Could The West Prepare False Flag Operation To Militarize Its Woke Agenda?

Could The West Prepare False Flag Operation To Militarize Its Woke Agenda?

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

In recent decades, the West has adopted the so-called “woke agenda” quite strongly. In all “liberal democracies”, LGBT agenda and queer ideology have been promoted to the detriment of traditional values. There is a new wave of radical liberal mentality spreading in the Collective West, generating several negative effects for ordinary conservative-minded people.

However, apparently, these agendas are about to reach an even higher level in Western politics. Recently, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg stated that the alliance stands for LGBT and trans people, clearly radicalizing woke discourse to a military level. He stated that NATO is against all forms of “homophobia” and “transphobia”, strengthening the ultraliberal ideology that has already become hegemonic in almost all member countries of the alliance.

Interestingly, in the same week that Stoltenberg made his statement, the US State Department warned American and global LGBT communities about a possible wave of terrorist attacks in the near future. According to American authorities, the month of June, considered “pride month” by the LGBT movement, could be chosen as the appropriate time for attacks by extremist groups. It is believed that terrorists are waiting for occasions such as LGBT pride parades or public celebrations to carry out mass murders.

Interestingly, the US State Department has not explained its reasons for believing that such a wave of attacks will occur. For such alerts to be issued, it is expected that there is solid intelligence data to justify protective measures for vulnerable groups. Obviously, there is a certain level of confidentiality regarding the sources of intelligence data due to security reasons, but in these situations the authorities must at least clarify whether there really is solid information that points to a possible attack.

The fact that there is no public data indicating that terrorist groups are targeting LGBT people reminds us of another recent “warning” issued by the US. Shortly before the brutal Crocus City Hall terrorist attack, the American embassy in Moscow warned its citizens to avoid participating in public celebrations in Russia, as there was supposedly a risk of terrorist attacks in the country’s main cities. At no point did American authorities explain the reasons for issuing such an alert, and there was no contact with Russian security forces to communicate the detection of possible threats.

The reason for American silence now seems clear: indirectly, the US is co-responsible for the massacre in Moscow. Russian authorities discovered Ukrainian involvement in the attack, with the Islamist killers being hired by Ukrainian intelligence. The main problem, however, is that, as well known, Ukraine is not a sovereign state. Kiev does not act alone, with all Ukrainian military and intelligence actions being commanded, or at least closely observed, by Western instructors and decision-makers.

Certainly, the US had prior knowledge that its proxies were planning an attack in Moscow, which is why American citizens were warned to protect themselves. The lack of cooperation with Russia to prevent the attack can be seen as a form of co-participation, even if indirect. And this brings us several reflections on the current case involving the LGBT community.

This type of situation is always a challenge for any analyst. It is necessary to avoid bias towards baseless conspiracy theories. However, there are recent precedents that show that Western intelligence participates in terrorist attacks or at least has prior knowledge that some of these attacks will happen and does nothing to prevent them. Using events of great public commotion to advance unpopular political agendas is a common Western tool.

In fact, the woke agenda is extremely unpopular. Many conservative-minded ordinary Westerners are seeking refuge in countries that respect traditional values, such as Russia. In this sense, it is possible that a terrorist attack could be used as an excuse to further advance pro-LGBT policies.

By announcing that NATO is willing to fight against “homophobia” and “transphobia”, Stoltenberg leaves many questions unanswered. It is possible that he is giving the green light for the woke agenda to be recognized in the West as a new wave of “human rights”, thus justifying military measures against nations that “disrespect” such an agenda. Russia, China, Iran and all the West’s geopolitical enemies are commonly accused of violating LGBT rights, which is why, in a possible attack against this community, multipolar powers would certainly be accused of being behind the plot.

Obviously, it is possible that the US State Department is sincere in its warning, but it would be seriously naive to rule out the possibility of a false flag operation to militarize Western cultural agendas.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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we love the false flags as much as we love the lgbtq flags!

usa! usa! usa!

in the tenth round

i thought they were one and the same.


this is simple divide-and-rule. the traditional left in the industrialized countries embraced marginalized people, in pursuit of economic reform. the ol’ switcheroo has been pulled, wherein there is no more leftist economic policy. the economic basis of leftist politics has been replaced with identitarianism, which used to be the principal social aspect of the right. never mind the banks, focus on celebrating drag queens.

jens holm

we are not even ruled like take.

#identitarianism# might be a home cooking and primitive try for ignoring simple facts.

we try hard to i n c l u d e by the eu treaty, where stoltenberg vote too. and we has succes ruling together by different oppinions and not as putin has a good or bad bipolar day as immature dancing queen only 18 with new hair.

jens holm

furthermore you are worse then blind in life and facts.

most parts of our budgets and tax fx are used for schools, education, hospitals, medicine and descent pension too all. most here see it as are leaft right, which pays well.

jens holm

far out naming us industrialized. minimum is t o o .

some say were are post. putin and his still dont see we also produce more food, then we can eat.


you stupid, stupid cretin. the us is the richest military empire in history. its public schools are in collapse, there is a massive homeless crisis, a massive narcotics abuse crisis, and a massive unemployment crisis. significant numbers of major us cities are broke. all aspects of the post-war welfare state in the us have been seriously degraded since 1972. you just regurgitate propaganda-derived sentiment, devoid of any substance. cunt.

in the tenth round

wrong, no massive unemployment crisis. the burger joints are sizzling.


