Could Erdogan’s son be involved in oil trade with ISIL?

Rumors about the son of the Turkish president being involved in the illicit activity should be cleared, Syrian Foreign Minister said.

Could Erdogan’s son be involved in oil trade with ISIL?

Bilal Erdoğan. (Photo: DHA)

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem stated on Friday that the US Secretary of State, John Kerry should focus his attention into the reports that claim that Bilal Erdogan, son of the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan could be involved in illegal oil trade with the Islamic State (IE) extremist group. Although there are no concrete proofs of these allegations, Muallem considers that this information ought to be checked out more deeply.

Previously, Kerry said that Damascus was buying oil from the terrorists with no evidence at all.

Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister inferred that there’s no way that the coalition led by the US hadn’t noticed the huge scale of the oil trade held by the Islamic State, even when they started their operations (with no Syrian authorization) to fight the extremists almost a year before Russia did by request of Bashar Al Assad.

Only due to Russian sorties over strategic infrastructure of the terrorist group, Americans and their partners were pushed to do the same in order not to lag behind Russian offensive to ISIL.

The United Nations Security Council passed resolution 2199 that bans any trade with oil from terrorist-seized territories at Moscow’s request.

Written by Lisbeth Mechter

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