Czech Farmers Accused Of Being ‘Pro-Russian’

Czech Farmers Accused Of Being 'Pro-Russian'

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

The anti-Russian sentiments of European leaders are preventing them from acting rationally in the face of the current wave of protests across the continent. In a recent statement, Czech Prime Minister Peter Fiala accused the protesters of being “supporters of Moscow”, discrediting the farmers’ claims by associating them with an “enemy” of the EU.

Fiala made his statement when the demonstrations reached their peak in the Czech Republic. On February 19, hundreds of tractors blocked the main streets of Prague, interrupting traffic in the areas around the Ministry of Agriculture. The protests come amid a “peasant uprising” in Europe, with rural workers demanding an end to the import of Ukrainian grains and a review of the EU’s “green policies”.

Reacting to pressure from the peasants, Fiala made a publication on his account on X (formerly Twitter) stating that the protesters do not really aim to protect the interests of farmers. According to him, the protesters are mere “Kremlin supporters” and aim to destabilize Europe to favor Russian interests, with agriculture being a mere excuse to call for demonstrations.

According to the Czech leader, the local government is already in dialogue with the farmers to try to meet their interests. He however denies that the protesters have links with labor organizations and rural unions, thus delegitimizing the protests. Fiala claims that Prague constantly seeks to protect the “real” interests of farmers, but claims that the protesters have nothing to do with such interests, being just pro-Russian rioters who “complicate” the lives of other Czech citizens.

“Today’s demonstration has little to do with the fight for better conditions for farmers. The demonstration is organized by people who, for example, do not hide their support for the Kremlin and pursue goals other than the interests of farmers (…) The government is continuously talking to everyone who is interested in dialogue. That is why we are able to find good solutions. We have done this many times over the past two years. Unfortunately, the organizers of today’s demonstrations are not among those who care about improving the quality of life in our country and its prosperity. It also shows their progress, which complicates the lives of the citizens of the capital and will not bring any solutions to the real problems of Czech farmers.,” he said.

One of Fiala’s main arguments against the legitimacy of the demonstrations is the lack of participation of the country’s main farmers’ organizations, such as the Agrarian Chamber, the Agricultural Union, and the Association of Private Agriculture. However, Fiala ignored the fact that these same groups, although absent in the protests on the 19th, announced that they will launch their own demonstration against the EU’s green policies, scheduled for the 22nd. Therefore, Fiala’s argument seems invalid, since official rural organizations share the same interests as autonomous protesters.

In fact, dissatisfaction with the direction of European agriculture is a widespread phenomenon. There are protests across the entire continent, from the most western countries, such as France and Spain, to the most eastern ones, such as Poland and the Baltics. European rural workers are some of the most affected by the EU’s irresponsible policies in support of Ukraine. As well known, European states have maintained since 2022 a policy of systematic import of Ukrainian grains. With the aim of supporting Kiev economically, these countries began to massively buy cheap Ukrainian agricultural products and thus stopped promoting their own domestic agribusinesses, culminating in a major social crisis.

With Ukraine being one of the most fertile and productive countries in the world, Western European nations are unable to compete in the agricultural market with Kiev, which is why European rural workers are going bankrupt. In this sense, the demand for an end to the import of Ukrainian products is a basic need for European peasants.

In the same sense, the end of green policies is vital for European agricultural production to be viable. Facing several economic problems and low productivity, European farmers depend on government aid to pay for the production and transportation of grains. However, the EU imposes a radical environmentalist ideological agenda and makes its rural producers “pay the bill” for global warming, making agribusiness unworkable.

Therefore, workers’ demands seem fair and natural. Farmers are fighting for their rights and for better living and working conditions. There is no evidence that such workers are truly “pro-Russian”. If there are feelings of sympathy for Russia among them, these naturally follow from their rejection of the EU’s anti-Russian ideology, which is directly responsible for the losses suffered by them.

As long as European leaders are more concerned with accusing protesters than solving their problems, the crisis will continue to worsen.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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fiala is yet another stupid sellout whore to western interests. one minute of research yields the following,

“czech pm fiala says ukraine’s future is in eu, nato.”

brought to you by the clowns at reuters “news agency”.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dstroj
jens holm

i micacle – agree.

you win a bag of sand from el tanf to support your the bathtub and its many ducks – hip hip


what the fck are u yapping now jenny? go back to sleep u idiotic glutton for punishment.

The bell tolls

making up words again, little jenny? what’s a micacle. is that when ronald mcdonald pops out of a box and makes you cackle?

The bell tolls

future in nato? wait till ukraine’s neonazis set up cells in all the eu nations’ armies, like they’ve done with the afu. it’s what hitler dreamed of. brain dead czechs. lol

jens holm

i wonder the pro-russian contries are.

eu has produced too much food for at least 10 years. a reasons are the old old support to make modern farming%agriculture.

by that there are need for support. furthermore it pollute sky, kand, drinkingwater and the oceans.

all eu by that has to reduce and counted i co2 units. we can create own versions and not deny.

jens holm

its a russian thing ukraine cant get rid/sell they many food products. many need the food basic food.

eu by that has got that addiction. as often the legal oppotions try to make cheep votes and some with succes. det often dont see their countries loose a lot more by their actions.

for the moment i see some support for ukraine is needed but maybee in a reduced version. ironic we could make parts to good fuel and a lot for heating. moskow migh be smilling less too.

Hunter Biden Jr.

stop posting here dude. your english is not enough to write normal sentences. and it looks like you are either retarded or demented. even with good english your phrases would not make any sense. so kill yourself.

M. Paraplu

i’m not sure about your account, but this is clearly a satire account.
the real jens holm likely has lost interest now that it’s clear ukraine is losing.