“we are not even ruled like take”? what in the name of jesus h. christ is that supposed to mean?


another attempt to blow up our brains. he can’t win a dispute, so taking the radical measures. jensy should be prohibited by the un as wmd.

in the tenth round

you, dear jens are…ruled, rolled and ridiculed with each passing post.


and rofled too. i dislike this word, but it’s appropriate to jensy.


nato propaganda is now turning all attacks and fights into attacks by “russian henchmen”.


where have you been since 1999? five eyes infotainment has been brimming over with russian wickedness for over two decades.

in the tenth round

you made me chuckle. you’re on a roll.

in the tenth round

funny, i thought they were all by ukrainian hetmen.


he’s here all week, folks!


jens stoltenbrg = jens holm = cuck


a false flag to recruit who ? fear the mighty non binary nato soldier…. lol

in the tenth round

i saw one army gay get together video contest about which guy (i guess) could sip the most beer out of a dildo strapped to a wall and almost went blind. i wish i had.

yeah, they’ll mop up the floor, all right….not with but for the russians.


should be more serious, none wish to have combat faggots in own rear, ha-ha.

Deep State

the lgbt scheme is simply population control for the globalists. it is quite likely they will pay agitators to attack lgbt people to promote their agenda and pass oppressive laws limiting free speech and creating hate crimes as a result.


they do that all the time to further their agendas. it is a tried and true method brought to you by democracy.

jens holm

you are very ínfected. they than 10% are lgts whatover.

the problem is ignore and systematic punish people for a dna for long before the stoneage. even we killed all those people, they still would be born in the same 10%. most are of them are gay or semigay and females too.

futhermore they hardly decided be born just as the rest of us.

jens holm

the changes is everywhere. men and women has to have rights. good schools, good hosptals, decent d¨pesion for all.

and it do pay off too. all here are more safe. we live longer then ever o.s.o. no sighn for the opposite at all.


life expectancy in the us is declining. they have terrible public schools, terrible public hospitals, and terrible pensions. you stupid cunt.


population + birth control. less people = easier to control.


fake freedom – uk population 67.6 million, only 268,522 people in same sex marriages vs 8 million oppressed smokers, who knows how many millions oppose things like compulsory electric vehicles, ulez in london, 20mph speed limits in wales. russia has far more freedom for the majority of people, this issue is pushed for propaganda.

in the tenth round

20 mph speed limit in wales? just that alone deserves a revolution.


looks like a city limit. electric scooters are faster, rolling everywhere and almost noiseless, so you can’t hear them from long distance. it’s better to ban “silent killers” than impose ridiculous 36 km/h restrictions. 100-meter sprinters are running faster!

jens holm

just another fatal error to blind the dark russian world.

the total groteske world fx is stoltenberg tell actually tell things in the open as most people do – and then he is blamed for not telling.

furthermore its not even news. its many ago is written down in the eu treaty.

and the opposite fx is also is decided and written down by putin and the duma 👩‍🦽🦽👨‍🦽🦆🦆🦆


kill yourself.

jens holm

i refer to simple facts.

stoltenberg just confirm support for eu as well as nato. where all has to follow their signings.

some do not. hungary, parly slovakia and in important eacepts mainly poland and ireland(mainly abortion as aspects about early contraseption).

other has lacks. they fx have mainly free hospitals for all but the stardars are too low. some of the new ones are slow in replacing corruption.

thats what you # kill ourself # stand for.

in the tenth round

stoltenberg is a pencil-necked puppet. does he still live with his mother?


don’t argue. just do what you were asked.


the only thing the west will do is their own demise, end of current politicians, their system and those who supports them. any decisions they make will be wrong decision. welcome to times tech and superior intelligence.

Edgar Zetar

the masters of the universe are so clever and enslaved the human cattle mind completely to their song and their song only. they can do whatever they want and the human cattle will follow blindly. anything can and will be used to promote their “hidden agenda”, it’s like solving a big puzzle, because when you watch carefully their actions in the higher level and contrast of what they promote to the human cattle you discover their “agenda” goals and future actions before they could think.


these psychopaths need to go down.


jensy the battle faggot. so, stoltenberg, when will you go and prove your care about lgbt with changing your own sex? cut off your genitals, you don’t need this, you are not a man, but a disgusting sodomite and will posses the same future as ancient sodom and several other towns. when you’re using a healing mud from the dead sea, you should know, it’s remnants of the antic faggots. there will be more healing dirt in western part of our world, if to not get rid of jensys.

captain hohol

nato and the wef, attack dogs for the omgwtfbbq agenda.
