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COVID-19 Facts March 2021 Updates

COVID-19 Facts March 2021 Updates


The material was originally published on www.swprs.org. All links and data were checked by SF Team.

The world continues to live in the conditions of the permanent media hysteria over the COVID-19 outbreak, with some sources even suggesting that a second wave of the spread of coronavirus is expected in the autumn. At the same time, more and more facts appear suggesting that the media hysteria over the current situation is no based on facts or even artificially created. While the coronavirus is an important factor influencing the situation around the world, the threat of the outbreak seems to be significantly overestimated. The January 2021 report can be found here. The July 2020 report can be found here. The June 2020 report can be found here. The August 2020 report can be found here. The October 2020 report can be fund here. The December 2020 report can be fund here.

“The only means to fight the plague is honesty.” (Albert Camus, 1947)

What about a ‘third wave’?

COVID-19 Facts March 2021 Updates
The famous ‘Spanish flu’ three-wave pattern

Published: February 20, 2021

Will there be a third coronavirus wave in March 2021?

SPR was one of the first research groups in the world to predict, already in July/August 2020, a second, stronger coronavirus wave in much of Europe and the US. The rationale was simple: the seasonality of the coronavirus was well-known, the antibody seroprevalence was still very low (even in large parts of Sweden), authorities relied on mostly useless measures (e.g. masks), and they ignored or suppressed highly effective early and prophylactic treatment options.

Furthermore, most flu pandemics of the 20th century consisted of two to three waves, while the 1889 pandemic, suspected to have been caused by a coronavirus, extended over five years.

Nevertheless, many skeptics and many authorities were surprised by the second wave: the former because they falsely believed in ‘herd immunity’, the latter because they falsely believed in ineffective measures (masks, contact tracing, social distancing, et cetera).

So what about a third coronavirus wave in March 2021? Many skeptics again deny it, while many authorities predict or fear it, but for the wrong reasons, namely new virus variants: yes, new variants have been displacing old variants, but even in places where new variants dominate, they haven’t changed the trajectory of the local epidemic, irrespective of the measures in place.

Nevertheless, a third wave in March is entirely possible, but for the very same reasons as described above: the coronavirus season lasts until March/April, antibody seroprevalence is still quite low in many places (e.g. below 10% in Germany), and authorities still rely on mostly useless measures.

Furthermore, some of the existing vaccines appear to be somewhat less effective against some of the new variants (notably the ‘South African’ and the ‘Brazilian’ variants), and the mass vaccination campaigns themselves appear to have driven the spread of the coronavirus into high-risk groups in several countries, leading to an additional increase in covid deaths.

The obvious solution to preempt a potential third wave is ivermectin-based early and prophylactic treatment, but at least in Western Europe and the US, authorities will try to suppress this approach and will insist on their devastating lockdown and late-treatment strategy.

Why the flu has ‘disappeared’

COVID-19 Facts March 2021 Updates
Global circulation of influenza viruses, 2018-2021 (WHO FluNet)

Published: February 7, 2021 (upd.)

What about a ‘third wave’?

COVID-19 Facts March 2021 Updates

Published: February 20, 2021

Will there be a third coronavirus wave in March 2021?

SPR was one of the first research groups in the world to predict, already in July/August 2020, a second, stronger coronavirus wave in much of Europe and the US. The rationale was simple: the seasonality of the coronavirus was well-known, the antibody seroprevalence was still very low (even in large parts of Sweden), authorities relied on mostly useless measures (e.g. masks), and they ignored or suppressed highly effective early and prophylactic treatment options.

Furthermore, most flu pandemics of the 20th century consisted of two to three waves, while the 1889 pandemic, suspected to have been caused by a coronavirus, extended over five years.

Nevertheless, many skeptics and many authorities were surprised by the second wave: the former because they falsely believed in ‘herd immunity’, the latter because they falsely believed in ineffective measures (masks, contact tracing, social distancing, et cetera).

So what about a third coronavirus wave in March 2021? Many skeptics again deny it, while many authorities predict or fear it, but for the wrong reasons, namely new virus variants: yes, new variants have been displacing old variants, but even in places where new variants dominate, they haven’t changed the trajectory of the local epidemic, irrespective of the measures in place.

Nevertheless, a third wave in March is entirely possible, but for the very same reasons as described above: the coronavirus season lasts until March/April, antibody seroprevalence is still quite low in many places (e.g. below 10% in Germany), and authorities still rely on mostly useless measures.

Furthermore, some of the existing vaccines appear to be somewhat less effective against some of the new variants (notably the ‘South African’ and the ‘Brazilian’ variants), and the mass vaccination campaigns themselves appear to have driven the spread of the coronavirus into high-risk groups in several countries, leading to an additional increase in covid deaths.