The bell tolls

nope. much as we might try, it’s impossible to effectively imitate that idiot’s gobbledegook to the discerning eye.

The bell tolls

the guy must be a masochistic retard, or a ukrainian. either one’s a glutton for punishment.

then again, i’m being redundant.

The bell tolls

what the eu has too much of is not c02 but fart gas. at least bottle it.

jens holm

thats right too.

thats why we replace more and more with wind and solarpower, nokes where is no wind and effective us of energy use for lectricity and heating.

co2 is the thermometer. you are too hot for many reasons.. thats as for colli in for water and food – its a indicater for many things.


go for it. erect a windmill on every square meter. hopefully then, you’ll blow away.


people…throw these bankers “technocrats” and all the other ruling class maggots out of power in .they are all less than worthless.

jens holm

no way only few.

eu is very well to compared to others and silently spreading to the ones ones.


eu is a scam and so is the u.s government

jens holm

i dont see anything better. give a link or twoo.

your people never do. you are forbidden. very much as you not even know whats going on.

The bell tolls

spreading like a disease, you mean.

jens holm

give a link.

we are better then most in fdp capita and health and live longer. energy compdsumyion or what.

we has not ecpanded very much. we mainly help people from the devastaing greedy non productinve occopation by ussr from the late ww2 and from 1917,

best rgards from denikin and the rest in ddr, poland, tjesk and slvaks, hungarians, moldovas, roumanians, bulgars and many others.


eu establishment can’t be destroyed as long as usd / eur is recognized as legitimate currency in international trade. so the key is to defund these whores. unless they are stripped of money nothing can’t be done. this is not a political problem. this is an economy problem, because u.s. central bankers are printing money out of nothing and using them for bribes, wars and depopulation. politics are only whores and their top priority is their own payslip.

jens holm

thats right. thats why it was made

of course yiu ignore we have money because we educate many, has made much better structures, are several times more produtive then many others in hard avanced work.

i see no depolation. we are now 8 billions. thats overpopulation. perhaps you prefare having fun i bed for feeding the results well. too many does.

jens holm

you are blind or worse not seeing the real world im living in.

and of course you are forbidden to copy even the good parts only being allowed to shout and pee in your own paints.


tehnocrats and “experts” are filth.
yes, we are pro-russia.
greetings from romania!

jens holm

i dont see that. roumania and burgaria has very big underdevelled regions. camels cant fly even some of them want too.

any normal person saw results at stalingrad. they will only be better in many small steps.

yoiu cant make changes with no structures with no eduated people for it. they come none or collapsed privitive communksme added old farming or someting.

jens holm

normal people see roumania is only few old productive centers and the rest is agrars and even nomads. you are like urban, wanting yoiu back in the bad old days.


russia today means wealth, personal freedom, dignity and pursuit of happiness. any sane european is pro-russia now. hura!

The bell tolls

crazy as it sounds, you’re actually on to something. never thought i’d say it but then look at what the west has become.

jens holm

we are just much better and not perfict. and we vote about the changes.

very much as you nnot even about yoiur own country and dont dare to read about it.

jens holm

we have 2 in coffins.


czechs do not have brains, courage, dignity and self-respect. since the 89th “revolution”, only clowns, idiots or monkeys have been political representatives.


fiala is a monkey who will do anything for a brussels peanut. zeman was a buffoon who did anything he found funny enough. havel was not only a clown, an idiot and a monkey all in one, but he was able to sell his own mother for a bottle of booze because he was a heavy drinker. even worse than zeman. at least hungary has orbán who doesn’t lick sor.’s ass.

The bell tolls

soros is the devil incarnate. his son is the devil’s spawn. my parents knew someone who worked at radio liberty many decades ago and soros walked in one day. he called him evil right off the bat.

Last edited 1 year ago by The bell tolls
jens holm

arrh. him again. and he drink wine from rotchild and smoke gicars from them too. they eat halal muslim children from gza as wll. the dirty ones are sold to russia. putin has gas.

The bell tolls

under communism, they were worse than the gestapo. old habits never change, just their masters.

jens holm

thats right. they were kleptos too.

jens holm

according worldometer they make 27,000 pr person there. russia make some 15,000.

so your cloms, idiots nad monkeys most di somethingright.

try to feed your highly censured pigion internet better.

Hunter Biden Jr.

german taurus missiles, if delievred to the nazis, will be used to target not only civilians deep in russian territory but also to target nuclear plants inside of russia which could cause a new chernobyl. russia should not accept it and preemptively destroy germany for that, before them.

The bell tolls

not preemptively but if that happens, they most probably will.

or maybe they’ll just hit a decommissioned nuclear plant in germany with a conventional strike and give the germans a little radioactive tingle on their tongues..

Last edited 1 year ago by The bell tolls
jens holm

not theybare not. the few nazis in ukraine dont run things.

Barba Papa

russia is just the boogeyman of the west that polticians and activists dreg up in trying to shame their opponents into silence. and to convince themselves it is not their own policies that cause the backlash, it’s russia! to the point that the fan backlash to the last jedi star wars film was supposedly due to russian troll farms. peak cope in my opinion.


people who still fall for this “it’s russia” bs really need some serious help. people who get lied to, find out, and then go an accept the next need almost as much help. so much help, i have thought about it for decades and i am still at a loss as to how to help.

The bell tolls

they’re sheep hypnotized by svengali journalists working for a daily dose of alphabet agency soup.

jens holm

its true we are happy for it having a long heath life en relative wealth.

where are better? your kind are not even allowed to write about that and why.

russian gdp 15.000. danish one 65.000. men: russia 65,5 years and danes 80,0.