with the war and planted patriotism framed by Nazi ideology.

The Kyiv International Institute of Sociology released the results of its up-to-date survey on the possible cessation of hostilities. It turned out that the number of people seekeing compromise in Ukraine has sharply increased.

In May 2022, 80 percent of respondents supported the “uncompromising struggle against Russia”. Today, that number has dropped to a mere 58%.

About a third of Ukrainian citizens wish for a compromise to be found to end the war. Almost two thirds of Ukrainian citizens believe that the issue of negotiations should be put to a national referendum.

Thus, in two years, the number of Ukrainians who advocate for a compromise with Moscow has tripled. Taking into account that many Ukrainians who have long been in favor of negotiations are afraid to express their opinion and a large part of those who are unwilling to take part in the war escaped from the country.

The unwillingness of the Ukrainians to continue dying for the interests of their NATO patrons is clearly reflected in Kyiv’s toughened mobilization policies and the ongoing hunt for cannon fodder on the streets throughout the country.

Another signal is the growing activity of pro-Russian guerrilla resistance movements inside the war-torn country. Over the past days alone, there were several sabotage attacks recorded on the railways in different regions. On June 15, a fire was set to an electrical transformer in the Cherkassy region.

Another similar sabotage attack was recorded on June 13 in the Sumy region. The saboteurs are aimed at thwarting the delivery of military supplies to the war-torn regions.

On June 18, local sources reported an attack on a military bus in Odessa. At night, an unidentified man threw a grenade under it and escaped from the scene.

The Ukrainian military justifies its defeats, complaining that the pro-Russian population is providing the Russian military with the data necessary to locate the deployment points of the Ukrainian military personnel, hidden warehouses and workshops.

Most of the sabotage attacks are recorded in the Odessa region, in the border Kharkiv and Sumy regions, as well as in the DPR and Zaporozhie regions. A guerrilla movement is also active in the Mykolaiv region. These eastern and southern regions have always had a pro-Russian population which is inconvenient for nationalists from the west of the country.

The worn-out population in Ukraine sees more and more clearly the hypocrisy from their leaders and from their ‘friends’ abroad. Another blow is Kirby’s claim that Ukraine needs to defeat Russia first in order to be able to join NATO.


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Let's go Brandon

well, you can’t join nato but that doesn’t mean you can stop bleeding. you have to win or else, no nato for you.

ukrainian blood, always good to the last drop.

jens holm

i am never deceived–i am astupid senile


a senile troll.


if he still had a majority of his people behind him, ex-president selenskys would hold elections. he doesn’t, and he doesn’t.

tells you all you need about the level of support the war still enjoys.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

fake news.

all ukrainian patriots are willing to die to preserve their independence from the russian pigs!


and that’s why there are military-aged men at the store every time i go shopping, 8000 km from chasov yar. the other day i saw a cross-eyed inbred ukretard with a trizub triple-dong dildo painted on his truck, along with a nice nazi slogan like your username that also referred to crocus. he was also 8000 km from chasov yar.


and you couldn’t at least key their truck’s paint job? maybe even with a swastika? that’d be a nice touch.

Last edited 14 days ago by Bullseye
Crocus Shooting Gallery

he was headed to your mother’s house…heheheh…

a sucker's born every minute

you’re an idiot. no need to prove it with every post.


“all ukrainian patriots are willing to die” , i know some in europe who are not willing , sorry

Joseph Day

if their in europe, their not patriots obviously

Woe is US

never even once in history has a nation won a war with an army of draft-dodgers.

ukraine is kaput.

Woe is UA

pretty soon, all those remaining patriots won’t be able to fill a small village in galicia.

Ramses ll

ukrozzz died heroically, against the romanians 0:3

patriots 😆😆😆

Ramses II

they are orchs

Last edited 14 days ago by Ramses II
Woe is UA

ukraine is a corrupt mafia shithole and don’t you ever forget it.

orcas would be a vast improvement. they’re very intelligent and merciless with shitholers.

Last edited 12 days ago by Woe is UA

one out of ten for trolling.


a swastika does not make a nazi. the majour effort of the historical nazis was economic success. where in the soverign ukraine was ever an economic success? the inflationary use of the term “nazi” is stupid & useless…


the word you’re looking for is inflammatory, not inflationary, and no these ukrainian nazis are not useless. they were very useful for people like nuland and are very useful to the russians as target practice.


they are somehow unsuccessful retarded nazis , the corruption has prevented the economic success (except for oligarch nazis like kolomoyski, he is very well successful) . the potency of ukra nazis are rather their brutality , narrow minded hatred and pathological fanatism.

Woe is UA

kolomoisky is in prison, after bankrolling neonazi militias and zelensky’s rise to power, while embezzling billions in imf funds. more proof positive that ukraine is nothing more than a jar full of spiders eating their own.

Last edited 12 days ago by Woe is UA

also historical bandera nazis were not economical successful , neither were they able to build a functioning state. despite of this they did much evil to the people.

a sucker's born every minute

granted, the world should be thanking russia for cleaning that filthy rotten house called ukraine and at great cost to them.

but the west is run by ingrates and demonic spirits.


the president of ukraine zelensky is jewish, the prime minister shmygal is jewish, the head of the president’s office yermak is jewish, the leader of the president’s party in parliament arakhamia is jewish, every oligarch like kolomoisky is jewish and the sbu is a mossad front that hunts down ukrainian orthodox christian slavs to send them to their slaughter, while allowing ukrainian citizens of jewish descent to leave the country legally.

Last edited 14 days ago by Mike

the state department in the dysfunctional states of a is infested with jews, from top to bottom, from blinken to nudelman und so weiter!!


the entire us establishment and that includes none gov sections has them in positions of influence, and i mean in every section.


they either die of bombs or hunger…

jens holm

i no have sex change–i born transgender


go guerillas


poor friggin’ ukranians while the two most corrupt criminals in europe can continue to spend the illgotten gains they have secured for themselves, the first is zelensky with billions in the bank, houses and luxury vessels and the other is von der lugen or madam genocide with the pfizer bribes in the millions secure!


they will endure despite losses

John Enders

america will fight to the last ukranian


this will be they way that russia conquers ukraine:
the ukrainian people will grow tired of the b/s and re-take control of their country and settle with the russians.


when you elect a jew to lead gentiles (to ruin as expected) this is what they get.

serves them right the dumb shits.