The obvious solution to preempt a potential third wave is ivermectin-based early and prophylactic treatment, but at least in Western Europe and the US, authorities will try to suppress this approach and will insist on their devastating lockdown and late-treatment strategy.

The ‘Vaccine Passport’ Agenda

COVID-19 Facts March 2021 Updates

On the strategic implications of the coronavirus pandemic.

Overall, medical aspects are only the operational level of the coronavirus pandemic: in countries where the median age of covid deaths is above 80 years, the public health impact of the pandemic will be quite limited and primarily related to serious cases of ‘long covid’. Indeed, even the WHO recently acknowledged that the coronavirus pandemic “wasn’t necessarily the big one”.

The strategic level of the coronavirus pandemic, in contrast, is the one that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden warned of already in March 2020: the temporary pandemic may be used for a permanent expansion of global population surveillance and control. Since Snowden’s warning, both Apple and Google have inserted a Bluetooth-based ‘contact tracing’ interface – entirely useless for pandemic control – into the operating systems of three billion mobile phones.

Moreover, in a March 2020 TED Talk interview, billionaire vaccine investor Bill Gates already predicted – or rather, announced – that “eventually what we’ll have to have is certificates of who’s a recovered person, who’s a vaccinated person” and “so eventually there will be this digital immunity proof that will help facilitate the global reopening up.”

The latter, apodictic sentence was later edited out by the TED Talk producers, but a full audio version of the talk remained available and so the sentence could be inserted back in – see the video below.

Obviously, the ‘digital immunity proof’ proclaimed by Bill Gates is exactly what many countries – including Sweden – intend to introduce in the near future. Several governments intend to require ‘vaccine passports’ even for domestic activities, thus making them essentially mandatory. Besides Bill Gates, another major promoter of ‘vaccine passports’ is former British prime minister Tony Blair, whose “Institute for Global Change” received money from the Gates Foundation.

Such ‘vaccine passports’ are, moreover, a key component of the biometric ID2020 project run by the “Digital Identity Alliance”, which was founded by Bill Gates – via Microsoft and vaccine alliance GAVI – and the Rockefeller Foundation, and which is itself linked to the ‘Known Traveler’ program initiated by the World Economic Forum and the US Department of Homeland Security. The idea of using a pandemic to impose tigther top-down control, modeled after China, was first described in a 2010 Rockefeller Foundation report (the so-called ‘lock step’ scenario).

Of note, the Gates Foundation and the World Economic Forum also sponsored the notorious ‘Event 201’ coronavirus pandemic simulation, held in October 2019 in New York, about one month after the likely emergence of the new coronavirus, but about two months before the public first learned of it. The Gates Foundation is also sponsoring Pentagon biodefense contractor “Eco Health Alliance”, which performed genetic coronavirus research together with the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

One may also wonder why many media outlets – quite a few of which receive money from the Gates Foundation – have exaggerated the risk of the new coronavirus so much that large parts of the public now overestimate its lethality by a factor of one hundred.

From a medical perspective, ‘vaccine passports’ are neither necessary nor useful to end the coronavirus pandemic: similar to influenza, those who want to get (experimental) vaccine protection can do so anytime, but also similar to influenza, a vaccine may not protect against new virus variants. For these and other reasons, Dutch digital security and privacy professor, J.H. Hoepman, called covid vaccine passports “useless” and “an utter waste of time and effort”.

But Bill Gates and his powerful friends seem to think otherwise.

See also‘Crazy and evil’: Bill Gates surprised by pandemic conspiracies (Reuters, Jan. 2021)

Watch: Bill Gates demanding ‘digital immunity proof’ in March 2020:

Video: Bill Gates demanding ‘digital immunity proof’ in March 2020 (source and full talk)

Why has the flu disappeared since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic?

In 2020, after the global coronavirus pandemic began, influenza viruses mysteriously disappeared from global circulation (see WHO FluNet chart above). Some skeptics suspected that influenza was simply reclassified as covid, while many journalists and ‘fact checkers’ claimed influenza was suppressed by face masks and lockdowns.

But influenza has not been reclassified as covid, and influenza viruses have disappeared even in countries without face masks and lockdowns (e.g. Sweden), while they did not disappear during previous flu epidemics and pandemics, despite face masks, school closures, and other measures.

For instance, Japan, despite its widespread use of face masks, experienced a strong influenza epidemic in early 2019, just one year before the coronavirus pandemic began. Indeed, numerous studies have shown that face masks simply aren’t effective against influenza transmission.

Instead, influenza viruses have been displaced by the more infectious novel coronavirus. This displacement effect is well known from previous influenza pandemics: the 1918 flu virus was displaced by the 1957 flu virus, which in turn was displaced by the 1968 flu virus (see chart).

The 2009 swine flu virus temporarily displaced previous flu viruses, but eventually couldn’t assert itself (see chart). And even during the current coronavirus pandemic, more transmissible virus strains have repeatedly displaced previous coronavirus strains, often within weeks, despite lockdowns.

The last coronavirus pandemic is thought to have occurred in the 1890s (“Russian flu”), which is why a coronavirus displacing influenza viruses was not seen for more than a century. It is well known, however, that influenza vaccinations do not reduce the overall incidence of influenza-like illnesses, as influenza viruses simply get replaced by other respiratory viruses, including coronaviruses.

But why do countries with little or no covid – most of them are islands – also have no influenza? Because they closed their borders early. If the coronavirus doesn’t get in, influenza viruses – which normally oscillate between the northern and southern hemispheres – won’t get in, either.

An interesting and open question is whether the novel coronavirus might permanently suppress some or all of the existing influenza virus strains. This might, at last, be a positive development.

Additional figures

1) Competition between various respiratory viruses

Temporal patterns of seasonal respiratory viral infections in Glasgow (UK). Red: rhinoviruses, orange and yellow: influenza viruses; light green: coronaviruses.

COVID-19 Facts March 2021 Updates
Temporal patterns of viral respiratory infections (Nickbaksh et al, 2019)
2) The 2009 swine flu virus (almost) displacing other flu viruses

COVID-19 Facts March 2021 Updates

3) Sweden: No lockdown, no face masks, no influenza

COVID-19 Facts March 2021 Updates

4) Timeline of pandemic influenza viruses
COVID-19 Facts March 2021 Updates
Timeline of pandemic influenza viruses (Nickol, 2019)

Lockdowns in China (2021)

Published: February 11, 2021

Video footage of recent and current lockdowns in major Chinese cities. The videos show city districts getting closed off, often without advance notice; mandatory mass PCR testing of millions of people; newly built isolation facilities; apartment doors getting sealed and building doors getting welded shut; people in closed off buildings crying for food, or jumping out of the window to their death.

Please wait 20 seconds until all Twitter videos are fully embedded.

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Early Treatment

Country profiles

  • Singapore: Low case numbers due to early border controls
  • Switzerland: Still without lockdown, mortality comparable to very strong flu wave
  • Germany: No excess mortality in 2020, but low antibody seroprevalence
  • Belgium: Highest Covid mortality in the world and historic comparison
  • Sweden: No lockdown, no masks, mortality comparable to strong flu wave.
  • Japan: No lockdown, but by far lowest mortality among G8 countries.
  • Australia and New Zealand: Last Western countries following a zero-covid strategy
  • Africa and Latin America: Lowest and highest covid mortality in the world.
  • Belarus: Low covid mortality despite no lockdown, but unique demographics.
  • Italy: Significant differences between northern and southern Italy.
  • Nembro (Italy): The hardest hit place in Europe. What happened?



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Raptar Driver

Here is a fact.
There is no such thing as covid19!
They just rebranded influenza A&B and cancer and heart attacks and motorcycle accidents and orange juice as covid 19.
So when you die of something you died of covid 19, very scary?

Clarence Spangle

covid 19 came from a chinese military lab

Raptar Driver

I have heard that before and I would have to say no.
They have not isolated the virus in other words there is no proof it exists.
On top of that there is no proof that it causes any disease in humans.

Clarence Spangle

covid 19 came from a chinese military lab


Oh yes forget about spain,italy or usa base in arizona,no wonder biden fkd trump!

Zyklon B

Bashar Al Assad says he and his wife are infected with Covid :(.
Pray to Jesus my dudes, he should be fine, I hope he will be.

Clarence Spangle

covid 19 came from a chinese military lab

bill gates gave the chinese government the source code for windows

Tommy Jensen

The flue. A bottle of hot rum with honey and lime, or hydroxychloroquine 200mg with quinine pills.
Listen to my advises and Assad will be fine.

Clarence Spangle

utter bullshiite . . . covid 19 came from a chinese military lab . . .


There needs to be a study similar to the US one showing the death certificate regulations for Covid compared to all other causes of death. If the US experience is any indication. A lot of places with high Covid “death rates”, moved Covid to the top of the death certificates when other comorbidities were the primary cause of death. So that the hysteria and fascism could be implemented.


Brussels 100% complicit towards nwo/eu-epp/incestry tyranny,nowdays you got to know the enemy not pretend otherwise that only makes their circumstance weaker
and indeed they are,why yet again must reiterate not future in fascism nor lgbtqrx!
ss wankerz

Assad must stay

i cannot stand bill gates anymore, wish i never have to seee or hear him again

Clarence Spangle

bill gates gave the chinese government the source code for windows

gave it to them for free


There will be no new world order,but rather redemption by they whom entrust such corporated lies!

Clarence Spangle

bill gates gave the chinese government the source code for windows

Cheryl Brandon


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